A/N: Hello All! This is my third and last installment of the 'Mine' series. In this last part, you'll see a little bit of the other's POVs. I think it will make it a more rounded story and you can see what Christian misses in a few parts. When I do, I will be sure to label it so that it isn't confusing to any of the viewers.

I will have a Pinterest board for 'Baby Mine'. NineN3Quarters is my name.

Thanks to Pawa Rocha for choosing the name of the charity for me.

Anastasia and I returned home after a month vacation at Thanda, a private island off the coast of Tanzania, where we explored, snorkled, safaried, relaxed, skinny-dipped, and fucked like rabbits. Since then, married life has been better than I could have ever imagined. We still have yet to find the Hyde fucker, but just knowing Ana is mine completely puts me more at ease than I have ever been. If possible, she and I have been even more attached at the hip than ever before. Sometimes she wanders up to my office to sit at the couch to work just to be close, and sometimes I find myself wandering down to her office throughout the day just to see her. Hearing the employees call her Mrs. Grey is one of the most satisfying experiences I have ever encountered. She is labeled as mine and everyone here knows it...I made sure of it by sending out a massive email, announcing our marriage.

Today is Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to my mother's cooking. She always prefers to cook herself on Thanksgiving, giving Gretchen the day off to be with her family. We stopped in New York on our way back from our honeymoon so that Ana could see our apartment and decided to shop, where Anastasia found a couple of outfits for the holidays. Ana has been talking all autumn about the holidays...buzzing about the leaves changing, the cooler air, the happiness, and enchantment of the autumn and winter seasons. She promises me that this will be the best holiday season of all, since we'll get to spend it together, surrounded by both of our families. For the first time since I can remember, I'm finding myself getting excited, too. Anastasia's energy has softened me for the holidays and I can't wait to spend this time together.

My family has invited Carla and Ray to Thanksgiving and they arrived at my parents last night, where they stayed in the guest room. Even knowing that Carla is going to be at my parents has not dampened my mood in the slightest. I'm excited to spend the holidays with my soulmate. Anastasia Rose Grey makes every day worth savoring. Not Anastasia Rose Steele...not anymore. Never again. She's mine.

My wife.


Anastasia Rose Grey. I love to say her name. Mostly, I say it in my head...but sometimes I say it out loud just because I like the way it rolls off my tongue.

Halloween, a holiday I never really cared for, has even become enjoyable because of my beautiful Anastasia...Have I mentioned she's my wife?

I can honestly say I have never had as much fun as I had with her while we were carving pumpkins. Eight months ago, if someone would have said I'd be carving pumpkins this Halloween, I would have laughed in their face and thrown them in the psych ward. Christian Grey doesn't bother with ridiculous shit like that...but, with her...it doesn't seem so ridiculous.

"Christian...my jack-o-lantern is crooked..." Anastasia has spent over an hour carving her pumpkin, taking great care in making it perfect...only, my girl isn't the best when it comes to crafts. She cocks her head to the side and scowls at her own jack-o-lantern, as if it is the culprit instead of her own handiwork. "Maybe I picked a pumpkin that wasn't meant to live the life of a jack-o-lantern."

I chuckle at her ridiculous conclusion. "Maybe it didn't appreciate you scalping it and scooping out its guts."

She turns her scowl onto me and flicks some of the pumpkin guts at me for good measure. I flick some back at her and before I know it, everything is covered in pumpkin. It's all over us, clinging to the walls, all over the floor. My first food fight. It ends with both of us in the floor, naked and pumpkin covered, exhausted and panting. Since Taylor and Gail have their own house on the property, neither one of us feel the need to move and we doze there through most of the evening.

Gail still presses her lips into a thin line anytime someone brings up anything Halloween related. Needless to say, she didn't find our mess as entertaining as the actual making of it.

On Halloween, Elliot and Anastasia convinced me to go to a haunted house. I learned two things that night: 1-That my brother is a fucking pansy and 2- Kate's definitely got the balls in the relationship.

We haven't even taken a full step into the damn haunted house and I can already hear a chainsaw running. My girl is already clinging to my arm, the end of her hoodie sleeve covering her mouth to stifle her screams, if needed. I'm not scared, but I worry that I'll get too pissed at someone bugging us and box them in the face.

