A/N: Hello, hello! A brand new one-shot from me for this fantastic fandom!

This idea came to me out of the blue and after a few weeks of planning, writing and editing, here we are! I don't plan on making this longer than a one-shot but if enough interest generates, I will see what I can do. I wouldn't complain about seeing some Auntie Mor at some point!

Do leave a review if you can so I know your thoughts on this story! It is always greatly appreciated!

Keep Smiling!

The huff that escapes me is involuntary but wholly necessary as I push myself out of bed, my heavily pregnant body barking in protest after remaining still for so long. Once standing, I turn to see if I have woken Rhys with my efforts. Thankfully, he is still asleep, laying on his side close to where I had been moments ago. His hair is mussed and legs curled up ever so slightly; his wings draped across the mattress behind him.

Now I get so hot, I feel like I can't have Rhys touching me when I'm trying to sleep; which is already limited thanks to our little one moving about so much. He conjures light breezes that linger in the effort to keep me cool - more so since I refuse to let him sleep anywhere but beside me. I cannot handle Rhys not being nearby when we are sleeping; neither of us can.

I walk over to the open balcony doors and winnow myself so I am sitting down on the stool, just like I do every morning. Within a moment, my body shifts and my wings are out, my muscles taking the extra weight easily.

The sun rises before me as I complete my daily routine; opening and closing my wings, lifting them up high and slowly dropping them before lifting them again, gently flapping them, and tucking them in.

A sharp ache sparks in my spine as I tuck them in and I wince. I continue through the slight pain, knowing this will help to keep my wings strong. There is no telling whether I will be able to continue this routine every morning when the baby arrives; my attention will be devoted to them.

As if on cue, the little one starts moving around. My hands automatically cradle my bump and I smile. But not for long. They press down on my bladder and as quickly as I can, I make my way into the bathroom.

I relieve myself and once I am standing, I move in front of the large mirror. Inwardly, I cringe at the sight of my unruly hair and immediately fix; re-braiding the longer strands and tying off with the same strip of ribbon.

It has been just shy of a century since I was Made by the seven High Lords and I feel as if I haven't changed much since then. My appearance is practically the same whilst mentally, I have grown stronger and stronger. My skin is tanner, my eyes are much brighter and my body in general, fitter and healthier.

The baby moves around again and I smile at my bump. There's less than a month to go now by the midwife's estimations and all I know is that I just want my baby out at this moment.

I am huge and I ache. Really not the best feeling.

I'd rather feel that way with my son or daughter in my arms.

My steps are silent as I pad back into the room and over to our large wardrobe, the doors already open from last night. I tug off my large nightshirt, throwing it into the wicker basket to my left so it can be washed. There are a mixture of our clothes in front of me but I look at Rhys' instead. I pick out one of his deep purple shirts and pull it on, rolling up the sleeves to my elbows. I pull on the ties over my chest before knotting them lightly, covering my chest a bit.

His shirts are far more comfortable than my own... and there is no chance of him complaining about it either.

A pair of leggings is pulled out of the adjoining drawer once I have put on new undergarments. The leggings are once of a few that came together as a present from Mor to help me feel more comfortable day-to-day without having to wear dresses constantly. Carefully, I tug them on, balancing against the wardrobe, and find a pair of my thick socks. It is a huge struggle to get them on and I end up needing to sit on the stool at the vanity, my bump getting in the way.

The loud inhale of breath brings a smile to my face. I move to the bed, on my side, and place my left knee on the mattress to balance so I can get closer. Rhys makes an adorable grunt as his hand reaches across the covers towards me. I lean over and push his hair away from his forehead before cupping his jaw.

"Morning, mate." I mumble, my smile growing.

Rhys ruffles his wings behind him and presses a gentle kiss to my palm before opening his eyes. "Good morning, darling."

He quickly sits up and shifts so he is on his knees in front of me. I lean forwards and kiss him properly. My arms rest on his shoulders and remain there when I pull away. Rhysand's large hands cup my bump and his head bows towards it. Our baby kicks against his palm, giving their father their version of "hello".

