Author's Note: This chapter is a little long and boring lol. Next chapter gets better and isn't all about things you guys probably already know. This story gets better I promise! XD

Revised and edited on 11/20/17. Lots of eyesores being edited and no one told me they were there lmao XD I think I might need a Beta Reader for future chapters. Will revise again eventually. Revised 6/20/18

****Intro Song****

Warriors - Papa Roach

******Capsule Corp******

The Capsule Corp grounds were busy with crews preparing and setting up cameras all around the immense property. The long-awaited reality show featuring the Z Warriors would start filming its introductions today. Instead of quick introductions, the cast members were asked to give some background information, so the viewers would be able to know more about their favorite warriors. After filming today's shots, the crew would edit and screen the pilot episode for a focus group to determine how well the Z Warriors would be liked on camera.

Producer: "OK Bulma so for the first episode we are going to have you introduce yourself and give a quick recollection of the chain of events that led to the possibility of the show. After that's covered we'll have the others introduce themselves and we'll clip together the scenes to tie it all together."

Bulma: "Alright but are you sure we should be starting to film now? I mean Goku isn't even back from wherever he ended up after Namek and I haven't heard from Vegeta since he took off in my ship to, I assume, go look for him."

Producer: "Yes it will give us plenty of time to get to know you and the others before we bring in the 2 warriors our viewers will be the most curious about."

Bulma: "And that's another thing, I have no clue if Goku and Vegeta would even agree to be on this show. Saiyans aren't exactly well known for watching TV let alone wanting to be followed by cameras."

Producer: "Well the studio is prepared to offer them a very lucrative deal to persuade them to work with us."

Bulma:" guys are gonna offer them food, aren't you?"

Producer:" Round the clock food service with personal chefs to tend to their every hunger-based needs -, no limits or restrictions"

Bulma: "Well alright that might actually work. OK, so I'm just going to sit in the chair and talk to the camera, right?"

Producer: "Yes, this is what we are going to call a confessional. In this room and this camera, we'll bring up certain events to gather your comments and opinions as well as get your feelings on things that happen involving you. We have these set up at all filming locations, so the others don't have to come to Capsule Corp every day to film theirs."

Bulma: "OK and I just start talking?"

Producer: "Yes the camera is now rolling. Let's start with your introduction and what ledlead to the exposure of the Z Warriors."

"Hi, I'm Bulma Briefs and I am really excited to introduce you to the lives of my friends now known worldwide as the Z Warriors. In case you missed it, the rising fame and attention of the Z Warriors came when the whole world watched as they fought off the 2 alien invaders known as the Saiyans. We lost a few friends, but we were able to bring them back after a trip to space and finding some wish orbs known as "dragonDragon balls,", that the Namekians allowed us to use. Although it would be difficult to ever go back again to research how the orbs work, I'm still very gracious for having been able to witness and be a part of the experience. While on planet Namek we once again had to encounter Vegeta, the Saiyan that Goku let go after the very intense battle here on Earth. We found out so much more about Vegeta during our time on Namek; like he's not the scariest or most powerful being in the universe.

"That's how we learned about Frieza. The space tyrant that orders planets to be purged so he can sell those planets to planetary buyers. The Universe is definitely a cold place. Anyway, we were able to hold out and collect a dragonDragon ball before teaming up with Vegeta to take on Frieza's men. After Goku finally was healed from his battle with Vegeta, he used the ship my father made to get to Namek as well. I'll spare you guys details of that battle... mostly because I wasn't there for most of the action. Now we are all back on Earth with the exception of Goku and Vegeta who are somewhere off in space doing who knows what. We did manage to get on Vegeta's good side (if that's what you wanna call it) and I invited him to stay here at Capsule Corp. I mean, it's not like he had anywhere to go after the dragon balls brought us back to Earth and he doesn't have a ship to just take off. And the nerve of Vegeta to take off on MY ship! He hasn't even bothered to call and explain himself! But I guess I should have seen that coming after I spent all that time rebuilding a better prototype than the one Goku used to get to Namek."

Producer: How did you meet the Z Warriors?

"When I was a teenager I went through an adventurous phase. AtAT 16 I went out on my own with everything I could need in my capsules to explore the world. I eventually came across Goku in the mountains of Mount Paozu. I was speeding so I couldn't stop fast enough, and I accidentally hit him with my car! I instantly panicked but when I looked out the window, not only was he fine but he thought I had been eaten by a metal monster! I got out just as he picked up my car and threw it! I was so mad that he destroyed my car that I actually shot him in the head! Thank Kami he's bulletproof. After hanging out I asked him to come with me to explore since he'd spent most of his life there in the mountains. I figured with a strong kid like him around I'd be safer, and I could tell my parents not to worry. While we were camped one morning we met a huge talking turtle. Goku wanted to help him get back to the ocean so he carried him, and I rode a motorbike next to him since Goku destroyed my capsule car. The turtle told us to wait at the beach when we finally got there, and he came back with Master Roshi.

"Master Roshi was happy to have his turtle friend back and gave Goku the flying nimbus cloud. He told us where to find his island in case we needed anything else. We soon left and eventually met Oolong, the shape-shifting pig, who was terrorizing a village. He was too scared to fight Goku, so we brought him along, so he'd stop causing trouble. We eventually ended up in the desert where we met Yamcha. I was asleep when he showed up and he tried to rob us but Goku tried to fight him off. Unfortunately, Goku was hungry and too weak to put up a good fight but Yamcha stopped fighting when I woke up during the fight. He had such a hard time talking to pretty girls back thenm, so he left when his nervousness got the best of him. We had several encounters with him for a few days until he and Puar decided to tag along. We eventually met Chi-Chi and the OX King on fire mountain. Goku went to get Master Roshi's help to put out the fire on the mountain and save the Ox King's kingdom. That was when Goku destroyed yet another car trying to perform a Kamehameha wave after watching Master Roshi do it to put out the fire. We were all surprised when he actually did it considering Master Roshi said it took him a lifetime to perfect it.

"We eventually ended up imprisoned by some grumpy, little, blue emperor or something and Goku made the mistake of looking up at the full moon after telling us a story about a giant monster that comes out to step on people. He said the monster killed his Grandpa, so he knew it was true even though we doubted him. When he looked at the moon it was almost instant the way he began transforming. I would have been crushed to death if it hadn't been for Yamcha! We eventually tried cutting off his tail to stop him and thankfully that worked. Goku slept it off and had no clue, or clothes, the next morning about what had happened. We avoided telling him that he was the monster and convinced him that the monster cut off his tail and knocked him out. Poor kid would have been devastated to find out he was the monster his Grandpa had warned him about. We all went our separate ways after that except for Yamcha and I since we had decided to start dating, but there was no way I could date someone who made a living in the desert, robbing people. So, I invited him to stay here with my parents' permission, along with Puar and Oolong too. Goku went to find Master Roshi to train.

"I didn't meet Krillin for a while, not until the World Tournament where Yamcha promised to meet up with and beat Goku in a fight at their best. I also met Launch, who was staying with Master Roshi on the Island, and boy was she a crazy character. I haven't seen her in a long time though. After that tournament, Goku was told to go on a training journey and Master Roshi offered to train Yamcha at Kame House while he continued Krillin's training. On that journey, Goku encountered Tien and Chiaotzu. They quickly became enemies and fought it out at the next tournament, which Tien won. They were pretty evenly matched, so it was a close match. After that was the King Piccolo stuff and Goku spent his time fighting all the monsters and such. We eventually met our Piccolo at the next tournament after his father King Piccolo had been defeated by Goku 3 years prior. Again, that was a close fight and it destroyed most of the arena, but of course, Goku won and had been reunited with Chi-Chi to make good on his childhood promise to marry her. We tried our best to keep in touch over the years, so we could remain friends and it wasn't until we met up 4 years later that we found out Goku and Chi-Chi had a son named Gohan - named after Goku's grandfather. We encountered a Saiyan who said he was Goku's brother and long story short Piccolo killed him after teaming up with Goku. The Saiyan said there would be 2 more coming in a year to avenge him." Bulma was feeling out of breath with explaining how they all met. Hopefully, the producer wouldn't ask too much about Raditz.

Producer: Do you think Vegeta will even be coming back? He was stuck here against his will after Namek.

"Of course, he'll be back! Goku achieved a level of power that Vegeta hasn't, officially making Goku stronger than Vegeta now. Its known as the Super Saiyan transformation and it's a legendary power that no one has achieved in 1,000 years. Everyone just assumes that Goku was stronger than Vegeta just because he won the battle here on Earth and let Vegeta go, BUT during their first battle after the cameras went out due to the electromagnetic energy1 they were causing during the fight; Krillin, Gohan, and Yajirobe all played a part in helping Goku win. He would never have stood a chance against Vegeta on his own. And since Saiyans get stronger after recovering from being mortally wounded plus the amount of training Goku was able to do in the gravity chamber of the ship we built, he was able to pull ahead of Vegeta and stay ahead with all the drama and fighting on Namek. Let's just say that Vegeta now has a major grudge against Goku and he'll be back even if that means waiting here for him just, so he can fight him again."

Producer: And how did Yamcha feel about you asking Vegeta to live here with you?

"Oh boy, was Yamcha less than pleased when he found out I let Vegeta live here. Yamcha and I have been together off and on since we were teenagers, so it was no surprise that he was pissed off about me letting another man move in with me. He, of course, was worried about the safety of everyone on Earth since only Goku really has the power to stop him but if you ask me Vegeta isn't going to do anything or he would have by now. Yamcha still lives here too but he didn't have a chance to get to know Vegeta before he took off, so he doesn't trust him. He blames Vegeta for his death when they first met but to be fair Vegeta didn't even lay a finger on anyone until Goku showed up. Just because he said, 'Hey plant these little green men and let them do the fighting' doesn't me he killed him."

