Trapped in Eternity
By: SkyleafAlchemist19
Summary: It always ends the same. Oyaji dies. The Whitebeards fall apart. Ace himself dies too, sometimes during Marineford, sometimes before, sometimes after. It doesn't matter what Ace does, how he acts, or his choices. If he joins the Whitebeards, they die for him. This time, Ace will make sure it's different. When they ask him to join them, he'll say no and leave as soon as they hit the next island. Simple, right? As if. Guess he'll have to convince them he's not worth their lives. Time travelling/looping Ace
Characters: Main: Ace, Marco, Thatch, Whitebeard. A couple spoiler characters (I'm even saving name-slot spots for them.) Prominent: The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates. A couple more spoiler characters. If there are any OCs, they will either be extremely minor characters or won't even get a name.
Pairings: None
Timeline: Pre-'canon'. I guess I'll call it AU because… reasons. ;)
Warnings: Cursing (They're pirates. What do you expect?) Violence and blood. Angst. Ace has issues. Lots of issues. Ace also has a flippant attitude towards his own death. Ace is NOT okay. Spoilers for One Piece.
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.
Chapter One: Back Again
Seventeen year-old Portgas D. Ace opened his eyes to a familiar wooden ceiling. He breathed deeply and emptied his lungs, taking a moment to feel the air move through his body. The scent of wood and the ocean air tickled his nose and he did it again, and again, timing the breaths with the rocking of the ship below. The cycle of respiration was calm and methodical, each inhale and exhale gentle and slow. On the tenth peaceful breath, he settled back on his pillow and spoke to the empty room.
Ace pressed his hands against his eyes, dragging them down his face as he sat up. His fingers drifted to his throat and he grimaced, recalling the horrific sensation of choking on his own blood. The Fire Logia sat back, leaning against the headboard, and bounced his head off the wall absentmindedly as he went over what led to his most recent demise.
He had lasted seven years this time and made it to age twenty-five. During those seven years he had joined the crew, become Second Division Commander, managed to stop Teach as he was about to kill Thatch, saved Luffy in Alabasta, avoided the entire Marineford debacle, and even joined the Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, and their allies in the battle against Kaido. Things had been going pretty smoothly, all horrific alternatives considered, like they usually did whenever Teach was out of the picture.
Then, out of nowhere, the Whitebeard Pirates had gotten in a war with the Marines again because someone blabbed that Ace was Roger's son. The Logia did not know who had done it or why, and did not live long enough to find out. The Yonko's crew was strong, but one case of bad circumstances led to another and suddenly the Moby Dick had been ambushed and sunk in the sea.
Ace himself had been one of those 'lucky' enough to survive, only for the Marines to kill the rest of them then and there. Apparently Akainu did not want to give the Whitebeard Pirates a chance to escape or be rescued before they were publically executed so he had his men slash all the pirates' throats. Overall, not the worst death Ace had experienced, but not the least painful either.
Indeed, it was not his death that darkened his thoughts. His only issue was that— once again— the Whitebeards fell because of him.
Ace closed his eyes, the memory of the smoking hole in Oyaji's chest and Marco's mangled corpse rising to the front of his mind. He swallowed, breathing in the smell of the sea and wood and trying to convince himself that the smell of burning flesh did not accompany the more welcome scents.
Forcing away the memories, Ace opened his eyes and took off his yellow shirt, craning his neck to look at his bare back. Even after all these loops, it was still disconcerting to see the lack of his father's mark there. In all honestly, he should be used to it though. He always woke up at age seventeen, after he had been 'chosen' by the Whitebeard Pirates, but before he actually joined their ranks. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason why he woke up exactly when he did but it was always within those hundred days.
Ace sighed and put his shirt back on, turning on his bed and putting his forehead on his knees. Usually he would take time to reflect on his latest misadventure and figure out how to avoid the latest deaths of his loved ones, but he was so damned sick of it all. Sick of Teach killing and betraying his brothers and father. Sick of fighting in wars caused by his parentage. Sick of seeing his family die again and again because he wasn't quick enough, or did not remember to save them, or was too far away to do anything when the tidal wave of unforeseen circumstances his different decisions created decided his family needed to die.