Kate goes first, a huge smile on her face. This was her idea. I only agreed, because I didn't want Anastasia clinging to Elliot. I'm here to protect her, even if it's really from nothing. The first thing that we see is a little blonde girl in pigtails sitting cross-legged. I can't figure out why she's supposed to be scary until she looks up at us. She's got yellow eyes and blood dripping off her teeth as she hisses at us. On her lap, sits a bloody stump of a leg and she reaches out and swipes at our legs as we walk by. She happens to catch the hem of Elliot's pant leg and he screams like he's being tortured. The three of us can't help, but laugh at him.

As we go along, we continue to have things pop out at us and stare at us and Anastasia is now clinging to me, both arms around my waist and I hold her tightly against me. Maybe this haunted house thing isn't so bad... As we continue our walk, we suddenly end up in a room full of mirrors and there is an evil clown staring back at us, causing Elliot to freak the fuck out. Elliot has always had a fear of clowns since we were little and watched Stephen King's 'It' while our parents were sleeping. He grabs Kate and pushes her in front of him, using her as a shield as he spins around in circles trying to find the evil clown.

What a fucking pussy.

Kate, on the other hand, is finding this entertaining.

"Don't worry, honey. I'll protect you from the big mean clown!"

A door finally opens right before I think my brother's about to cry and he scurries out as fast as he can, keeping Kate in front of him for protection. Ana and I follow them, Ana giggling along the way until the clown jumps out from a hidden door, making her scream and run for it, leaving me behind. The clown tries to scare me, but I give him a strong push in the chest, making him fall back into the corner he came from.

I hurry to find Ana, and find her clinging to one of Kate's arms, while Elliot clings to the opposite. I reach for Anastasia's arm, which ends up being a mistake.

She screams again and turns, smacking me hard in the stomach and making me bend over double.

"Oh, Christian! I am so sorry! Are you okay?" My baby is at my side, kissing my face and rubbing my arms while I hold my stomach.

I nod. "Glad it wasn't a few inches lower..." I say breathless. She's knocked the wind out of me.

"Oh, baby...are you okay? I feel awful."

I shake my head, dismissively. "Don't worry about it, love. I'm fine." I stand up straight and take a deep breath. I'm feeling better already. "Let's continue."

The last thing we encounter is Leatherface with a chainsaw, and this time, it's my girl that freaks the fuck out. She screams, but freezes. She's too scared to move. I'm suddenly worried. Her flight or fight response isn't working. She isn't going to put up a fight or run from him...she's frozen in one spot and the thought of Hyde catching her unattended pops into my head. Suddenly, a wave a panic rushes over me and I throw her over my shoulder, rushing out of the haunted house quickly.

Her giggling mixed with the crisp autumn air washes away my worries quickly and I carry her back to the car over my shoulder, feeling amused by my brother as he spins the story of the clown, to make it sound like it was torturing him.

The memory makes me look over at my brother. He's 6'4, 200 lbs, and screams like a girl. I chuckle to myself and plop down on the couch in my mother's family room while he and Ethan turn on the game. We spent the afternoon playing football; Elliot, Ethan, Dad and I against Ray, Ana, Mia, and Graham, Kate's father. Mom, Carla, and Liv, Kate's mother, are still busy in the kitchen, cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. Stretching out, I lay down and close my eyes, ready for a mid-afternoon nap.

Suddenly, I hear the girls squealing and my girl comes flying over the back of the couch and I just cover my junk in time before her knee comes in contact with it.

"Mine!" She calls, clinging to me. I slip my arms out from between up and she settles on top of me. Kate's hopped in Elliot's lap and Mia's standing in the middle of the room, stomping her foot.

"No fair! Mine went to the bathroom!"

"Why the sudden attack?" Elliot questions.

Kate grins. "Our mothers asked if one of us would be willing to help with the dishes. Mia suggested that whoever was last to the boys would be the one stuck doing them."

