A detective tale

Chapter one: The detective

Danny Phantom Fanfiction
Danny phantom and all its characters belong to Butch Hartman
This is a work of fiction hope you all like


It was cold and rainy evening in Amity Park, the gray clouds block out the sun as its heavy rain wash away all on the concrete grounds while the strong winds rattle the windows violently of a tall five-story building near the edge of town, from the third-floor window in a pitch-black apartment there is a dark female silhouette whose bright red hair contrasted with her white button blouse which in turn combine perfectly with her black dress pants and black waistcoat, the woman didn't pass beyond her mid-twenties, she leans back on her old leather chair as she enjoyed watching the endless rain just outside her window while she savors a cigar, with bored eyes she soon finishes her smoke.

The room she's in is a rather small living room that kept her large desk with two chairs in front, a couple of bookshelves against the right wall, a small couch with a coffee table in the middle and a few cabinets, a perch, a water cooler and some small necessities here and there, to the left is her kitchen, a very small bathroom and her bedroom next to it. The main door that led into the hallways held proudly a sign that read "Fenton Private Investigations."

With a loud yawn the woman walks over to her small kitchen straight to her fridge soon she was staring into the cold device yet all she could find was a lonely beer can - "it's a little early for that"- said the woman as she returns to her leather chair while she checks her smartphone, the only luxury she still held.

- "Figures... both my fridge and my bank account are both empty."- continued the lonely woman as she recalls not having a single case in nearly three months.

- "It's surprising how fast money runs out,"- thought out loud the red hair detective as her door was suddenly open, yet far from a client it was none other than the private eye's personal assistant.

With a soft smile, the young girl greeted her boss as she asks why was all the lights were turn off, - "hey Sam, sorry 'bout that I kinda forgot to turn it on"- replied the woman as she watches her fourteen-year-old helper put her soaked raincoat on the perch next to the door.

The girl soon walks into the kitchen much as if she had always lived there while tossing her school bag on the couch, the kid was a Gothic perhaps it was just a stage in life. Nevertheless, she did dress far more casual than the regular goths one would find in the streets, the girl dressed with a black and green checkers skirt, a dark tank top that let her belly button be seen and finally a pair of heavy combat boots with purple leggings.

- "Miss Fenton would you like your regular coffee"- questioned the teen as she already started to brew the drink, with a cheerful "sure" the woman answers as she recalls having given up on having the girl call her Jasmine or Jazz, nonetheless since she's her employer there should a line must be drawn somewhere, her eyes where pull back to her phone in hopes someone had sent her an email regarding work, yet as it had been recently, it was empty.

The detective stare blankly at the screen as she recalls a few years ago when she had started her agency, back then her very first client was none other than Sam's father; Jeremy Manson, a local businessman that had more than his fair share of luck for he had made quite the considerable amount of money.

He came to Jazz one day so she could look into a business affair, apparently his partner had been stealing company money, but had no way to prove it with getting involved, but her client also had other ideas in mind.

Since he couldn't use his own people for the job, he needed someone from outside the company, someone without a name, that someone was Jazz. If she were to fail, he could simply deny ever hiring her and said she just wanted to gain a reputation or to even blackmail someone from the company and let her take all the fault.

Yet even Jeremy didn't expect that a young rookie detective like Jazz without any sort of real experience could be so skillful and so resourceful for it only took her less than a week to uncover the whole treachery, she even came to his house with documents and surveillance footage that prove the embezzlement.

That same evening Jeremy had his partner fired and taken to jail for the crime, despite her triumphal debut as a private eye, work was still seldom as they came in one or two cases a month at best, though every now and again Jeremy threw her a "bone" for he felt guilty of trying to use her as a scapegoat in case everything went wrong.

Sam came back from the kitchen as she carefully passes her boss the hot drink as she had one for herself on the other hand, - "Sam I been thinking about closing shop early, well no one's coming or calling"- said the red hair detective.

She had also considered in permanently closing her agency due to her long run without work and her personal debts started to rise, even so, she had been wondering ever since she hired the girl nearly a year ago, why would a rich gal like her be working for a private eye who can barely afford to pay her the minimal, not to mention her punctuality, ever since the first day Sam had been crossing the door at exactly 3:30 pm without fail.

Because of the kid's age Jazz needed her parent's approval something that was unbelievably easy to get especially considering who her mother and father are, - "perhaps they wanted her became more independent"- wondered the red hair detective while she also considers how embarrassing it would be for her to call her own parents to ask for money considering she is a private eye, and there were, of course, the personal reasons as to why she opened the agency in the first place.

