*A/N: I had to redo the story cause of my brother messing it up...remind me to change my security pattern more often to prevent him from going through my crap. Now...what the story was really going for...reminder this is pre-Prime(Possibly)*

Warning: This story contains strong violence, possible dark scenes, strong languages and possible lemons(which could be plenty of them if possible.) and mature themes that is not suitable for readers under 18 or older or readers who are not comfortable in mature scenes. This is my first and only warning I'm giving you. You have been warned.

Chapter 1

(Dante's pov)

Have you ever wondered how a cartoon that you loved so much how things before the main event ever started? Well...let me tell ya...it isn't all that great...well for me mostly. Let me explain. I was watching Transformers on my laptop in my room (mostly to take spome time off from doing stories.) when suddenly a flash of light beamed at me as I felt my body suddenly...weak...I pass out and the next...I find myself in Cybertron...as a Cybertronian...

Yeah...whoever thought it was some sort of sick joke, was not funny. Now...where in Cybertron you may ask? ...Kaon...home of the worst Cybertronians from criminals to corrupted officals. New York City in a nutshell...now...if you ever watched old gang movies that involved with gangsters making a name for themselves, you may have a sense what I'm getting at. In Kaon, you got to show them that you are not to be fucked with otherwise you are an easy target.

...That's what I had to do. I gotten into fights whenever I got the jump on and everytime I won a fight they would learn their place the hard way...that's Kaon's way of testing you if you are one of the strongest. I began my life as a mercenary to earn some Shanix(Cybertronian currency) to survive in this new world and no...I don't do bounty hunting jobs(could you imagine the pay I could lose for damages and disposing bodies? Alot) I don't want to start a competition with Lockdown (who is one of my favorite neutrals) and knowing him, he would do anything to get his bounty. Even if it means ending my life. The jobs I mostly do is teaching someone a lesson so they don't cause trouble with my clients, guarding a facility (which is mostly weekly unless the client wants to extend it another week. Which I don't mind. More pay for me.) and so on. Again...I don't do bounty jobs. That's for Lockdown(in case you weren't paying attention) Now...enough about that...you want to know what's really going on in Kaon...sit tight and enjoy the story cause this is going to be one hell of a story...

It was early in the morning as I woke up out of my berth to get my morning energon when I suddenly got an audio message. Guessing it's from another client...so I played the message and I hear this...

"Hey if it isn't everyone's favorite two wheeler. Phantom, was it? I want to discuss something important with you that may interest you. Meet me by the club. I'll discuss more with you there."

And the message ends there...hmm...a job maybe? Anyway...yes...my destination is Phantom. A two wheeler mercenary who works alone. What do I look like you may ask? I'm about the height as Bumblebee and about as slim as Arcee and black plated armor and silver optics.

"Mmm...where are you going?"

"Got to go to work. A client wishes to see me so I can't waste too much time." I said as I took my two energy pistols and my sword from the counter.

"But we haven't had fun..."

In case you are wondering what's going...that is a pleasure bot. To put it blunt...a prostitute. Yes folks. Can't live the life in Kaon without your very own pleasure bots. If you don't know what they are, I'll tell ya. They are prostitute yes and can come to different categories from slim to bulky whether it's a femme or mech(if you have the shanix, they can stay with you as long as you want.) and let me tell ya...they can take punishments(and they still find that enjoyable.) well than any human...well depending on the pleasure bot. See I say that cause not every pleasure bot are experienced into pleasure. You want to have one that's skilled instead of who is inexperienced and would bitch in their job (and probably rob you blind the more you have that bot with you according to a mech I met on the street.). Now...I'm not afraid to admit it...I have one too but for someone who is experienced she sure gives one hell of massage to help me relax.

"We had our fun a solar cycle ago and you tired me out too." I chuckled.

She starts to whine as I kissed her forehead...

"Tell ya what. If the job isn't too long, we'll have all the time we need together." I smiled.

"Fine..." She pouts.

We kissed for a bit as I started teasing her by squeezing her chest earning a moan from her. It kind of got out of hand quick when she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me down to the berth...but I didn't mind...I wanted that to happen...

"You sure love to get me excited..." She purred.

"I aim to please." I chuckled.

3 hours later I walked to the club to meet with the client, the client wasn't there. So I was like "Fuck it. I'll wait in the club. Not going to wait for the client outside too long." as I went in the club to wait and relax. Now let me tell about the clubs in Cybertron...fucking nuts. Music blaring, Cybertronians of all kinds dancing and those exotic dancer on the poles...oh boy...the femme Cybertronian dancers are amazing but um...they have a bit of a side business...think of this...the dancer takes you to a private to have some private time together...yeah you guessed it...straight up fucking...only if you have the Shanix that is. Anyway I sat down on one of the stools and ordered a mid grade energon from the bartender.

As I was drinking my energon, a average built four wheeler mech sits next to me saying...

"I said by the club not in the club. What were you trying to do? Get a femme suck your spike?" He joked.

I shot back with...

"That's not a bad idea. Maybe I should bring her sister into it for twice the fun." I smirked.

"Wow...and I thought I was crazy." He snickered.

"And you are?"

"The names Flame Wheel. Former street racer of Kaon."

"Never heard of you."

He looked at me with disbelief as if I was hiding under a rock but just shrugged it off for a bit. I never paid much attention to races. Wasn't my style. I mostly liked watching the Olympics from my television.

"My boss wants to see you. Said she has a job for you."

I finished drinking my mid grade energon and paid the bartender the drink with some of my shanix while standing off my seat. I was curious...I wondered what kind of job his boss had for me...

"Well then...let's not keep her waiting." I said as Flame Wheel smiled.

"Of course..."

He leads me to a office building(real fancy and expensive looking.) and as we ascended to the fifth floor by elevator...he suddenly whispers...

"Just a heads up, she secretly admires you and may seem to be crazy for you. Whatever you do, keep cool, stay calm and don't let her take advantage of you. Let me handle her if things go out of control."

That was a red flag that the boss could be trouble. I've seen bosses in the real world that would take advantage to the desperate and would do the sickest things to the victim. Which of course, most of them don't get away with it (at least for me but not about everyone else.) and would lose their jobs. But here...god...I'm hoping he's exaggerating. If what he said is true, then he is in trouble cause there is a camera watching us in the elevator. So we finally got to the fifth floor and by the time we got in the boss' office...

"Hello, Phantom. I'm so glad you came. Please...have a seat..."

Primus...help me...