Some aspects of the loops were predictable and could be easily replicated or avoided the next time, but there was always the chance that Ace would mess up and cause a butterfly effect. An effect which usually resulted in someone he cared about getting axed off. How many times had he looped by now? Over five hundred? A thousand? He'd repeated the same five to ten years so many times he had lost count. The oldest he had ever gotten was thirty. The big three oh. Nearly thirteen whole years. But that was so long ago that he barely remembered the events of that timeline.
And that's the problem, isn't it? Ace thought, pulling at his hair. I always screw up and drag my family down with me.
At least he could say they didn't get killed because of his pride anymore. That flaw had been slaughtered out of him after a few dozen failed attempts to take out opponents too strong for him. True, strength wasn't as much as a problem anymore, but it was still best to be cautious.
After all, he would not know exactly when he would wake next, and those hundred optional days could prove to be absolutely hellish. Another 'fun' feature of his trips through time was that everything before his new starting point reset to the good old original timeline. If he killed Teach and got killed a few weeks later, and reset to a few days after he killed the bastard? Said bastard would be alive like nothing happened. It made acting against threats during those days pretty much useless. Lately it felt like acting at all was becoming useless overall. He could die at any time and undo all the work he had done to stop a certain fat bastard.
At least his strength and powers stuck with him, for the most part. He had less muscle mass than he was used to— both because of his age and the fact that he did not eat as much as he needed while with he was a 'prisoner'— but he'd get used to his old body soon enough. Good thing too. Ace might go insane— well, more insane— if he had to build up his abilities from practically scratch every time he started over.
Dying and reliving the same time period was tiring to say the least. At first, Ace had naively assumed he had been sent back to right previous wrongs. Save a certain person. Kill a certain enemy. Stop a certain catastrophe. Do that and the curse would break and he'd just live his life, right? Oh how wrong he was. He'd defeated Blackbeard, defeated Akainu, defeated the whole damn World Government more once, gone to Raftel, made Luffy Pirate King, made Whitebeard Pirate King, discovered the hidden history, done everything he could think of that was the 'reason' he'd been given this so-called gift. It didn't matter what he accomplished. There was no unfinished goal that would break him free of the loops, no end point other than a death that would send him back to the beginning.
Even worse, everything could unexpectedly come crashing down because of a single stupid move. Sometimes his death was an accident. A tumble down some stairs, choking on food, an unexpected narcoleptic attack that sent him over the railing to drown. Dumb things like that. Nine times out of ten he died violently though, usually saving someone he loved. Ace didn't know why he bothered sacrificing himself anymore. Dying only made the loop reset, undoing any deaths he failed to prevent.
Then there were those rare times where he was killed by his own crewmates. Those instances were the opposite of fun. Ace still recalled how he had lost control and killed Teach in one loop and how that— along with a series of other unfortunate events— had led the Whitebeard Pirates to believe he was the traitor. There was also the time he had temporarily snapped and gone on a blind rampage, only massacring Teach and other traitors through chance until Izo put him down like a rabid dog. Yet even insanity lost its luster after a while. Well, acting like a wild lunatic did, anyway. He could not exactly will his old version of sanity back into existence.
What should I be this loop? Distant and aloof? Chipper and playful? Polite and quiet? Crazy and loud? Myself? A bitter smile dragged its way across Ace's lips. Yeah, right. I don't even know who I am anymore.
His memories from his life before the loops were choppy at best. He could not recall the names of any of the Spade Pirates and barely remembered Sabo's face. Things like Dadan's shouts and Makino's gentle voice were completely gone, a fact that might have made his heart ache once.