Ana looks up at me. "She thought she was clever, because Ethan was standing in the room. Then, she tried to elbow me out of the way and claim you." Ana's eyes narrow at Mia accusingly. "That's what you get for trying to cheat."

Elliot laughs. "That karma's a bitch, isn't it, Mia?"

I grin at my girl, satisfied that she found a way to claim me before my sister tried.

"He was mine first." Mia said. "I should get to claim him."

Ana shakes her head against my chest as she clings to me. "Mine now...see?" She picks up my left hand to show her the ring. "Mine. I've branded him." Okay, now I'm grinning like a fucking lunatic. My girl is as selfish and possessive as I am.

*Ray's POV*

Carla and I are sitting in the sun room, enjoying the view on the water. I bet this spot has some damn fine fishing.

My wife sighs, pulling me out of my thoughts of bluegill and bass, and I see that she's worrying her lip while watching the kids. Annie and Christian are laying on the couch together, probably ready to drift off for awhile.

"They're newlyweds, Carla..." I warn her not to start up.

"It isn't their home, Ray. I raised Anastasia with better manners than this."

It's my turn to let out a sigh. My wife. What has gotten into her? "No, it's his parent's house, where they feel comfortable. They aren't doing anything wrong. I've tried to hold my tongue while forcing you to do the same, but you need to talk to me, honey. What's happening in that pretty little head of yours? You aren't honestly jealous..."

She shakes her head. "Not in the sense you're speaking of. I just feel put on the back burner, Ray. She puts so much effort into them...into Christian...it's like she just forgot all about me...about us. I miss her. I miss the relationship we use to have. We were so close until she went to middle school...then it's like I lost her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to us and I don't even feel like we're a priority for her."

I frown. I don't like that she feels unworthy of Anastasia. I've got to fix this, for my wife, and for my daughter. I can see my girls drifting apart. Carla trying to hold on tight, lashing out when she feels neglected, and Annie, who I'm sure is confused as to why her mother is acting like this and would rather not deal with her at all than to deal with the heartache of the situation. My girls falling apart would ruin me. I've built everything around them. Sure, I know I'm a little rough around the edges and sometimes my words and actions don't come across as intended, but I only want what's best for them and to protect them.

"Carla..." I stop, trying to decide how to word this. I know I need to tread lightly. "Annie loves you. You're her mother and she wants you to approve of her...of her life. She's with Christian now and he is her first priority. He keeps her safe, he makes her happy. I've never seen her smile so much in all her life. In Georgia, what happened to her was one of the worst experiences of our lives, but it showed me how much he really does love her and want to protect her. Hell...the boy came to me while I was angry and had the guts to look me in the eye and ask for her hand in marriage. That showed me he had the courage to take on anything. Asking to take a man's little girl away is a serious offense...do you remember what happened when I asked your father?" I grin, remembering.

Carla laughs, the sound making my grin widen. "I still have the staple that they removed from your hand at the ER."

Carla's father was an accountant and I made the mistake of visiting her father at work. He was so pissed at me, he stapled the back of my hand with the stapler he was holding and told me to get the fuck out of his face. He thought I was a no good mother fucker. I didn't make the money he wanted me to make, I wore jeans with paint splatters and holes in them and matched them with stained white t-shirts and a worn leather jacket. He just saw a punk kid who would ruin her life. After three more months or asking and getting a no every single time, Carla and I ran off and eloped. Carla hasn't spoken to him since. I could never do that to my Annie.

"I guess he means well, but the way he goes about things...he's just so blunt. So..." Her forehead wrinkles, trying to find a good word.

"Rough around the edges?"

She shrugs.

"Doesn't that remind you a little of someone?"

She looks at me and her forehead relaxes and then she grins. "Yes, I suppose you're right, honey."

I give her a crooked smile, the one that always makes her eyes sparkle back at me. "Aren't I always?"

She batts at my arm and tuts. "You're insufferable!" She looks back at the kids and sighs. "I guess it's true. Girls really do look for men that remind them of their fathers."

I let out a chuckle. "He's a good man, babe. He's young. Annie will help him iron out the wrinkles in the way he approaches people. He's got the fire in him for her. He loves her so much, I think he has a hard time controlling his response to anyone who seems threatening to Annie."

