So, here I am, with another Naruto x Code Geass crossover, however, unlike some of the past "failed" ones, this one, I hope will be better. It's going to be brutal, so don't complain, you have been warned. Also, this chapter was not beta'd tested. Also, who will be able to guess what Naruto's Geass power is? It might seem OP, but there are some limitations to his power! Well, see yh all later!

It was a cold day; every day was a cold day in St. Petersburg, more so in the Ghetto's of the old city. The old city of St. Petersburg was in a state of more of less in ruins, thanks to the invaders. The once beautiful city stood as the heart, the capital of the Russian Empire, until the events of the February and October Revolution. The once might city that shouted power, industry, business and politics was now a ruined city, designated for Russians to live on. The new city, which was named Sankt Petersburg by their invaders and oppressors, was built mostly around the former Gulf of Finland, away from the old shattered city. The new city served as the capital of their oppressors, a slap to the face if you will.

The events that led up to the destruction and neglect of this once glorious city were the fall of the Soviet Union. After 1995, the Soviet Union disintegrated into small warring factions led by military or political leaders. It was more or less a Civil War. Seeing the opportunity to expand and gaining a strategic position against Europia United, the Holy Britannian Empire invaded the fractured Union. This was a time when Knightmares were in their infancy, so it wasn't an easy war. One would think that fighting individual smaller factions would be easy; giving the size of the Britannian military, but that would not be the face. Each faction fought tooth and nail to defend what was theirs. Heavy fighting left many cities in ruins, and inflected massive losses on both sides, but in the end, the Russian people had exhausted themselves out. They did not possess the military or the industrial capacity that the Soviet Union held.

St. Petersburg was one of the last cities to fall and it was the longest to withstand Britannian assaults. The city and its brave defenders held out for a staggering 3 years. During that time, Britannian air raids, artillery bombardment and support fire had reduced the city into ruins. However, the defenders would not surrender. When they ran out of bullets, they used their empty guns to attack, when their guns were of no use, they used knifes, and when they were rusted, they fought with their fists. The defenders fought to the bitter end and praised. It was the bloodiest of all battles that the Britannian's had fought, losing an astonishing 2 million men to the defenders. Moscow, however, was a different story. Its leaders simply surrendered the city with no resistance. This brought about an outrage against them and was in-fact a battle cry for many in St. Petersburg.

In the end, when the guns had fall quite, the Euro Britannian Empire was formed, a subject and tributary-empire of the Holy Britannian Empire. It was after the horrific campaigns in Russia did the Britannian military sought to reform their command structure, this time centering it on the newly built Knightmares.

"Dame Britannian's..." A blond boy muttered as he shivered due to the cold and edged closer to the small fire he had built. The boy had deep blue eyes and blond hair and was about the age of 10. It had been 5 years since the fall of Russia, since the fall of the Soviet Union. He remembers after all, he was only 5 when it all came crashing down. He saw the city he had grew up in reduced to the ground.

"Big brother, I'm hungry..." A little girl spoke up as he turned to his left to find a very young girl. She was no older than 6 and was huddled with another girl, who was about 5. They were using his jacket as shield against the cold. The boy sighed and looked at them with a smile.

"Don't worry! You can have your big brothers food!" The boy stated with a bright smile as he went through his things and pulled out some old food. It was old, but it wasn't spoiled. He handed it to the little girls, to which the younger one happily accepted it, while the older one looked worry.

"What about you big brother? What will you eat?" The older one asked innocently as the blond boy ruffled her hair a bit.

"Don't worry about me, I wasn't hungry anyways! Tomorrow I'll get you two some really good food!" The boy answered as the two girls nodded with excitement and tackled him in a huge.

"Big brother is the best!" They shouted in union as the boy smiled softly at them. They were so young, so innocent. He balled his right hand into a fist. Why? Why was the world so...cruel? These girls had families prior to the war and now they were orphans. They lost everything from such a young age, lost it all to the ambitions of an empire. He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard snoring. Looking down, he saw the two girls sleeping soundly, as if the bombed out ruins of a building didn't bother them. He smiled once more and pleased them in a make shift bed. He leaned down and kissed their forehead.

