
I continued to stay behind the scenes and provide profiles and research for our company only. I cut ties with the FBI as far as working with them one on one. It was bets to only help the team when the FBI contracted Rangeman as a whole. Our business continued to boom as we landed ore lucrative accounts. We had opened an office in Los Angeles and Tank was currently there getting it going and helping our long term employee Silvio take the reigns.

Last week Morelli pulled me over to give me a speeding ticket and offered to let me go with a warning if I provided him with a service. I laughed in his face. All of our vehicles were wired for sound. I had absolutely no problem turning in the tape to the Chief. Morelli lost his job and was currently serving as a bartender at one of the worst bars on Stark Street.

"I need a fresh bag of peas." Carlos told me as he handed me the now warm bag he had been holding against his crotch. I held back my laughter as I retrieved a fresh bag from the freezer. I knew it wasn't nice to laugh at his pain so I did my best to hold it in. I wasn't used to seeing Carlos actually take an injury seriously. Typically he would still do all of this day to day business without slowing down, he usually ignored the doctor's orders for rest or taking it easy. This time he was following doctor's orders.

"I need one too." Alex demanded

He was sitting next to his father on the couch. Both of them were dressed in a black t-shirt and black sweat pants. Carlos had been home for just a couple of hours after having his vasectomy performed this morning. Alex didn't quite understand what his father was going through but he still wanted to do everything his daddy did. So they were both sitting side by side on the couch legs spread. I brought them each a new bag of peas.

Alex was the spitting image of his father. When he wasn't in school he followed him around every where. The guys had all began to call him little boss. He had big dreams on taking over the company one day. Carlos even had a little desk added to his office where Alex would often sit and color while his father worked. He had also started waking up at the crack of dawn to work out in the gym before school. I thought he would eventually tire of this schedule but it had been six months now and Alex showed no sign of being deterred from his mission of following in his father's foot steps.

Mari came running into the room and jumped up on her father's lap. He let out a sharp breath before pulling her tight against his chest. He let out a deep breath and kissed her forehead. He quickly readjusted her so that she was beside him instead of on his lap.

"Mari! Be careful. Daddy has a boo boo." I scolded

"Boo boo" she pouted

We all looked at the fresh bag of peas Carlos was now pressing against him with one hand. His other was around his daughter. Even in pain he wouldn't push her away.


I heard Sal's 'vroom vroom' noises in the other room and went to check on him. Salvatore Lester Manoso would be celebrating his first birthday in a month. He would be sharing his party with his twin brother Ricardo Joseph. Ricky was currently laying on the floor playing with Lester. They had matchbox cars and were building a track with loops and ramps. Sal was 'driving' each car over to the starting ramp to await their turn. I stayed in the doorway for a few minutes quietly watching their interaction.

I was proud to have my big family. The kids always had an uncle willing to play with them. Lester was still a big kid after all. Still the playboy he had adopted our children as his own. I worried for him because I could see how much he loved his nephews and niece. Being an uncle was easier than being a daddy and he still hadn't found a woman that could tame him and make him want his own children. So he shared all of his love with ours.

Carlos and I were now the proud parents of a three year old boy, a two year old girl and near one year old twin boys. I moved my hand down to massage my swollen stomach. Our second daughter would be making her debut into the world in just five months. We had tried shots, pills and even condoms but it seemed Carlos' super sperm always found it's way to my waiting eggs. I shook my head as a smile spread across my face. Every time the doctor had confirmed a pregnancy Carlos beamed with pride. He wanted a big family. I also suspected there was a part of him that was very proud of his virility.

After checking in on the boys and being reassured they were in the capable hands of their Uncle Lester I headed back out into the living room to check on their father. We had recently decided five children would be enough for us. So this is what prompted my husband's misery as he sat back on the couch still holding his daughter in his arms. I watched him and smiled. I would have never imagined my life like this but it seemed perfect to me now. When we had spoken to the doctor before Carlos' procedure he questioned whether the procedure was reversible. My first instinct was to slap him in the back of his head. Now watching him with our daughter in his arms I thought maybe we shouldn't take it completely off of the table.

