A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back. I know it's been a long time. My operation was in April, and after I was busy recovering and catching up with school. And then I had a writer's block. In the time I couldn't write, I made notes on where I wanted to take the story, but I made those notes in a notebook, and I lost the notebook. So now I still have a bit of a problem with the later years, but at least I can remember the coming year again. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter twenty two

The five children left the headmaster's office. Luna rode on Harry's back, since she was very tired and wasn't able to walk by herself the whole time.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange?" Neville asked.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Well, first he just separates us from our parents and let us go to the Hospital Wing all by ourselves. Second he doesn't do a single thing about what we told him." Neville explained.

The others agreed it was strange but they let it be for the moment. Soon they arrived at the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey immediately started fussing over them.

"What has happened to you all this time?" she asked, but she didn't give them time to answer. Instead she put them in a bed and fed them all a pepper-up potion.

"We're good." Ron said, gesturing to him and Neville. "We haven't been in any real danger." Wisely he left out the almost cave in, since she would only start fussing more.

"I think you should help Luna madam Pomfrey." Harry said. "She has had the hardest blow from all of us."

"What has happened to her then?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"She was possessed." Ginny spoke up.

Madam Pomfrey gasped and started casting spells at Luna. She shooed them all out of the way and tried to get a response from Luna, but she had fallen silent on the way to the hospital wing and wouldn't react anymore.

"Are you all okay?" Madam Pomfrey, while frantically casting.

Harry answered for them all: "I think we can take care of ourselves, if we need anything we'll come here."

Madam Pomfrey nodded and told them to go, so she could take care of Luna.

The four of them walked to Harry's quarters.

"Harry," Ginny's voice came over their link. "Can I talk to you when we are back?"

"sure" Harry responded.

"What are we going to do now?" Neville asked.

"I don't know Neville, I don't have my answers ready. All I know it that this has happened and that Dumbledore isn't doing thing about it. I wonder what he's up to, I don't trust him anymore and I don't get him. He's headmaster, he's supposed to show worry about our safety, but he doesn't. First he refuses to close the castle, then when we return from the Chamber he doesn't even check on it, or he trusts us too much, or he just doesn't care. And I'm starting to think it is the last one. First he shows great care for me, but then he ignores me when I had it though. Next I discover the whole thing with the Dursleys being my guardians, the Will of my parents and Sirius Black. After that he tries to take my new family from me. And this year he didn't even seem to care!" Harry thought out loud.

"And there is the fact that he does everything to keep you in his control." Ginny added.

"But why does he want that. Is he afraid that you are more powerful than he?" Ron joked.

"Maybe…" Ginny said thoughtful. "I mean, he was the hero of the Light before Harry came along. He was hauled everywhere and suddenly Harry took that from him. It could be that the power had risen to his head and that he doesn't want to give it up."

"It could be," Neville said. "But why do these tests for Harry keep coming then. I mean that's the only logical explanation, that these things are tests."

"That makes sense." Harry nodded. "It still doesn't explain everything, such as the reasons why he does it, but it explains something. Like, why the traps last year were so easy and why he didn't do anything this year."

By this time they had reached Harry's quarters.

"I'm going to bed." Ron announced "it's been a long and tiring day."

Neville nodded his agreement and together the two boys walked to their rooms. Harry sat down on the couch and Ginny sat next to him.

"What did you want to talk about Ginny?" he asked.

Ginny looked at him, "Well since we suddenly seem to be married, how about we start there?" she said.

Harry ruffled his hand through his hair. "Yeah, that's a good point. Well we are stuck I suppose?"

Ginny could only nod, so Harry went on. "I see, we are quite young, and well I certainly don't know what to do. Do you have any clue?"

Ginny shook her head. "The only thing I know for now is that we should keep it quiet. We can only tell those that can keep it secret and able to protect it in their minds. As for the rest, we are married, and…" Here her voice trailed off.

Harry took a deep breath and looked at Ginny. "I … I … I," he stuttered, while Ginny looked on with a small nervous smile. "I do like you Ginny." He said and after that he quickly looked away, not wanting to see the rejection in her eyes.

Ginny's eyes widened in surprise. 'How can he like me?' she thought. 'me, plain old Ginny' Slowly she came to her senses and said: "I, I like you too Harry."

Harry looked at her in surprise, they both did. Slowly he put his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. She snuggled in to him and together they sat in silence for a while.

"Harry?" Ginny started to ask.

"Yes?" Harry answered.

"What are we going to do now?"

"For now we are going to rest and just be students for the last few weeks of the schoolyear. Then it will be summer and we can then plan for next year. Uncle Moony is going to make communication mirrors for us, so we can communicate, because I have a feeling that your mom won't allow you and Ron to visit me and I'm really sorry for this, but I don't think I'll be able to visit the Burrow" Harry responded.

Ginny nodded against his chest. "I understand it Harry, it's okay." She said and yawned immediately after that. "I'm going to bed now I think. Sleep well"

"Sleep well Ginny" Harry said.

The next morning however made it clear that the peace for the remainder of the schoolyear that Harry hoped for was not going to happen. It started when his friend couldn't get him to wake up. Neville had went to go get Harry, but Harry wouldn't wake up.