"Hello, little one. Be good to your Mummy today for me - don't kick her too much." he whispers. He lingers for a moment longer and then draws back. "I'll get ready so my two favourite people can eat."

At the prospect of food, my mouth begins to water. I quickly kiss him.

"Then you had better be quick, Rhys." I say with a smile. "We are rather famished."


I move around the main sitting room of the town house, a cloth gripped in my hand. I keep waddling around - as Mor so lovingly puts it - cleaning and rearranging everything until it is just right for me and for when the baby arrives.

Rhys keeps telling me that he finds my nesting instincts endearing - especially as in some fae females, they kick in earlier than usual; which they have done for me unless the midwife's estimations are wrong. It's alright until I feel the intense need to go to the adjoining bedroom in the middle of the night, which has been turned into the nursery for the baby to stay in when they are old enough, and refold all the blankets before I can go back to sleep.

Then again, I cannot help but find him endearing in turn. Or, specifically, his jealousy and inner male when someone wishes to touch my bump when we are on the streets of Velaris, offering well wishes to us and our family.

I keep walking between rooms on the ground floor, placing things elsewhere. Az and Cass hover around me. I don't mind it - well, try not to. They just don't stop. Both follow me back into the sitting room.

Rhys is lounging in one of the large armchairs with a book in his hands. Mor is draped across the smaller couch, reading a book of her own which I lent to her yesterday. Nesta and Elain are with Lucien and Amren in the markets by the Sidra, scouting out the perfect place for Elain to relocate her flower shop to since business has been so good for her the past decade from the moment of her opening. Her popularity is mainly because she always knows exactly what someone requires thanks to the help she has been given harnessing her seer powers.

I couldn't be prouder of her. Or Nesta, who has flourished despite her previous hatred of our kind.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the two fae males following me deeper into the room. I know I shouldn't, but I cannot help it.

I snap.

"Will you two just bloody stop?!" I shout, turning to face them. "I've had enough of you following me around like a lost puppy. Stop being so overprotective because I feel like I am just being smothered!"

Cass looks surprised and Azriel shifts on his feet.

"We're just doing our duty, Feyre." Cassian says, Azriel nodding his agreement.

I know I shouldn't, but I can't help the words coming out.

"I am doing my fucking duty too!" I exclaim. My arms throw themselves up and gesture to my protruding stomach. "On a daily basis I get feet pressing on my bladder, or get hit in the lungs, and have aches in my back and ankles constantly. Perhaps you should become me and have the impulse to suddenly clean everything in sight. Perhaps you should become me and understand my bloody definition of duty."

There is quiet for a moment, expect for the sound of my heavy breathing, before it is broken by the sound of clapping. I turn my head to Mor, the source, and silence her with a sharp glance.

Rhys pushes against my mental shields, refusing to enter until granted permission. I ignore him but steady my breathing, knowing that it isn't good for the baby for me to be in such a state; especially being so close to giving birth as I am. I continue to breathe deeply until I am completely calm.

A rogue cushion captures my eye beside Mor's feet and I instantly remove it and take it out into the large foyer, resting it at the bottom of the stairs so I can take it up later.

And of-bloody-course, Cassian and Azriel have followed me.

"Get out." I say through clenched teeth, my hands curling into fists at my sides. They have surprise printed on their faces. "I don't want to see you around me, or anywhere near me right now."

The two warriors exchange a look before moving as one to the front door, leaving the building. I hear them fly off yet know that they will not have gone further than the roof. Baby kicks sharply against my side. I bring my hand to the spot, rubbing small circles over it, and walk into the sitting room.

I move over to the armchair Rhys is in and sit beside him. He brings me closer to his body and despite the heat I feel, and I cuddle closer into him. Rhys kisses my temple and I am grateful for the large armchair which seems to have grown in size. My legs lift up so my feet are firmly planted on the chair itself. They end up being spread thanks to the size of my bump but it makes me more comfortable as I lounge against Rhys.

Baby moves around and I laugh slightly, right hand running over the bump. I feel Rhys kiss my temple again before his left hand joins my own.

"I'm sorry for that outburst." I say, leaning my head against Rhys' shoulder. "I shouldn't have yelled at them like that."

