Hi friends! I can't believe this is the end! I would like to thank each and every one of you awesome readers who were there with me throughout this ride! You guys were simply the best with your reviews! Thank you to all readers who have followed and favourite this story!

On with the last chapter! Sorry for any mistakes!

Enjoy :-)))

"What? You want to meet Kurtis?" asked Joe in disbelief. Barry nodded at his father and saw the puzzled expression on each faces in the room

"I am not letting that physco near you...no way kid!" Joe sternly declined Barry's request

Oliver agreed with Joe "Barry I too think it's not a good idea" The vigilante was afraid what would happen if Barry would face Kurtis again. He didn't think the boy was ready for this

"You don't have to do this Barr" Joe's eyes held worry for his son. Barry took hold of Joe's hand in his "Joe...just one time.. I...I need to know where did Stephen's body disappear. I need to know"


Barry cut his father's sentence "I know you all are worried for me but I am fine. I can do this.. please"

Silence once again filled the room. No one knowing what to say to Barry's request. They knew Barry had the right to know what happened after Kurtis entered the room that night. Maybe this would be the last straw he needed to pull.

Joe nodded at his son "Okay...I can arrange that. We can talk in interrogation room at the station"

Barry nodded couple of times "Thank you Joe" though the speedster was glad that Joe had agreed with his request, a part of him shuddered thinking Kurtis in front of him once again. Of course he was an adult now who had super powers but inside he still felt that fifteen year old was still alive. He looked at Oliver "Will you be there? Just...one last time.. I know I can face him but..."

Oliver smiled at the boy "I will always be there for you kiddo"

"We will also be there Barry" Cisco announced with Caitlin nodding beside him

"Thank you" Barry returned their smiles


As decided Kurtis was bought in the interrogation room. He sat on the chair with hid hands cuffed to the small wooden table. Barry entered with Oliver. Cisco Caitlin and Joe stood outside where they could hear and see them.

Barry took the chair opposite to Kurtis. Oliver stood beside him with his crossed and glaring at the man. Kurtis let out a small growl when he saw Barry "How many lives you have boy? You should have died long back ago"

Barry coudn't help but flinch at the statement. He didn't know why but Kurtis scared him. It was like he still had the impact of him with his dangerous voice. Oliver squeezed Barry's shoulder and the latter gave a appreciating nod. He could do this "I just want to know one thing. What did you do with Stephen's body?"

Kurtis scoffed "Why should I say to you! You are his killer"

"I.. I did not kill him! The man who was in the room that night did" Barry said raising his voice

Kurtis bend forward and sneered at the boy "My son would have been alive if you had just did what you were told"

Barry banged his hand on the table "He was going to rape me!" Kurtis shrugged off "So what!"

Oliver had to physically stop himself from jumping on the man and strangle him to death. He gritted his teeth so much that his jaw started to hurt.

Kurtis continued to take his anger put on Barry "I got paid for that...you ruined everything...I ran for years after the cops raided my place... I didn't have money to eat or drink...then I had to work in hospital as a cleaner...all because of you"

Oliver smiled at Kurtis "Serves you right. You even deserve to go to hell"

Kurtis tried to lunge at Oliver but the cuffs held him back. Outside Joe was ready to barge in if necessary. He hated Kurtis even more.

"You are a disgrace to humanity. Do you even know how much Stephen hated you and your work! He didn't want it! He stayed because of all the kids you kidnapped. He stayed for them...for me...to make us feel like home"

Kurtis pointed his finger at Barry "My son changed because of you! He never went against my decision but it was you that made him fight back. I hate you so much"

Joe curled his fist into his palm. How dare that man speak to his son that way. He wished to put a bullet through his temple.