Bulma: "How was that?"

Producer: "That was great. We may edit out some things if needed but we may not need to."

Bulma: "Good, now if you don't mind I have some tech I need to work on."

Producer: "That reminds me, can you let everyone know what exactly you're working on?"

Bulma: "Sorry, but it's a secret. *wink* Don't want to get everyone excited in case I fail, not that its likely with me being a genius and all."

Producer: "Right. Well, how about sending Yamcha in for his introduction."

Bulma: "Alright, I guess I can play the messenger."

Bulma walked out of the small "confession" room and stretched. Why they picked the smallest room in Capsule Corp to set up still didn't make sense to her. That room is smaller than her closet for heaven's sake! Oh well, not much she could do about it since they won't listen to reason. She walked towards the living room where she found Yamcha texting on his phone. "Hey Yamcha, who are you texting?"

"Oh, hey Bulma, you snuck up on me, hahaha!" He rubbed the back of his head in a very Goku-like manner raising a hint of suspicion in Bulma. "I was just texting Krillin. You know, just wondering how he's feeling about all this. I can't believe you and Chi-Chi talked us all into doing this reality show," laughed Yamcha nervously.

"Okay, so I take it you're really nervous but don't worry after a few days you won't know they're here and the confessionals will just feel like you're having a conversation with the producer. Don't stress too much about it,." Bulma said trying to offer Yamcha some comfort.

Convincing everyone had not been an easy task but Chi-Chi had done her share in helping Bulma with the task. Chi-Chi thought this would be a great way for Goku to help earn money to support the family while still doing the training and fighting that he loved so much. They wouldn't be bothered too much by fans considering they live so far away from the city. Bulma thought that it would be great publicity for Capsule Corp. Everyone would see her involvement and be more supportive of the company and their technology. Not that they really needed any more attention, but the extra fame would help keep Capsule Corp running while she focused a little more on her personal life. Bulma loved being Vice President of the company and helping her father in the lab but she wasn't getting any younger. After the Saiyans first came to Earth and the drama on Namek, Bulma had come to the conclusion that life was exceedingly too short. She wanted to make the most of whatever youth she had left. Settle down and have a family of her own or even the other way around if need be. If anything, she just wanted the opportunity to be a mom. Watching Chi-Chi with Gohan after they returned from Namek was giving her baby fever (even though Gohan isn't a baby anymore). The way Chi-Chi enjoyed taking care of him, loving him, and teaching him made Bulma long to have her own child. To pass on her knowledge and just as importantly, have someone take over Capsule Corp after she retired. Not just anyone should be allowed to take over the family business but the thought of having a child that didn't have the drive to take the business seriously made her nervous. She hoped the child would take after her and not be as lazy as Yamcha tended to be.

"You're right Bulma. I guess I'm more nervous about the world watching as we move things forward in our relationship," sighed Yamcha.

"We already talked about this, Yamcha. We should really spend more time together like we used to before we start trying to move forward. With my work and your baseball career as well as your training it's like we never see each other anymore." Of course, Bulma thought about moving forward, but she wasn't about to admit it when they've gotten too comfortable being in an on again off again relationship. She wanted the security of knowing that they were both serious in keeping their relationship together before leaping to marriage and children. "I want to have you all to myself and fall head over heels for you before I have to share my love with a baby."

"But Bulma, why don't we just get married and make our relationship solid with a long honeymoon," grinned Yamcha while lifting his eyebrows up and down in a lustful manner. "Nothing like spending a few weeks getting to know each other on a private tropical island to make our love more solid."

"Because if that's the best you can do when asking the woman you love to marry you then it's not gonna happen,." Bulma giggled trying to make it obvious that a proposal for her needs to be well planned out and romantic. She's Bulma Briefs and a proposal to her should be as extravagant as her parties! "We'll talk about this later. The producer is wanting you in the confession room to start your introduction. Then we'll start filming for real once they edit the pilot episode for the studio executives or focus group or whatever."

"Alright, alright," Yamcha smiled. "I guess I can try to keep my cool long enough not to look like a wreck for the executives. So, when are the others getting to do their introductions?"

"Well, from what I understand Piccolo and Tien have agreed to make appearances rather than be followed around by cameras all day, so they will be stopping by later. Chi-Chi has a confession room being set up at her house and Master Roshi and Krillin also have one being set up at Kame House."

"I sure hope Master Roshi behaves himself while on camera," laughed Yamcha as he started to walk towards the confession room.

"I wouldn't bet on it if I were you!" Bulma said loudly so Yamcha could hear her. 'Master Roshi couldn't behave himself for 5 minutes in a public place let alone on camera in his home,' she laughed to herself.

Bulma walked outside past a few cameramen setting up some cameras on the outside to catch guests as they came to the door. She couldn't really believe that she had agreed to go through with this. Walking around the Capsule Corp compound had always helped her clear her head at times but with all the people busying about with preparations for the show, she just couldn't relax. 'I hope Goku and Vegeta will be on board for this. I'd hate for Vegeta to leave again for being made into a reality star,' Bulma thought to herself. After the Namek adventure, she had found herself not only asking Vegeta to move in, along with the Namekians, but she also couldn't help but seek his attention. She knew he didn't have anywhere else to go seeing as how he was teleported here against his will, but she couldn't help feeling there was a deeper reason for her asking him to stay. She never betrayed Yamcha while he was dead, even though they were broken up at the time, but she'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit Vegeta seemed to draw her attention somehow. It's not like he gave her any attention back, but he wasn't horribly mean to her, and she'd have to be blind to not notice how attractive he was. Hopefully, those thoughts didn't come back now that she had Yamcha again. She didn't want him to start thinking she had a thing for Vegeta, after all, he wasn't well-known for being a decent person.

Back in the confession room, Yamcha was feeling extra nervous. He hadn't been texting Krillin earlier and he was afraid his personal life was gonna spin out of control with these cameras catching every move he made. He knew it would take time for the episodes to air and for Bulma to see what he was doing but for some reason, he didn't want her to ever find out this way. He knew what he was doing was suspicious, but he hoped when the time came that Bulma would understand and forgive him. Dying had really made him want to experience more in life. He had always been with Bulma. Yes, on occasion he went on dates with other women during their "breaks", but he never made a move on any of them. His heart always belonged to Bulma, but he found himself wanting to experience a little more fun in life and explore more to truly find himself. Not that Bulma wasn't fun but there were still some things she wasn't comfortable in trying. Hopefully, everything would still work out in his favor.

Producer: "OK Yamcha, just look into the camera and introduce yourself. Then give us a little background on your life and how you ended up being a Z fighter."

*clears throat* "Okay, my name is Yamcha and before I was a Z fighter I was known as 'The Desert Bandit.' I'm not proud of that background although it is what got me into fighting. When I met Goku and Bulma I was doing the typical things of stealing and fighting to get what I could to survive and after a few encounters with them, I ended up joining them. It was the first extreme adventure I had, and the first time I had to fight for someone other than myself. Protecting Bulma hadn't been an easy task especially after Goku turned into a giant ape and almost crushed us hahaha. I guess that's when we knew he definitely wasn't human although we never mentioned it again after cutting off his tail. Right before he changed he had told us about the giant monster that crushed his grandpa when he was younger, and we couldn't tell him that it was him. I'm sure he figured it out after watching Vegeta go giant ape during their battle though."

Producer: And can you tell us what you were doing after Bulma invited you to stay here at Capsule Corp? How were you keeping up with training, your career, and your relationship?

"Oh, well after that adventure was over Bulma invited me to live with her here at Capsule Corp once we had made the decision to start a relationship. We were young, and her parents were surprisingly supportive as long as we agreed to keep to our separate rooms and only spend time together with supervision inside of Capsule Corp. Going on dates was much more of our preference because we were able to get to know each other without Bulma's mother interrupting haha. Not long after moving to the city I decided I needed to find a job or career of some sort as a way to pay back the Briefs' for taking me in and I was also hoping to eventually get my own place. Bulma never liked that idea, though. I had tried out and got my start in baseball with the West City Wreckers. I had a fan club not long after the first few games and Bulma didn't care too much for the women showing up at Capsule Corp at all hours of the night trying to get autographs. She even once created mechanic guard dogs to chase them off the lawn." Yamcha laughed heartily at the memory of Bulma being jealous and never wanting to admit it. She had just said that they were interrupting her during her schoolwork and while she was working on projects for the company. "I eventually went to train with Master Roshi and put my career on hold until after the next tournament was over.

"Our relationship was strained a bit after the first 2 months of having different schedules. She never once had a problem voicing her thoughts or concerns during our relationship. She was open and honest, sometimes a little too honest, but that's Bulma for you. What you see is what you get. We had some ups and downs and some breakups, but we always came right back together. After the resurrection from my death during the Saiyan attack, we've been closer than ever. Dying really makes you think about life and what you want out of it. As far as my training went when I first came to Capsule Corp, I had a lot of space around here to work out and I was given unlimited access to the massive home gym the Briefs had. I trained as much as my baseball schedule and Bulma would allow me to. I struggled to keep up with Goku during our adventure and I was determined to get ahead of him, although I don't think surpassing him now will be something a human can do. Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying to close the gap though, not by a long shot!" Yamcha exclaimed feeling extra cocky knowing that there were going to be millions of women watching him.

Producer: So how do you feel about Vegeta being allowed to stay here? Bulma has said that she expects him to come back from space eventually and has kept her invitation for his stay here open.

