A/N: Hello and Welcome to Frequencies! This is an EmmettxOC fic, he needs more love out there in this fandom. I'll "try"(keyword, try) to post this on a schedule, because as of now Pinky Promise is my primary project. However, I have a few chapters of this already written. So I'll be posting once a week until I run out, until then who knows? A pattern you will see from me from my current updated stories and new ones I post is I try to make my characters diverse. As in Pinky Promise Lilith is portrayed as African American, here in Frequencies our protagonist is of Hispanic/Latina decent. Enough rambling from me, as always Review and Enjoy! UPDATE 6/20: Fixed an edited due to a mix up of of protag's name!

Story: Frequencies

Rated: T

Pairings: EmmettxOC, CarlislexEsme, BellaxEdward, RosaliexOC

Summary: Just because she's blind doesn't mean she can't see.

"An eye for and eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

-Mahatma Gandhi


"Do you want to be faster? Stronger? Smarter? Reach above and beyond human potential? Here at EvolCorp we strive to create the next step in human revolution! Our top scientists recently discovered that animals, in all shapes and forms have a leg up when it comes to physical enhancements. From acute sense of smell to being able to see clearly in the dark, animals have always had the upper hand. EvolCorp focuses to reach the pinnacle of human evolvement, by using our state of the art technology we have changed the game of genetic code! Combining animal DNA with the human genome, we made advancements no one else dared to dream of. Soon, the human body will be able to-"

"Annalise, my darling stick close to Mommy."

"But I want to finish the pretty movie!"

"If we stay we're going to be late for your first day of work! We don't want that do we mija?"

A small gasp would reach the on goers on the public floor of EvolCorp. A little girl, no older than the age of six, was grasping tightly onto her mother's hand. Thick, curly locks bounced up and down as the child chattered animatedly to her mother about the day she's been waiting for, take your child to work.

Linda Castillo could not share the excitement her daughter was emitting. The hispanic woman looked down at her child as they made their way through the building. Her green eyes, inherited by her father, were bright and curious, and the big toothy grin on her face could not be deterred. Linda sighed as they made it to a security checkpoint, marking their entrance to scientific division of this company.

"Mommy look! There's Papa!"

Hazel eyes followed the small hand that was pointing to her husband, taking post at the checkpoint in his uniform and all. Dark hair hidden beneath his security cap and the green eyes that he share with his daughter tired and weary. However, his expression eased as he saw two familiar faces make their way through the line.

"Ah, there are my two favorite girls." Hernando Castillo resisted to kiss his wife, they were at work after all, as he took her I.D to scan.

"Look Papa I'm a scientist like Mommy! I have my own lab coat!"

Hernando laughed, rubbing the bearded stubble as he observed his daughter. "I see mi pajarito! Are you going to make the world a better place like your mother?"

Annalise bounced her head up and down quickly as she nodded. Hernando chuckled and kissed the top of her head as he handed back his wife's card. He and Linda's hands brushed together and their eyes met; lingering for a few short moments, a sign of reassurance before they broke apart leaving Hernando to scan the next employee.

"Bye Papa!" Annalise waved.

Soon mother and daughter, along with several other employees with their children, were in a large lab, set up for demonstrations for the young ones. Linda had to sigh in relief, it was just basic work. Showing the kids how animals used their special talents to get around. Bats were in a large tank to one side along with carefully placed holographic info panels to steer the little ones away from the more dangerous parts of the lab.

Linda could find herself relaxing, if only slightly, as she watched Annalise gasp and 'ooo' and 'ahh' at the flying mammals. It was simple, just a few more hours of showing other planned out exhibits and they would be out of here. Safe and sound and away from the horrors that go on a mere twenty feet below them. Linda shook her head, no time to think about that now, one of her coworkers was speaking.

"Now children, did you know that bats use sound to see where they're going? It's called echolocation, they use the frequencies or vibrations in the air to make sure they don't fly into a wall or other bats!"

Linda smiled as she saw her daughter raptly paying attention. She was a smart cookie, her madre would always tease her how her granddaughter would be the next Stephen Hawking. Honestly if she-.

Linda blinked, behind one of the giant informational panels something moved. It was where her workstation was at, near the unstable and untested serums for the experiments. It was brief and quick and Linda was sure it had to be a trick of the light. The scientist let it slide for a moment, blaming herself on nerves.


The familiar telling of cracking vials and beakers assaulted her hearing and Linda felt her eyes widening at the source, there was no way-. She looked back up to try and catch eye contact with her coworkers. Surely they knew something was amiss? No? She would have to take action into her own hands then. Before she could speak up to interrupt the lesson, alarms stalled her speech.

Attention! Aera 5 lockdown in effect! Chemical breach detected!

"Now now children, I'm sure it's a false alarm!"

Parent's rushed to their spawn as the alarms seemed to blare louder, Linda quickly scooped up a scared Annalise into her arms. Someone had planned this, someone had figured out her plans. Linda found herself coughing, familiar with her work and the effects of the now airborne serum.

Attention! Aera 5 lockdown in effect! Chemical breach detected!

"Mommy, I'm scared."

Linda pulled up Annalise's mini lab coat, gesturing her to put it up near her face to block some semblance of contaminated air.

"I know, little one. It's going to be okay."

At least that's what Linda told herself, until she caught whiff of the familiar stench of rotten eggs…

Attention! Quarantine procedure initiated, one minute until start.

"See? Everyone's fine! No need to worry!"

No no no! Linda thought. She knew what they were going to do, she's seen it before.

Attention! Quarantine procedure initiated, thirty seconds until start.

"Anna, my darling, do you want to play hide and seek while we wait?" Linda whispered. She felt her heart break as her daughter grinned and nodded excitedly as if nothing was wrong with the world. With Annalise in her arms Linda made her way to the metallic glass containment that held the bats. Opening the service door, she placed her child inside.

"Now once the counter counts down to zero we'll be sprayed with a cold mist and we can make our way to the next area!" The guide was still going, unaware of the true intents of the countdown. Linda could taste the bile rising in her throat as she smoothed down the dark curls on Annalise's head.

"Mommy! You have to close the door so I can count!" Annalise whispered. A watery laugh escaped Linda as she nodded.

"Of course! How could I forget!"

Attention! Quarantine procedure initiated! Ten seconds til start!


"Close your eyes baby. No peeking."



She shut the door, making sure it was sealed.


Her hands shook as she pressed her hands against the glass.


Annalise's mouth moved signifying her innocent counting.


The other children in the group also counted, but for a different reason.


The smell was stronger now.


She could feel the heat of the flames beginning to form.


Her forehead now rested against the glass, a choked sob coming from her as she braced for the inevitable.


Screams began to start, her coworkers and friends had figured it out.


Green eyes peeked through small hands.