"Nii-san will take care of you two." He said, saying the word brother in Japanese. The boy clearly knew Japanese and fluently as well. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the wall next to the bed. He too needed rest; after all, tomorrow would be another day of finding food and other resources for their survival.


Fire, there was fire everywhere. The city was on fire. The pillars of smoke were so dense that the sun was completely blocked out. A lone boy walked through the street aimlessly, as people ran everywhere and anywhere for cover, while the few firefighters still left tried to put out the fire. It was as if hell itself paid a visit to the city.

The blond haired boy wandered aimlessly, as the echo of artillery shells, the sound of gunfire, the shrieking of jets and other aircrafts boomed across the city. However, he paid no mind to it all. The things he had seen...would make a battle hardened soldier vomit. He was clearly traumatized from the experience of war; after all, he was but a child. He kept on walking until he heard someone crying, the crying of a baby. Locating the sound, he found another sight that would forever be engraved into his mind. A baby, many a few months old, was crying while in the arms of its dead mother. He threw up at the sight, the women was completely burned from the back. The baby kept on crying and crying, as if knowing something was wrong.

Steeling his nerves, the blond boy made his way to the child and slowly picked it up with trembling hands. The baby soon ceased crying and was now looking at the blond boy with curious eyes. Those eye...those innocent brown eyes, such innocence in such chaos. A child, no a baby, was the most innocent of all life and yet such life brought to such a cruel world. His hands trembled as he looked at the baby. He then complemented leaving the child, yes, spearing it from such a cruel world would be a far better faith. His started to lower the child, but then he stopped. Tears leaked from his eyes as he saw baby once more. It was smiling, a toothless smile, but a smile nonetheless. The dame broke as he cried and came to his senses. What was he thinking? He was going to leave a baby to die!

"N-No...I won't leave you to die..." He whispered to himself as he brought the baby closer. He spotted a tag on the blanket, the name of the child. Clearing his eyes, he brought the tag closer to read the name, however, the name was all, but lost to him as much of the tag had been burned by the fire . Turing the to the now sleeping baby, he started at it, wondering what to name it. It was a girl.

"Its Christmas today..." He started up at the sky as black snow fell due to the rising smoke. Then it struck him. He smiled lightly and looked down.

"Natasha..." He named the baby, which giggled in her sleep.

Flashback ends:

Opening his eyes, he yawned as he stood up. Looking up at the sky, he noticed that the sun was now rising. Turning towards the girls, he smiled softly; they were still fast asleep, with Natasha, the younger one, holding onto the older girl. Natasha was just a baby when he had found her and he had done everything in his power to make sure that she stays happy. She had brown eyes, and matching brown hair. The older girl's name was Anastasia. She had light blue eyes and blond hair, but her's was light blond compared to his sun kissed blond hair. He had found her a few days after he had found Natasha. Like Natasha, she too had lost her family to the flames of war.

Getting up, he stretched a little, popping some muscles in the process. Once he was fully awake, he walked out to the street. It was rather easy access seeing as how there was a massive hole in the wall parallel to the bed. Stepping into the street, his expression fell. It was the same old bombed out city. The road was filled with creators; the rubble from the buildings alongside the road was stacked up high, forming a sort of artificial hill. Navigating through the city was easy for him; he knew this place like the back of his hand. It wasn't long until he had reached the city limits. He stared onwards, upon the Britannian built city of Sankt Petersburg. A city that the Britannian built upon the land that brave Russians committed the ultimate sacrifice for their people. He hated that city. The Britannian's didn't care if they stole names from cities. While he hated that city, it was the only place to get some decent food for the girls. He had promised them after all.

So, making his way through the overgrown forest covered in snow and the few inhabited run down homes, he stepped into the new city. The area in-between the old and the new city was really now an overgrown forest, on filled with relics of the war, such as tank carcasses.

"Have to find a food market." He thought to himself as he walked through the alley ways of the large city. Unlike the old city, this one had tall skyscrapers, and was much more advanced, well, that's a given. As he tried to find a food market, he came across a pizza store. He nodded to himself, this will do.

