AU in which Marco is a bad boy and star is a perfect princess. I know it's been done to death but I wanted to do my own! There will also be similar ideas to other stories, such as Marco being a boxer. Hope you enjoy! ((Also the wand age is fifteen now cuz I just felt like making them older))

Star Butterfly was the princess of the land of Mewni. She was a kind, caring, polite girl who was loved by all the kingdom.

Today was a big day for star. Today she turned 15, and would receive a magic wand passed from Butterfly to Butterfly for hundreds of years.

Star couldn't be more excited! She quickly dressed and did her hair before rushing down to the throne room, in a proper manner of course.

"Good morning mother and father," she politely stated as she entered the throne room. She stood before her parents with her hands folded in front of her.

"Good Morning dear," Moon replied. "I presume you've come for this?" She asked while holding out the wand.

"Yes mother. Thank you." Star took the wand from her mothers hands and admired it as it changed form into a new wand. Her wand had striped pole, a large ball with a star in the middle, a small crest on top, and angelic wings sprouting from each side.

"Now Star, I trust you to be responsible with such a powerful tool. But before you begin training, I have some... news..."

Star looked at her mother confused. What could this news possibly be?

"Due to some recent troubles with monsters here on Mewni, me and your father have decided that it would be safer for you to practice magic in another dimension," Moon stated in a sad voice.

"Oh..." was all Star could say.

"Don't worry Star, me and your mother found a dimension that we think you will enjoy. It's also safe there!" River said trying to reassure star.

"Well what dimension is it?" Questioned star.

Her parents looked at each other. Moon looked back at Star and replied, "Its called Earth."

Star didn't know what to think. The whole Earth thing was very sudden. She'd been in Mewni only 20 minutes ago, and now she and her parents were on Earth. Her parents were helping her enroll at a place where she could learn more about this Earth dimension. It was called Echo Creek Academy.

Star had not listened to much of the conversation between her parents and the man who'd introduced himself as Principal Skeeves. She only began focusing again when she saw her parents hand the man a large chest of gold.

"Your daughter seems like a wonderful girl! We'd love to have her here at Echo Creek Academy! I'll send for a student to give her a tour immediately," Said Principal Skeeves.

"Might I make one last request?" Asked Moon.

"Of course!" Replied the Principal

"Can you make sure this student guide can protect my daughter if needed? I'm very protective of Star."

"Hmmm... I think I know someone who could put up a fight if needed. And your daughter may rub off on him..." said Principal Skeeves as he leaned over and turned on the intercom. "Marco Diaz please come to the principals office."

Marco Diaz was known as the Echo Creek bad boy. He was a jerk to almost everyone, picked fights with other students, and had no respect for the school or its teachers.

Despite this, he never had bullied anyone. In fact, the kids he fought were the bullies. He made quick work out of them using the skills he had picked up from boxing lessons.

Today he wore his typical attire. A white tank top under a red sleeveless hoodie with a leather jacket in top. Below those he wore black jeans and black combat boots. He had a single black stud in each ear and his hair was done in a faux hawk. Short stubble gree in patches on his face.

Right now he was laying his head down on his desk trying to get some shut eye. He didn't care if he missed the lesson. School came easy to him, and he always passed, despite spending 80% of class as nap time.

Just as he was about to doze off he heard Principal Skeeves voice over the intercom. "Marco Diaz please come to the principals office."

"Ugh, get bent Skeeves," Marco muttered to himself as he got up from his desk. He walked to the door and was about to leave when he heard Skulnick call out to him. "Marco you need a hall pass." Marco turned to her. "You need to can it," and with that he walked out the class and down the hall.

Marco walked down the hall and to the bathroom. It wasn't like he didn't know his way to the office, he'd been there plenty of times, he just didn't want to go there yet. He looked in the mirror and made sure his hair was still how he liked it, before popping a stick of gum in his mouth and walking to the principals office.

Marco barged in and was immediately surprised by the people he saw. There were 3 people before him, all of which looked very odd. One was a tall woman with white hair, a fancy dress and diamonds on her cheeks. The man was short, long bearded, and also wore fancy clothing. The last girl, however, really caught his attention. She looked to be about his age. Her hair was done in a high ponytail with a red bow, and she wore a blue dress. Like the other lady, her cheeks had shapes to, except hers were hearts. Marco wasn't going to lie to himself, she wasn't bad at all.

"So Marco, this is the Butterfly family and their daughter Star. She's a new foreign exchange student and I'd like you to give her a tour."

"Seriously Skeeves, that's what you called me in for? Why not get someone goody-two-shoes to do it," Marco asked toxically.

Stars parents exchanged a look with each other, then with Principal Skeeves. "Well I suppose if you believe he can protect her, then he'll have to do," said Moon, then looking to Star. "Honey it's time for me and your father to leave now. We have lots to tend to. Please be good, and remember to act like a princess." And with that, Moon and River exited the room, and headed back to Mewni.

Principal Skeeves turned back to Marco. "Mr. Diaz that was no way to greet a new student! Apologize and take her on a tour!"

"Fine, whatever. I'm Marco. Come on." Marco turned and left the room, Star following close behind him.

Marco walked down the hall occasionally pointing at a doorway or room and saying what it was. "Lunchroom. That's the library. Gyms there. And that concludes our tour. Bye forever." Marco began walking away when Star ran after him.

"Wait! I don't even know where my current class is!" Marco stopped and looked at her.

"I'm not a baby sitter. I'd only go with if it you'd make it worth my time," he said with a smirk before walking off.