Her eyes widen. "Ray...I would never..."

I nod. "I know, babe. But, to him, he sees you as a predator that wants to emotionally damage Annie. He doesn't want to see her upset."

"I don't mean to. I just want a deep relationship with her. I want her to take my advice to heart instead of letting it go in one ear and out the other."

"Oh, Carla. She's our child. Kids don't like to listen to their parents. Ease up on her and be truly happy for her and Christian and let her come to you. Your relationship can only get better. Let her live her life with Christian. I know you don't like to hear it, and I don't either, but he's the center of her world now. Look how happy he makes her." I grin when I see Annie giggling at Christian. He's fallen asleep and she's made his hair stand up in a mohawk. I wonder how long it'll take him to notice. I can't help, but laugh. When I turn back to Carla, I see a smile on her face.

"I really am happy she's found her soulmate. I guess I'm in denial that our girl is grown. I'll take your advice and try to be more easy going with her. Let her come to me."

I lean over and press my lips to hers. "That's my girl."

*End Ray's POV*

Anastasia and I have been dozing in and out and when I wake, I see her smiling at me.

"Hello, sleepyhead."

My eyebrows knit together. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Cause you're so handsome. I just like to look."

I chuckle. "I like to look at you, too."

She leans in and presses her lips to mine. "You're so sweet. Dinner will be ready soon. Should we get dressed?"

I look at my watch and see that it's just passed four and stretch, making her giggle as I lift her. When I relax back, she climbs off me and I sit up quickly, smacking her yoga pant covered ass before she can get too far. She's wearing the hoodie I gave her at the vacation house and a black pair of yoga pants. Fuck, how I love her in yoga pants. She's got the sexiest thighs I've ever seen.

On my way to the stairs, I spot my mother and she gives me an odd look.

"Well that's...hmm...an interesting choice of hairstyle."

What? "What do you mean...?" I reach up to feel my hair and catch Anastasia giggling as she heads up the stairs.

"ANASTASIA GREY! WHAT DID YOU DO?" I start after her and she squeals, tripping up the stairs as she tries to run from me. I catch her at the top and scoop her up into my arms on the way to my old bedroom. "What did you do to my hair?!"

She giggles and looks up at it. "I think it makes you look handsome."

I spot my hair in the hall mirror on the way. My hair is sticking straight up and to a point down the center of my head. "A mohawk?" I throw her onto the bed and begin the torture she hates the most: Tickle Torture.

"No! No! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She begs, giggling uncontrollably. Her cheeks are flushed and her dimples are showing.

"Are you going to fix it?" I ask, continuing.

"Yes! Yes, I promise!" I finally relieve her of her misery and chuckle as she pants, sucking air back into her lungs.

"Good girl. I'll get the gel." I begin to get up, but lift the hoodie and blow a raspberry on her stomach for good measure before I do.


Everyone has freshened up and put on their holiday best for Thanksgiving dinner. Anastasia is wearing a tea length, black, tulle skirt with a long sleeve black and white polka-dotted shirt. She's wearing black velvet platform shoes with a peep-toe and she looks good enough to eat...or fuck. I've chosen gray pants, a maroon and white checkered shirt with a maroon sweater and matching gray and maroon tie. I know I look good, because when I step out of the bathroom, my girl licks her lips as she looks me over. Evidently, I'm also looking good enough to eat.

"You look incredible, baby. Are you ready?"

She gives me a sweet smile and nods.

"Happy?" I ask.

Her smile widens. "I am. Having our families come together for the holidays is just so special, Christian. It's been so lovely."

I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead. "I'm glad, baby. Let's head downstairs, I'm famished."

"Oh, no! I better feed my husband then. Come on, I'll plate your food." She takes my hand and pulls me out of the room and I willingly follow her. I love when she babies me with food.