"Well, I'm definitely not happy about it! That guy is a monster and a murderer! He is responsible for my death as well of the deaths of Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu! I'll never trust that guy., I mean, he stole Bulma's spaceship for crying out loud! I don't know why Bulma thinks he's gonna come back anyway. I say good riddance that he's gone. If I had been alive when they got back from Namek she would never have asked him to stay here if I had a say in it,." Yamcha sighed and softened his tone. "But Bulma is as stubborn as they come. My say wouldn't mean a thing once she makes up her mind, especially when it's her house. I guess I'm just grateful that she can handle herself when she really needs to, and she's usually right about people. I think I'm just holding resentment that she hadn't been able to ask my input on the matter, and not to mention I haven't gotten past the battle that killed me, so obviously there's a grudge with Vegeta."

Producer: "Alright I think we got what we need so far. Unless you have anything else you want to add to this first appearance?"

Yamcha sat with a contemplative look on his face for a second before deciding he'd rather get out of this room before he started to feel claustrophobic. He shook his head and stood up to give the producers handshakes and took off his microphone before leaving. He sure hoped he didn't make Bulma look bad in any way. Even though he wasn't ashamed of their past, she still had an image to maintain being the Vice President of Capsule Corporation. Walking to the kitchen to grab a cold drink, he searched for Bulma's energy to find out where she was.

"Hmmm...she's not alone. Wait….is that?" Yamcha walked out the kitchen door and to the back lawn where he saw Bulma having an intense conversation with Piccolo.

"I don't understand how I even got dragged into this! Or better yet how you managed to get me to sign the contract!" grouched Piccolo.

"Oh, come on Piccolo! You have fans and they are curious about you and your life! You can't hide it from me, I KNOW you are loving the extra attention hehehe," teased Bulma with a dainty hand over her lips.

Piccolo blushed profusely at her well-aimed comment. "That is not true! I don't care if people like me... I...I just don't enjoy their screams of terror when they see me!"

Yamcha chuckled as he approached the arguing pair successfully gaining their attention. "Sorry to tell you this Piccolo but I think the screaming is only gonna get worse. Hahaha, I've had fan clubs before so trust me on that. No screams of terror, more like screams of adoration but still screams."

"Oh Kami, what I have I gotten myself into," Piccolo complained in a low voice.

"Don't worry so much, Piccolo! We agreed that your part was going to be more of special appearances rather than full on access to your life. Although, we could arrange for that if you prefer," Bulma winked still attempting to keep the blush on Piccolo's face.

"No! No that won't be necessary!" he waved his hands in front of his chest to further get his point across. "I'll be fine with the occasional appearance as long as I don't have to get involved with doing anything degrading." Piccolo had been around long enough, if just watching from a distance, to know that drama was inevitable with Bulma Briefs and she had a way of embarrassing people for her own entertainment.

Yamcha couldn't help but laugh at the way Bulma could get anyone to do her bidding. She sure had a way of being deceiving and very charming all at once when she wanted to get her way. He had to admit it could be very annoying at times, especially when her deception was aimed at him.

"Well, nothing degrading today, just go on into the confession room and introduce yourself to the world," Bulma gave him a thoughtful look as she tried to remember something she was sure he needed to know. "Oh yeah, and if you don't mind try not to mention Earth's dragon balls. We don't want the world going into riots trying to get insane wishes every year."

" if you need to remind me how to be responsible with that knowledge. I for one would have to help maintain peace at Kami's request if things got too out of hand." Although Piccolo still wasn't on the best of terms with Kami, his fusion with Nail had him a bit more willing to be around and help the elder Namekian on some occasions. He then turned and walked towards the back door and into the kitchen in search of this so-called "confession" room leaving the two lovers alone.

"So? How did your confession time go?" Bulma asked Yamcha who had pulled out his phone without her noticing.

"Oh, it was fine. Not as bad as I thought it was was ggonna be," he laughed as he rubbed his head and quickly put away his phone to give Bulma all his attention. "I thought for sure I would freeze and stutter the whole time but it was just like you said it would be; like having a conversation with the producer."

"Well, I'm glad that this is working out so far. Why don't you do me a favor and go find Tien? He was supposed to be here an hour ago to do his introduction, but he hasn't even bothered to show or call. I think I'm gonna have to get him and Piccolo cell phones," thought Bulma out loud.

Yamcha couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Bulma forcing Piccolo to carry around a cell phone just so she could keep in contact with him. She wasn't in charge of the show but leave it to Bulma to take on the responsibility anyway. "Don't worry Bulma, he's probably on the other side of the planet and forgot to account for the different times. If you don't have anything to do right now, how would you like to go get some lunch?" Yamcha asked with a hopeful smile. The suspicious look from earlier didn't go unnoticed and having his phone out again sure wasn't gonna make him look any less sneaky.

"Well, I guess we..."

Just before she could finish her sentence her attention was caught by Piccolo walking out of the back door and blasting off into the sky. "Is Piccolo done already?"

"Well, that was fast" replied Yamcha. "If he hadn't been in such a hurry we could have asked him to find Tien."

"Yeah, but we should try and find Tien to get this show on the road. We do have a deadline to meet for this pilot episode. How about we do dinner after you get back? It will be our last date alone after all?"

"Wait…what? Our last date alone?" Yamcha was obviously confused.

"Um hello?! We're gonna be on a reality show? Lots of people with cameras following our every move?"

"Oh! Oh yeah right! Hahaha, I'm sorry I already forgot they would be following us outside of Capsule Corp too." A blush rose to Yamcha's face as he had to admit this situation had gone over his head.

"Yeeaaahhhh..." Bulma laughed a little awkwardly at noticing how he seemed to forget their lives were about to be made public. "Anyway, I'm gonna check in with the producer and see why Piccolo finished so quick. We can meet up at 6:30 tonight for dinner if that's good for you? I have to start on a project in the morning, so I don't want to be out too late."

"Sure babe, that sounds fine to me. I'll be back soon." Yamcha gave Bulma a quick kiss before he took off into the sky homing in on Tien's energy signal. 'I hope I'm not making things too obvious,' he thought to himself as he took off. 'The last thing I need is Bulma finding out because I can't stop being suspicious.'

Bulma made her way towards the confession room to investigate Piccolo's quick interview. After finally finding the producer she sat down to watch the playback as the crew continued to chuckle.

"My name is Piccolo and I'm a Namekian warrior. My father was King Piccolo and created me in his image to take over his plans forof world domination and kill Goku. I didn't succeed and changed my views after kidnapping Gohan, Goku's son, to train him for the Saiyans arrival. I'm here...I'm green...get over it,." was all Piccolo said before getting up and walking out the door.

Producer:" I think that's just about all we're ever gonna get out of him"

"Yeah, pretty much," laughed Bulma after hearing Piccolo's last sentence.

******Kame House******

A very similar scene of cameras and a crew setting up a capsule shed for a confession room was taking place. Since the island was so small they had no room for a capsule house and opted to use a shed for confessional toso make things easier for Master Roshi. The crew would be staying in a small studio yacht or in Kame House to be ready to film at all times.

"Do we really have to sit in this little shack and talk to the camera?" complained Krillin. "I don't see why we can't just say what we have to say when something happens."

"Krillin, how often do you sit around explaining how you feel about a fight as its happening?"" questioned Master Roshi. ""You need to focus on the fight whether it'sit's real or just training, otherwise you'll you'll get clobbered and won'twon't remember how you feel.""

""I guess you'reyou're right"" sighed Krillin. ""As long as this doesn'tdoesn't interfere with my training I suppose I can make time for it.""

Producer: ""Alright, if we have all that settled can we get you to sit here in the chair and introduce yourself?""

""Uh...sure I guess."" Krillin sat in the chair a little unsure what he should even say about himself. Bulma had already made sure to tell everyone not to mention the dragon balls so bringing up their adventures about collecting them were out of the question.

Producer: ""Alright, let'slet's get started here. Just introduce yourself and how you came to Kame House and II'll'll ask you a few questions about your past if you get stuck.""

''What a relief,' thought Krillin inwardly.

"Hi, I'm Krillin and I'm a martial artist. I represent Kame House, the turtle hermit school. Um...I guess I became a Z Warrior when I first started to train under Master Roshi's guidance here at Kame House Island. I was just a kid back then but when I arrived Goku was already here. Master Roshi had told me he wasn't taking in any more students, but I was determined to get a chance to train with the world-famous turtle hermit. I wasn't about to be turned down after leaving Orin Temple and not really having anywhere else to go. I had no choice but to offer Master Roshi the collection of magazines I had acquired in exchange for training."

'I'll just leave out the part of Master Roshi asking us to find him a woman, so he doesn't get any backlash for asking young boys to help him get laid, not that it worked for him anyway,' Krillin told himself mentally. He didn't want people thinking too bad of Master Roshi even though his perverse nature was overlooked due to his old age.

Producer: And what kind of magazines were capable of changing Master Roshi's mind about training you?

'So much for not making him look too bad,' Krillin added to his last thought.

"Oh...w-well you see... they were... *ahem* dirty magazines."


"L-let me explain! Master Roshi had a very specific reputation for... enjoying the female body...mostly just looking at magazines and video workout tapes. So, as a young boy, there wasn't very much I could do to get my hands on anything like that. Well, I was being picked on a lot more than being trained at Orin Temple, so the most obvious solution for me was to get out of there and find Master Roshi in hopes of one day becoming stronger than those bullies. My plan was pretty simple. I waited until everyone was sleeping and rummaged through the personal drawers of the older boys and men at Orin and took all the magazines I could carry. Then I just headed towards the ocean after hearing that Master Roshi could most likely be found on an island. After finally getting here and convincing Master Roshi to train me, Goku and I quickly became rivals and best friends. I was way more competitive with Goku back then, mostly because he pushed himself to get stronger and faster at every opportunity and there was no way I was gonna get left behind. That was way back before any of us knew he was an alien, although thinking back now there were probably a ton of red flags."