"Now then..." He thought as he waited for an easy target to steal some pizza from and as luck would have it, a green haired girl had bought quite a few boxes of pizza and was eating blissfully unaware of him. Seeing that she was a relatively easy target to steal from, he started to walk up slowly to her table. When he was right next to her table, he quickly grabbed two boxes and made a run for it through the ally.

"Stop that thief!" Dammit, just his luck. The policies had spotted him and were now hot on his heels, but he wouldn't give up. He made a promise and he would keep it. He ran as fast as his legs could carry, but in the end he made a wrong turn.

"Well, it seems like you ran out of luck." He heard a female's voice. Turning around, he found that green haired women standing there, blocking his only way out. He narrowed his eyes.

"Look, I don't want any trouble lady; just let me go with the pizza." The blond stated as the women frowned. She then pointed at him

"First off, that is MY pizza, second, why are you stealing my pizza?" She questioned him as took a step back, man; this lady really wanted her pizza back.

"If I tell you, will you let me go?" He questioned her as she thought it over before nodding. The blond sighed.

"I was stealing it for my sisters." He answer simply as the lady raised an eyebrow. Then she took in his appearance. He was in rags, his face had traces of smoke on it, his blond hair was filled with dirt and he had no shoes.

"So, you're a Russian..." She spoke up; it was more of a statement then a question. The blond didn't say anything, but that was pretty much all she needed to know. She then moved to the side, allowing him passage. Seeing this, he quickly ran, unaware of the fact that he had peaked the interest of an immortal witch.

"I wonder...will you hold up our contract?" She questioned herself as she watched the boy ran off into a different valley. He was an interesting child, willing to steal to provide for his sisters. Most children his age just give up in that kind of situation.

Later that night:

The boy sighed, but smiled as he looked at his sisters eating the last of the pizzas he had stolen from that wired lady. Thinking back to it, she wasn't all that bad, she let him pass.

"How did you get this big brother?" Natasha questioned as she munched on her pizza slice. He chuckled, she looked really silly.

"A kind lady gave it to me." The blond stated he didn't want to tell them that he was stealing; it would make them feel bad. The whole day had passed with nothing important happening, at least in the Ghettos. Just as night had fallen, the sound of gunships could be overheard above the old city. The boy looked up and frowned, what did the Britannian's want now? He then saw gunships deploying Knightmare frames. His eyes widened.

"Natasha, Anastasia, follow me!" He stated with no room to argue. Seeing his worried expression, they simply nodded and started to follow him. He led them deeper into the city to some of the larger buildings. These buildings had fallen over, thus creating good hiding places.

"I want you to hide in her, ok? Anastasia, take care of your little sister, it'll be right back." He started as tears started to form in Natasha's eyes.

"Big brother?" She questioned as the blond looked at her softly and kissed her forehead.

"Everything will be fine, listen to your sister, ok?" He spoke as softly as he could, he did not want to frighten her. Then he left to observe, to witness what the Britannian's were about to do. Making his way through the rubble, he hid behind a wall of a destroyed building. Peaking slightly to see what was going on, he saw Britannian soldiers, rounding up innocent Russians. Amongst them were women and children.

"Why are you doing this?" An old man questioned a soldier, but received the butt of a gun to his gut.

"Quite it pig! No get in line!" The soldier yelled, focally pushing the old man to the group of men, all old or too young to put up any major resistance. Then, a commanding officer of the squad of Britannian soldier walked forward, as soldier lined up parallel to the lined up men.

"You are all traitors to the empire! You hide the terrorists, shelter them, and obstruct the authorities! Now those terrorists have attacked the city today again and retreated back here. Seeing as how you won't give up their names, location of their hideout, you are all committing a crime against the empire, a crime punishable by death!" The officer yelled as the soldiers leveled their weapons and fired at the lined up men, executing them all. The children screamed in fear as their mothers held them.

"What are you doing?! We are innocent!' A woman shouted, but she was shot as fast as she stood up by the officer.