When we make our way to the dining room hand-in-hand, I see that it's set up beautifully. My mother has always had an eye for detail, the whole house dressed in Thanksgiving, the table included. She has greenery running down the middle with pumpkins,gourds, and candles running down the center along with it. Each place setting has a tea light held in a gold container, with white charger plates outlined in gold and I see that she even pulled out her expensive china plates and crystal glasses for the occasion. My mother makes it so easy to feel the magic of the holidays at their house. Seeing the beautiful setup makes me feel like I'm home. It's a bittersweet feeling knowing that I'm no longer a child who gets to wake up to the smell of turkey cooking and the sound of silverware clinking. Maybe one year Ana and I can have Thanksgiving at our house. I'd love to watch Ana busy in our new kitchen, surrounded by autumn decorations while she bastes the turkey and snaps the green beans. Hell, I even want to help her.

I remember standing on a chair as a little boy, snapping green beans and helping my mother cook...although, honestly, I probably hindered more than I helped. She didn't seem to mind in the least; I think she enjoyed our time together as much as I did. A picture of a copper-haired toddler standing on a chair next to Ana in our kitchen pops into my head and my heart warms just for a split second before it lurches and I feel the panic rising. What has gotten into me? I shake my head to rid myself of the image.

Looking closer at the table, I see that on each plate are place cards, each person's name written on them in gold calligraphy. Ana and I quickly find our places and have a seat. My place is next to my mothers, my father at the head of the table. Anastasia's place is next to her mother and her father next to her mother. Next to my father, across from my mother, is Mia. Ethan is next to Mia and then my brother, Kate, and Liv, with Graham sitting at the opposite end of the table.

Everyone is dressed up, drinking champagne and apple cider, the low hum of everyone in different conversations, and I feel my heart warming at the moment. I take in the scene in front of me, committing it to memory. I've never stopped to savor anything even close to this, but I'm determined to enjoy every moment I can. I've spent too many years of my life being alone and bitter, and I refuse to continue that way.

Like I said, my mother has a knack for making the holidays magical and this moment definitely feels magical. My parents are speaking to my siblings and Ethan, Ethan making my father laugh. Not just a laugh, but a deep-belly, open-mouthed laugh that I haven't gotten to experience in awhile. Smiling, my eyes find my wife, who is in deep conversation with Kate, Liv, and Carla. They're beaming and Kate keeps rubbing her baby bump, so I don't doubt they're talking about something baby related. Ray and Graham are talking animatedly and I see Graham holding his hands out about twelve inches apart, so I'm sure they're talking about a fish he caught.

A pang of sadness comes over me to think that I've missed out on so many special moments with my family. I reach over and find my mother's hand, squeezing it. When she looks up at me, I smile at her. Her smile mirrors mine and her head finds my shoulder, a sign of affection that I willingly embrace. I press my lips to the top of her hair.

"Thank you, Mom."

She lifts her head and smiles up at me, her eyes full of tears. My mother is such an amazing woman. I owe everything to her. My saving Grace.


My father clinks his knife against his crystal tumbler full of bourbon. "Alright, before we eat, we'll go around the table and all say what we're thankful for."

"Oh, Daddy!" Mia pouts, whining. "We haven't done that since we were kids!"

"No, no complaining. We're doing it. We all have a lot to be thankful for and we need to continue the tradition! I'll begin. I am thankful for my two new wonderful daughters, that one of them is going to make me a grandfather, and for each one of my children. I'm thankful that every single one of them are happier than I've ever seen them and I'm thankful for my wonderful wife, who I probably wouldn't be able to function without, and who put this all together. Our family just keeps growing and expanding, and I'm so proud to say that the Kavanagh's and Steele's are now part of our big family."

There are aw's and oh's and he sits down, my mother popping up to continue.

"I am thankful for each and every one of you. I am thankful for my husband who, in my opinion, is my better half. Through all our years together, you have always gone out of your way to make sure your family knew we were your number one priority. I am thankful for Elliot, who I always called my big lug, who has grown to become the man I always wished he'd be. He's thriving and going to become a father, and I know he'll be a great one. I'm thankful for my baby girl, who continues to mature and learn and I'm excited to see her excel in her career in the culinary field. I'm thankful to have my sweet boy, Christian, here who isn't just present today, but who is actually actively participating in the festivities. I am thankful for Ana, who helped pull him out of his shell and who has done nothing, but encourage his relationship with not only me, but the whole family. And for Kate, who is blessing Carry and me with our first grandchild and who has been so good for Elliot. We are so blessed to be able to welcome the Kavanagh's and Steele's into our family. For the first time in years, I feel like my family is whole and I feel content and calm. I am looking forward to spending every holiday with all of you and to watch our family continue to grow."