Her gothic assistant looks at her with a curious stare as she replies - "well how about we go to that new Cafe in downtown, I'll treat you,"- nonetheless her employer just laughs, as her adult pride wouldn't let her be treated by a teenager she employs.

- "No can do kiddo"- was her answer.

Though it had been nearly a year since the private eye had hired the kid, Sam had proven to more than useful, since she knows her way around computers and had even organized all her case files like a pro, though to be fair they were few now a day.

With pessimistic thoughts Jazz had also begun to recall or better yet to number the many reasons for her lack of work, it wasn't that Amity Park was a safe city much on the contrary it had become one of the most dangerous places in the world due to the abrupt ghost infestation nearly a decade ago, the woman took a long sip of coffee as she looked at her crack ceiling.

- "Well for starters I guess no one wants a woman to investigate for them or to solve their problems after all people still want their private eyes to be like Dick Tracy, big, tough and a total lady-killer." thought the woman as she took another sip from her coffee mug, the one true pleasure she could enjoy without restraints.

- "Secondly and I know this is arrogant, I have a slender body, a face that rivals with any model even without makeup, my breast is medium size and sadly my muscles are almost nonexistent, so I guess I'm far from intimidating much on the contrary one could say I'm very attractive"- continued the woman in thoughts.

She had realized long ago the almost unique risk women in this line of work take, especially those who look like her nonetheless she had forgotten to mention her razor-sharp eyes and almost always angered expression, though her physique may be enticing her angry look made people take a certain distance from her, even if she hadn't notice.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, most of her cases had involved tailing cheating wives and sometimes finding lost children that more often than not were found at the local amusement park trying to get in for free, not that she complains though, work is work after all.

But in the end, she was hoping for more exciting cases, yet after five years in the business she only had a handful of serious cases that involved an involuntary murder, one kidnapping and some other sinister events that push her limits, right now she would settle with another cheating wife case if that brought her a so needed payday.

- "Maybe I should just quit and get married."- continued thinking the woman as she soon shook off the idea while she turns on her computer that held one too many gigabytes of cheating wives' surveillance footage, that might even shy away the most hardcore peeping Tom.

Just above her screen Jazz could see her young helper finishing with the cleaning as she soon took out her own personal laptop, that far surpasses her boss's in many aspects such as price, capacity and much more.

Though feeling somewhat jealous the detective buries her eyes once more on the screen as she let her helper do her homework, while she mindlessly surfs the web trying to find a case she could take or at least some entertainment.

Amity Park had become known as the cradle of ghost for this was the town that fist saw them, to make things worse it was placed where they started to attack and murder the innocents before spreading like a plaque worldwide, in order to respond to this unprecedented horde of evil, governments around the world form their own anti-ghost task forces compose of soldiers, experts in the occult and even "magicians" had been recruited, though these last ones were from an uncertain background.

The many news sites that Jazz was browsing all show the random ghost attacks that had occurred recently in town, "mmm, that lunch lady ghost is at it again... and ghost X too," whispered the detective.

She knew all too well she couldn't offer her services to anyone there since the new government division would be all over it and most likely just kick her away, it was no secret that the newly form division had no idea of how to deal with the ghost menace for all they could do was shoot them with their fancy ecto-rifles until the ghosts left only for it to return some time later.

Even the police often look away from ghost related problems because of the "Division," this kind of situation had brought many "ghostbusters" into town searching for easy money, yet they all learn the very hard way that dealing with ghosts was not like in the movies, rumor was that many of these teams never came back from their hunting once they enter a haunted house, though it remains just a rumor since no bodies were ever recovered, many believe they just ran away.

The room was in complete silence, the only noise was the keyboards keys been hit as Sam was working on her homework while chatting with her online friends, even the heavy rain hardly made any background sounds.

The lack of noise and the scarcely illuminated room made it into a slightly comfortable place, so much that Jazz had started to doze off even after drinking a heavily charge coffee, soon her head tilted to the side with her mouth slightly open, though before she could walk into dreamland, her desk phone started to ring so loud it startled both girls knocking away any sleep in Jazz.

It took the redhead a full second to recover from her drowsiness, - "might be a client"- said the woman with some cheer in her voice, -"hey Sam if it's another cheating wife, we'll go to that Cafe you mention earlier but I'll be paying,"- continued Jazz as she made the bet with her teenager assistant while she held her hand above the phone.

Her friend eagerly answers with, "you're on boss."

