(A/N: IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ. Hello everyone. Before I get started, I would like to give a big THANK YOU to Shancurty Ignacio. Apparently, someone back in 2013 stole my Spirited Away and used it to win the 2013 NaNoWriMo contest under the username TheKittyLove63. She then posted it on WattPad to promote her own stories under the username DanielleJoy25, made a hard copy, and a YouTube video bragging about "her" story. She even tried to hide by blocking me and changing her username to LindyBong23 when I messaged her about the theft, calling me a "lying, trolling b*stard". Well, not to worry, I contacted the site administrators on both sites, provided evidence for my claim, and the appropriate action was taken. Even if it is a fanfiction, plagiarism is still illegal. Anyway, I just wanted to publicly express my thanks to Shancurty Ignacio for informing me, so THANK YOU!
(A/N: Now, onto the main event. I've got a really long chapter for you, but then again, everything has been leading up to this point for a while now. Sadly, it is the last chapter. I'm actually surprised how long this ended up being, and how popular it became, especially under the Crossovers section. So, without further ado, I present the final chapter.)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Chapter 17: Evil's Resurrection
"What do you mean he's still alive?" Yolei cried. "We saw him die."
Kari pointed at the darkness rising into the sky. "Look over there. That's the same thing that happened when he ate everyone's negative emotions."
"Um, guys…" Cody muttered, looking at his hands. Darkness was seeping from his body and rising up to join the rest of it in the air. "It's happening to us too."
He wasn't the only one. Darkness was pouring out of all of them, adding to the sea of blackness in the sky.
TK's fists clenched as he realized what the problem was. "Of course. It's our negative emotions. He mentioned this early on. As long as those that fear and hate him are in his presence, he'll endure."
"So you're saying that as long as any of us are in close proximity to him, FearDevimon can never be destroyed?" Brock asked.
"Well that's just great," Davis grumbled. "What are we supposed to do? Launch an attack to destroy him and then run and hope we get far enough away before he regenerates?"
Magnadramon's eyes narrowed. "It's not just us. Look, we've got an entire town of people that are afraid of him. He's using all of our negative emotions as energy."
Up in the sky, a pair of yellow eyes appeared amongst the darkness and data.
"It looks like he's starting to reform," Ankylomon noted. "We have to stop him, or else we'll be right back to where we were before."
Imperialdramon produced his cannon and held it up. "I'll blast him right out of the sky. Giga Crusher!"
He fired a blast of energy. It flew into the sky, passing straight through the darkness and data as if it weren't even there, exploding in the sky beyond it. FearDevimon's mocking laughter echoed all around once more.
Imperialdramon lowered his cannon. "Drat! It's ineffective."
"I'll attack from up above," said Magnadramon. "Dragon Fire!"
Bolts of energy rained down from up above. However, this too passed harmlessly through the darkness and data, and FearDevimon laughed once again.
"Our attacks aren't working," Seraphimon unnecessarily told them. "It must be because he doesn't have a body for us to attack right now; he's just a bunch of data and negative emotions."
"If we don't do something soon, he's going to fix that problem," Aquilamon replied, noting how FearDevimon's data was becoming less wild and beginning to come together.
"Storm of Knives!"
From out of the data, FearDevimon's feather-knives came flying down, covering a much wider range of area. The Digimon moved to shield the humans and Pokemon as the attack rained down on them.
"What's this now?" Yolei cried. "We can't attack him, but he can attack us? How's that fair?"
"The attacks require a smaller portion of data than a body does," said Ken, "so he can still manifest attacks even if his body hasn't reformed yet."
Above him, Imperialdramon winced as the feather-knives rained down on him. "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe."
The Digimon proceeded to shield them as the feather-knives came down. When the attack finally stopped, FearDevimon's laughter once again echoed through the air. The darkness then began to take form, going from a shapeless mass in the sky to the silhouette of FearDevimon. His data flowed through the silhouette like blood traveling through the body.
"We don't have much time!" Cody shouted. "We have to find a way to stop him before he finishes pulling himself together!"
"Oh, sure," Davis muttered sarcastically. "We'll just run to everyone in town and tell them to stop being scared and to stop hating him. That'll work."
"How about an evacuation," Misty suggested. "Could the Digimon get everyone out?"