Producer: What do you mean by that?

"Well for one, Goku is a bottomless pit when it comes to food. There isn't much he won't eat but you can never have enough food that's for sure. Second would be his natural fighting ability. Yes, we can all learn given time but from what I was told Goku learned the Kamehameha wave after watching Master Roshi do it once. IT TOOK ME YEARS TO EVEN FIGURE OUT THE BASICS FOR IT! Not to mention how quick he picks up other techniques and all the same way, just after seeing it done once. Thirdly, I'd say would be how he manages to get even stronger after taking on so much damage. It wasn't until we fought alongside Vegeta on Planet Namek did I find out that a Saiyan gets a power boost after recovering from a mortal wound. And perhaps the most obvious flag was his tail and the fact that he turned into a giant destructive ape after seeing a full moon."

Producer: Is that an issue with Goku? The great ape thing?

"Oh no, there's no chance of him going great ape again without his tail and it's a good thing he got rid of it as a teenager. I don't know if we'd be able to fight him in that state. Although, during the fight with Vegeta we found out that even Gohan could transform. Vegeta can too but he seemed like he was in complete control of himself whereas Goku and Gohan literally just went apeshit crazy and were destructive monsters. We now only have to worry about Gohan, but only if his tail grows back. We cut off Vegeta's tail with the help of Yajirobe and from what we've noticed on Namek it didn't grow back, but Gohan grew his tail during our fight with Vegeta so it might be a possibility that as a kid his tail is most likely to grow back again. Although, Chi-Chi mentioned wanting to have a doctor look at Gohan to hopefully remove it permanently."

Producer: And what is your friendship like with the other fighters?

"Well, I'd have to say Yamcha would be my second-best friend after Goku. We've done a lot of training over the years and really got to know each other after Goku was sent to train by going on a journey. But I'll admit that I've always been a little jealous of Yamcha hahaha he's just so lucky to have Bulma. Sure, she can be a bit much at times but overall she's really supportive of all our training and only ever fusses when Yamcha doesn't stay in contact while out on training journeys. Tien and Piccolo, well they're more loners in the sense that they prefer to focus on their own training and just surprise us all with their progress and new moves. We all get along, but I just don't know them as well as Yamcha, Goku, or Bulma because I've never spent long amounts of time with them."

Producer: How would you describe your love life?

"OH! w-well um...I uh g-guess you could say it' uh nonexistent?" Krillin laughed nervously instantly feeling the blush heat his face. "I've never really had a chance to make tons of time for my love life and being out here on an island far away from villages and cities doesn't help much in that area. Just a few flings here and there while out on training journeys but nothing really solid. But there was one girl that was more of a recurring fling, so she would be the closest to me having a girlfriend. In all honesty, I'd definitely like to find someone to settle down with, someone who shares my love for fighting and understands that situations like the Saiyan attack are why I continue to train."

Producer: And how do you feel about Vegeta living on Earth? He was after all the ringleader of the Saiyans., Dodo you think he'll be planning on finishing what he started?

"I don't think he will or he would've done something already. He stayed at Capsule Corp with Bulma after Namek and from what she says he's never even so much as trained during that time. Maybe he was giving himself a vacation from all that since he was always training and fighting under Frieza. He might have been figuring out what to do next or enjoying his newfound freedom and using the time to just relax a little., I mean, if you met him you'd see just how uptight he can be."

Producer: What do you mean by newfound freedom?

"Vegeta wasn't as in control as he seemed when he first arrived. He was in charge of the Saiyans as their Prince, but they were all working for Frieza. If what he said on Namek was true, then he was nothing more than a slave doing Frieza's bidding. He was taken by Frieza as a kid, maybe he was Gohan's age at the time or something, and Frieza destroyed his planet and all his people. It seemed to me that he had nowhere else to go and did what was necessary to survive. I can't imagine Vegeta being scared even as a kid, but he must've been in shock when it all happened. Afterward, being in that type of environment he probably just forced himself to make the most of it until he had a chance to avenge his race. I'm just guessing though, you'd have to ask Vegeta about his life if he's even willing to talk on the subject. This is just what I think I would do in his situation."

Producer: "Thank you Krillin. We'll let you enjoy the rest of the day without a camera in your face but be sure to prepare to have a camera follow you soon."

"Uh sure, I'll just go do some meditating to mentally prepare,." laughed Krillin feeling much more anxious than before at knowing his privacy would soon be gone.

Master Roshi pushed his way past Krillin making his way to the chair. "Alright, boys, here I am! Don't forget to film my good side!" The producer stood back and waited for Master Roshi to be fitted with the clip-on microphone and soon gave the signal that the camera was rolling.

"I'm Master Roshi aka the turtle hermit. I am single and ready to mingle! So, any ladies out there want to spend time relaxing on a beach feel free to contact me! The only requirement will be a little pafu-pafu for your good ol' Master Roshi! Sending me some pictures would also be appreciated!"

Producer: Okay! I think that's all we need for now unless you'd like to talk about your training methods?

"Hey, my training methods aren't for everyone! Only those who train with at the Turtle Hermit School of Martial Arts are allowed to see these techniques. Besides, I doubt the ladies want to hear about training." Master Roshi talked his way out of more camera time. He only agreed to the show for the income it would bring and had no intention of staying on screen too much if it was possible. Maybe he would get lucky and find himself with a few beautiful admirers. Sure, he'd continue his usual routines but if anything, the viewers would find him boring or creepy and force the camera crew to find someone more interesting. Attention was great and all, but Roshi was just too old not to enjoy his peaceful, private island.

Producer: "Alright then we'll just have to make do with what we have."

******Mount Paozu******

Chi-Chi was browsing through Gohan's closet trying to find him an outfit that would make a great first impression on the world. Mostly one that would hopefully gain some interest in her son from the scholarly world. 'Dress him for the future job you want him to have,' was the only thing she could think of while looking through his clothes. If he made a good impression, then maybe he'd be able to get some scholarships and a very good job after he graduated with an impressive degree. "Alright, Gohan make sure you keep up with your schoolwork while we do this show. We wouldn't want you to seem like some lazy little thug, do we?" Chi-Chi was holding out an outfit for Gohan to wear for his introduction video.

"Mom, can't I just wear this?" Gohan asked while motioning to the casual clothes he was already wearing. "I don't want people to think I dress like a professor all the time, besides if I dress like that every day because cameras are following me then I'd only mess up all my good clothes." Determined not to be forced to look like a dork every day, Gohan tried to convince his mom to allow him to be casual. He wasn't used to being in the public eye or even around kids his own age, but he knew he wanted people to like him. Dressing up was only going to get him made fun of since it made no sense for his lifestyle. He lived in the mountains for Kamie sake!

"You're right Gohan, you can be as adventurous as your father at times and we all know what those activities can do to nice clothes. I'm sorry, I guess I just wanted our family to make a good impression on the world. I think I can find something that would still look good yet not too dressy, so you can still play without making more laundry for me." Chi-Chi was extremely nervous about their public debut even though the idea was just as much hers as Bulma's. 'Just think of the extra income,' she reminded herself internally. Feeding a Saiyan and a half- Saiyan was not cheap and the mountains could only provide so much for them without taking away from the surrounding creatures and families.

Gohan watched as his mom began to look stressed. He was well aware of their money issues; his mother tried her best to be open with him since it was in his best interest to know how the world worked. She always tried her best to understand him but after being kidnapped and fighting on Namek she became more overprotective and less willing to allow him the freedom to roam around the mountain area of their home, let alone train if he dared to ever ask her. She only wanted the best for her son and after watching, time after time, as Goku was beaten and broken because of his fighting lifestyle, she refused to allow Gohan to be a part of it.

"Don't worry mom, everything will turn out fine. I'll keep up with my studies and leave the fighting to dad. He'll be home before you know it and we'll be a happy family again!" Gohan said trying to make his mom feel better. But he knew deep down that he was capable of great things physically if he kept up with his training. 'Maybe dad will be able to help find some middle ground between studying and fighting,' he thought. He didn't have the drive to fight like his dad but knowing that he could be as powerful as his dad one day really had him curious. Not to mention he didn't like feeling helpless or like a burden on the battlefield because he was too weak and scared to do anything. His dad just had the standards set too high and he had a lot to live up to.

Chi-Chi smiled at Gohan knowing how much he was missing his father "Oh I hope Goku will come back soon. I miss him so much! I hope he's getting enough to eat, wherever he is."

Gohan let out a laugh as he realized it was just like his mom to worry about how much they were getting to eat. No one understood their appetites as much as she did. "I don't think he'd stay there too long if the food was scarce!"

After sharing a good laugh, they went about getting ready for the camera. Keeping Goku's memory alive sure made it easier for them to remember he would be back someday. Gohan had explained to Chi-Chi how the Super Saiyan transformation had made his father seem much more aggressive and how he had told him to leave before he lost what little sense he had left. Like the blood-lust for a fight was taking over him and he didn't want Gohan to see him if, or when, he lost control. Chi-Chi wasn't sure what that meant for Goku and his usual calm and forgiving demeanor but if he felt the need to stay away and train then surely, he was doing it to keep them safe.

Producer: "Alright Gohan we're going to have you go first so you can go back to your schoolwork. Your mother has stressed how important it is that we don't get in the way of your studies. Just take a seat and look at the camera and if we need more information or to go a different direction we'll just ask you questions. Does that sound OK to you?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine!" Gohan smiled. He was really glad this guy was really nice and respectful of his mother's wishes. He had done some research about how reality shows worked and even looked up some behind the scenes videos online at the library to get a better idea of what was to come. He was not excited to start filming after watching the producers or cameramen instigate fights, set up situations people weren't comfortable with to create drama and at times even push people to their limits with what they thought would increase ratings.