Drowning away her drowsiness Jazz quickly answers before whoever was one the other side decided to hang up, "Good afternoon, Fenton Private Investigations, how can I help?"- answered and questioned the young detective as she smiles towards her little helper, who stare at her expectantly but there was a silence that forces the red hair woman to repeat her greeting though this time she got an answer.

- "... May I speak with detective Jasmine Fenton"- said a deep voice. Something was off with the mysterious voice on the phone, up until now no one had ever asked for her by name, not even once.

- "You're speaking to her, let me guess you want me to keep tabs on your wife, right?"- replied the detective as she winks to her Gothic assistant, as she had not forgotten the childish bet both had made.

- "We need you to find someone, can you meet with us today."- continued the voice as he relays the directions to the meeting place.

Jazz's guts told her something was wrong, therefore she told him it would be better if he swung by her office to better check details, yet the man refused and insisted on her meeting with them, the call was triggering far too many warnings in her head, yet her lack of work made it very difficult to refuse.

"So, who do I ask for?"- questioned the redhead but the man remained in silence for a brief moment.

"Ask for Smith,"- that was the last trigger, Jasmine had far too many prank calls in the last year to even take this seriously, she was even stood up once when she foolishly went to a meeting.

- "Sorry mister Smith I don't do things that way, if you want my help came to my office"- said Jazz with a stern voice as she hung up.

Leaving Sam with a surprise expression it was no secret that many people made fun of Jazz, some even look down on her and some more had prank call her every now and again, Sam knew this far too well since part of her job is to answer the phone.

Only a few seconds later the phone rang once again, this time Jazz pick up without saying a single word, she waited for the man to speak first, which he did as he basically orders her to check her bank account, with a few key strikes she open her personal bank account on the computer screen.

- "$20,000, just to meet you"- said the voice as Jazz stare in surprise at the large amount already deposited, she needed the money there was no denying it and to return it would be too much of a hassle.

"Interesting, it seems you are serious about this ... find, I'll see you"- replied the woman as the man hung up on her. Sam couldn't avoid asking about the call not caring for the bet anymore. Jazz looks over to her gothic friend.

- "Well kiddo seems we got work, something big this time. We'll go to that Cafe later" said the detective as she headed to her bedroom while Sam follows her with her eyes and a worried expression, it was rare for Jazz to have such a serious look on her despite her always angry eyes.

Slowly the detective walks over to her closet that was next to the window, from within she pulls out a long black coat, that reaches below her knees and a black gambler hat.

Though she didn't fancy wearing either of them, they were nonetheless gifts from her gothic helper, the kid seems to have a romanticized idea of the private eyes, as she insisted that Jazz should look the part if she wanted to be taken seriously, it was something Jazz seem to doubt, all in all, it did look good on her, both the coat and the hat.

Now "properly" dress as a detective, she turns her attention to the nightstand, from the drawer she pulls out her trusty handgun, a black nine-millimeter Ruger SR9, Jazz had never fancy big guns for she prefers smaller and more compact weapons.

The SR9 had the perfect size for her hands, the recoil was slightly harder than expected, but it had a decent stopping power, a proper fitting weapon in this line of work often meant the difference between life and death, even if she hadn't faced such a situation yet.

The SR9 was tough looking, quite easy to concealed and easy to use, even so she prefers to carry it in a holster on her right hip cowboy style, hidden under her long coat.

To compliment her pistol, Jazz always carried a well-sharpen combat knife hidden on her left ankle and a pair of bronze knuckles in her pockets, as she barely had the strength to cause any real harm to any foe she might come across. Nonetheless, she also did make it a habit to have a notebook, a pen and other small necessities she might need at hand.

Armed and dress for work Jazz walk pass her assistant as she handed the girl the office keys, after a year of loyal work, the kid had earned a certain degree of trust.

- "I'll probably come back late, if you don't hear from me by tomorrow, call Jeremy"- instructed the private eye as she couldn't avoid thinking it might be a setup of some sort, Jazz finally step out her office with an umbrella in hand, leaving Sam alone inside to finish off whatever homework and office work she still had left.


As the detective walk down the hall and made a turn around the corner she could perceive a faint smell of marijuana coming from her neighbor mister Anderson, the poor man was the classic story of a war veteran turn junkie, since he couldn't coup with the horrors of war but in reality, the man had never step in the army less likely a battlefield, he was just a lost soul, lost to drug addiction.

Apparently, he took too many acid trips and was now stuck on the journey, to point he actually believe to have been in some war in a far-off land, perhaps he had been watching a war movie when his brain stops functioning properly.

Jazz felt some pity for the man, he was filthy, incoherent and yet he was always on time to pay his rent, that was something that made the redhead wonder as she questioned the origin from where he got the money from.