Thank the Gods that he met Luffy during his loops. He'd probably snap— again— if he forgot his brother's smile. And that wasn't even bringing up the fact that Ace had succeeded at breaking his promise to Luffy more than a thousand times, not that the rubber teen would ever know. Heh. Now that he thought about it, he always did break his promises—
"Promise… me…"
Ace forced his hands to unclench, exhaling through his nose. He still had the Whitebeard Pirates though, even if he had to forge his bonds with them all over again. As long as he had his family, he could survive. Until he didn't. Or they didn't.
They always didn't.
Bitterness reared its ugly head and Ace snarled, glaring at his sheets. It was all so stupid. No matter how hard he tried, something went wrong. Someone died or betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates, tearing his family apart piece by piece. He'd played peacemaker, warrior, son, assassin, and strategist literally more times than he could count, trying to find the balance needed to make sure they lived until the end. There might not be an end. He never reached it, anyway. They rarely did either.
This was not the first time Ace wondered why he bothered trying anymore. Everything he did was undone and meaningless when the next loop started. How many times had he stopped Thatch's death? How many times had he killed Teach and Akainu? How many times had he gone to the same old war, and watched his little brother fulfill his dreams? It was all so… disinteresting now. He had just woken, but he already felt so very tired.
I can't do this. I can't watch them die again. Especially not because of me. An idea formed in his head, one he had thought of many times before but never acted upon. What if I left without joining them? I'd finally be able to adventure on my own again, and I wouldn't drag them down with me when my secrets inevitably come to light. I could pop in to save people when I have to… or I could just leave them. When I die, it'll just reset again and all their deaths will be undone.
The plan had come to Ace relatively short into his time traveling escapades. Leave everything behind and strike out on his own, letting the chips fall where they may. He'd still been determined back then, driven to save everyone, but now…
If I have to go through the same old motions again, I'll go crazy. Bad crazy, not just… whatever I am right now. I need a breather and I need to stop the Whitebeards from dying for me. Why not do both? I just need to hold out until I can leave the ship.
Except depending on when he had woken, the Whitebeard Pirates might not let him go. The Yonko wanted the Fire Logia to be a part of his crew, and what Edward Newgate wanted, he got. Ace couldn't just walk up to him and go 'Hey, I'm leaving before I can cause your death. Bye!' before skipping away. It would be even worse if Ace had gone back to after he had opened up to the crew and become less stingy. They—specifically the Commanders— actually liked and wanted him by then and would support Whitebeard's decision.
But if I'm before that point… maybe I can make them hate me? Ace winced but replaced the expression with a grin. Just for this loop. It's not like it'll be permanent. I just need a break from having to worry.
His plan was selfish at best but Ace had lived thousands of lives trying to save people. He could be damn selfish just this once and take a vacation.
The door to his room slammed open, interrupting his musing. Ace was on his feet in an instant, hands aflame, but he extinguished the fire when he saw who it was. Marco stormed into the room, scowling. Not his 'you-are-an-irritating-sibling-who-is-in-deep-trouble' scowl, but his 'genuinely-pissed' scowl.
Marco never shot that expression at Ace after he grew to see the Fire Logia's softer side and understand Oyaji's fascination with him. That meant Ace had woken after getting captured but before he started opening up to the crew. Excellent. His personality would not be doing a complete one eighty from the Whitebeard Pirates' point of view. It was always irritating to deal with the suspicion that arose whenever he 'drastically changed overnight'. Suspicions tended to lead to nosy pirates at best, 'enhanced' interrogations at worst.
Ace had long gotten used to the idea that these pirates did not know him yet, so he did not blame them when they overreacted to his 'inconsistent' or 'spy-like' behavior. For all they knew, he could actually be a plant or assassin sent to kill their Captain, using recklessness and feigned ignorance as a cover for a very real threat.
Ace never blamed them. There were many reasons why people knew dark secrets, and time travel was one not even on the Whitebeard Pirates' radars. Not that Ace usually tried to convince them. Doing so had grown tiresome after a while, just like a lot of things.
"Oi! Fire brat!"
Marco snapped his fingers under Ace's nose, drawing him out of his thoughts. Once he saw he had the teen's attention, he continued to speak without giving Ace a chance to respond.