"I am asking you last time where did you take Stephen's body?" Barry asked the man again

Kurtis shook his head "Ain't telling you anything" Oliver had enough of this. He came forward and caught Kurtis by his collar "Listen to me old man. If by the next minute you don't answer Barry's question then I will give you a death no man has ever received. You will regret being born in this world. And trust me...no one can save you from me"

Barry tried to stop Oliver's method of questioning but he saw it was working. He saw how the old man was shaking in his hold.

Kurtis saw the seriousness in eyes of the vigilante. He struggled to get free but Oliver tightened his hold and added more pressures to his throat "Fine! Fine...let me go. I will tell you"

Oliver let go of Kurtis who coughed a little "I...after I had beaten you" he pointed at Barry "I took Stephen and moved towards back of the house. I dug up a hole and buried him there. He was my son... I coudn't just leave him in his death...that's when I heard sirens and knew cops had arrived...I ran away from that place forever"

Barry stared at the man. Stephen was buried in the same place where they met for first time. He was glad atleast he was given a grave and not left to rot "Thank you"

Joe entered the room to take Kurtis back. They got what they wanted and now it was time to send the man whete he belonged. He opened the cuffs on Kurtis. When the man stood, he suddenly let out a roar and threw himself on Barry. They both fell on the floor. Kurtis's hands were on Barry's throat ready to squeeze the life out of him. The boy struggled to free himself from the crazy man's tight grip

Oliver and Joe saw with wide eyes how Kurtis attacked Barry. They rushed to his side and Oliver gave a punch to his face. Kurtis fell on the floor and Joe immediately called for backup "You bastard! Don't you ever think of hurting him again" Oliver spat at the old man

Barry coughed as he was let up. He caught his throat and massaged it with his hand. He saw Kurtis was let out of the room. "Are you okay?" Oliver asked in concern. Cisco and Caitlin ran inside the room as soon as Kurtis was out.

Barry nodded "I am good...I am good"

All took a breath of relief. Now they were free from Barry's one deadly past year. They could all see the relaxation on the boy's face. His trip to past was finally over.


Barry stood with flowers in hand on the spot where Stephen was buried. He smiled fondly at the memory of his brother "Thank you Stephen. For everything. You were the strongest person I have known in my life. A perfect big brother. This life is yours and I promise to save many more possible. You are a true hero. Thank you" a single tear fell from his eyes as he placed the flowers on the spot

"His going to be very happy today. May his soul rest in peace"

Barry turned to face his other brother "Thanks Ollie...for everything. I wouldn't have survived without you"

"Nah...you weren't that bad" Oliver said with a grin

Barry laughed as he hugged the older man "Well atleast you have gotten use to hugs" Oliver chuckled "Can't say no to you kiddo"

When Barry pulled back, his eyes twinkled mischievously "Ollie...If I remember correctly...did you lose against me in the game of football"

Oliver glared at the boy "That was on purpose okay. I lost to make you happy"

"Really Oliver?"

"Really Barry!"

"Nice try. I bet I could still beat you within seconds"

"You know what...you are on!"

"Hold on!"

Barry picked his friend as ran in a flash towards the city though he could clearly hear Oliver mumbling

"Put me down! I hate when you use your powers on me! Put me down!"

THE END :-)))

Okay friends it's all over for now! Hope you like this final chapter. I am planning to write a new fic and it will be highly based on Barry and Oliver friendship coz I am sucker for Olivary bromance. I have written three ideas below. Please vote for the idea you would like to read. I will write on the number of votes I get for a fic. Sooo here are three ideas

1) An AU where Oliver is a professional kidnapper who kidnaps rich kids for his boss and gets paid. His next target is billionaire brat Barry Allen

2) Barry and oliver go on a plane ride only to get crashed on an deserted island. With no food the duo have to survive until help arrives. It makes matters worse when one of them is seriously injured.

3) Remember the great musical episode between flash and supergirl? Well...I thought how would it be if Barry was stuck with Oliver. Except the world is not musical but a underworld mafia.

Please do vote. And don't forget to tell me how was the last chapter :-)))