It was becoming harder and harder to get back into shape after each pregnancy when I had very little time before I was pregnant again. The day I found out I was pregnant with our second daughter we talked for a long time. As we laid in bed that night confided in him and told him I was worried about my body. I hated to be so vain but I couldn't help it. My husband is a very desirable man. Women constantly came on to him. Being with me or holding one of his children was never a deterrent. This was made worse by pregnancy hormones. I was completely filled with jealousy every time a woman gave him too much attention. I hated how it made me act, but Carlos always chuckled and brushed it off.

That night Carlos assured me I was beautiful to him inside and out. He didn't care if I worked out or had tight abs. He showed me just how attracted to me over and over that night. In the morning he wanted to have another talk. He wanted me to keep an open mind about any other future children but he agreed that for now a vasectomy was the only way to guarantee us both a break. I found myself agreeing to keep an open mind to a possible future reversal in between mind altering kisses. Damn, I loved this man. I would have dozens of children with him. Especially if they all looked like him.

"Have you thought of any names yet Babe?" he asked me

"Well, we used Sal's name, Lester's name, and my dad's name as middle names for the boys. But we already used Abuela's name and your mom's name with Mari. We don't really have any other women close to us. Unless you want to use one of your sister's names." I suggested

"No. Maybe Stephanie." he offered

"No way." I bit into my lower lip.

"Stephanie is one of my absolute favorite names." he smiled

"I have been thinking..." I began

"What is it?" he asked

"Well, I know this is a little weird." I began.

"Try me." he encouraged

"For a middle name how about Vincenta?" I offered

"The Spanish female version of Vince." he stated

I nodded and he smiled.

"Do you hate it?" I asked

He shook his head. "No, not at all. Just don't tell me you are going with a female version of Tank for a first name."

"No. I asked him and he doesn't want the name Pierre anywhere near one of our children. He hates it for his own name." I reminded him.

"Then how about we pay homage to your Italian side and go with Gabriella. We can call her Ella." he suggested

"Oh my God! It's perfect! Why didn't I think of Ella?" I slapped my forehead


There was a knock at the door and then I heard it open.

"Just me." Vince hollered

"We're in the living room." I called back

Vince entered the room and did a double take when he saw Carlos.

"Don't say a word if you value your life." Carlos told him

"Yeah, and don't stare at our crotches." Alex cautioned him.

I laughed out loud and then quickly tried to cover my mouth.

Vince held up both hands "Wouldn't dream of it."

"We were just talking about you. Well we were talking about your name." I explained

"Really?" he was confused.

"We decided on a name for our newest Manoso." Carlos told him

"What will the little angel be named?" Vince asked

"Gabriella Vincenta" I smiled

He crossed the room and held out a hand towards my stomach. He stopped and looked up at my face and I nodded. He reached out and settled his had on my swollen belly. He rubbed it gently. He let out a deep sigh.

"I can't wait to meet you sweet little Ella." he whispered

"How did you know?" I asked

"You two always choose the names after someone important to you." he looked back up at me again. "I'm honored."

I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. He rubbed my back and rested his head on my shoulder.

"We love you. You are family." I assured him

"Thank you." he pulled back kissed my cheek

He moved back towards the couch.

"I don't need a hug or kiss." Carlos told him

"We don't do hugs and kisses except with mommy." Alex added

Vince chuckled.

"Yes Sir." he nodded to Alex.

I couldn't help but laugh. I crossed the room and kissed Carlos, Mari and Alex on the cheek. Mari wiggled out of Carlos' arms and went to hug her Uncle Vince. He bent down and gave her a hug. She kissed his cheek before he set her down. She toddled over to her coloring book and settled at the coffee table. She leaned back against the couch sitting in between her father's legs. Carlos pulled the table closer so that she could color and stay close to him.

I could always tell when he was having nightmares because he would spend more time with the kids. He would take them to the park or work with them in the gym. It seemed like they calmed him and gave him the laughter and happiness he needed to move forward. My nightmares always included Jean Ellen coming back for Alex. When I woke up in a cold sweat Carlos would comfort me and assure me I would never see Jean Ellen again. He had assigned a body guard for each kid but they usually only showed themselves when I was trying to juggle all of them at once. When they were with their uncles the extra guards hung back and only made themselves known if needed. At first I had fought against it but I had to admit after a couple of days it gave me a comfort to know I had someone else backing me up to keep my children safe.