TK had had a similar thought, but soon realized the futility of it. "There's not enough time. And even if there was, it looks like he's already gathered enough negative emotions to regenerate."
Professor Stevens looked at his laptop. "Then couldn't we at least send him back to the Digital World?"
Yolei's eyes widened. "Hey, yeah. That will at least get him out of the Pokemon World, and give us a home field advantage."
"Then lets do that," said Aquilamon.
Up in the sky, FearDevimon's yellow eyes narrowed. "Death Drill!"
His drilling beam flew down. It travelled across the ground towards the group. The Digimon attempted to shield the others from the attack again and got blasted back along with Pikachu and Charizard. They had finally reached their limit and DeDigivolved to their In-Training forms, with the exception of Salamon.
"Oh no, what happened to them?" Misty cried.
"They DeDigivolved," said TK. "It looks like the battle was too much for them. They're all out of energy,"
Up above, FearDevimon laughed at them some more as he continued to manifest. A hologram of his actual body began to shimmer around the black silhouette, and a ghostly form became more visible. They knew it wouldn't be long now.
"We don't have a choice anymore!" Brock declared. "Use the Pokemon!"
He tossed out his PokeBalls, and his Pokemon appeared. Misty and Ash did the same, and even Professor Stevens sent out Porygon and Porygon 2.
Ash pointed up at FearDevimon's image. "Everyone, hit him with your best shot!"
Pikachu and Charizard were still down, but the other Pokemon cried out and unleashed a stream of attacks. They flew up towards FearDevimon's image, but, alas, they too passed straight through as FearDevimon had still not yet completely reformed his body.
"It's no good," said Brock. "Our attacks won't hit him until he completely reappears."
"But by then it will be too late," Misty exclaimed. "We'll be right back to where we started."
"Wicked Windstorm!"
FearDevimon's deadly wind picked up. The Pokemon cried out as they were lifted off the ground. Even the giant Onix was carried through the air as the wind's deadly affect pained them.
"Quick, bring them back!" Brock shouted, and he and the others hurriedly returned the Pokemon to their PokeBalls.
As the attack died down, FearDevimon's laughter once again erupted as his hologram started to regain mobility, becoming even less transparent. Ash growled, hoping and wondering for something, anything, to happen to stop FearDevimon's resurrection. "We're almost out of time. We've got to do something, otherwise FearDevimon's going to take over the whole world."
A tug at his pant leg made him look down. Pikachu was there, and he struggled to hold something up to him. "Pika…"
Ash's eyes shined as he looked down at him. "Pikachu…"
Charizard came up beside him. He growled lightly and bent over for Ash to climb onto his back. "Char."
Ash gave him a surprised look. He had thought that Charizard was too tired to keep going. "Charizard, are you sure?"
Ash stared at him for a moment before nodding. He bent down and took what Pikachu had offered him, petting the electric mouse Pokemon's head. "Thanks, buddy."
Misty looked at him as he climbed onto Charizard's back, Pikachu leaping onto his shoulder. "Ash, what are you doing?"
He gave her a determined look. "If I don't make it back, take care of my Pokemon."
There was no time to say anything else. Charizard took to the air, struggling to fly with his injuries and Ash's weight holding him down. FearDevimon's eyes shifted to him as they approached, and a wicked grin crept up his face.
"We've only got one shot at this," Ash told his Pokemon, taking note of how solid FearDevimon's form was becoming. He was looking less and less like a hologram and more like flesh and blood with each passing minute. "If we don't stop him now, it's all over."
"Tornado of Terror!"
FearDevimon's cutting tornado came down at them. All three cried out as they were caught up in the vortex, the blades of wind slicing across their bodies, threatening to cut them to pieces.
As the wind sliced apart his clothes and cut his skin, Ash realized that Charizard wouldn't be able to fly in the tornado, and would only end up getting sliced to ribbons. "Charizard, throw me!" The flame Pokemon glanced at him over his shoulder questioningly. "Just do it!"
Trusting him, Charizard took the boy off his back and threw him and Pikachu up into the air and out of the deadly vortex.
"Pokemon Move: Hidden Power!" FearDevimon cried, firing a series of energy balls in different directions, one flying towards Ash.
"Pika!" Pikachu leapt off his shoulder as they flew through the air. He used Thunderbolt, and the attack struck the orb, resulting in an explosion.