Star Cringed. "Who taught him manners?" She said in an irritated tone. "His parents must be savages."

After School

Star sat in the living room of her new exchange parents home. "Mr. and Mrs. Diaz you to are so very kind!" Said star.

"Oh well we love having exchange students! Especially ones so polite and nice! We hope you'll rub off on our son!" Mrs Diaz said cheerfully.

"Who's your son?" Questioned Stat

And as if the universe had been listening, Marco walked through the front door.

"Hey I'm ho-" he looked at Star blankly. "Shit."

"Marco Diaz do not use such language in our home!" Scolded Mrs. Diaz. "This is our new foreign exchange daughter, Star Butterfly! Could you show her her new room?"

"We've already met. And sure whatever." Marco headed up the stairs and Star followed.

Marco opened the door to the guest room. "Here's your room. Now go crazy."

He walked away and Star entered the room. "Hmm.. it's a bit drab. Nothing a little magic, happiness, and determination can't fix!" She chanted.

She pulled out her wand and cast a spell that caused her room to turn into a royal three story tower. "Much better!"

"Uhhh when I said go crazy I didn't mean that crazy."

She turned to see Marco standing in the doorway.

"Who are you and why the hell are you here?" Asked Marco giving her a cold stare.

"I'm a magic princess from another dimension, and why must you use such crass language?" Star replied with a disapproving look.

"Oh great, another parent in the house. You know, you're really going to make my life miserable by being around."

Star didn't know why, but hearing the boy say this made her feel terrible. She had tried to be polite, but all he'd done was so far was insult and berate her. She was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving," Star said, almost crying.

"Well if you're in then I'm out!" Marco slammed the door shoot and walked to his room. He kicked his door open and grabbed a backpack from his closet. In two minutes he was packed and out of the house.

"Maybe I should just leave. This is his home after all, and I'd hate to be a nuisance," Star said to herself. "I suppose I should go find him and apologize."

Star pulled out her wand and cast a spell. The spell created a map in which she could see Marco'a location.

The map showed that he was under a bridge next to the city drain line. "I can't imagine why he'd want to go there. It's must be so dirty. But I guess he won't be there for long.

And with that Star left to go find Marco

20 minutes later

Marco had set up camp under a bridge next to the drain line. It was dirty and reeked there, but the bridge overhead was good shelter.

"Rrrgh! I hate her! Just another person to criticize and annoy me! If I ever see her again it'll be to soon!"

"Hello Marco," Marco turned around and saw Star approaching him.

"Too soon. What do you want?!" He snarled

"I just want to apologize for making you feel threatened in your own home. If you wish for me to leave, I will."

"Of course I want you gon-" Marco didn't make it through his sentence, and was staring wide eyed at something behind Star.

Star turned to see what he was looking at and was also surprised.

There stood a group of 10 monsters. One stood in front of the rest, presumably the leader. He was short, green, and looked like a bird. He was dressed in a green robe, and had a Skull placed atop his head.

Marco was about to say something when the leader began yelling "GET THE WAND!"

A large bear like monster lunged at Star. She jumped back but was still grazed by his claws, causing her right arm to bleed.

Star raised her wand at the monster and shouted "NARWHAL BLAST!" A narwhal came shooting from her wand and blasted the monster backward.

Another monster ran towards Star, this time a large blue creature with antlers and a beard. Before Star could react Marco Lunged forward and landed a punch square into the monsters jaw.

The monster got up and rubbed its jaw. He looked back at Marco enraged. "ATTACK!" Yelled the leader. All the monsters began running toward Marco and Star. They exchanged a look before nodding and running forward to meet the monsters.

Star cast spells left and right, hitting any monster who came close to her. She was effective enough to not sustain any further injuries.

Marco was backing her up, throwing powerful punches at the monsters. He had gotten into a heated battle with the blue monster from before, and had gotten hit a few times himself.

Just as the blue monster was about to swing again, Marco kicked his feet out from under him before stomping on the monsters stomache just to be sure he stayed down.

After a few minutes of fighting, the monsters were beaten. "RETREAT!" Yelled their leader. The monsters picked themselves up, and ran from Marco and Star.

Marco looked at Star. "Damn princess, you know how to put up a fight," he said giving her a smile.

"Um yeah. So do you," Star replied giving a half smile. "Well I guess I'd better get going," she said sadly.

"Hey wait. Maybe your not as bad as I thought, and I'm not going to leave a cute girl hanging with a bleeding arm!" Marco said winking at her.

Star smiled back. "Why thank you. You should act this polite more often," she teased.

"Hey don't push it." Marco walked over to his backpack and took out a shirt and a water bottle. He washed her cuts and then wrapped his shirt around them. "Lets go home."

"Thank you, and that sounds like a wonderful idea. You know this'll happen a lot with me around?" Questioned Star.

"Yeah I figured, but I could always use a little boxing practice," he joked.

And with that, the two began walking home.

When they arrived home, the two of them walked up the stairs and to the hallway. "Thank you for the help tonight Marco. You're not as bad as you seem," Star said sincerely.

"Yes I am. But you're slightly less stuck up than I thought," he replied jokingly.

"Very funny. Friendship hug?" She asked holding open her arms.

"Uh..." she hugged him anyways. She pulled away after a couple seconds. "Don't read to much into that, It's a friendship hug," Star said winking at Marco.

She then turned and closed herself in her room. Marco walked back to his room.

"Heh. Friendship hug. Could get used to those," and with that he shut off his light and went to sleep.

Welp I hope you liked it. I'm planning on rewriting each episode so there'll be lots of these.