Hi friends! I am trying something new. Hope you guys like it! Sorry for mistakes!

Enjoy :-)))

"Did you find him?" Joe paced nervously in the cortex. Oliver shook his head "I am sorry Mr West. We are trying our best"

Joe stopped pacing and glared at Oliver "Best? My son is missing for two days and you are still trying. Is this what you call your best?" he raised his voice

Cisco and Caitlin stood beside Oliver thinking of any answer that would calm the worried father standing in front of them. Barry was kidnapped two days back when he was heading home from his station. A witness said that a van came out of no where with two masked men getting out of it and pulled Barry inside. This incident happened within fifteen seconds before anyone could react.

Since then the team flash have been in search for Barry. The major setback was that he didn't have his suit on which made even more difficult to find him in hundreds of population of Central City. Oliver was called twenty four hours after Barry's kidnapping. Joe didn't get any ransom call neither got a threat from a meta. Team flash were utter lost and confused on who had kidnapped their hero.

Oliver came as soon as Joe informed him and started his search for the boy whom he considered his younger brother. The thought of Barry getting hurt was itself making his blood boil. He hoped they would find the boy soon

Suddenly Oliver's phone vibrated "Tell me you have something...are you sure? Okay I will there in ten minutes" he hung up and turned to face Joe and others "We have a lead. I am going"

Joe and others took a breath of relief "Thank God! We are coming. Barry might need Caitlin"

Oliver gave a nod and they left Star labs. He covered himself with his hood and shot an arrow through the roof dissapearing within the darkness. Joe with Cisco and Caitlin got in car to reach at the place where they would find Barry.


Barry was shivering on the floor. He felt cold..very cold. His body had gone numb long time back. The room was pitch black. He coudn't even see his fingers. The only thing he could feel was cold metal shackles around his wrists and legs making him impossible to move. He stomach gave occasional growls letting him know he was suppose to eat. The thought of food made Barry cry. So he did and wept on the cold floor. He could smell his own blood that was still dripping from his forehead. Why was he hurt? Who hurt him? The pain became excruciating and he wimpered. Right now his mind was total blank. He didn't know what he was suppose to do. Die maybe?

He almost gave up the hope and was ready to scum to the darkness when the door to his room opened with a loud bang "Barry?"

Barry jerked awake hearing the voice. The voice was soft caring and...familiar. But who's voice did it belong to? Who?

Barry coudn't come up with an answer and his eyes rolled at the back of his head.

Soooo that was the first chapter! Anyone interested? Please leave a review :-)))