Ash rose up through the smoke, feeling his momentum starting to die down. It was now or never. "Go!"
He threw the MasterBall Pikachu had given to him that had rolled out of the bag of stolen goods Team Rocket had dropped when their balloon went spinning out of control. The MasterBall flew up and went straight through FearDevimon's transparent body. It froze in mid-air and popped open, unleashing a red light that filled the hologram until FearDevimon's body appeared to be made entirely of red light.
The sneer left FearDevimon's face, his laughter replaced by a surprised grunt. The MasterBall began to draw in the red light, and FearDevimon's body began to distort as he was sucked in. A roar emitted from his mouth as he was pulled in, shrinking as he was sucked inside the ball. He fought it all the while, the light remaining in the shape of his head as he disappeared into the MasterBall, wailing as he was drawn inside, and the ball snapped shut on him.
Ash and Pikachu fell to the ground. It was a long drop, and Ash grabbed the electric mouse Pokemon, holding him close as the ground rushed up to meet them. He heard his friends call his name, but there was nothing any of them could do.
Strong arms grabbed him seconds before they hit the ground. Charizard held him tightly as he skidded across the ground, unable to pull out of his dive in time. It left the flame Pokemon with a nasty brush burn, but it was no worse than his other injuries, and he managed to save his friends.
"Charizard," said Ash, looking up at the flame Pokemon. "Thanks for the save."
"Ash! Pikachu!" Misty called as she and the others ran over to them.
Before they could reach them, the MasterBall dropped to the ground in front of them. The button on it was glowing red, and the ball was trembling as FearDevimon attempted to break out.
"The MasterBall," Brock whispered, as if he were afraid that speaking too loudly would cause the capture to fail.
"Where did that come from?" Misty asked, speaking just as quietly.
"Pikachu gave it to me," Ash replied. He looked at the three sacks of stolen goods Team Rocket had taken. "Looks like Team Rocket tried to make off with it."
Brock stared at the trembling ball hard. "Guess we'll find out if the MasterBall works or not."
The ball continued to tremble, back and forth, back and forth. The others watched nervously, fingers crossed, for the capture to be successful. It was their last chance, and they knew it.
The ball shook one last time, and went still. The button stopped glowing, and an echoing click was heard as the MasterBall locked, sealing FearDevimon inside. The capture was successful.
Slowly, Ash stood up. He walked over to the MasterBall and picked it up. Turning to the others, he held it over his head as he declared his victory. "We did it! We caught FearDevimon!"
The others ran over to him, joy and relief written all over their faces. "Ash, you got FearDevimon!" Misty exclaimed.
"The MasterBall really worked," said Brock.
Tears were pouring down Professor Stevens' cheeks. "It was a success! I'm so proud of myself!"
Ash held the ball out. "We all did it. All of us contributed to defeating FearDevimon, even Team Rocket."
Yolei held her hands out. "Just don't go letting him out. He'll kill us on the spot."
Ash smiled. "Don't worry." He pressed the button on the ball, shrinking it down to pocket size. "There, now there won't be any accidents."
TK gave the shrunken MasterBall a hard look. "You know you can't ever let him out of there. We have to make sure he never gets free."
Ash nodded. "Yeah, I know. FearDevimon is too dangerous and too powerful. He'll never accept a human master, or any master for that matter." He handed it over to the blonde boy. "That's why you better hold onto him. You guys have more experience with Digimon than we do."
TK gave him an appreciative smile. "Thanks, Ash. We'll hand him over to Gennai. He'll know what to do. I'm sure he'll keep it safe."
Davis suddenly snatched the MasterBall out of his hand. "Yeah, you hear that, big guy. You're never getting out." He began shaking the ball as if it were a snow globe. "Hello in there!"
Yolei snatched the MasterBall from him. "What are you doing? You don't know how these things work. You want to end up accidentally releasing him?" She pocketed the MasterBall. "Idiot."
Cody eyed the small lump in Yolei's pocket. "Would he even want to come out?" He glanced at the professor. "Didn't you say that PokeBalls simulate the ideal environment for the captured Pokemon? Wouldn't that apply to FearDevimon too?"
Professor Stevens sweat-dropped. "Um, yeah, about that. Remember, I did say that the MasterBall was just a prototype. The environment simulator for it was never finished. He's essentially trapped in a dark nothingness right now."
