Kakashi was worried. Naruto has been quite, too quite. He didn't even respond to Sasuke's taunts! All Naruto seemed to do was train, he didn't even come in for lunch seeming to prefer having a big dinner before going back out to train some more.

Well Kakashi has had enough. Naruto was his student and as his teacher Kakashi would not let Naruto hurt himself. Especially when they were up against opponents such as these.

Naruto was breathing so heavily that he honestly wouldn't be surprised if he passed out. He looked back at the tree and dammit he barely made any improvement. His lips tightened in anger and his eyes filled with disappointment.

"Burning yourself out like this is just going to make it harder to go into battle, not easier," Kakashi said making Naruto jump in surprise.

"Sensei! What-"

Kakashi set his hand on Naruto's head as he crouched down so he could look Naruto straight in the eyes "Tell me what's bothering you Naruto." Naruto looked at him with shock. Why would anyone ever ask a question like that to him, a demon freak?

"I-Nothing, nothing's the matter sensei."

"Naruto I'm your teacher, you can trust me," Kakashi gave Naruto a reassuring smile. Naruto wasn't so sure. The only teacher who was ever friendly with him was Iruka, and even then it was only recently so. But… no one has ever asked such a question. Naruto looked at Kakashi, trying to see what his intent was.

Kakashi waited patiently. It was Naruto's choice on whether or not he answered, Kakashi wouldn't push Naruto he would however not let Naruto continue training like he was, that would just lead to Naruto hurting himself which was extremely dangerous on this particular mission.

Naruto, deciding that anyone who asked such a question from someone like him deserved an answer, looked down before trying his best to explain. "Remember the fake Hunter-nin?" Kakashi nodded, "...He's my age sensei,"

Kakashi looked at him uncomprehendingly. Naruto glanced up before quickly turning his head away, "I just don't understand. I try so hard, train so hard, just to be good enough. I couldn't even pass the exams no matter how hard i tried! I still can't do the Bunshin no jutsu! I'm not as strong as Sasuke, and I accepted that but this kid, he's stronger than maybe even you nevermind me. Is all my hard work for nothing? Will i always just be a failure?"

Kakashi grabbed Naruto's shoulders forcing Naruto to look into Kakashi's hard eyes. "No, Naruto you were never a failure. Ever. You work so hard and not a lot of people can say that. You put your entire heart into it. So what if it takes longer for you to learn, when you learn something you master it. Naruto, you have no idea how special you are. Ninja like you are few in numbers. Your work and determination is what makes you strong, there is nothing that can hold you back."

By the end of Kakashi's speech Naruto's eyes were filled with tears. "Do you, do you really mean that sensei?"

"Of course I do," Kakashi gave Naruto a smile "I know you'll surpass me one day, but burning yourself out like this will help no one."

Naruto's tears finally fell "Thank you sensei!" Naruto screamed before jumping onto Kakashi and giving him a crushing hug. Kakashi patted Naruto's head.

"Anytime, Naruto. Anytime."