Producer: "Great, just go ahead and start when you're ready. Begin with introducing yourself like you would as if the camera was a person and talk about yourself."

"Hello, my name is Gohan," he said to the camera trying to keep his usual happy and friendly self from showing how nervous he was. "I'm 7 years old and I like to study. I hope to one day be a great scholar and maybe get a degree in biology or maybe be a scientist, so I can work with Bulma. She's really smart and I like how happy she gets when she invents something people told her was impossible. She even gave me quizzes and tests to keep my mind sharp while we were headed to Namek. Krillin was really nice to me too. We did some training together as best we could in that ship. It felt like I was making my parents proud of me by keeping up with the things most important to both of them."

Producer: And how do you feel about the other Z Warriors? You haven't spent too much time with a few but what are your opinions on those you have spent time with?

"Well, I don't know Yamcha or Tien too well, but they seemed nice and Krillin said they all at one point were my dad's enemies, but they became friends after fighting and seeing how much my dad believed they were good people. Mr. Piccolo is great! He seems kinda scary at first and he sure is a tough teacher, but he can be really nice. He even gave his life to save me when we fought the Saiyans. Piccolo is my best friend. I even consider him family. My mom is still mad at him for kidnapping me to train for the Saiyans' arrival though. They haven't talked much but she did make sure to tell him she'd find a way to make him miserable for taking me away from her for a full year. I guess she made good on that threat hahaha cause now he has to do this show too!" Gohan and the entire crew laughed at the thought of Chi-Chi making the show his punishment for kidnapping Gohan.

Producer: What about Vegeta? How do you feel about him and his staying on Earth?

"Vegeta is really grumpy and he can be mean, but when we were on Namek he told us what Frieza did to him and his planet. It was really sad to think about. I don't feel sorry for him though, cause he's a real tough warrior, but I just don't like to think about how Frieza made him do things he didn't want to do and took away everything he had to control him. In a way, it's similar to me and Piccolo. Taken from our families and trained, only Frieza was really mean all the time and Piccolo wasn't after letting me learn how to survive on my own first. It must have been tough to live with someone mean and bad hurting you and never having someone to take care of you. I don't think he's ALL bad since he never did anything bad while he was here, except that little fight we had when we first got transported to Earth but I think he was having trouble adjusting to being alive again. Maybe he's planning something and maybe he's not, but I think he's trying to figure out what he actually likes now that Frieza is gone."

Producer: "Thank you Gohan, I think we got all we need from you for now."

"Wow really? That was easy!" Gohan said happily as he got off the chair. He went passed the crew after removing his microphone and towards the kitchen for a snack before he went about doing his homework. This might not be too bad, but he hoped his dad would be OK with it. It was mostly for the money, but it was a nice thought for the world to give credit where its due in terms of who's been saving the world. There was this crazy man on the news after the World Tournament a few weeks ago claiming he single-handedly brought down the Red Ribbon Armyred ribbon army and bragging about how that experience allowed him to win the Championship. Gohan was well aware that it was his dad as a pre-teen that had taken down the Red Ribbon Armyred ribbon army. He had heard the stories when he was younger after his dad tried and failed at convincing his mom to let him train. He guessed that his dad wanted him to know how much good could come from the pain of training and standing up for those who can't fight for themselves. Bulma and Krillin had confirmed the stories he had heard from his dad while they were on their way to Namek. He hadn't believed that his dad was able to take down a WHOLE ARMY! He was much more willing to train knowing he would be able to help people that way too. There was no harm in trying to improve his natural abilities in case he needed to use them, and not to mention flying really made getting around easier.

Producer: "Chi-Chi, if I could get you to sit here and introduce yourself, we'll be done filming for today."

"I have a question though. Why are we only filming introductions and not starting the show?" Chi-Chi hadn't bothered to ask before they agreed how things would work as far as the filming went. She really hoped they didn't intend to write scripts for them or manipulate situations and drama with sleazy editing.

Producer: "Well, with the contract made by Ms. Briefs' lawyers we are doing these introductions as a preliminary episode and showing it to a focus group. If all goes well with that group, then we will begin filming immediately afterward and we'll probably edit down the introductions with some footage of you all going about your lives for the first official episode. The purpose of the focus group screening is so we can make sure this show will be a hit with your fans without the need for studio intervention and to create positive publicity for the studio as well as you and the others."

"Oh, well I hadn't even thought if people would react negatively to our lives, but I suppose that makes sense. Although, I'm sure the ratings will skyrocket after Goku comes back, after all, he's the reason the studio offered us a show." Chi-Chi was now sitting in the chair and waiting for the camera to start rolling. She was hoping their lives without Goku weren't too boring for the viewers. If they didn't get enough attention, then they'd never get enough money to put Gohan through college. Surely Bulma and the others would help keep the show interesting until then. She was, as usual, working on a secret project and with her already established fame as the heiress to the Capsule Corp fortune she was sure to keep the interest of viewers with her long-lasting love affair with Yamcha.

Producer: "The camera is now rolling so you may begin when you're ready."

Chi-Chi cleared her throat and tried her best to sound happy and humble. She didn't want to seem like she was bragging about being married to the strongest fighter the planet had to offer but she also wasn't sure how people would react to her being married to a man of the same alien race that destroyed an entire city upon arrival. Sure, they were able to use Earth's dragon balls to bring it back and all the people that perished but they weren't about to tell everyone about those and just leave people assuming they'd used Namek's. Still, she felt as though people would judge them negatively solely based on the fact that Goku was an alien.

"My name is Son Chi-Chi and I'm married to Son Goku, the Earth raised Saiyan that defended us against the Saiyan invasion. We met as children and Goku had promised to marry me when we were older. After I hadn't heard from him in years I signed up for the World Tournament in order to fight him and remind him of his promise. My poor sweet Goku admitted that he thought marriage was a type of food, but he did ask me to marry him after we had to explain it to him." She chuckled alongside the crew at her memory. She was hoping Goku wouldn't be too embarrassed when he had to face the world after saying that on camera. Knowing him he wouldn't care at all. He was too much of a happy spirit to be embarrassed about such things.

"After we got married, Goku spent more time training around here and less time doing training journeys as he was used to doing. He settled into married life relatively well for someone who didn't know what it was," she giggled. "We had Gohan not too long after getting married and right away all Goku could talk about was how he was going to train Gohan, and how it would be nice to have someone to train with every day once he was old enough. That was the start of a battle he wasn't prepared for. He wasn't expecting me to disagree with him and disagree with him I did! He was almost slaughtered fighting Piccolo at that tournament when we got engaged and I was not about to let him endanger Gohan in such a way. I know Goku loves to fight, I suppose it's the dead warrior race flowing through his veins, but if Gohan could be normal then he should have the chance to become someone successful in a different way. Then Piccolo came along and ruined that for me by training Gohan against everyone's will. HE DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CALL AND TELL ME GOHAN WAS OK! And then Gohan not only wanted to train but DEMANDED that he go to Namek with Bulma and Krillin just to get the dragon balls to bring Piccolo and the others back to life. He felt responsible for Piccolo having to save him during the fight, but he is just a child! He showed some potential one time and suddenly he needed to be a fighter! He's much more like Goku than I had thought he was. He had shown more interest in school than fighting until Piccolo began training him, and after watching him almost get killed by that huge brute of a Saiyan I guess training wouldn't be a bad thing. He was too scared to even defend himself until he got really angry."

"Now, I'd much more prefer for Goku to train him than Piccolo. Don't get me wrong I DO NOT want him to fight any major battles like those again but if he insists on training then he should be able to defend himself since Goku is a trouble magnet anyway - not that I've given Gohan time to train since he got back from Namek. He's way behind in his schoolwork." Chi-Chi felt like she was ranting but they never stopped her from talking. In fact, it seemed like they were all very interested and listening intently.

Producer: How do you feel about the other warriors? It seems like you are mostly around Bulma.

"Well, where there is Bulma there's Yamcha. He seems like the flirty, self-confident type if you ask me. And I do recall a memory from childhood where he told me he was in love with me but that was back in his desert bandit days, so it was most likely he was after something. Bulma and I have become friends because she is, after all, Goku's first friend and she did a lot to help him with his behavior issues. Goku wasn't able to tell the difference between boys and girls after living most of his life in a secluded wooded area with his grandpa. He used to touch people to feel if they had boy parts or not. She straightened him out eventually while they were on their adventures together. As for Krillin, well he calls and checks in on Goku from time to time. Goku isn't the type to stay in touch, he just does as he pleases. He never even mentioned Gohan to Krillin on the many occasions he called, he was as shocked as Bulma and Roshi were the day they met him. Tien seems nice enough but my only encounter with him was at the tournament watching Goku fight. You don't want to get me started on that pervy old man Roshi. Sure, he's respected as a martial arts master but there is a reason none of his students have ever been female. He's only grabby with women he knows but that's no excuse for that type of behavior. I'm surprised Goku and Krillin even turned out alright with him teaching them as children. But I only have gotten to know them all more recently after the Namek drama. Before that Goku had mentioned his friends and adventures but we hadn't seen any of them during the first few years of our marriage."

Producer: And here comes the question I'm sure everyone has gotten today. How do you feel about Vegeta and his staying on Earth and at Capsule Corp no less?

"Well after the damage he did to my family on the day he got here, I can honestly say I'm no fan of that monster! It's his fault Goku and Gohan got mixed up in all that Namek business and dealing with Frieza. He shouldn't have ever sent Goku's brother here to find him!"