Not really wanting to interact with the junkie, Jazz hastily walk pass the apartment as she could hear Anderson talking to someone, - "didn't think he had any friends around here?" questioned the woman as she heard the man reply to himself while he tried to use a different voice.

With that she knew her neighbor was talking no one but himself, at the end of the hallway was the elevator like usual in this rundown apartment building the lift didn't work, it even had a worn-out sign that read, "out of order," begrudging the poor building maintenance, Jazz turn over to the stairs.

Eventually, the detective found herself walking down to the second floor, from the stairs she could hear a couple yelling at each other in the middle of the hallway, these two had been married for years and for years they had been fighting and arguing about the most menial of things to the point that nobody even care to look anymore.

- "hey Jazz tell this idiot he's an idiot for watching that bikini show!"- said the wife the moment she caught a glimpse of the detective.

Both the man and woman were in their late forties, the wife Anna, a slightly fat woman who never wore makeup and dress a rather ugly nightgown in slippers despite the time.

Her husband Carl was wearing no more than his dirty briefs, showing off a large and hairy beer-belly, just like with her previous neighbor, the redhead didn't feel like interacting with the couple, not because of some antisocial attitude more likely because they were all no more than a headache, even so.

- "Come on Carl, you got a nice wife there, you should behave yourself"- said the detective without stopping as she pointed at the man with her umbrella.

- "You look nice today detective."- Replied the man as he saw her go down the next flight of stairs, apparently, he had a crush on Jazz, it was something his wife had picked on and obviously didn't like one bit.

Even on the first floor Jazz could still hear the arguing going on though now her name came up a few times, the ground floor and the first floor both were meant for small offices and small businesses, Jazz couldn't get her agency on either floor yet somehow she managed to convince her landlord to let her have her office in her apartment for the same price.

As she tread to the next staircase she came across a small lawyers buffet, most of her cases come from them, though recently they hadn't called her over, the guys specialize in divorce settlements so they normally call her up so she could obtain evidence on any foul play, these lawyers seem to be more concerned with keeping her personal reputation clean rather than giving her work.

- "I'll talk with them later; I hope they haven't traded me for some macho private eye"- thought Jazz as she walks past their door.

Once on the ground floor, she came across some more offices and even dentistry of ill repute, but the real show here was the landlord's apartment, the man never really cared for anything aside from collecting the rent and his football games.

Just outside his door was his son, Michael, the teen was around the same age as Sam, he was sickly thin and his creepy haircut didn't help improve his style, he always wore the same white shirt with food stains and pair of blue shorts.

Horny teenagers were a normal thing yet this creep was beyond that, young Michael was a disgusting pervert, he always hangs near the stairs to look up at women skirts, there wasn't a single day he wasn't reading some porn magazine or viewing a porn film on his smartphone without caring if someone saw him.

Most if not all tenants avoided him much like one would avoid a mangy dog, he even had the audacity to pretend to fall down just feel up girls when he "fell" on them, unfortunately for the teen when he tried this on Jazz rather than feeling up her ass, he accidentally touches the detective's gun.

The boy paled up as he realized what he was actually touching, Michael was quick to apologize while he also tried to explain that it was an "just accident," yet even after his apology Jazz grabs him by the neck in a tight grip, anger by his constantly lascivious behavior.

The detective looks straight into his eyes and said - "next time you accidentally touch me, I'll accidentally shoot you in the head."-

Michael saw the dead seriousness in her glare, even with the half brain he had, the teen understood she meant business, to this day Michael believes Jazz works for the local mafia and keeps a fair distance from her.

As soon as pervert saw the redhead come near his door, he was quick to disappear into his apartment locking the door behind him, Jazz couldn't help but giggle at his cowardice.

A few more steps and she was out the main door, the moment she steps outside the apartment building she was welcome by the strong cold winds and even colder rain, surprised by the winds that partially lifted her long coat, Jazz held tightly to her umbrella as she also held to her coat's collar.

- "I should have brought an extra coat." She said out loud while she covers herself from the rain under her umbrella.

Jasmine quickly made her way towards the parking lot just a few meters from the main gate, her vehicle of choice was a simple green beetle model 2000, fairly beaten up, she had the car since her high school years.

The vehicle in question held many fond memories for the woman, but unfortunately, its performance didn't hold up to the fondness, for Jazz would have already traded it for something more useful if she had the money, the car burned more oil than it burns fuel, it often broke down on the way and it never started on the first try, just keeping it around was a pain.

