Shane woke up with a start. He tried to move and found that he was tied down to something. He lifted his head but the room he was in was too dark to see anything. There was, however, faint light coming from the candles in a corner of the room.

"You are finally awake," a voice said from his right. He turned his head and saw Marissa. For a brief moment he was glad to see her then what happened the last time he was conscious came rushing back to him.

"Why," he rasped.

Marissa came closer and stood at the edge of the table that Shane was tied down to. She started to run a hand through his hair. "You really don't know what's going on do you," she asked softly. "You are being sacrificed. It's nothing-personal Shane. It had to be someone I love the most in the world and that's you."

Shane again tried to get but the restraints were too tight. "If you love me, why are you doing this?"

"For power Shane," she said. "You are a McMahon. You should know about the importance of power." She leaned down and kissed him on the lips before walking away. "I love you Shane."

He wasn't alone long before the chanting started. He let out a gasp as pain went through his body he blacked out.

The next time Shane awoke he found himself alone again but he was having a hard time breathing. There was something in his throat. He started to sit up and realized he wasn't strapped down. He got up and felt really dizzy. It took him a few moments to get to a wall. He felt around until he found a door. He was feeling a bit of dejavu. As he opened the door, he found himself in a hallway but it didn't appear to be a hotel this time. He stumbled down the hall until he found Triple H and Chyna standing at the end of the hall talking. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.

He found an empty can lying on the floor. He threw it as hard as he could and hit Hunter in the leg.

"Hey!" Hunter yelled as he turned around. "What's…" he stopped when he saw Shane standing there white as a sheet with blood coming out of his mouth.

"Shit!" Hunter yelled. "Go get the EMTs," he said to Chyna as he ran to Shane. He grabbed Shane as he started to slip to the floor.

Hunter was shocked to see the heir apparent. It had been a week since Marissa had revealed herself as the Higher Power. No one had seen or heard from the Ministry of Darkness since then.

Hunter took his shirt off and started wiping Shane's face but the blood just kept coming out of Shane's mouth.

"Shane," a voice yelled.

Hunter set Shane down gently and got into a fighting stance. He relaxed slightly when he saw Vince. Vince rushed to Shane's side.

"Chyna went to get the EMTs," Hunter explained.

Vince didn't seem to hear him as he rocked Shane back and forth.

Hunter looked away. As he looked up he saw the EMTs gathering at the end of the hall. He signaled them over. It only took the EMTs a few moments to get Shane placed on a stretcher. When they arrived at the ambulance Vince hesitated. He wanted to go with Shane but he knew he had to also stay at the show.

"I'll go with him," Hunter volunteered. "I'll make sure the Ministry doesn't pull anything."

"Thank you Hunter. I appreciate it."

Hunter got into the back of the ambulance and it sped off with the sirens going.

Vince watched it drive off and wished he could be with Shane. He went off in search of the Corporation.

Hunter stood in the waiting room of the hospital sipping a cup of coffee. He had been pacing and had just stopped. He hated waiting. They had given him a hospital gown to replace his ruined t-shirt. He had drawn a few stares from the other people in the waiting room.

"Shane McMahon," a nurse called.

Hunter went over to him. "How's Shane?"

"Are you related to Shane McMahon," she asked.

"I'm his brother," he lied.

"Shane's in serious condition. We are trying to drain the blood from his throat but it's not stopping. We aren't sure where it's coming from because there's no evidence of internal bleeding. He is in intensive care.

Hunter wanted to punch something but thanked the nurse instead. "Can I see him?

"Soon. The doctor wants to get Shane settled into his room before he allows visitors. We will let you know when he can have visitors," she said and walked away.

Hunter took his cellphone out of his pocket. He didn't want to make this call but knew he had to.

The phone rang once and he said, "hello Vince?"

Notes: Inspiration finally came for this fic but unfortunately writer's block is still here. Hopefully I'll write the next chapter soon.