Producer: Goku has a brother? What happened to him?

"Oh! I guess no one has mentioned him yet, but from what I was told his name was Raditz. He arrived the day Goku took Gohan to meet everyone at Kame House. That's when they found out Goku was a Saiyan and most likely had brain damage from a fall he had as a child, which made him less violent than the other Saiyans and gave him amnesia. He was sent here and ordered as a child to destroy the Earth but his grandpa Gohan found him after his fall and raised him as his own. Anyway, Raditz was killed by Piccolo who had already encountered him at some point, but he was only able to with Goku's help. Goku was... uh... b-badly injured during that fight and was taken to a private location by Kami, the guardian of Earth, to recover and train in order to stand a chance against the Saiyans."

'Oh Kami! I almost spilled the beans about Goku's death! There's no way I can explain his resurrection without mentioning Earth's dragon balls!' Chi-Chi mentally panicked as she made the mental note to call Bulma and explain her almost slip-up and the revised story she had to make up.

"Raditz had mentioned 2 other Saiyans were listening on his communication device and how they'd come to avenge him. He laughed when he said Goku would die before they got here and there was no one who could possibly stop them. Piccolo mentioned that he knew of a place where he could find the magic balls to wish him back to life if that happened and before we knew it they were on their way here to destroy us and interrogate Piccolo. They recognized him as a Namekian the moment they saw him and knew exactly where to go to find the dragon balls afterward." Chi-Chi sighed mentally at how quick she was able to come up with a new explanation. Great, now she had to teach Gohan this lie in case it ever came back up, so he wouldn't look like a fool bringing up different facts. But then again... he was unconscious when all of that happened so maybe he already didn't know that part of the story.

"Anyway, enough about that! Vegeta can't be trusted as far as I can tell so hopefully everyone has their guards up around him. I'd feel a lot safer when Goku gets back but thank goodness Vegeta isn't here either. He stole Bulma's ship! I just don't know how Bulma can think he's a decent enough person to allow him to stay with her. She's mentioned that he's not as bad as he first seemed but if you ask me, destroying a city and killing thousands of people is a horrible first impression!"

Producer: "Thank you Chi-Chi we got plenty to work with for now. We'll check back in later tonight to let you know when filming will resume. We have the focus group scheduled for a video conference tonight so we better head to Capsule Corp to begin editing."

"That sounds good please let me know if you need anything from us," Chi-Chi replied almost expressing her relief that she'd get some privacy for a few hours to call Bulma and Kame House.

After waving them off and making her phone calls, Chi-Chi forced herself to get her housework done. She didn't want their home to look messy but after bringing up those nostalgic memories of her youth spent with Goku, she was feeling reminiscent. She wanted nothing more than to have lunch with Gohan and look through their old photo albums, but there was so much to do! If they began filming tomorrow she'd never have time to finish her chore list.

******Capsule Corp******

Bulma had just walked into her lab after getting a glimpse of Piccolo's video. She couldn't help but giggle at how he made it sweet and to the point, but no one would expect anything less from Piccolo. Just as she had set down her coffee mug the phone rang. Chi-Chi was sure she had messed things up by making up that fake story of Goku and his brother to cover the truth about Earth's dragon balls but Bulma assured her that this was probably the last they'd hear of it unless it was brought up to Goku and Vegeta when they came back. And then there it was - as expected, "Are you sure Vegeta is even coming back? He has a ship and a whole universe to go where he pleases."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he will. The ship didn't have a full tank of fuel and something tells me he's going to be looking for Goku out there. If he can't find him out there, then the only place left will be to come here and wait for him." Bulma was seriously tired of this question. Everyone kept asking how she can tolerate the mass murderer but there was something about him that made her feel like he needed someplace to call home. A place where he could start over and get a second chance at life, a chance to be more than a man trying to conquer worlds. It was all he knew and if he was forced into it then he certainly deserved a chance to make his own choice for once.

"Well, I'm at least happy with the knowledge that Goku is now strong enough to put him in his place if he tries anything funny. But I hope you and Yamcha are being on your guards just in case. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you guys." Chi-Chi's voice was laced with concern as she pictured Vegeta taking his rage out on Bulma. Sure, he'd probably go for Yamcha first but at least he could put up some kind of fight, unlike Bulma who wasn't even a fighter like Chi-Chi was.

"Don't worry too much Chi-Chi, if he was going to do anything to us, or more specifically me, he would have when there wasn't anyone to stop him. He's not as bad of a guy as he seems, he just needs a chance to prove it, and after his help with Frieza on Namek I think we can try and give him that chance." Bulma was tired of explaining herself when it came to Vegeta, but he wasn't that bad. Sure, they argued a bit, but she could tell he wasn't used to acts of kindness towards him. The first time she cooked for him he was positive she was trying to poison him! Bulma had to let him smell the ingredients as she put them into the dish she was making just so he'd allow her to finish. He only did this 2 more times before he began asking her to make him food and not inspecting every ingredient. She assumed he trusted her after that since he never questioned her motives again. She could remember her mom saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." That apparently worked for trust as well.

"Well, if you're sure I'm in no place to doubt you seeing as how you have already spent more time with him than any of us have. I've got to get back to my chores after I call Krillin, so I'll let you get back to work. I just know you're dug into your lab like a tick," Chi-Chi stated matter-of-factly.

"You know me too well! Talk to you later then!" Bulma hung up and decided she should finish her project soon but then again, she did have a date with Yamcha tonight. After some deliberation, she decided against her work seeing as how she always became too immersed in it and often lost track of time. She opted instead to go upstairs to her huge bedroom where her spa-sized bathroom was and take the time to relax and enjoy some "me time" while she could.

Just as Bulma walked up the stairs from her lab in the basement she heard Yamcha laughing in the living room. 'Well he wasn't gone too long,' she thought to herself. She walked towards the sound of his voice and noticed he was talking on the phone. He was sure on that thing way more than he used to be. Usually, he only used the phone to keep in touch with Bulma during his training journeys and for his baseball business but after being resurrected he's been on it much more often. Bulma began to wonder if he was always on it and she never noticed before, though that thought was way too doubtful considering how observant Bulma could be.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I'll see you this weekend then," Yamcha said as he was hanging up the phone. He hadn't noticed Bulma walking towards him while he was talking. 'Crap I hope she didn't hear too much of that conversation,' he thought as he smiled at her to acknowledge her presence.

"What was that all about?" asked Bulma unable to hide the tone of both suspicion and apprehension in her voice.

"Oh, nothing much I was just trying to get Krillin to spar with me this weekend. He's been nervous about the show and I figured he would feel much better about himself if he got a good workout in to relieve his stress," lied Yamcha. That was not Krillin on the phone and as long as he was faster than Bulma and on his guard, she'd never see it to confirm any suspicions.

"Is he still nervous? I thought he was really excited about this when we first told you guys about it?" Bulma thought back to the couple times they had discussed the show and he always seemed happy to get some fame. Sure, he was nervous about looking like an idiot, but he thought this would help him get some confidence in the lady department.

"He's a little more on edge since he wasn't expecting it to happen so fast but he's coming around. Like I said, a decent spar would do him some good to unwind some of his nerves," Yamcha explained. That wasn't exactly a lie since he had talked to Krillin a few days before and made plans to spar soon, although they hadn't decided on a day yet.

"Well alright, if that's what you muscle heads think will help," chuckled Bulma at the thought of getting punched to help calm nerves. "So, any luck finding Tien?"

"Yeah, he just walked into the confession room," Yamcha pointed towards the hallway where Tien disappeared before Bulma walked up. "He was already on his way over when I ran into him."

"Well, now that he's doing his part I'm going upstairs to relax and get all dolled up for our date tonight." Bulma headed towards the hallway to get to the stairs.

"But our date isn't for another 5 hours!" said Yamcha slightly surprised she was making the effort to really get ready for a night out. It'd been so long since she took a date with him seriously. They had been together for so long that date nights were as casual as nights in.

"Perfection takes time and effort, sweetie!" hollered Bulma as she made it up the first few steps. She was definitely planning on giving Yamcha a wild night when they got home since the threat of cameras were causing her to place 'Soundproof my bedroom' on the top of her to-do list. 'The Heiress is a Screamer' was not a headline she wanted to read in those popular gossip magazines.

Downstairs,s Yamcha was letting out a sigh of relief and deciding if he should take the time to better plan out this date as well. If Bulma was making this type of effort for tonight, then he certainly owed it to her to try harder as well. After sending a quick text to a few different numbers, he went about looking up nice restaurants with romantic atmospheres for Bulma to decide on. Being the heiress to Capsule Corp had plenty of perks, one of which was never needing to make a reservation.

Back in the confession room, Tien was sitting uncomfortably in the chair while the lights, cameras, and crew stared at him.

Producer: "Just relax and introduce yourself. You don't have to get too detailed about your life since your contract allows you to be more of a reoccurring guest than a star of the show."

"I'm Tien Shinhan and I beat Goku at a World Tournament. It wasn't an easy win and was more like I got lucky towards the end, but it was the win that earned my respect for Goku. I was at first doing my share of bad things when I first met Goku and I even broke Yamcha's leg during that tournament but after talking to Master Roshi I changed my perspective a bit. He encouraged me to be different and to take a better path. At first, I didn't want to listen to him but after seeing Goku fight and what he was capable of at such a young age I considered his words. It wasn't until I was fighting Goku and feeling in way over my head at times that I realized maybe what he said had merit. Goku was this strong and quick because he fought to help people and because he enjoyed it. He never used his ability to outright hurt people in order to get what he needed from them. If he could get that strong by being this peaceful, happy-go-lucky type kid then maybe I could learn a thing or two from him. And if I'm being perfectly honest I never did enjoy doing bad things and I have spent a lot of time making amends for my actions. Chiaotzu seemed more than happy to go back and make amends as well."