After a few tries, the engine finally started to run, - "with those 20 grand I can get a new car... no, I'm getting ahead of myself, better see what these people want first"- though out loud the red hair detective as she drove out of the parking lot.

Jazz wonder if she was walking into another prank call yet one that would be very expensive since she already had the money safely in the bank, while she drove down the street the woman come to a stop at a red light, just on the corner to her right is a small diner with bright lights, a wooden sign and many sweet treats on the display window.

It had a classy touch, even with the ongoing rain, the stench from the street sewers as well as her smoky car she could still smell the sweet bread being baked, it reminded her that she had skipped both breakfast and lunch, her stomach growl forcing her to park next to the shop.

The attendant was slightly taken aback the moment Jazz walk in, she didn't look like the regular customers, her black clothes contrasted awfully with the bright pastel colors on the walls and the cute decorations.

To her left were a few girls that seem to come from money as their expensive clothes were a big give-away, one of them look over to Jazz yet to moment their eyes met each other the teen turn away immediately, scared and worried it might be some sort of burglar, the girls take hold of their purses in a silly attempt of protecting them.

Jazz ignore the attitude of the rich brats as she walks towards the cashier who greeted her with a frightened smile, the woman was around the same age as Jazz though her hair is blonde and unnecessarily busty.

The detective smiles back as she orders a sandwich and a few chocolate donuts as well as a soda, the red hair woman couldn't help but wonder if such a large breast size were a requirement to work here.

As she waited for her meal Jazz notice the place to be rather small just a few tables, no waiters, just the cashier and the cooks in the back yet it didn't seem to lack customers, after a few minutes her order was ready, the blonde girl look at Jazz still worried, yet she calms down the moment Jazz paid her and left the shop.

Without looking back Jazz climbs aboard her beaten up car, once again it took her a few tries to start the engine, as she headed to the meeting, detective Jazz recall why had never enjoyed being in places such as that classy cafe, she always stuck out like a sore thumb, people would always observe her like some wild animal thinking she might go mad all of the sudden, thoughts like this come to her mind as she unsafely ate while she drove down the street.


It took her only twenty minutes to reach her destination, but as a safety precaution she stops her car a block away, from there she could see the house where she was wanted.

It was a three-story high brick manor with a large garden at the front and a garage to its side, surrounded by a tall iron bar fence, at the gate she could see a small guard booth. The place had expensive written all over it, even the neighboring houses seem luxurious.

- "mmm, I don't like this, better get it over with."- said the detective, it wasn't the first time some rich prick tried to get some "special" service from her.

Before leaving the vehicle, Jazz made sure her handgun was fully loaded and ready for action, with a deep sigh she steps out quickly taking shelter under her umbrella, the rain hadn't lightened up in the least, she slowly but steadily walks up to the booth. The guard was quietly reading a magazine completely oblivious of Jazz who was staring at him from the window frame.

- "... Excuse me."- said the woman kindly as she knocks on the glass forcing the man to stand up as fast as he could.

- "The hell you want?"- said the guard in a rude tone while he stares down at the redhead.

Jazz would have pistol whip him on the spot just to teach him some manners and respect but that, of course, would be unprofessional not to mention the guard was a towering two-meter-tall man build like a brick wall and armed with a sub-machine gun.

- "Mister Smith is expecting me, so ring me up"- ordered Jazz as she locks eyes with the man, her unflinching gaze was deadly serious, even though the guard was doubtful he was told someone would come to see the boss today, therefore he took the phone and call the manor.

- "Tell your boss, DETECTIVE Jasmine is here."- continued the red hair woman as she emphasizes the "detective" part.

She could hear the guard saying her name a few times over before following with some random words such as "ok, got it," and "understood," the guard looks at her once more now with a more relaxed look on himself.

- "Someone will be here in a moment"- said the man as he opens the gate letting the detective in, once inside she could see the inside of the booth, it was a small station which consisted of a very simple desk, a locker, a phone and a handful of picturesque magazines with catchy titles such as "guns and boobs."

Putting aside the rude guard and his poor taste in reading material Jazz wonder why someone from such a wealthy house would want to hire her, surely, they could afford someone with more experience and more capability to that matter.

The guard avoided looking at her as he kept his cold hard stare towards the street, soon a brown-haired woman in a maid uniform walk out of the manor, Jazz quickly took notice of her as she came up to her in a graceful walk.

- "Good evening detective, please follow me this way"- said the maid in an elegant tone as she guided Jazz to the back garden.

As one would have expected the house had an impressive pool where the young rich kids would most likely hold scandalous parties, on the other side is what seems to be an outdoor kitchen, the grass and bushes all neatly trim, the many color roses were beautifully bathed with rain.

