Peter using his webs to launched himself at the Goblin, landing both feet on his green chest plate before flipping backwards and landing on his feet, ready to plant a fist in his gut. The Goblin staggered back laughing madly. Peter suddenly felt uneasy, his Spidey sense warning him of danger. Peter having completely forgotten the Goblin's glider still struggled against it's leash, still firmly attached to a nearby tree. Peter was standing right under it, he dived out the way as explosives were released from the glider. He attempted to scramble to his feet a hand grasped round the back of his neck. A knife shot to his throat. Peter cursed at his Spidey sense in his head, for not warning him sooner. Peter fought to be free but couldn't escape.

"The itsy-bitsy spider is going to die tonight." The Goblin sang. "Down came the knife and cut the spider's heart out." The Goblin played with the knife, twisting it in his hand. "Out poured the blood!" The Goblin was becoming more excited with each word, Peter quickly realised the end of the rhyme would end with his death. "Draining the spider dry."

"But it's the Goblin, that is going to loose tonight." Peter finished the rhyme, he managed to get an arm free, snatching the knife from the Goblin he plunged it through his green amour into his arm. The Goblin realised Peter, crying in pain. Now free he shot a web at the glider flying around above. The movement of the glider pulling him away from the Goblin. But it's leash suddenly snapped and the glider sped towards its master, letting go of his web Peter landed on his feet in time to watch the Goblin jump up onto his glider. He pulled the knife from his arm, dropping it to the ground.

"I've already won Spidey." The Goblin laughed as he turned to Tony's unmoving form. "I'll leave you to mourn your loss, until next time Spider-man." Peter watched till the Goblin and his glider disappeared into the night, he stood there exhausted. His eyes soon found Tony, blood still soaked his chest. Forgetting that his limbs screamed to be let rest, forgetting the soreness burning through his body all over he ran to Tony's side.

"Tony!" Peter crashed down next to him, taking hold of his shoulders. Peter didn't know what to do, panic engulfed him. "Karen call someone, anyone!" Peter begged. Karen obeyed and finished her last commanded which was to contact Natasha Romanoff, with the distress single sent Peter sat in the grass his hands on Tony's wound. The blood had seeped through his web bandages. Peter didn't even know if Tony was breathing or if his heart still beat under all the blood. "This can't happen again." Peter sobbed pulling off his mask, remembered how his uncle died. At this point he didn't care if anyone saw his bruised, cut face. Peter didn't know what else to do other than cry, tears rolled down his cheek as he applied pressure to Tony's wound.

"Do you need a tissue?" Peters eyes shot up meeting Tony's, he smiled at Peter, Peter couldn't help but smile back.

"Tony, helps on the way." Peter told him, as he wiped his tears away with his arm.

"I bloody hope so." Tony grunted in reply, his eyes looking up at the stars. After a few seconds of silence and dealing with their own pain, Tony broke the silence. "Good work kid, I assume either the Goblin, or should I say Norman Osborn is knocked out somewhere nearby or you drove him away."

"He ran off." Peter laughed, tears still in his eyes.

"Yeah he has a reputation of doing that." Tony grunted in pain as he tried to get comfortable.

"Try keep still, you've lost a lot of blood."

"He got me good." Tony coughed up a laugh, Peter tried to ignore the specs of blood on his friend's pale lips. "Thanks for coming for me kid, I'm surprised Widow didn't stop you."

"She was going to come get you herself but the Goblin was one step ahead of us, he had planted a bomb and gave her the choice to either go after you, or save the people the bomb was going to kill." Peter remembered how his blood had run cold when the Goblin's voice had echoed around the room. "Funny Widow thought you would be able to deal with the Goblin yourself."

"Maybe I'm getting too old for this." Tony again coughed up his words, again Peter tried to ignore that he was now shivering. As if his prays where answered the Quinjet suddenly came into view, they watched it until it landed behind some tree's nearby. "Looks like the cavalry's here."

"What are we going to do about the Goblin?" Peter asked, knowing that the fight might be over, but the war had only just begun.

"No clue. But I'm sure we'll think of something." Tony told him as Natasha and two medics suddenly appeared from behind some trees.

Authors Notes

Well thats it, finally finished this fan fiction. I do feel really bad about making you guys wait for a not so good ending. What can ya do, hope you enjoyed the story and the whump. Ive been working on an Avengers/Justice League crossover, it will be filled with much whump if anyones interested. First chapter should be up soon. Anyway thanks for being patient, see you later.