"I came up here for a reason." Vince explained

"Everything okay?" I asked Vince

"Better than okay." he smiled

Vince crossed the room and swooped me up into his arms. He hugged me tightly and twirled me around.

"Hey!" I giggled

"Don't shake the baby Uncle Vince." Mari cautioned him

"Sorry little one. I just got excited." he answered her

He set me down and held his arms out to Mari. She jumped to her feet and ran to his open arms. He picked Mari up and swung her around and she giggled. Finally he set her down and turned to me.

"I just came back from my quarterly visit to the tropical paradise." he explained

"I trust all was well." Carlos interrupted

"Better than well. It seems our guest will be a permanent resident on the island." he smirked as he moved towards Carlos.

"She's buried in her work?" Carlos asked him

"I watched the dirt get piled on with my own eyes." Vince smiled

Carlos reached out a fist and Vince met his with a bump. I let out a deep breath and relaxed. She was gone. Not just out of site but Jeanne Ellen was now completely out of our lives. It didn't take a genius to figure out what Vince was saying. I knew he was trying to tell us in a way that was appropriate in front of Alex and Mari. Vince had been visiting the island every quarter to make sure she was still there. She tried to work but her hand was useless. As a new pretty face on the island she received lots of attention. I never asked Vince for all of the details but I knew she was miserable. While I didn't want the details I often worried about the part of me that was happy about her suffering. Every time I felt myself feeling sorry for her I considered what might have happened if Zaxby got his hands on Alex. All sympathy would quickly disappear.

I glanced at Vince and noticed his shoulders were down slightly. He was relaxed. I smiled at him and he winked at me. This was a relief for both of us. Most of all I hoped it would put an end to his nightmares as well as mine. Our eyes held until he looked down. I followed his eyes. Mari was pulling on the leg of his jeans. He quickly gave her his full attention.

"I practiced." Mari announced

I was confused but Vince knew immediately what she was talking about.

"The jump kicks?" Vince asked her

"Yes" she nodded

"Show me" he smiled at her

Vince got down on his knees and held out his hand as a target. Mari took a step forward and jumped up as she kicked out her leg. Vince groaned as she nailed him right in the crotch. He bent over and let out a whoosh of breath. I headed for the freezer and returned to find Vince sitting on the other side of Alex. I tossed him a bag of peas and he leaned back and pressed them against him.

"I'm sorry." Mari sniffled

"It's okay sweetheart." Vince forced a smile.

"No more kicks." she assured him

"No. No. We can work on them again." he assured her.

"Again?" she asked

"Later. In the gym. You can show me on a pad." he assured her

"Okay." she skipped away smiling

I sat down in the recliner and looked at the three males on the couch. Both Vince and Carlos had their heads back against the cushion face pointed to the ceiling. Alex looked left and right before he pulled the peas away from his crotch. He shivered and set them on the cushion in front of him. I gave him a smile and a wink. He slowly got up and went towards his room. He quickly returned with his Ipad and wiggled back into his seat.

I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. I thought back to when I first met Carlos. How he had pushed me and Carl's bike out of the street before I got hit by the car. My whole life this man had saved my life over and over. Our anniversary was coming up and last night as we laid in bed I reminded him of how we first met. I thanked him for all that he had done for me over the years.

When he spoke to me softly I didn't argue. He told me how I had saved him. From the time my father got him released into his Grandmother's care in Miami to the way I stood by him during his Army career. He told me stories about men who were abandoned by their women while they were serving. He chilled me with stories of men who were hardened by their time without love in their life. How some men lived with constant blank faces and thoughts of their live not being conducive to relationships.

He made me feel proud and honored. I was humbled to know my love helped him stay strong during his time in the Army. I reminded him of how his love empowered me to pursue my own education and career. If someone would have told me that I would meet the man of my dreams when I was two years old I would never have believed them. If anyone told me that I would be married at the age of twenty-two to the only man I had ever kissed I wouldn't have believed it.

Now here I was. A happily married wife and mother. My career was fulfilling. My life was content. I was surrounded by friends and family who loved me. I had a father and brother who supported me and accepted me for all that I am. I had a best friend who would do anything for me and my children. I had it all. There had been ups and downs and I was sure there would be more to come. I didn't know what my future would hold but I knew with Carlos and my family everything would work out.