Producer: And where is Chiaotzu now?

"Chiaotzu is in the area where I normally train. He hasn't been too keen on wanting to improve himself after his resurrection. He reached a peak in his abilities training for the Saiyan fight and he is certain there just isn't much more room for improvement in his telekinetic powers. He wanted to have more of a private and peaceful life now that he has experienced the pain of death."

Producer: And where do you stand on Vegeta? I know you don't want to stay here too long so we'll cut to the question everyone is curious about.

"I don't trust Vegeta. Sure, we all have done bad things and we've been at some point an enemy to Goku, but we all came around to be better people because we didn't truly enjoy the things we had done in the past. Not Vegeta though. He laughed when he told us he destroyed planets for fun. We were able to still watch over the fight after we died and sent to Other World, and I have never seen such a look of pure enjoyment and bloodlust across anyone's face as they killed someone. What was worse about that was he was killing his own comrade. A man that he'd spent most of his life with and he murdered him in cold blood like it was just another part of some sick game. No, I don't think he'll ever change. He's pure evil and shouldn't be here. They should have never brought him back to life on Namek and certainly not brought him here."

Producer: From what we've heard he hasn't done anything wrong aside from stealing Bulma's ship. Do you really think he's not capable of being one of you? You change, why can't he?

"Like I said before, he enjoyed killing people and causing pain and suffering. I never did so it made my coming to the good side easier. There was never any mistrust between myself and the others after our issues were resolved. I even apologized and made amends for my wrongdoings. Vegeta hasn't shown a hint of remorse for what he did. He wasn't even here when we were able to wish back the city and the people he destroyed on his first arrival. I don't think that monster is capable of feeling remorse or any kind of empathy. Bulma should have seen him stealing her ship as an inevitable part of allowing the beast to stay here. She might get it back though. Vegeta seems to have a vendetta against Goku and will probably start murdering again if he can ever manage to beat him. That's probably his whole plan: take out the strongest fighter and kill us all oncenow that no one can physically stop him. One thing is for sure I'm going to keep my distance and keep training, just in case that happens sooner than later."

Tien was feeling a bit heated afterafter having to talk about Vegeta. He really did have the world's biggest grudge against him. He didn't know much about his past and he wasn't sure he'd ever want to hear about the gory details, but he wasn't sure someone like Vegeta could ever change for the better. Even though he secretly hoped he was wrong seeing as how he lived with two of his good friends. Tien took flight back to his training grounds. He needed some stress relief after admitting to hating Vegeta so much.

******Several Hours Later******

It was almost time to start their date and Bulma was still having an issue with her wardrobe. She wanted tonight to be special and she definitely wanted to have some extra attention in the bedroom, but how to dress for both occasions without making the latter obvious to the public? After digging around in the lingerie section at the back of her huge walk-in closet she found a lacey black corset with bright purple trim. The corset was perfect! It was strapless with sewn-in garter straps, paired with a black lacey thong that showed off her firm round ass., She'dshe'd be able to wear black stockings and a slightly modest dress to dinner. She'd feel sexy and confident knowing just what she had on underneath. She hadn't dressed up for Yamcha in such a long time she was sure he'd forgotten how great she looked in lingerie. After slipping on her naughty little secret, she picked out a matching pair of black, sparkling platform heels that would look great with a modest red dress. The dress was a halter top with a flowy collar made of a sparkly version of the same colored fabric, effectively drawing the eye to her perky breasts. The corset did a wonderful job lifting her just right to give the dress a very sexy feel while the dress itself dared to cover the majority of her ample bust. The dress was knee length, long enough to hide her thigh high stockings yet short enough to still be flirty and show off her favorite shoes.

"Perfect," she said out loud at seeing her cute outfit finally put together. The dress wasn't as form fitting as she would have liked for this special date but any tighter and the lines of her corset would be on display for everyone to see. She quickly made sure her curls were in loose and flowing tendrils, like a waterfall down her shoulders, making a mental note that it just might be time for a change in style. Her makeup was done quickly since she didn't need much, just enough to give her eyes a smokey, desirable look to them and the perfect shade of red lipstick to perfect her pouty lips. Jewelry was next but since she wouldn't have time to take it off before Yamcha, hopefully, ravished her at the end of the night she decided on some short dangling earrings and a simple diamond-studded bracelet. "There all done! Looking gorgeous as usual Ms. Briefs!" she said while looking into her full-length mirror in her closet. Feeling every bit as sexy as she looked, Bulma walked out of her room and down the stairs like she was a princess going to a ball to meet a prince. As she swayed her hips, making her grand entrance to the living room, she almost twisted her ankle at the sudden loss of strength in her knees. There was Yamcha, on the phone again, and dressed like in a high dollar suit.

'Since when does Yamcha dress up this much to take me out? Maybe he's actually going to take me someplace fancy!' she excitedly thought to herself. 'Maybe he's been making plans to propose!'. Bulma wasn't one to try and assume things without fully analyzing the situation like she would when having an issue with a project, but the thought of him wanting to take her earlier subtle comment on needing more thought and romance in his proposal made her heart skip a beat! She was feeling like a teenager on her first date all over again!

Yamcha heard the steps of heels walking up behind him and quickly ended his phone call in order to give his full attention to Bulma's entrance. "Yeah sure, I'll call you later when I get a chance," he said in a hushed voice as he tried to hurry and hang up the phone before Bulma was in hearing range. He turned to meet a shy, sapphire gaze and a light blush working its way across her cheeks. Taking her in was like time had stopped altogether. He worked his gaze slowly down her curvy form and back up to a deeper blush now forming on her cheeks. "WOW!" was all he could get out at that moment. "Y-you look amazing Bulma, just absolutely stunning!" He just couldn't get his eyes off of her.

"Thank you," Bulma said while slightly twisting her right foot on the toes of her heel like this was her first compliment ever. "You look great too, Yamcha. It's been a long time since I've seen you in such a nice suit! I really like the small yellow accents you've added." Bulma took in the well fitted black suit with the bright yellow tie and pocket square, and he even added gold cufflinks to keep with the yellow theme he had going. Yamcha gave her a cocky smirk as if she was in for far more surprises.

"Well, I have the whole night planned out, but I hope you don't get too upset with me," said Yamcha. Bulma gave him a very confused look urging him to keep explaining what he meant by that.

"I've got to meet with my agent tonight since the West City Wreckers changed some details to my contract right before the season deadline. I figured we could meet him for a couple of drinks and then have dinner at that new restaurant downtown." Yamcha hoped she would connect his previous phone call to be his agent asking to meet and revise the contracts. Although that wasn't a lie, he didn't want Bulma to know he had actually set up the time for drinks last week and forgot to cancel. No big deal, right? They would do their business and move along with their date.

Bulma was a little aggravated that Yamcha would wait until the last minute to get something important done but she couldn't be too upset since he did dress for a wonderful night. "Well, I guess we can do that as long as it doesn't take too much of our date night."

"Thanks for understanding babe, you're the best," Yamcha smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss on the cheek. "It shouldn't be too long since all we have to do is go over the new details, so I can sign the contract."

As they drove to the bar Bulma tried her best to ignore the constant buzzing coming from Yamcha's pocket. 'Who is constantly texting him at this hour?' Bulma wondered. She wasn't aware of any new friends he might have made recently, and the baseball team members almost never bothered him unless there were practice reschedules or upcoming games, and Krillin sure wasn't THIS needy. At some point, she wanted to ask but felt that prying would destroy their evening. She didn't want to have an argument or any type of uneasy tension in the air.

The evening had started well enough but now it was clear that Bulma was not the center of Yamcha's attention. They met with his agent and cleared up his contract issues but here they were, three hours later and still at the bar instead of having dinner. Yamcha's agent kept bringingbring up sports stats and stories, and Yamcha just kept feeding into the conversation like Bulma wasn't even there! If she didn't know any better she'd say Yamcha was being a little flirty with his agent, but that's got to be a mistake. Yeah, Bulma has had 3 drinks and has yet to eat anything, it HAD to be the alcohol clouding her judgment. Besides it wasn't like her busy mind wasn't tuning in and out of her surroundings tonight.

"Yamcha? Sorry to interrupt you guys and your sports talk but are we still on for dinner? If I drink any more without having some food, you'll have to carry me home." She couldn't decipher the look on his face when she interrupted. If she didn't know any better, she'd say he looked...surprised? Did he seriously forget she was there?

" sorry babe, I just got carried away with Mike. Yeah, we can still head out to dinner, but I think the new restaurant will be closed by the time we get there. Did you have any other place in mind?" This was not good. How could he have forgotten Bulma was there and while on their date?! Bulma was usually just as talkative as he was during his meetings with his agent, yet she had been quiet almost the whole time.

Bulma sighed and tried to think of any restaurant nearby that would still be date-worthy in her opinion. "Can we just go to Chef Yoshira's? It's close by and he'll stay open for me, he's done it before."

Chef Yoshira's was one of Bulma's go-to restaurants. The Chef would even occasionally cater Bulma's parties if it meant being connected to the Briefs family. He had gained all sorts of publicity since Bulma had started going there regularly. It was a nice restaurant with a relaxing atmosphere and all kinds of cuisines from around the world. There was no limit to what Chef Yoshira could do. If you wanted to try it, he would make it.

"Y-yeah we can go there if you're sure that's where you want to go." Yamcha apologized to Mike for having to take off so suddenly and walked Bulma to the passenger side of the car to open the door for her. On the way to Yoshira's once again Bulma heard the unmistakable buzz of his cell phone.