"I know you want to kill Oyaji but that was a real low move you pulled earlier, yoi."
Ace had no idea what attempt he was speaking of. "I'm trying to kill your Captain. Do you expect me to ask him nicely if I can stab him with my knife?"
Growling and stubborn with a bit of hostile bitterness. It was a perfect replica of his old attitude before growing to trust the Whitebeard Pirates in his opinion. Ace was past the point of struggling to act like he was supposed to during those stressful days, falling easily into character with no one the wiser. Especially since these people did not know him.
"That's not the problem. You almost hit one of the nurses, yoi!" Marco snapped.
Ace withheld a wince but relaxed as he recalled the event. It had happened fifteen days into his stay on the Moby Dick. Whenever the near-miss occurred, it was out of his control, happening before his looping self awakened. The attack was a dagger hitting the wall if he remembered correctly. Or was it the axe?
Marco did not take his lack of reaction well. He strode forward, grabbing Ace by his shirt-front and giving him a shake. "What if you killed one of them, yoi?" he snarled.
"Don't worry. I'd kill myself if I did." Ace said casually, shooting the Phoenix a grin.
It was the truth. If he accidentally caused the death of one of his family members with his own two hands, Ace ended the loop, no questions asked. He had done so multiple times already so there was no guilt associated with the act anymore. The first instance had been when he had misjudged his power when half-heartedly attempting to assassinate Whitebeard, his attack missing the Yonko and hitting Thatch head on. The Logia had not let himself live long enough to see the repercussions of his mistake, and always made sure to act decisively if something similar happened again. He would not risk settling in a timeline where he unintentionally murdered one of his loved ones.
I'd rather die, Ace thought, and held back a snigger.
He realized the Commander was staring at him, only the slight widening of his blue eyes showing his alarm. Ace remembered that he usually did not smile by this point, more prone to scowling and snarling threats at anyone who came near. Oops.
Oh no. Marco must be freaking out, he thought sarcastically. Maybe he'll want to stay away from me because I'm acting creepy! How sad.
…Though if he thought about it, Marco's reaction might have to do with the fact that Ace admitted he'd take his own life. Didn't people usually respond badly to such things? Double oops. Ace kept his smile firmly in place as the Phoenix gathered himself, running out of steam.
"Just… don't do it again, yoi." He said roughly.
Ace could see he was still off-balance. He considered pushing the many buttons he knew the Phoenix had in order to make him explode but delayed his mission. He was tired and wanted to sleep. He could make them despise him tomorrow. The Logia sat on the bed in a purposely slouched position, arms crossed mockingly.
"Do you need anything else?" He made his voice harsh, jeering, like he was speaking to an enemy he wanted nothing more than to punch in the face.
"No, yoi." Marco said stiffly.
Wow. Ace must have really surprised him. The Phoenix was usually more in control, showing nothing but an unflappable demeanor. Or maybe the Logia had simply learned to read him like an open book over time. He laid down and rolled onto his side so his back was to Marco, intentionally dismissing him in a rude manner.
"Well if that's all, I'd like to sleep if you don't mind." Tone snappish and cold. Perfect.
"It's noon." The Phoenix pointed out.
Ace inhaled and exhaled, fighting off the mental exhaustion that sought to claim him. "Don't care. Get out or I'll fry you."
He heard Marco hesitate in the doorway and lit a hand on fire, lifting it with his middle finger extended and showing the Phoenix.
The Commander did not retreat, scoffing. "You know if you keep acting like this, you won't be making friends on this crew."
"I'm not here to make friends." True, this time at least. "I'm here to kill your Captain." Lie. I have to leave to save his life. "Trust me on this, bird-brain. You don't want me on your crew."
Marco was silent for a long pause. "If you say so, yoi."
Ace heard him leave, shutting the door gently behind him. For a moment his expression crumpled but he forced his pain behind a sneer. It hurt to talk to Marco like that, like he expected the man to stab him in the back first chance he got. If this were a normal loop, Ace would have opened up to the Phoenix and joined the crew after having some time to 'think it over'. Not this time. He had to make the Whitebeards hate him so they would not pursue him when he left.