Before long the maid had let Jazz to a large wooden gazebo, surrounded by roses and neatly trim bushes, within was a round antique table and her host who patiently waited for her.

The brown hair maid did a curtsy after she pointed to the master of the house, Jazz walks into the gazebo but remains at the entry, where she could see an old man with grayish hair standing in the corner wearing a butler suit sporting a mustache.

The man seems to be bored yet attentive as he quickly ready a chair for Jazz in front of the host, the detective moves her head towards the person she assumed had called for her, there she saw an old lady in a fancy and most likely expensive dress sipping some tea from an equally expensive tea set.

"Good evening detective, please take a seat"- said the old woman as Jazz follow the instruction.

Once seated the red hair woman could properly see her host, the old lady was a thin woman clearly in her mid-60s, though her hair was now gray and her face had wrinkled with the years, it was easy to tell she had been quite the beauty in her younger years.

- "My name is Joanna Smith and I need of your help"- said madam Smith as she also apologizes for using one of her employees to contact her.

- "You must understand, I have never needed the help of a private investigator, so I thought you might have not taken me seriously if I had called, though it took two calls... and hearty tip for you to come here,"- continued the old lady as she took another sip of her tea as she also instructed her butler to serve some for her guest.

Jazz took notice on how the madam was playing with her fingers tips around the teacup as she also avoided looking at her in the eyes, it didn't take a master detective to see that the old lady was nervous, even frightened by the red hair woman, after all, Jazz only true intimidating feature are her sharp eyes and scary glare, if one had to say, she had an intimidating aura.

- "My apologies for that but a woman in this line of work tend to get many harassment calls, so I have to be on my guard. Your man said something about finding someone, may I have the details so I can start as soon as possible"- said the detective as she had technically taken the case already.

The lady finally looks at Jazz straight in the eyes as she smiles, almost as if on cue her butler walks up to the table in order to put some files in front of the detective, she noticed they were all police reports, though not the kind you get on public access more like the kind you pay a lot of money for, before opening the first file she saw the worried expression on Joanna's face, making the investigator ask if something was wrong.

- "No, it just that you look so different from what I thought you'd be,"- said the lady as Jazz was taken aback by the answer, even though she dressed her best clothes for this meeting and was on her best manners, so what could have she done wrong to insult her host.

- "I'm sorry it's just that I imagine that you'd been more of an overweight, cocky kind of person, just like in the movies,"- continued the lady making Jazz raise an eyebrow as she had expected this much at least, it didn't surprise her since most of her clients had the image of privates eyes almost from movies.

- "Sorry, it's just that you're completely the opposite of what I was expecting, your thin, tall, well dress, and both your hair and face are so beautiful, if it weren't for this horrible situation I would love it if you would work for me,"- continued the lady with more glee in her voice.

Jazz giggled for a moment as she replies - "thanks, though I'm already working for you, ma'am."- It took a few moments but the lady's name finally kicks into Jazz's head.

- "Joanna Smith? Oh as in Joanna Elite modeling agency,"- realize the detective.

Joanna's agency though still on the rising was well known for making some of the best top models in the city, some had even competed in miss universe thanks to her, though the few that competed rarely mention her agency, the redhead also understood that money wouldn't be an issue Jazz's it wouldn't be the first time some rich guy would claim poverty on her.

- "Mmm, me, a model, that's to laugh about"- thought the detective while she imagines Sam's reaction to the idea.

She also recalls some rather nasty rumors, it was said that Joanna had two gorgeous daughters who follow the family business for they had both became models, yet a few years ago the eldest daughter Sarah was found dead by overdose in a sleazy no-tell motel, at least that was the newspaper read, Jazz finally started to look at the files in her hands.

- "Let me walk you through this,"- said Joanna as she took a deep breath, almost as if she were preparing herself for it, the old lady didn't need to walk Jazz through anything yet it seems that she had to for some personal reason.

-"My firstborn Sarah was the black sheep of the family, she ran with the wrong crowd since young, started doing drugs and met her end by them, but my second daughter Amanda she was my pride and joy, unlike her sister she work hard, eventually she got married and had a beautiful daughter"- said the old woman.

"That's the reason your here, my granddaughter, my little Stacy has gone missing,"- said Joanna as she stood up and walk over to the edge of her gazebo.

From there she could get a better view of her garden were her grandchild often played, Jazz comes across a picture of the girl, she was just a seven-year-old with long blonde hair and astonishing blue eye, the very same that reminded the detective of someone very dear to her.

