Hey guys i've had this idea in my head for awhile now, be sure to review and tell what you think and if you're not too busy check out my other stories and tell me how i can do better,


No one's pov

The great axeman stood alone on the, watching as his comrades on the west side of the river were either slain or fleeing from the English army. The axeman twirled his great dane axe in his hands with anticipation, he knew that if the English made across the bridge the Norwegian army wouldn't stand a chance. They would need time to form a shield wall to repel this attack, so he waited, knowing that his actions today would lead to his death. But that was his duty as a member of his King's elite guard, to give his life for his King would bestow him with great honour in the afterlife. Besides he was a bear warrior, a soldier that entered a fit of rage when in battle and could channel the strength of a bear to defeat his enemies.

"Yes" he thought to himself "I may fall today but a great many more of them will fall as well"

He thought this with a weird sort of glee at the feeling of the oncoming bloodshed. This however was common for his kind, the tales of bloodshed that came at the hands the bear warrior's were told across the land, striking fear into their enemies and inspiring hope in those who fought beside them. The tales had spread so far that were starting to become more and more twisted, people started believing that they could transform into bears when they reached the height of their battle rage. The northman chuckled at this, at one point very early in their creation certain warriors were granted the ability to change form in battle, but it had been a long time since that had happened.

The English army began to form up and march towards the bridge, knowing his time was short the giant viking ready himself for what was to come. Then a realization came to him, his wife and unborn child were in the camp behind him, he hoped that she would have the sense to get away from the slaughter that was about to take place, but that would require her to abandon her comrades and she was too much of loyal warrior to ever do that. He sighed as he remembered why he had fallen in love with her, but he still wished she had never came with the invasion force and had stayed home to protect their child instead. His reasonings were simple he didn't want her to risk her life on a dangerous invasion mission, but he had another reason, you see when he was younger he had received a prophecy from the village wise lady, she said that his future wife would bear him a son and he would become a great warrior, but she also warned him that he would not be alive to see his fulfill his destiny. So when heard that his wife was with child he begged her to stay home where it was safe, but she would have none of it and came anyway.

The English army halted when it reached the bridge, their leader stepped out in front of his troops and began shouting something at the man on the bridge, who while not fully understanding the language understood enough to know what was being shouted at him. The leader had demanded that he let them pass or they would be forced to kill him. In response the warrior smiled an insane smile and motioned with his axe for them to come forward.


I do not own anything.