"Okay, what is up with your phone lately? It's been buzzing non-stop since we left Capsule Corp." Bulma was no longer in the mood to try and ignore it. He forgot about their date WHILE they were on it! He was going to have to work a little harder to see her second outfit now.

"It's just the guys on the team. They added me to a group chat so now it goes off every time someone replies. I was gonna read the messages later, so I didn't remove myself from it yet." Yamcha looked over at Bulma half expecting her to explode. "I can turn off my phone if it's bothering you?"

"If you wouldn't mind I'd actually like that a lot. It seems like you've been on your phone a lot more lately and I'd really like the rest of our date to be focused on us." Bulma grabbed her own phone out of her purse and proceeded to shut her phone off as well but noticed the voicemail icon at the top. "I'm going to check this voicemail and shut mine off too so there won't be any distractions."

Voicemail: "Hello Ms. Briefs. This is Steven from the studio. I was just calling to inform you that the focus group screening was a success and we have the green light to start filming tomorrow afternoon. We may begin sooner if the equipment checks go well and don't worry we have already informed everyone at Mount Paozu and Kame House of the news. Have a good night, Ms. Briefs."

"That was the studio. The screening was a success, so we'll start filming tomorrow." Bulma began shutting off her phone and waited for Yamcha to do the same. Yamcha took the cue and pulled out his phone to shut it off. He really hadn't meant to ignore Bulma and he was definitely not going to make that mistake twice. "I guess that means we should make the most of our night then," he said laughing nervously, knowing full well that Bulma was less than pleased with him.

As Bulma expected, they were quickly given seats and were able to place their orders not long after arriving at Chef Yoshira's Yoshira's. ""Bulma, I really am sorry if I ignored you earlier. I just got sucked into all that sports talk and you'reyou're usually not so quiet. Is there something wrong?""

That was not what Bulma had expected. She knew he'dhe'd apologize but he never asked her if something was wrong without spending at least an hour mentally preparing for her possible answer. For some reason, she couldn'tcouldn't stop wondering if everyone was right and Vegeta wouldn'twouldn't be coming back. Then there was the project she needed to finish soon and had yet to work on all day. ""It'sIt's nothing I think I'mI'm just little stressed about how this show is gonna work out. I'mI'm especially stressed about Goku and Vegeta'sVegeta's reactions to all of this.""

""Don'tDon't worry about Goku, as long as the cameras don'tdon't interrupt his training then he'llhe'll be fine. And as far as Vegeta goes, if he doesn'tdoesn't like it he can just take the ship and leave again. That is if he ever even comes back."" Yamcha gave Bulma a side glance waiting for her reaction. She had spent more than enough time defending Vegeta, but also had a bit too much faith in his return.

Bulma knew she shouldn'tshouldn't have brought up the Saiyan but she had been pretty sure he would come back and even informed the studio of it when they signed on for the show. She couldn'tcouldn't help but think things would blow up in her face if he didn'tdidn't show and reacted badly to the cameras. ""Of course, Goku won'twon't care but what makes you think Vegeta won'twon't come back? I'mI'm sure the whole reason he even went to space was to track down Goku. He'sHe's practically dying to know how Goku managed to become a Super Saiyan!""

""Bulma be realistic. Vegeta took off because he doesn'tdoesn't belong here. He probably figured out that he'dhe'd be better off being a homicidal maniac in space where no one would stop him. I mean, Goku defends the Earth, not the entire Universe!"" Yamcha was about to ask why she was even concerned about him when the waitress brought out their food. ''It'sIt's probably best to drop it for now,'' he thought, bringing his gaze down to the front of her dress. Man did her tits look good tonight!

""Well, there'sthere's nothing wrong with hoping to get my ship back. It was the second prototype we had to build, and we didn'tdidn't even get a chance to plan out improvements for a bigger model."" Bulma noticed Yamcha couldn'tcouldn't resist her cleavage. ''This night might not be too far gone after all,' she mused to herself.

The rest of their dinner went better than expected after having that bump at the beginning of the night. It was now almost midnight when they stumbled into Bulma's room completely locked in a heated kiss. Without removing their lips from each other, Yamcha began to pull off his suit jacket while Bulma fussed with the lights. She had purposely set the lighting to a dim setting before she left for the night so flipping the switch wouldn't stun their eyesight. Finally taking a breath, they both made their way across the room to the bed while still groping each other the entire time. Bulma pushed Yamcha to sit down on the bed as she began undoing the buttons of his shirt. She left his tie on while pulling his shirt open so that she could pull him closer for another heated kiss. She pushed him away not long after, so she could step back and give him a show. Slowly she reached her hands behind her neck to undo the halter top of her dress and much slower than before she seductively slid the dress down inch by inch.

Yamcha was about ready to burst through his zipper with the maddening slowness of Bulma's strip tease. Just watching her as she slid her hands down her body to remove her dress and reveal something so sexy he'd thought he'd come undone if she simply touched him, made him let out a strained groan. Bulma hadn't seen the lustful look on Yamcha's face in quite some time. In fact, she wasn't sure he ever looked at her this way. At least not in the last 4 years. She sashayed her way back to him standing in between hisin legs, just far enough away so she could lean down and give him a great view of her breasts as she reached to free him of his pants. Without hesitation, Yamcha pushed his hips forward to slide down the restraints that were his clothes and pulledpull Bulma onto his lap.

"You look so fucking hot babe," he whispered as he kissed his way up her neck. Bulma let out a pleased moan as he finally reached the shell of her ear and nibbled on her earlobe. She loved it when he talked like this. He didn't do it often though. Their sex life had gotten a bit dull after being together for so long that it was more of a routine than an intimate act to show their love for each other. Before she could form another thought he twisted them around so that Bulma now lay on the bed. Yamcha ran his hands up the length of her body to give her breasts a gentle squeeze before slowlyslowing moving back down to feel how wet her pussy was. He was always so gentle with her. Always making sure not to leave a single mark on her porcelain skin. Several times Bulma had asked him to be a little rougher with her but he had always refused. Claiming that in the bedroom was the only time he could truly be gentle after training or fighting or baseball games. She always had secretly wanted him to be more aggressive and take charge in the bedroom. Sure, he was the one to switch up the positions on occasion and even initiate their lovemaking, but he was never the "I'm gonna fuck you raw" type of guy.

He slowly pulled her panties down her legs, so he could get a better look at her wet folds. Running his thumb up and down her center, he gripped himself, urging himself to calm down. It had been a while since he felt this turned on, but he was sure all the drinks had something to do with it. They even had to call a cab home since they were both in no condition to drive. Bulma moaned as Yamcha finally brought her moisture up to her clit and started to rub small circles with a slow, easy pace.

"Oh Yamcha! Right there!" she cried as he picked up his pace. Bulma reached down to grab his hard cock in her hand so she could mimic his pace, but Yamcha moved out of reach.

"Don't I get to touch you?" Bulma complained while trying to contain a series of gasps.

"Not just yet, babe. In fact, I don't think you should touch me at all." Without warning, he flipped Bulma onto her chest with her ass in the air. He then positioned himself at her entrance and slowly slid in.

"That's not fair! *gasp* I-I wanted t-to suck your cock!" Oh, this was definitely doing it for her. He was finally taking complete control of her! "Oh! Oh yeah! Mmmmm Yamcha you feel so good!" she screamed when he finally began thrusting at an even pace.

"Oh, Kami have you gotten tighter?" Yamcha was a little embarrassed to even ask that out loud. When was the last time they even had sex? Had it been so long that he forgot what she felt like?

He began to thrust harder as he reached a hand around to rub Bulma to completion. He was already about to cum any second now! "Faster! Please Yamcha, go faster!" Bulma continued to mewl and moan under him. "Oh shit!" Yamcha yelled as he came hard inside of Bulma.

Bulma felt his erratic pace and asked for him to go faster. She was almost there and then she felt the shot of hot cum flow inside of her. 'Well, good thing for the birth control,' she thought letting out a sigh of disappointment rather than satisfaction. Bulma tried her best not to make Yamcha feel bad. It had been well over a month since they had actually had sex. 2 weeks if you counted blowjobs and getting finger banged under her desk in the lab, which she didn't.

"Did you cum babe?" Yamcha asked trying to steady his heavy breathing so he could actually hear her response.

"Yamcha, if you have to ask then I probably didn't. I WAS really close though," Bulma said honestly. She never felt the need not to express herself when it came to her relationship. If she couldn't be honest with her lover, then he wouldn't learn to please her properly. She always listened as he instructed her on how to stroke or suck his cock when they were teenagers. She even made lots of mental notes of the things he liked and didn't like throughout the years.

"Damn it! I'm sorry babe you just felt too good. It felt like it had been forever since I slid into you." Yamcha felt a little bad but probably not as bad as he should have. After all, it was her crazy schedule these past few months that have made their love life suffer a bit.

"It's OK Yamcha," Bulma sighed again, "I think we need to get some sleep anyway. We start to film tomorrow, and I don't want us to look too exhausted."

"Yeah, you're right," Yamcha agreed already getting comfortable.

Bulma got up and headed to the bathroom to clean herself up, wash off her makeup, and change into some pajamas. She turned the lights out now feeling stressed, exhausted, and unsatisfied. Maybe she'll get a chance to rub one out tomorrow before the filming started. She closed her eyes hoping for at least a peaceful morning alone.

******Author's Notes Again******

Thanks so much for reading! This is my first fanfic so excuse me while I experiment XD hope to you see in the next Chapter/Episode!

Since editing and now having 18 chapters (so far) I want to go ahead and point out that this is NOT canon although it somwhat follows the timeline and some characters are OOC (out of character). Be prepared for some crazy shit. You've been warned XD