A/N hey there guys *pauses to the sound of crickets* ummmm yeah i know it's been a really long time since i've updated or done anything on this site and there are many different personal reasons for that absence. But good news i have regained my love of writing again as well as my love for the percy jackson series even though it seems to have really died down on the site in recent years *sad face* but that doesn't mean i can't try to break through the minotiny of the same exact stories being reposted over and over again. So with that being said i plan on reworking some of my old stories as they are old and kinda shitty so i will do my best to keep you updated on what i end up reworking while also posting new chapters to my stories. Now I plan to update at least every second weekend while I slowly begin to implement writing a story back into a very busy work and life schedule that I am dealing with right now.

Anyways guys i am excited to be back into writing and hopefully you guys are too and with that i'll see you guys later,