As she has a seat, I kiss her cheek and stand. In my life, I have made too many speeches to count, standing in front of thousands of people, but now, I find myself heavy-tongued and at a loss of words.

"I...hmm." I chew on my lip for a second and I can feel everyone's eyes on me. "What am I thankful for? This year...Well, honestly, this year has been one of the best years of my life. There is so much to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my beautiful, sweet wife, who has the patience of a saint and a heart of gold. I'm thankful for my parents, who saved me as a child, for my annoying little sister and obnoxious older brother..." Each of them give me a playful scowl as I wink at them. "I'm thankful for the second chance of having my family, even though I probably don't deserve it. I'm thankful that they listened, without judgement, when I told them what has been happening since I was a teenager. I am thankful for my new father and mother-in-law who have accepted me, even though I know I can be bull-headed and stubborn. And..." I can't believe I'm actually going to admit this out loud. "...I'm thankful for my new sister-in-law, who is going to make my brother a father." Kate and I still don't have the best relationship, but I'm stuck with her and Elliot really does love her, so I'm trying. I hope I'm doing it right. I've never really tried before.

It's my girl's turn, and on her way up, she pecks my lips. Her hands are shaking a little and I don't know if it's because she's nervous or emotional. I reach up and take her hand in mine for support and she smiles down at me.

"This year has been a rollercoaster, but has turned out better than I ever thought possible. If someone told me at the beginning of this year that I would find my soul-mate and be married to him by year's end, I would have never believed it, but it's true. I am so thankful for Christian, who is my knight in shining armor, who is one of the most giving, caring individuals I have ever encountered, although he doesn't like to admit it." She squeezes my hand at this comment and I grin. "I'm thankful for my parents, who always put me before anything else. They made sure that I was polite, sent me to the right schools, made sure I was happy, healthy, and safe. They kept me on strict rules, which I needed, and loved me unconditionally. I couldn't have asked for better parents." She clears her throat and wipes a tear away from her face and I see Carla doing the same. "I am also thankful that I get to spend my Thanksgiving with everyone, including my best friends, who are now my sisters; for Mia for keeping me on my toes and for Kate, who is making me an aunt...a title I never thought I'd get to hold, being an only child. I can't wait to spoil them rotten." We all laugh at this and Kate nods.

"I'm sure you will." Kate states, giggling.

"I am also thankful for Christian's parents, who have given three children the best life possible. You two aren't just incredible parents, but incredible people. You two have spent your lives, raising awareness of child abuse and child hunger, giving your time, money, and energy to multiple charities, including your own. You've instilled this in all of your children and even opened Kate and my eyes. Because of this, Kate and I have decided to to start a charity of our own, Stronger Together." Anastasia and Kate are beaming at each other while the room erupts. I can feel myself grinning from ear-to-ear. I am couldn't be prouder of my wife. She and Kate have decided to take this on all on their own and I promised that I wouldn't interfere unless Anastasia asked for my help.

"That's wonderful girls! What kind of charity is it?" My mother looks like she could cry.

"It's a domestic abuse charity. We'll start in the Seattle area and work our way out. We're building our first safe house for women, men, and children who are victims of domestic abuse that include education and assistance to help them move on. We'll have therapy sessions, medical and financial assistance, school and career assistance programs...we're really excited about it." Kate explains, beaming.

My wife has settled back into her seat and I find myself scooting closer to her to cuddle her. My heart has swelled so much, I feel like it's going to burst out of my chest. I have married an angel that has fallen from Heaven and I am the luckiest man on Earth. Anastasia is so driven, so passionate, about this and she has put her all into it. She knows how it feels to be powerless in an abusive relationship. She wants to help others who feel trapped like she did. She is giving a voice to those who don't have one, and I could not be prouder. She is my world and our life together has just started. I can't wait to see where it takes us.