Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl or the characters.

A/N: This is set a few days after the end of season 2. It is a short story loosely based on a prompt by blaze0091. It will be angsty and does refer to alcohol and drug/chemical abuse.

"What are you doing here?" Kara asked when she finally opened her front door.

"You weren't answering your phone and you didn't show up for work. I was worried about you." Alex said.

"After everything aren't I entitled to a day off?"

"After everything, you can have as much time off as you want. I just wanted to make sure you knew you don't have to do this alone."

"Kinda do." Kara said. "It's not like I have anyone to share this with, not after I made the planet uninhabitable for him."

"You will always have me." Alex said.

"Really? Because right now it doesn't feel like it. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Alex asked confused.

"You and Maggie being engaged."

"How did you…I was waiting until you were in a better place. We haven't told anyone. I wanted to tell you first, but I wasn't going to do that while you were in pain."

"Well right now pain in my new norm. Alex I appreciate you trying to help, but there is nothing you can do. I need to get through this by myself. Go and live your life. You deserve it."


"Please Alex, just give me space."


"How's Kara?" Maggie asked as Alex returned home.

"Really low. I've seen her down before, but she has never shut herself off like this. She needs people round her, she always has, but it is like she thinks she has to do this alone."

"Why don't you spend the evening with her?"

"She made it clear she didn't want to see me."

"That maybe what she wants, but it's not what she needs. And for all her superpowers there is something you are, and always will be, better than her at."

"What's that?"


"Hey! I'm not that bad."

"Yeah, you are far worse." Maggie smiled. "Seriously go be with your sister."

"You sure you don't mind? I mean we've not even gone out to celebrate yet."

"We have the rest of our lives for that. Right now Kara needs you. Go."

"Thanks. You the best." Alex said kissing her before leaving.


When Alex got to Kara's apartment she banged on the door but got no response. Having shouted an unheeded warning that she would use her key, Alex finally entered the apartment. As she stepped inside she was shocked and mortified at the carnage. Kara's art equipment was lying smashed in the corner and the couch was overturned.

Fearing Kara had been attacked Alex pulled out her phone and tracked her sister's phone. Locating it at the Dive Bar Alex relaxed slightly. She then had one more look at the apartment before locking up and heading to the bar.


As she approached the bar, the barman immediately said as he pointed to the far corner.

"Over there."

Following his finger Alex approached the booth and saw Kara downing another glass of something.

"Hey Kara."

"Al...al...ex….so tall up there."

"What you doing?" Alex asked needlessly.

"Trying...to, um to...forget."

"Forget what?"

"Everything." She slurred.

"This isn't the way."

"Works for you." Kara slurred before hiccuping.

"Never works." Alex said. "I think I need to get you home."



"I...feel close to Mon-El, here….I mean he slept with half the cliental before me." Kara hiccuped again. "Then I poisoned him and banished him."

"I can't imagine what you are feeling, but what you did saved millions. It was the right thing."

"Being right sucks. Now I see the appeal of being a Bond villain."

"You don't mean that." Alex said before tugging Kara to her feet. "Come on let's get you home." She added as she tried to guide Kara to her car.


"Hey." Alex greeted as Kara stumbled from her bedroom the next morning. "How are you feeling?"

"Crap." Kara said before asking. "Why are you here?"

"I was worried about you."

"I'll be fine."

"I'm not so sure. You got pretty drunk last night."

"Learnt from the best." Kara said looking at Alex.

Ignoring the dig Alex said. "There's something you need to know."


"Last night a huge fire ripped through a pleasure cruise boat. Over thirty people died, including four children. The media are kind of attacking Supergirl for not turning up."

"She deserves the criticism." Kara said bitterly.

"No she doesn't."

"Yes she does. Mon-El's mother, Mon-El, now thirty innocent people. I'm a screw up."

"No you're not. Kara I know you are in a dark place right now. But it will get better."

"As much as I appreciate the pep talk I have to go to work." Kara said disappearing in a blur. As she reentered the room a few moments later fully dressed she added. "Lock up behind you." With that she left, leaving Alex sitting helplessly in the couch.


"Gracing us with your presence again?" Cat asked walking out onto her balcony that evening and seeing Supergirl.

"Ms Grant." Supergirl said.

"Where were you?" Cat asked.

"The truth?"

"Always a refreshing change in today's world."

"I got drunk."

"I assumed you couldn't."

"Special alien alcohol." Supergirl shrugged.


"I was tired and sad and in pain. I wanted to forget. Only I got too drunk. When the fire hit I was completely inebriated."

"I've told you before you don't have the luxury of disappearing. If you want to give up being Supergirl no one could blame you. You have already saved the Earth, twice, and beaten your cousin. But if you intend to remain as Supergirl you have to be better than this. You can't afford to have bad days, to get drunk. You have to be better than us."

"I know. But it's hard."

"Of that I have no doubt. It's also not fair. But that's the world we live in. Out there you can't afford to show weakness or a human side. You have to be untouchably good, almost infallible." Seeing Supergirl nod she went on. "But here on this balcony you can be as human as you want. I will always be here for you."

"Thank you." Supergirl said before hearing Alex's voice on her earpiece. "I have to go."

"Of course." Cat nodded before watching Supergirl disappear. With that she returned to her office and summoned Eve.

"Yes Ms Grant?" Eve said rushing into the office.

"Schedule me a weekly appointment with Kara Danvers starting tomorrow."

"Of course. What should I say the subject is?"

"You shouldn't. Last I checked she worked for CatCo and whilst I'm in charge I have the right to see any employee without reason."

"Yes Ms Grant." Eve said, unsure if she should warn Kara.


A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing.