AN: I've been working on various parts of this story for a while, but none of them were in any way in order or anything, just stuff I thought would be cool. Hopefully I'll stick to finishing the first quest at the very least.
Notes: Kissing, Cowgirl, Blowjob, Course language
You have been warned.
Chapter 12
The first thing I could feel as I woke up was the imminent desire to ejaculate and so I did, not knowing what was happening. I tried to focus, but the sun shining in my eyes and the rhythmic creaking of the bed was making it hard to. As my mind took inventory of my body, I finally noticed the monster that was currently on top of me. Waves of pleasure that my conscious mind had not been able to process overwhelmed my senses, leading my hips to jerk erratically, flailing my throbbing shaft in the embrace of sopping tendrils.
"Good morning sleepy head" the soft and seductive voice washed over me, imbuing a sense of calm and comfort throughout my body. I looked at the buxom woman that was riding me, accidentally making eye contact.
That was all the time I had to think before I braced myself to be turned to stone. But surprisingly I didn't. I was shocked, though Medusa seemed amused.
"Why am I-"
"Why are you not turned to stone?" she interrupted, "because- Oh yes! You're so deep!- the cure is my vaginal secretion."
I lay there, thinking, while Medusa continued to pump her tight pussy around my cock. I watched her soft breasts bounce in a hypnotic rhythm as Medusa's bow-legged form fucked me.
"How did you figure it out?" I groaned, feeling her wonderful snatch grip even tighter.
"I've been sexually frustrated for so long that I tried to get some action with the statues, but as soon as my juices got on it, they turned back to normal. Scared the shit out of some of the people again." Medusa hilted me, expertly gyrating to increase the pleasure.
She seemed happy, almost. The stress relieving activity we were doing must have helped her calm down more. It was certainly helping me to calm down. I grunted as I felt myself about to plunge over the edge again. Medusa hissed as hot ropes of cum splashed into her womb. She finally allowed my drooping penis out of her fuck-hole, spreading it open so I could see my cum drip. From the amount of fluids I was drenched in, I figured Medusa had been cumming almost nonstop.
"I'll make breakfast" she pulled me in for one last kiss, her freakishly long tongue surrounding mine while we frenched passionately.
She left the room, naked, swinging her hips. Entranced with her body, I kept staring until she was out of sight. I leaned back, twisting the cylinder on my necklace twice. The huge Monsterpedia poofed into my hands and I quickly flipped to Medusa's entry.
Monster: Medusa
Type: Near-human
Medusa was once a beautiful priestess of Athena, who was cursed by said goddess after Athena discovered Poseidon and Medusa were engaging in carnal activities within her temple. Enraged, Athena transfigured Medusa to have a nest of snakes for hair, and for her gaze to turn beings into stone.
Combat: It is highly advised to not look at Medusa. However, it has been shown that her reflection does not cause petrification. The safest bet would be to use a mirror, lacking that, using an iris message could work. Her claws are extendable, jutting out from sharpened nails, they retract very quickly so one should be wary about their reach. The snakes on her head are not venomous but they inflict painful bites, fangs often breaking off to ensure deep wounds.
Diet: As a former human, she can subsist on the same diet as a mortal.
Power: She can turn people to stone very rapidly if they make eye contact.
She has retractable claws that sprout from her nails.
Able to sense heat radiation in the dark.
Stronger than the average human.
Snakes are able to bite independently of each other and without Medusa's conscious efforts.
Has a longer than average tongue, measuring 18 inches.
Able to reverse the petrification through vaginal fluids.
Breeding: Medusa looks like a female mortal and thus has the same body as one. However, instead of folds, her vagina consists of walls containing thousands of tendrils. Using her unique pussy, she is able to constrict and tighten normally like a person while her tendrils move to give the man even more pleasure. Her tongue is useful in giving tongue jobs as well as being thin enough to not cause pain through massaging the prostate. Her snakes can be used in an unorthodox way to swallow the penis, where the natural muscles will provide a sense of being milked. A sexually frustrated monster, she will use th opponents wariness of her eyes to establish dominance.
Fetish: Blindfold, Blowjob, Femdom
Cup size: 34F
Height: 5' 8"
I had completed her entry and without much trouble. There was something nagging at me at how easy it all was, but I pushed the thought away. Too many times an easy quest was ruined by overthinking. Each little section had pictures, diagrams and videos fit for a child of Athena's blueprints. There were things I didn't even realize she could do, and I began to see the appeal of the book. I tried playing one of the videos, and it showed last night's activities, complete with various camera angles, and enhanced lighting so you could actually see what was happening. I guessed that the book would automatically create an iris video whenever something happened if I was unable to myself. I wondered how Fleecy felt about doing all this work for me.
Thanks Mom
Still sticky from Medusa's girl cum, I gathered a sample and placed it within the book, which somehow managed to write up a new section where I would be able to store trophies/items I got from each monster. Having found out the potential of her love juices, I quickly amassed a sizable sample. However, I was still sticky, so I borrowed the shower, the hot water reinvigorating my senses as the steam vaporized my fatigue. Tossing on my orange camp shirt and my cargo shorts, I walked back down into the kitchen area of the emporium. The musical snaps of oil as the bacon was fired in the pan made my mouth water. The smell was delicious, the kind of scent that reminded you of why the gods asked for burnt offerings.
