Ambrose sprinted through the dark forest toward the light of fire that glowed from behind a hill. The low growl and barking of the hellhounds grew louder behind him. The creatures began to close in on the boy, who was almost at the hill overlooking his destination. He quickly approached a large pine tree, however when he attempted to run past he was knocked back and fell on the dirt floor.

"No... no, no. Let me in!" Ambrose shouted in fear and rage. He swung he fist on the border that restricted him from entering. A deep growl emerged from behind him. He turned to see three large hounds surrounding him and slowly walking forward. They began to form a semi-circle around him, one on his left, one on his right, and the largest one in front of him. The hound on the right was the first to charge at Ambrose. The monster jumped at him, however Ambrose slid underneath the creature, and jumped up behind it. The boy jumped on the dog's back only to twist its neck. The hound fell, crumbling into a pile of dust.

Ambrose looked up to find the largest hellhound now running towards him. Before the creature could reach him, Ambrose felt a felt a horrible shock of pain shoot up his left arm as he was pulled to the ground. Above him drooled the third hellhound. Ambrose felt the warm blood spilling down his arm. He looked over at it and saw the golden ichor staining the blue jacket that now had large rips and holes. The largest hellhound approached the boy and walked through the shadow of the pine tree. When it emerged it was now a man cloaked in darkness. Everything from his eyes, to his hair, to his robes, were all completely black. His pale skin was the only thing that allowed Ambrose to see the grin of satisfaction on his face.

"Have you already forgotten your blood? You will not enter that camp because you are considered a threat by the Olympians." the man stated.

"Why must you attack me brother? Especially with these demons of yours?" Ambrose asked.

"You are somewhat of a mortal now and already weak. Why not have a tad bit of fun?" the man laughed.

"You all have already subjected me to my years of youth. My power is diminished and I do not have possession of my weapons. My must my own family still torture me. Why must you torture me brother?"

"Oh Ambrose, don't go acting all innocent now."

"What have I done but inherit a domain I never wanted? Just because you wanted Death doesn't mean-" the man cut off Ambrose and stepped closer.

"I didn't ask for Death, I was sentenced to Death! Zeus and Poseidon took the earthy domains!"

"Exactly we were both given the unwanted! But you have accepted your domain and so have I. My control might be over destruction and disasters, but also immortality and life. There is a delicate balance of both in nature and I was assigned the job of keeping it so." Ambrose stared at his brother hoping he would understand.

"And that make you not only a liability but also an asset." the man stated. "I'm not the only one to feel this way, our brothers and sisters banished you out of Olympus after the fall of Greece to Rome."

"Need I remind you I'm the one that built Greece in the first place. And the one that paved the way and allowed our influences to be spread into Rome and us fading."

"Don't remind me, remind Olympus." he smile slyly.

"Neither you nor I see them sending their creations to kill me in this state."

"They are probably just waiting for you to fade. Maybe that will mean something good for them. But they forget that a Domain remains when the god is gone. Nature remains in tact without Pan, the sun still rises without Helios, the moon still looks down on us without Selene. Destruction will remain without you!" he laughed. "Maybe it'll be passed on to another little Olympian like those irritating twins of Zeus."

"Mother will despise you for this!" Ambrose shouted while trying to get out of the hellhounds grip. The man chuckled.

"Don't speak to me of mother. She already finds you quite repugnant!" The man got closer and the smile faded from his face. "You are the reason mother was almost imprisoned by father. You are lucky he was too "in love" to do anything."

"You lie brother. She does not blame me for her affair!" Ambrose yelled.

"Doesn't she? When was the last you spoke to her, or felt her aid you when a creature from Tartarus tried to rip you to shreds?" he gestured around. "Just accept the fact that the great Rhea does not care for her cursed son." Ambrose began to get up, but was pulled back down by the hound. The boy notably winced in pain. "No, no, no. No fighting for you today."

"What do you want from me?" asked Ambrose quietly.

"What is the matter? I can't just pay my dear old brother a visit?" asked the man. Ambrose stared blankly at him. "No? Well, I guess you are right. I do need something. You are the only of the elder gods to not have a demigod child. Beside Hestia and Hera, all that talk of family and marriage." the man made a gagging motion. "Anyway, due to your lack of spawn the only beings in the camp that know well of your presence and existence are Dionysus and the centaur. I have a son that is aiding me in a plan, and he attends this camp...occasionally. I need someone on the inside that will aid him on this assignment. You will be that person."

Ambrose raised his eyebrows and let out a small laugh. "The irony is hilarious brother. The god of death asking the god of immortality to help him. What makes you think I will willingly help you." Ambrose asked incredulously.

"Because it won't be willingly." the man once again smiled. Fire and smoke began swirling around his hands as he approached Ambrose.

"Okay brother. Let us be rational here. There is no need for this." Ambrose attempted to back away but was held in place by the hound.

"It'll be fine. You will remember what I need you to. And you'll forget who you are until need be. I can't have you spoil my plan now, can I?"

"Please brother! This is not the way to do this!" Avius begged. However, the man still approached. "Brother? Brother please! Hades, I said no!" Winds around them began to pick up, clouds began to form above them, and lightning began to strike the trees around them.

Hades reached for Ambrose, the fire and smoke touching his temples. Ambrose bellowed out in pain, "Brother, no!"

Ambrose' vision began to tunnel and the winds died down, the clouds cleared to show the shining moon and stars, and the lightning vanished. Hades removed his hands and Ambrose fell on his back. Before his vision completely tunneled he saw Hades go back into the shadows and the hound loosened its grip and did the same. Ambrose turned his head and saw a human step out from the other side of the hill. The light was cast upon the person from the back and depicted the silhouette of a female. Then slowly everything faded into black.