- "About two weeks ago, my daughter's family went to see a kids' movie that Stacy wanted to see, on their way back they were attacked by one of those hideous ghost things,"- continue the lady with repute and clear disgust towards the ghost.

Such feelings were only natural, as Joanna spoke Jazz came to another picture, now of a wrecked car, it had claw scratches all over, the hood and the driver's doors were missing most likely ripped by the creature.

Unavoidably the detective had to ask why the police wasn't already involved in the search, - "those clowns said it was federal jurisdiction so they can't do anything aside from writing those reports, but those GIW goons had the nerve came to my house and tell me to accept the inevitable, to stop looking,"- responded Joanna with an anger voice, Jazz kinda understood both the lady and police, the cops had no way to deal with the ghosts as for the feds they were just mean bastards.

The red hair detective follows with another question - "where were they last seen?"- yet she notices how Joanna doubted in answering.

- "Well... East Town..."- answer the lady with her back towards the detective.

The woman now understood why the police and even the feds refuse to continue the search for the kid, East Town was a name given to a lost part of Amity Park, one that had been overrun by ghosts and other evil entities many years ago, now a day it was near suicide just to go there at given anytime.

- "I see ma'am, I really hate to say this but East Town is unbelievably dangerous so the chances of finding your granddaughter alive are... well..." Jazz couldn't keep going she knew this would hurt her host more than anything.

The woman had already lost her husband some twenty years ago, now both her daughters were dead, and finally, her grandchild had gone missing, most likely to be found in multiple pieces.

Jazz understood the risk at hand even with her money need, to go searching for a dead kid in the most dangerous part of Amity Park, was out of the question, though before she could refuse the job.

- "Please I'm begging you, help me,"- pleaded the old lady as she turns around and took hold of Jasmine's hand with both her wrinkle hands, her eyes water up.

- "Why me? Surely you can hire someone far more capable than myself, for all I know you can hire a whole team of mercenaries for this job," said the redhead.

Having understood that this case was way above her head, it wasn't that she was afraid or under-skilled, but she didn't feel like throwing her life away, the lady removes her hands while she smiles at the detective.

The rain was finally stopping yet the cold air remained and the sun was still hidden above the clouds, - "there are many reasons, firstly you came highly recommended by people in, let's say my social circles" said the old lady, Jazz knew she was somewhat popular among the rich and elite of Amity Park mostly thanks to Jeremy.

- "Secondly, you had your fair share of missing children cases, even when those wretched ghosts were involved you always found them, always," continued Joanna.

Jazz recall some of her cases in which ghost nannies had abducted children, though to be fair it was more than luck and least than a miracle that she had found the missing kids. Because of the constant mockery from her peers, she had lost sight of her constantly successful cases no matter how few they were.

- "And finally, your parents, they're the best ghost researchers in the whole country, to think that once their work was ridiculed and now praise like the bible of ghost researchers, well because of all that I know that no one came close to you when it comes to these things"- said the old lady.

Jazz had never once advertised herself as a paranormal investigator, the mockery would be unbearable but that aside, Jasmine finally understood that Madam Joanna Smith had placed all her hopes on her after being refused help despite her huge fortune.

- "I understand that what I'm asking for is unreasonable but she's all I have left in the world, I will pay you $100,000 whatever the results,"- continued the lady as she saw the desire reaction on Jazz.

"I'll double it if you bring her back alive, and I'll even throw in fifty more if you kill the ghost that caused all this mess,"- added the old lady with so much seriousness in her voice that threw Jazz aback for a moment as her eyes widen.

- "Fine, I'll take the case, but I need your guarantee that you will accept whatever the results may be, so please don't get your hope up,"- answered Jazz, there was no walking back now, the redhead accepted under certain conditions mainly push by the large amount of money that was offered to her.

Joanna nodded in agreement as she question - "how soon can you start?"-

The detective explains it was far too dangerous to start looking in East Town at night, it was like playing Russian roulette with five bullets. Therefore, she would begin the search with the sunrise, with that said Jazz gave her goodbyes as she was given a small business card with Joanna's personal phone number.

- "Please if you find anything, call me immediately,"- said Joanna.

Soon the detective was escorted to the main gate by the butler, the rain had finally stopped so now the redhead could see the grand splendor of Joanna's mansion, it was quite the sight, tall Victorian style wall with elegant windows and even some balconies, though her sightseeing was interrupted as they reach the courtyard.

- "Please don't let her down, lady Joanna expects much from you,"- said the mustache butler as he handed Jazz a small envelope, the detective walks out through the main gate after assuring the man that she has never once abandoned a case in her entire career.