The Logia settled more comfortably on the bed and immediately began going over the conversation, mindful of any potential slipups. Other than the casual dialogue about suicide, he seemed to be good to go. He just hoped he had not pushed too hard or showed too much. There was a thin line between being an 'ungrateful bastard' and 'silently begging someone to help him'. Ace had learned to fake the former but sometimes wandered into the latter unintentionally, and making the Whitebeard's want to 'fix' him would only hinder his goal this loop.
Refuse to join. Ditch them at the next island. Go wherever the hell I want until I die again.
In all honesty, that plan may lead him to his first real adventure since he began looping. He would not be bound by points in time and plans to carry out. He could simply… live.
The thought was almost daunting, but Ace was not known for hesitance. Once he escaped the Moby Dick, he'd let the chips fall where they may. He'd explore the world on his own terms, and maybe feel true freedom for the first time in decades. He just had to make sure his brothers and father would not follow him to his death.
It felt like he barely closed his eyes before the sound of the door hitting the wall startled Ace into wakefulness. He grabbed the knife under his pillow, twisting to leap out of bed, and came face to face with a frozen Thatch. The chef shook himself and waltzed forward, setting the tray he carried down on the bedside table with a flourish as if he had not just been menaced with a knife.
"Hello, sunshine!" the Fourth Division Commander greeted brightly. "How are you this fine evening?"
Ace opened his mouth to apologize but remembered when he was just in time. His jaw clicked shut and he scowled. "Don't patronize me."
Thatch held his hands up in a placating manner. "I'm just being polite. There are these things called 'nice manners' that you use when talking to future bro— to guests. Have you heard of them?"
Ace ignored his blatant slip up, internally wincing at the bloody hopefulness in his voice when he said that dreaded word. Any other loop, the fire-user's heart would warm when he heard that from the man that did not yet know him, but not this time. He had to stick to his plan, even if it made his chest feel cold.
"I know what manners are." He spat. "I just don't use them around enemies."
Thatch did not appear to hear the hostility in his tone but Ace knew the chef was taking in every word. "For the hundredth time, we're not your enemies. We're your family. Speaking of whom, how would you like to come with me and meet everyone?"
Ace released a growl right on cue. Apparently it was convincing because Thatch dropped the subject.
"I brought dinner for you." He said cheerfully. "Steak, potatoes, veggies, the whole shebang. And no, it isn't poisoned."
"I don't need your crappy food." Ace hissed.
His stomach wanted to disagree, his abdomen cramping even as he spoke, but he had to refuse. Accepting would make them think he was beginning to trust them, and they could easily become attached. He had to avoid that at all costs. He could handle a few stomach pangs and lost weight until he got off the Moby Dick. If only he could remember when they would hit the next island...
"It's not crappy." Thatch said with a pout, looking affronted. He grabbed the fork and poked a bit of meat, holding it in front of Ace's face. "Come on, you have to eat something. Say 'aaah'!"
Turning his head away, Ace followed his instincts on 'how to be a jerk' and shoved the plate off the table. It landed on the floor with a clatter, the carefully prepared food spilling everywhere. The fire-user's knees locked as he fought the urge to clean up the mess, instead crossing his arms and glowering coldly. If there was one way he knew to get to Thatch, it was through his food. As in insulting or wasting it.
Ace could not pull any punches when dealing with the kind-hearted chef because out of all of the Whitebeard Pirates he was the one who always believed Ace would join them and was willing to put up with Ace's antics to ensure that happened.
When he saw Thatch's face, his stomach's twisting had nothing to do with his hunger. The chef looked like a kicked puppy and Ace had to fight against the instinct to apologize and comfort his friend. Except Thatch was not his friend. Not in this timeline, not yet, and not ever if Ace had anything to say about it.
I have to do this to save you. I have to do this so I can leave and you won't follow. I can't lose my resolve.