"Ha!" DemiVeemon laughed. "Serves him right. He wanted to cover everything in darkness, and now he's trapped in it. Poetic justice."
Brock put a hand above his eyes as he looked at the sky. The sun was beginning to shine through the last remnants of the darkness as the black fog faded away. "Looks like our own darkness is lifting."
Upamon bounded up and down. "Yup, all is as it should be."
Professor Stevens turned to him looking him and the other In-Training Digimon, and his notebook immediately came back out. "These are your In-Training forms, correct? I'd love to examine them. Tell me, why are most of you simply heads?"
Minomon sweat-dropped. "Mere moments after an intense battle and we're already being interrogated."
Poromon hovered a little higher in the air. "I think everyone is about to be interrogated," he told them, looking at something in the distance.
They found out what he was talking about a moment later as they heard a familiar siren, and Officer Jenny came speeding up on her motorcycle. She came to a stop in front of them, placing her hands on her hips as she glared at them, most specifically at Professor Stevens.
"Alright," she demanded, "just what exactly happened here?"
The others sweat-dropped, looking nervous. Tokomon decided to be brave and waddled over to the policewoman. "It's ok, Officer Jenny, it's all over now. FearDevimon has been defeated. Your world is safe again."
She raised an eyebrow at the lesser Digimon. "Who's FearDevimon? And who are you?"
"I'm Tokomon, the In-Training form of Patamon, and FearDevimon was the result of Devimon merging with Fearow."
DemiVeemon hopped over. "Yeah, and everything you saw was us fighting him as he covered your town in darkness and fed off everyone's fear and hate to grow bigger and stronger."
Minomon took over. "But we DNA Digivolved to fight him, and with some help from our friends in the Digital World, and from Team Rocket of all people, after they stole from the professor's lab that is, we were able to beat him and trap him in the MasterBall."
Yolei took out the ball containing FearDevimon to show her. "Yup, he's in here. We're going to give it to our mentor, Gennai, for safe keeping."
Officer Jenny looked completely baffled. It was obvious that she hadn't followed much, if any, of what they had said. She reached up and rubbed her forehead as she tried to make sense of their explanation. "Hold on, hold on. You completely lost me. Am I to understand that the threat of Devimon has been neutralized? Just give me a simple yes or no."
Ash chuckled. "Yes, Officer Jenny, we took care of him. He won't be able to hurt anyone anymore."
Her eyes darted to the MasterBall. "So you're telling me he's in that strange PokeBall?"
Yolei smiled. "Yup." She placed it back in her pocket. "Don't worry, we'll be taking him back to our world."
An exhausted sigh of relief escaped the policewoman. "Well, you're the one's with the experience dealing with the monsters from you're world, so I guess I'll leave it to you. As long as he's not a threat to anyone, then it's fine with me. And you," she pointed at the professor, "no more of your experiments! I don't want a repeat of what happened here!"
Professor Stevens chuckled nervously. "Not to worry, officer, I've got a lot of other research to do. I'm intrigued to learn more about Digimon and the Digital World."
"As long as you don't try punching anymore holes in dimensions. Now, as for you," she turned to the DigiDestined and their Digimon, and bowed her head in gratitude, "you have my deepest thanks for saving us. I shudder to think what would have happened if you weren't here."
Davis gave her a thumbs up. "Hey, no prob, copper. It's what we do."
The others sweat-dropped. "Oh, brother."
A look of guilt crossed Officer Jenny's face as she raised her head. "It is because I'm so grateful that I regret making the following request. Now that Devimon has been neutralized, I humbly ask that you take him and return to your world immediately."
Looks of surprised crossed the other's faces. "Immediately?" Cody repeated.
"But that's so rude!" Misty objected. "They just helped save the world."
"I'm sorry," Officer Jenny told them sincerely, "but I am under orders from the chief of police. When I initially informed him of your arrival, and of how you intended to save us from Devimon, he gave me strict orders to see to it that you take Devimon and return to your world as soon as possible. The chief doesn't like loose ends, and he considers having you here in our world to be one of them. With Devimon gone, he wants to get rid of any possible threats or complications. I'm sorry, but we've never had visitors from another dimension before, let alone faced an invasion from one. The chief isn't sure how to handle the situation, and would prefer to just wash his hands of them whole thing."