I opened my eyes and sat up when I heard the steps of someone moving towards me. Carlos was standing in front of me. I quickly got to my feet and he wrapped his arms around me.

"What has you smiling like that Babe?" he asked before he kissed my neck

"You. My family. Our future." I admitted

"Deep thoughts." he whispered before he kissed me again.

"Don't start something you can't finish." I nuzzled his neck.

"There are other ways to make sure you finish." he pulled back.

He had a smile across his face as he reached both hands into my hair. He pulled me to him and kissed me. The kiss started off soft and sweet but when I parted my mouth his tongue plunged deep inside. I heard myself moan as he deepened the kiss.

"Hey! I'm still here." Vince announced.

"They do this all of the time." Alex told him

I pulled away from Carlos and laughed as I buried my head into his chest.

"How the hell can you even think of that when you are in pain?" Vince asked him

"Have you seen my wife? She is beyond beautiful." he told him.

He was speaking to Vince but he gently lifted my chin to look into my eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. We all know she's hot but man you need to give it a rest." Vince chuckled

"Again?" Lester asked as he entered the room

"Lester." I whined

"Seriously? You two are not normal." he shook his head.

Carlos pulled away but kept an arm around my waist.. He pulled me against him and kissed my temple.

"We are trying to set a good example of a healthy relationship for all of our children." he told them.

"Yeah I know." Lester rolled his eyes. "You two are the reason I can't find the right women."

"What?" I asked him

"I want what you two have. I'm not going to settle for less." he informed us

"Good. You will find the one Lester." I nodded

"Maybe if you would have hired that last nanny you interviewed." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"She was an ex-pole dancer." I shook my head

"Yeah but..." he let out a whistle.

"You don't need a nanny. You have us." Vince smiled as he got to his feet.

"That's why we ended up not hiring any." I winked at him.

He crossed the room and kissed me on the cheek.

"Tell Mari I'll be up to get her after lunch. I need time to eat and put my cup on." he explained

I chuckled and felt Carlos' chest rumble next to me with his silent laughter.

"See ya later." Vince headed for the door.

"What happened to him?" Lester asked

"Mari was showing off her knew jump kick." Carlos explained

"She got Uncle Vince right in the balls." Alex chuckled

"Alex!" I chided him.

"What? We have balls. Dad says you don't have balls. Uncle Lester said sometimes you carry Dad's balls in your purse. I didn't know they could come off." Alex shrugged

I glared at Lester and felt Carlos growl next to me.

"It was just a joke." Lester held up both hands.

"They don't come off?" Alex asked

"No little Boss. They don't come off." Lester looked down

"You'r so weird." Alex shook his head

Carlos laughed out loud that time.

"Maybe I should try to see if your will fit in my purse." I suggested

"Oh no Beautiful. That's okay. It was a bad joke." he started moving towards the door.

"You are on babysitting duty next weekend." I told him

"Yes ma'am." he nodded before he escaped.

After the door shut Carlos pulled me back into his arms. He kissed me lightly and then pulled away.

"I love you Babe." he told me

"I love you too." I kissed him

"Why do you call her Babe?" Alex asked

"I've been calling her that since she was six years old." Carlos told him

"But why?" Alex asked

"Because she was so pretty. Because she was so special. Because she was mine." he told his son

"Wow." Alex looked up from his game.

"Your father saved me from a train wreck." I smiled

At that exact moment Sal was crawling into the room followed by Ricky. They had ditched their cars in favor of their battery operated train. They had it running in front of them and were both announcing the train's entrance.

"Choo Choo." Sal called out

"Choo Choo." Ricky joined him

Carlos and I both laughed. He pulled me tight against him and kissed me on the top of his head.

"You saved me that day." I whispered in his ear.

"You saved me from the moment I met you Babe." he squeezed me tighter

*****************************THANK YOU*************************

Thank you so much for following me on this journey. I so loved writing a Carlos that wasn't affected negatively by his time in the Army and all that he had done. I enjoyed stopping all of the Morelli crap and giving Stephanie the life she deserved. I apologize for the time in between posting the last few chapters. My mind suddenly became obsessed with a new story. Hope you will continue to follow along with me and read my next story.

Thank you again for all of your reviews and thank you for reading through all of my errors as I edit my own work to try to get it out quickly.