"I. Don't. Need it." Ace snarled, keeping all his turmoil inside.
Thatch set the fork down on the table. For a second, Ace honestly thought the chef was going to strike him which was ridiculous because Thatch was one of the nicest people the fire-user ever met. He still tensed, arms rising in preparation to protect his face. Something flashed through the Commander's expression and his sadness was replaced by a blank look.
Ace's stomach lurched because just like Marco's scowls, he recognized the mask Thatch wore when trying to hide his emotions from an outsider. The chef was usually smiles and happiness when dealing with family and to see him look at Ace like that hurt. He'd have to get used to it though if he wanted his plan to succeed.
No regrets.
"Okay then." Thatch said faintly. "I'll see you later."
The old Ace from those first few timelines might have internally panicked, believing the Commander was giving up on him and both wanting and not wanting him to stay. The Ace of now knew it would take much more than this to make Thatch believe he was not worth the effort. He made sure to glare at the chef's back until he walked out, slamming the door behind him.
As soon as the piece of wood closed and created a barrier between him and the outside world, Ace collapsed inside the closed door, pressing his hands against his eyes. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to hurt them. But he had to insult and berate and push them away or they'd follow him into Hell. If he could, Ace would have simply left the Moby Dick that day, but there weren't any small boats available that could handle the sea they were in. He was stuck until they reached the next island.
Ace did not allow himself to feel miserable about the situation he purposely created. Instead he plotted for how to antagonize each of the Commanders so they'd never think twice about him once he left.
Haruta hates being called short and takes any threats against Whitebeard personally. (I hate this.) Rakuyo won't be a problem because it took him time to warm up to me even after I officially joined the crew. (I don't want to do this.) Insult Whitebeard enough times in earshot and Vista will probably lose his temper and take a few stabs at me. (I have to do this.) Now that I think about it, I should be good if I continue to snap at everyone, trash talk Oya— their Captain, refuse to help around the ship, and act like an unlikable jerk. (It'll only cause problems for them if I don't do this.) I just have to keep pushing them away. (I can't let them become my family.)
Ace ignored the thoughts that tried to make him rethink the plan. It all sounded so simple. Ace knew how to be surly and unreasonable. He just had to make sure he did not go too far and cause someone to actually try to kill him. That would be annoying to deal with and he didn't want to be the reason any of the Commanders got in trouble with Whitebeard.
Ace's stomach growled and he grimaced. He supposed he should worry about other things necessary for surviving this loop like eating. If he was judging his weight right, he had already lost a few pounds due to injury and a lack of food. He was somewhere in the 'everyone on this ship is secretly trying to kill me' stage so he probably had not eaten in days unless he fished or stole from the food pantry.
The Fire Logia suddenly got the idea to mess up the food supplies so they would have to go to an island sooner than planned but immediately banished it. There were too many risks— going off course, being too far from an island, getting attacked— and he honestly could not even fathom doing such a thing to his family.
They're not my family.
The pain in Ace's stomach moved to his chest and he pressed a hand against it, teeth gnashing together. He wouldn't indulge in self-pity. It was a waste of energy and time. He always had to start over with his family and friends, and this time was no different. Well, it was different, but that was inconsequential. Nothing that happened would matter in the end.
Once it was over, Ace would be the only one to remember.
It was half-past one in the morning when Marco knocked on his father's bedroom door. Receiving permission to go in, the Phoenix entered, closing the door firmly behind him. Oyaji's light was on and a book sat in his lap, a bottle of sake opened at his side. The blond-haired pirate raised an eyebrow at the alcohol.
"The nurses will kill you if they find out you have that, yoi."
"Which is why you won't tell them, my son." Whitebeard rumbled, a twinkle in his eye. He took a gulp from the bottle, lowering it and setting it on the bedside table. "Now, what is it you wish to speak to me about? You are not usually one of my children that need my advice, and certainly not so late at night."