The others stared in surprise at her request. Ash began to feel insulted on behalf of his friends, and did little to hide his frustration. "You really expect us to just kick them out after they risked their lives to save us? I want to speak to your chief."
A hand fell on his shoulder, and he turned to see TK standing behind him. "Hey, it's ok. We understand."
Kari nodded. "Even in our world, the Real World as we call it, we are still careful about keeping our Digimon hidden. After all the attacks the evil Digimon did, people are sensitive."
Salamon sighed. "I suppose I can understand your chief's predicament. Devimon didn't exactly give your world the best first impression about us."
Ash wanted to object, but he had to admit, he did see the chief's point of view. That didn't mean he liked it though. "But…"
Professor Stevens pushed him away as he looked at the Digimon and DigiDestined desperately. "You can't go yet! There's still so much we can learn from each other!"
Kari sweat-dropped. "Well, you can still learn about Digimon without us here. You did download the Digimon Analyzer, remember?"
"And we've got the PokeDex you gave us," TK reminded him, "so we can learn about Pokemon too."
Professor Stevens had tears in his eyes as he shook his head furiously. "It's not enough! It's not enough!"
Davis slapped him on the back. "Hey, don't worry. This doesn't have to be goodbye forever. We know how to make contact with you now, and we can always come back."
Yolei smiled. "He's right. And who knows, maybe one day our two worlds can correspond normally. But until then, you've got plenty of data to research."
Professor Stevens was openly weeping. "I… I guess…" He wiped his eyes. "Yes, I suppose you're right."
And that was it. Friendships just recently forged now had to head in different directions. Goodbyes were exchanged all around. Charizard put up an indifferent front while Professor Stevens did his best to hide his tears, and failing.
Finally, the time came, and the professor held up the laptop. Davis was about to do the honors of opening the Digi-Port, but before he could say the words, a loud cry from above drew their attention. "Ho!"
They all looked up. Flying, overhead was a bird Pokemon. It somewhat resembled Fearow, only far more grand and majestic. It was mostly red, but numerous other colors were mixed in its feathers. And as it flew along, a rainbow trailed behind it, shimmering in the sky in its wake.
"Ho-Oh," Professor Stevens awed.
The DigiDestined turned to him. "Who's Ho-Oh?" Kari asked.
"A powerful Legendary Pokemon," Officer Jenny told them, also unable to tear her eyes away from the rainbow Pokemon. "It's said that all those it appears to will be blessed with eternal happiness."
DemiVeemon beamed. "Eternal happiness, huh? Sounds good to me."
"Yeah," Davis agreed, as they watched the Legendary Pokemon disappear over the trees, "but where was it when we were fighting FearDevimon?"
The others sighed. Ken shook his head and gave him a look of annoyance. "Davis…"
"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Digi-Port open."
His Digivice reacted with the computer. The Digi-Port appeared on the screen and opened for them, and the DigiDestined and their Digimon were drawn into the computer. The Digi-Port closed and disappeared from the screen. Professor Stevens began weeping once more as he closed the laptop.
Ash patted him on the back. "We're going to miss them too."
The professor shook his head. "No, it's not that. It's just," he wiped his eyes, "I wish I had gotten a chance to study the Digimon before they left!"
The Trainers, even Officer Jenny, fell over anime style. "Well," said Ash, "at least you still have the information they gave you, and the notes you took."
Professor Stevens punched his palm. "You're right. I should work with what I have. There's so much work to do. I need to get started right away." He grabbed each of their hands, shaking it enthusiastically before moving on to the next person. "It was so nice to meet all of you, but I have a lot of research to get started on. I wish you luck on the rest of your journey, and achieving your dreams. Goodbye now."
With that, he disappeared into his lab, slamming the door behind him. The others stared dumbfounded at his sudden departure and dismissal of them; it had happened so fast.
"He's quite the character, isn't he?" Misty asked.
Officer Jenny sighed. "You have no idea. I still worry about what kind of trouble he's going to get himself into." She looked back at them. "But lets see to you guys first. Your Pikachu and Charizard look like they could use a trip to the Pokemon Center. Come on, I'll escort you.