"None of you are innocent! You are all traitor to the empire! You're all nothing more than beaten dogs, refusing to obey the empire! Kill them all!" The officer ordered as the soldiers opened fire, massacring the entire group of people, none survived. The boy gasped at the massacre. None were spared, not even the children. All around the old city, similar scenes were occurring. People were being massacred by the Britannian's. Thinking quickly he started to head back to the hiding place, however, he was spotted.

"Halt!" A soldier yelled, but the boy kept running and running until he found himself in a building with a lot of cover, but he knew that soldiers were all around the building outside, waiting for him. He sighed as he sat down, looks like they called in the Knightmares as well. He could hear them outside. He sighed as he sat down. So this is how it ends...

"Natasha...Anastasia...forgive..." He thought, accepting his fate. There was no way out, and the Britannian's would kill him when they found him.

"Giving up already?" He heard a female's voice. Looking up, he found that same women he had stolen pizza from.

"Weird green haired lady..." He questioned as the green haired witch got a tick mark on her forehead.

"My name is C.C." She introduced herself as she approached him.

"C.C.? What kind of name is that?" The boy questioned as she raised an eyebrow.

"Is that coming from someone whose name means fishcake?" She questioned as the boy narrowed his eyes.

"I never told you my name, how do you know it?" He questioned her as she smirked and got down to his level.

"I have my names, Naruto." She answered as the now named Naruto frowned, but didn't say anything.

"I have to say, you don't look Japanese to me." She commented.

"I'm not, Naruto is just my name, and I'm an orphan." He stated as flinched a bit at that.

"I see..." She spoke up as she looked deep down in her eyes. Naruto for some reason didn't look away. Something was calling out to him, but what?

"Do you want power?" She questioned as he thought about her question. Power...with power he could keep his sisters safe, with power he could get out of this situation. Yes, he wanted power...

"Yes..." He answered as she smiled slightly.

"Are you sure? The power is the power of kings." She commented as Naruto nodded. He needed power. Seeing that his resolve wasn't wearing, she nodded to herself and without even telling him, she kissed him. He would have freaked out, had he not been pulled to some strange location. Different pictures, locations and, and memories passed by him.

"Then the contract is sealed." He heard C.C.'s voice as he was suddenly pulled back into reality.

"W-What?" He stumbled. Where was C.C.? However, his question was answered when Britannian soldiers busted through the door. They immediately surrounded him and aimed their gun.

"Look what we have here, a rat." The commanding officer smirked as Naruto's eyes widened, this was it. The officer raised his hand up and smirked.

"Fire!" He ordered as the soldiers opened fire at him. He was going to die; however, he didn't want to. What about his sisters? Without him, they would surly parish in this cruel world.

"No...I will not die!" He shouted in his head, unknowingly awakening the power he had been granted. The bullets came close and closer, but the most unnatural thing happened, the bullets phased through him as if he wasn't there. Naruto's right eye had a red glowing seagull like mark.

"Rat you say?" Naruto questioned as he quickly ran to the nearest soldier, shoving him down, he picked up the fallen soldiers weapon and fired it at the other Britannian soldiers. All the while they fired at him. The bullets kept going through him as if he wasn't there! Before they even know it, they were now under fire and within a few seconds, the boy had killed them all. Seeing that the soldiers were dead, he then phased underground and was gone and he was lucky too as a Knightmare blasted through the wall, only to find dead soldiers.

Somewhere else in the city:

Naruto emerged from the ground and fell down on his knees; he was out of breath and felt tried for some odd reason.

"W-What was that?" He questioned himself as he stared at his hands, then the memory of killing those soldiers came back to him. That caused him to throw up. This was the first time he had taken a life.

"What was that? W-Was that the p-power she gave me?" He questioned as he stood up and started to wobble back to his sister's location. He would deal with this later, for now his sisters were his top priority. This day would mark as the beginning of a legend, a legend that would last through for thousands of years to come!

How was it? I hope it was good. Also, fear not. I have been working on the next chapters of blind Dou and the Expelled Jedi. Once I am done with them, I shall send them off to being beta'd. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Bye!