The night had started to embrace the city as Jazz walk up to her beaten up car, - "another missing kid case, not gonna be easy"- thought out loud the woman as she climbs aboard while she opens the envelope which contain another ten grand.

- "Figures"- continued Jazz as she recalls having realized long ago that the rich and powerful that claim to be the elite of the city only had money, money to buy people with actual power and skill to do what the rich would eventually claim credit for.

Her ride home was a quiet one, the dark streets illuminated only by the street lights, most shops were already closing even though it was just 8:00 pm, mostly due to the fear of the ghosts that started to roam at night.

The only few places that remain open slightly late were some restaurants and shops of ill repute, upon arriving at her apartment building Jazz spotted her local pizza place still open, not really feeling like going to bed on an empty stomach.

Jazz headed over there since no delivery boy in their right mind would be out at this time, unable to stay in the restaurant for obvious reasons Jazz took her dinner back home, on the streets she could see some people who were rushing back to their own houses.

- "Once this case is solved, I should buy a new car"- said the redhead woman as she crosses the main door into the building.

She could hear a football game coming from her landlord's apartment as well as his ranting, probably because his team was losing, the elevator was still out of service, all the offices on the first floor were closed as expected unlike her these workers didn't live in their offices, upon reaching the second floor she could hear her neighbors still arguing though behind closed doors now.

- "Don't they ever stop?"- questioned Jazz as she finally reaches her floor.

Upon coming close to mister Anderson's door she could perceive the strong stench of marijuana - "guess it's always a party with him"- said the woman as she continues while hearing loud music coming from the man's apartment.

The detective was thankful people would lock themselves up early otherwise it would hurt her image if someone saw her walking around with a large pizza box in hand, the woman unlocks her door and re-locks it once she walks in, the place was neatly clean with the exception of her desk, it was the only place Sam never touch, Jazz left her dinner on the kitchen table and quickly walk over to her fridge.

- "Last one, better make it last"- said the woman as she took hold of her last beer can and with a couple of slices in her plate the detective sat down in front of her desk as she started to look over the files trying to understand what she got herself into.

- "The first victim, male, Caucasian, age 40, Steve Appleton, cause of death, decapitation"- read out loud the detective as she saw the pictures of the man, his headless body was still in the car, the report explains about many deep cuts on his body.

- "The second victim, female, Caucasian, age 28, Amanda Smith, cause of death, severe abdominal wound"- continue reading out loud while chewing on her pizza slice.

The photos of Amanda show her lying on her stomach in the middle of the street. The photographs were quite graphic as it shows the woman's intestines scatter around, it seems she had even crawl for a little while before dying, leaving a trail of blood and guts.

- "Not the best reading material to have over dinner"- said Jazz as she got up for more pizza.

- "Poor kid, to lose her parents like this"- thought the detective as she serves herself another slice while she wonders if Joanna had actually seen any of these horrendous pictures.

After thoroughly reading all the files she headed to her bed as she had finally called it a day. The detective wonder how she could approach the situation, East Town is a very dangerous area at night therefore she might have to venture multiple times if she were to find the kid's body.

Jazz had already given up on finding her alive after all no one last more than a day, if Stacy were to somehow have left that part of town, she would have already contacted home by some mean, but two weeks have passed by, it's only natural to think she's already dead.

The detective brushes her teeth and swap into her nightgown, she slowly walks over to her window from there she could see the empty streets, no one dare venture into the night, in between the buildings one could ghostly figures flying around.

Those who could afford a ghost shield or at least a repellent could have a calm and safe night of rest, but those like Jazz had to resource to luck or an anti-ghost gun, soon she turns over to her bed to tuck herself under the sheets, though before falling asleep she took hold of her cellphone setting the alarm at 05:00 am to have an early start.

- "Better contact Sam, she must be worried sick"- thought out loud as she was well aware that her gothic assistant would be more than wide awake at this time.

- "Hey kid, got us a big job, don't worry about anything"- read her message, it took mere seconds for Sam to reply.

- "Thank goodness you're ok, I was starting to freak out"- read the text.

The girl's conversation was brief though Jazz conveniently forgot to mention her mandatory venture into East Town, if Sam would have known of this she would have stuck to her like a leach, in the most kindness way of expressing it, after a few more messages both said their goodbyes, Jazz place her phone on the nightstand next to a picture of a young boy with pitch-black hair and stunning blue eyes.

The detective took hold of it, - "someday I'll find you, Danny, good night... wherever you are".

To be continue