A few hours later, the Trainers were outside of the Pokemon Center. Charizard, Pikachu, and the rest of their Pokemon were all better, and now it was time for another goodbye. Charizard was to return to Charicific Valley while the others continued on their journey through the Johto League.
"Thanks a lot for your help, Charizard," Ash told the flame Pokemon. "We couldn't have done it without you."
"Char," the flame Pokemon replied.
"Say hello to Charla for me," Misty told him.
"And to Liza for me," Brock added.
"Pika, Pika, Pikachu."
"Zard," Charizard nodded to them. He spread his wings and roared, breathing some fire in a showing off display of power. He took to the sky, circling overhead a few times before taking off in the direction of Charicific Valley, somehow knowing exactly where to go.
The Trainers and Pikachu waved as they watched the flame Pokemon disappear. Ash had a sad smile on his face. It was great to see Charizard again, and it was hard to see him go. Too many friends had come and gone from his life today.
"It's a good thing Charizard was there," said Misty. "Without it, we would have been in real trouble."
Ash nodded. "Yeah, I can always count on my Pokemon."
Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder. "Pika."
Brock was taking a look at their map; Officer Jenny had been kind enough to mark it for them since Professor Stevens had suddenly become too busy with his research. "We should get going. We've got a lot of time to make up."
Ash beamed. "Yeah, the Johto League awaits."
They began walking, putting one adventure behind them, and ready to start a new one. But they hadn't gone too far before Togepi started fussing in Misty's arms.
"What's the matter, Togepi?" she asked it.
"Toge, Toge, Toge!" the spike ball Pokemon told her, waving its arms to the sky.
Misty looked up and saw a shooting star. No, it wasn't a shooting star, shooting stars didn't move like that. Whatever it was, it seemed to be coming closer.
"Hey, guys, what's that?" she asked.
They stopped and looked up. The flicker of light was definitely coming towards them, and it seemed to be getting brighter.
"Look out!" Brock cried.
Ash held up his hands on reflex to shield himself. The impact he was expecting did not come, instead he felt something fly into his hand. It was definitely the source of the light because it was lighting up the whole area.
The light slowly died down, and Ash lowered his arms. He looked at what had landed in his hand, and the others gathered around to take a look. He was holding a small octagon-shaped device. They blinked down at it in surprise, not knowing what it was. Since it was a different model, none of them knew it, but Ash now held the type of Digivice used by the first generation DigiDestined. Having only seen the second generation D-3, they had no idea what it was.
"That's weird?" Ash muttered. He held it up, examining it. "What do you think it is?"
"I don't know," said Misty. "I never saw one of these before."
"Maybe it's part of a satellite that broke off," Brock theorized. "Or maybe even some alien technology."
Ash was a little skeptical of the latter. "Well, what do I do with it?"
"I'd hold onto it if I were you," Brock suggested. "It could end up being pretty important someday."
Ash didn't see how, but figured he had a point. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He took off his backpack, sticking the strange device inside, feeling a strange attachment to it. Putting his pack back on, he gave his friends a smile. "Well, what are we waiting for? We've got a long road ahead. So lets get going!"
Narrator: Many strange and wondrous things are waiting to be discovered in the world. And as our heroes have recently learned, there are many other worlds out there just waiting to be discovered. What sort of adventures lie ahead? One thing is for sure, the journey has just begun.
(A/N: Was that ending abrupt? I tried not to make it so, but I really struggle with endings. This one came with a surprise. Ash now has a Digivice? Does that mean he has a partner Digimon somewhere? Who knows? Maybe many years down the line, once Ash has completed his Pokemon journey, he'll be called upon by the Digital World to fulfill a duty. Or maybe he'll never be called upon and his Digivice will just end up gathering dust as a fancy paperweight. Ash has far too many other world saving responsibilities anyway, but as the Narrator said, there are still many things waiting to be discovered. As for our Digimon friends, well, I guess they'll be up to whatever they were up to before Digimon Tri started while entrusting the MasterBall containing FearDevimon to Gennai. And this officially brings my Pokemon/Digimon crossover to an end. It ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would. I hope everyone enjoyed it. Please take a look at my other stories. I'm still in the middle of my epic Digimon novel, and the next story I'm planning is a Moana fic. So if you're a Disney fan, keep an eye out for that, though it may be a while. Here's your last chance to review, so tell me what you think, and I'll see you next time.)