Marco hoisted himself up onto the bed, feeling like a child next to the Yonko. Perhaps he was a child, coming to see Oyaji in the middle of the night like a kid who'd had a nightmare, but the Phoenix was not too prideful to admit when he needed his father to lend an ear. Marco shifted his weight, settling comfortably, and opened his mouth. He closed it, unsure of where to begin.
"I… spoke to the fire brat— Ace— earlier today, yoi." He started. "About his attack this morning."
Fire Fist's latest assassination attempt had been the first to actually worry Marco in a long time. The Phoenix never feared for his father, but he had never considered that the brat would ambush him with so many other, less adept pirates around. The axe he had thrown at Whitebeard had nearly hit Sage in the arm, an action that had the Yonko firmly knock out the brat and have Thatch drag his unconscious ass back to the unused storage closet that now served as his room.
"I am well aware of the Commanders' nickname for Fire Fist." Whitebeard's lips curled in amusement even as his brow furrowed. "What did he do that has bothered you so?"
Marco looked up at his father, an ugly feeling curling in his gut. "When I confronted the brat about nearly hitting one of the nurses, he said he'd kill himself if he did, yoi."
The Yonko's yellow eyes sharpened. "Was he serious?"
"I don't know." Marco admitted helplessly. "That's what's bothering me. When he said that, he twitched a little, like he wanted to take it back. But it wasn't just his words. It was the look in his eyes. They were…" Tired. Pained. Dull. Empty. "…different. Like something had changed since this morning…" The Phoenix's hands clenched. "I think something's wrong, Oyaji."
Marco could not help but wonder if the grief had always been there and he simply had not noticed before. There was determination as well, but it was muffled by the exhaustion that made Fire Fist's eyes look too old for his young, freckled face.
Whitebeard looked thoughtful, absentmindedly staring ahead. "I saw that something weighed down on the child's soul the moment I saw him but I did not believe it was cause for immediate concern. I had hoped to give him time to open up to the crew but if you think his life is in danger, I may change my mind."
"I just don't know, Oyaji." Marco said after a pause. "But I personally think we should continue watching from a distance. Watching a little more closely, yoi, but just be a little more observant, I suppose." He ran his fingers through his blond hair. "It's only been fifteen days, yoi. We should give him time."
Whitebeard looked at him warmly, approval in his amber eyes, and the Phoenix was caught between chuckling and sighing in exasperation. Of course his father expected him to come to that conclusion and was simply letting Marco go through the process himself. The Yonko liked to see his children mull over their problems and come up with solutions with minimal prodding.
"How strange. Just this morning you were growling about the 'ungrateful fire brat's' antics and yet now it seems like you've grown to care for him." Whitebeard said.
"I wouldn't call it 'care'. Just basic concern out of human decency, yoi." Marco huffed, crossing his arms. "Though I have to admit, I think I saw a bit of why you want him to join us today. The brat has a spark in him, I'll agree with that."
"You didn't agree with me before?" Oyaji pretended to be insulted by his lack of faith in his choices, the twinkle in his eye too noticeable for Marco to take the words as anything but teasing.
"Maybe I still don't." The Phoenix said. "I certainly don't understand exactly why you want him to join our family, but…" He remembered bright, sad grey eyes and a vicious tongue that hid something dark and lonely inside. "…I think I might just learn, yoi."
Whitebeard gave him a mysterious, knowing smile. "I know you will, my son."
A/N: Here I go again, making Ace suffer. Why am I so mean to characters I love? ;-;
I've always wanted to do a time-travel story, but never wanted to write one where the traveler follows canon (I'll leave that to other people). I wanted to do something different but for a long time I didn't know what. Eventually I got inspired and thought "What if a time-looping Ace got sick of seeing the Whitebeards (and Luffy) 'die for him' and decided to leave without joining them to hopefully save their lives?" And from that, this story was born! Needless to say, don't expect things to adhere to canon for long. (grins)
Please review! Let me know if people are interested in this story. Just so you know, I'll probably be updating this every two or three weeks instead of once a week like my crossover, at least at first. :)