Medusa was standing in front of the stove, the source of the welcome smell, and also a welcome sight. She was wearing little more than an apron, the single piece of cloth hugging her front while two thin strings came together in a bow resting on her hourglass hips. Even after the morning's activities, I could feel myself starting to drool over her ass, Xavier Jr. called for an emergency redirection of blood. I sat down at the table, eyes glued to her amazing posterior. Each movement was mimicked by the enticing flesh, each wobble and jiggle taunting me.
A few more minutes of the torturous sight in front of me and I couldn't resist myself. I pulled down my zipper, erection springing out, and walked behind Medusa. She was wearing her veil again, which meant she wouldn't be able to see what I was doing. Slowly I placed both my hands on her hips, pulling her slightly towards me so that I was flush against her.
Medusa's breath hitched slightly, betraying the fact that she was waiting for this moment. I grinned, feeling her press her butt even harder against me. My hands trailed up her creamy skin, slipping in between the black apron she wore and cupping her voluptuous chest. I kneaded and massaged the globes in my hand, relishing the delicate balance between the softness and elasticity. Medusa whimpered softly, encouraging me. Just as I was about to bury myself in her moist pussy again, my stomach growled loudly. I paused, remembering myself and extracting myself from Medusa's addicting flesh. I struggled to put my painfully erect member back into my pants as I sat down at the table again.
Medusa did not disappoint. Buttermilk pancakes stacked four high, with a square of butter already melting on the hotcakes, syrup leaving a caramel gold trail. On the side, a bountiful multicolored omelet. A tapestry of reds and greens of tomatoes, peppers, and mushrooms, complete with cheese and hashbrowns all melded together in a single gooey and crunchy abomination. Finally, the main event, layers upon layers of crispy caramelized bacon and thicker pieces of turkey bacon and two sausage patties. Now drooling for a different reason, I eagerly dug in. Medusa watched me, amused.
"Is it good?"
Trying to speak with my mouth full only produced muffled and garbled sounds. Eventually, I gave up trying to speak and simply gave her a thumbs up. She smiled, and I noticed how she seemed to be unused to the action. Though she looked like a human, the way she couldn't quite make her face smile naturally would give her away. But other than that, if one got used to her overwhelmingly paralyzing glare, then they would never know she was a monster. She had her own plate of food in front of her, though she wasn't eating with the same gusto I was. A few minutes into my fevered feast, I watched as Medusa dropped her fork. She hastily slipped under the table to get it.
Soon, I felt hands travel up my thighs as Medusa appeared between my legs. I watched, transfixed as she slowly unzipped my pants, her beautiful face tantalizingly close. I continued to eat, though slower now as I watched my hostess stroke my stiffness for a few moments. She placed my rapidly hardening meat rod on her face, lining my balls up with her chin before licking up slowly all the way to the tip. I shuddered as her hot tongue sent waves of pleasure crashing into my consciousness.
"Oh, gods..." I couldn't stop my moans as Medusa took me between her lips. The sultry monster grinned as she shoved my cock into her mouth inch by inch. Her tongue continued its tireless work inside, coiling just behind the head and stroking independently of her mouth. The sheer pleasure reducing me to a panting mess as I struggled to endure. She continued her ministrations, mouth still slowly inching towards my hips. The Gorgon made special efforts to keep her silky lips pressed tightly against the throbbing veins, while her tongue jerked me off in her wet sheath. She moans a little, one hand cupping my jewels, the other trailing down her body to play with her sopping wet pussy. The noise vibrates through her entire throat and mouth, stimulating me more and I can feel a smattering of precum bubble out. Medusa's eyes widen as her tongue gathers the clear liquid, making sure to spread it across her tongue before gulping it down.
"Such a sweet taste" she purrs, "How about you give me more of your milk?"
My knuckles turned white as paper as I gripped the handles of my chair. Medusa sucked and swirled me, poking the head against the back of her cheek and furiously rubbing it. I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head, hips starting to push forward, greedy for more pleasure. She alternated, letting her throat muscles wrap around snugly against my turgid shaft for a few moments before backing off slowly while her snake tongue tickled my cock gently. I was kept guessing as she mixed and matched her techniques, edging me closer and closer. Half-lidded eyes peeked seductively through her veil, watching my every reaction as she toyed with me, though they hid a fiercely burning lust for my essence, urging her to go faster and faster.
Close to five minutes since she began, I was already losing control of my legs. My hips jerked sporadically, desperate to find release. Medusa hummed with contentment, sending vibrations across my entire member. Her free hands were now fondling my balls, trying to coax out the precious liquid. I grunted, knowing I was about to blow any second.
"Medusa..." I groaned stupidly, as the constant bliss had fried any other coherent thoughts from my head.
The way I said it must have tipped her off on how close I was because she finally allowed me to be completely hilted in her mouth before I ejaculated. For a few seconds, I could see nothing but whiteness as my entire body tensed, releasing a stream of hot cum directly into the belly of the monster sucking my cock. Medusa kept massaging my balls, cajoling them to continue feeding her the delicious, creamy, cum. A few more powerful contractions later, I was spent.
Medusa sighed in satisfaction, "Such warm milk."
My drooping shaft left her warm confines reluctantly. Medusa popped back up on the opposite side. She raised the fork triumphantly over her head and looked at me sheepishly as if she had actually been searching for it. She had a smirk on her face as she looked at my slumped form.
"You're drooling," she told me.
"That was... Incredible..." I said breathlessly, wiping my mouth with a napkin.
Medusa was about to respond when there were knocks at the door. I hurriedly pulled my pants up, catching myself painfully on the zipper more than once before I was successfully clothed again. She hadn't opened her shop yet, so there shouldn't have been anyone bothering us, and it was still relatively early in the morning.
"Who is it?" Medusa called out, her voice coming from an adjacent room. She had rushed off, presumably to actually put on some clothes in case it was a customer.
"Our master has sent us again," said the visitor at the door. Though I suppose bark would have been a better description. The voice was hoarse and dry, more of a coherent cough rather than actual speech. I couldn't quite recognize what could have been making the noise, but just the words themselves sent a shiver down my spine. I didn't want to risk a peek through the window so I rushed to grab my bag, trying to make as little noise as possible. I hid by the stairs, which gave me a clear view at the front entrance through the kitchen.
Medusa glided across the floor, having thrown on a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. She opened the door slowly. Two hooded men barged their way in, though they did so with some stumbling. From my vantage point around the corner, I couldn't see under their hoods. They towered over Medusa, though she didn't seem impressed, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Do we have your promise to contribute?" growled one.
"Drop the scare tactics, it's not working" growled his partner.
The figures faced each other for a moment, then the first one grabbed his hood, throwing it back. He bared his teeth, growling menacingly at Medusa.
Shiny, short dark fur covered the creatures face, mud brown eyes gleaming with malevolence. Pointed ears completed the dog face, though his hands were human. The dog-faced creature stared at Medusa unflinchingly, even when she lifted her hand as if she was going to lift the veil. She was silent for a moment longer before she spoke.
"No, I refuse"
The sea demon let out a noise akin to a confused dog and looked at the gorgon incredulously. The look on his face was so comical I almost laughed, though I caught myself just in time. The shocked telekhine's nose flared as his anger and confusion started to grow. Even under the cloak, I could see he had a burly build, a pure brute force monster. I half expected him to attack Medusa but his partner put his arm out in front of them.
"Snuffles, don't."
That was the last straw. I had never really paid attention to monster interactions, mostly too busy trying to survive and kill them to do so. However, I never realized that in order to blend in and communicate, they would need to give each other names. But a strange looking dog monster named Snuffles like some sort of cute family pet was utterly amusing.
The snort was out before I could stop it. I watched in horror as both pairs of triangular ears suddenly twitched. I placed a hand over my mouth, but the damage was already done. Snuffles' partner lifted his head, a smoke colored snout poking out slightly, shiny black nose pointed to the ceiling.
"Is that... Demigod I smell?"
Oh shit.
Both telekhines whipped around to face me, which was a terrifying sight. I scrambled back from the corner, silently releasing my tonfas. I extended the blades on each end, making heavy stomping noises as I hid behind the corner.
It worked. Snuffles, thinking I had taken to running, had dropped to all fours to increase his speed. He had only just rounded the corner before I leaped forward, thrusting the celestial bronze into the hairy chest of the defenseless telekhine. He melted in a shower of golden dust. However, his partner was still alive, and I whirled around to face him. He was taller than me by a foot, and the normally short, jet black fur associated with his kind had turned into a smokey gray. He must have been older, more experienced.
He growled in anger, as he had just watched me kill his comrade. He lunged with his claws, ripping at my face. I backed away, blocking a few swipes and returning with some slashes of my own. I kicked at his feet, trying to knock him down, but his stubby legs were somehow firmly planted. He crouched low, trying to get below my defenses, only to catch my foot in his snout. He neck snapped back, but only served to make him angrier.
With more ferocity than before, he continued to attack. I dodged left and right, trying my best to not get hit, though a throbbing pain in my left thigh and arm told me I had. But for every cut he gave me, I gave him three more. It became clear who had the upper hand and the telekhine got desperate. He managed to grab me by the shirt, swinging me around with brutal force before flinging me against the wall. The surface caved in, and I felt my body groan in anguish. I scrambled to my feet amid the debris, but much too slowly. A right hook sent me tumbling against a door. The door was open, almost causing me to fall down a set of stairs that seemed to descend down into the underworld itself. I gripped the door frame, using it to haul myself up from the malignant shadows underneath.
He charged again, going in for the kill. I pretended I was more disoriented than I actually was and managed to get a hard kick at his ribs. I felt his bones snap behind the force of my kick and I was treated to the satisfaction as the sea demon coughed up blood. Clutching his broken ribs with one hand, he lashed out with the other, which I intercepted and sliced off before getting kicked myself, tumbling down the stairs into the darkness.