Mor starts laughing and Rhys joins in, chuckling. I simply roll my eyes. These two get a kick out of Cassian and Azriel getting told off.

"You shouldn't feel bad, my darling." Rhys mumbles to me. "They know how you feel, and yet they don't seem to try to resist their urges to watch your every move as their High Lady."

I remain silent for a moment before sighing. "I don't see this baby as just my duty, Rhys. I could never do that, not after waiting so long for them." My voice is quiet. "I was just... frustrated earlier and didn't mean to say that."

Rhys' arm tightens around my shoulder.

"I know, Feyre darling. It's alright."

Our baby kicks against our hands then which makes the pair of us smile. A squeal sounds and I look up to my left curiously. Mor scrambles off her couch, throwing her book behind her so it lands with a resounding thud on the floor, and kneels at my right hand side. Her hand slaps Rhys' away, igniting a giggle from me, and moves across my bump. She chases the baby's movements around, her eyes wide with excitement and a grin on her lips. My hand remains on the top of my bump, just beneath my breasts.

"Calm down now, little one." Mor says a few minutes later, her smile still there. "Now, there is something you must remember." Mor leans closer to the bump. "Auntie Mor is much better than silly old Daddy."

"Hey!" Rhys exclaims to Mor's laughter. He returns the favour she bestowed, pushing Mor's hand away and placing his own back over our baby. He pulls up my shirt, despite my groan at the sight of my bare skin, and he awkwardly leans down to press a kiss to my bare skin. "Don't listen to a word she says. Your Mummy is the absolute best one here, then Daddy follows."

"Alright, you two." I say, silencing them both. They smile sheepishly and I stroke my hand over my bump, smoothing the shirt back down. "That's enough. My little one will be loved by all of us and love us dearly in return."

Mor and Rhys pout at each other before their faces morph into similar smiles once more.

Our family has only grown over the past century. After the conclusion of the war with Hybern and the Cauldron, we helped Prythian heal. Our ties to the Mortal Realm have slowly strengthened, ensuring peace between our lands. Now, with the addition of this little one... well, the world will be absolutely perfect.

Mentally, I summon Cassian and Azriel back from their place, almost certainly, on the roof. My heart leaps out of my mouth when they appear a moment later, greatly startling me. I put my hand upon my racing heat to try and calm it. Rhys growls deeply, his arms tightening around me and a strong soothing feeling passes down our bond. Mor, on the other hand, stands up and punches each of them in the chest.

"What do you think you are doing?! Scaring a pregnant woman like that!" she exclaims.

Perhaps screeches is far more accurate. Yes, definitely screeches.

"Mor, it's alright." I say, sitting up more with Rhys' assistance. I cross my legs comfortably, bump resting in the gap of my lap. Mor looks at me, her eyes searching over me to make sure my words are true. "Truly. I am alright."

Mor backs off, retreating back so she stands to my right. Her arms cross over her ample chest and her face is schooled into a fierce expression.

"We're sorry for how we acted." Azriel says, gesturing to himself and his brother-in-arms. "Sometimes we cannot control our instincts to protect you as our High Lady, and our family - just like Rhys but perhaps not as strongly. It has been harder since knowing you are pregnant."

I smile slightly at the two of them; men I see as brothers.

"I'm sorry too." I say, shifting as baby moves around uncomfortably. "I shouldn't have yelled at you. That wasn't fair."

Just then, baby delivers a sharp hit to my lungs, stealing my breath away with a groan. I take a few laboured breaths and look up to see that Cass and Az have approached in worry. I give them a glare and they back off.

"Just take a few deep breaths." Rhys coaches, pulling me to lay back slightly to help. I do as he says, feeling his arms supporting me, and feel fine a moment later. "That's it, sweetheart."

I smile up at him and run my hands over my bump, sitting up once more.

"You'll have to ignore your uncles, baby." I say to my unborn child. A grin forms on my lips as I chance a glance up at Cass and Az. "They're rather silly."

Mor and Rhys chuckle either side of me. The baby kicks against my palms.

"I do believe that they agree." I say.

Mor laughs harder now, whilst Cass and Az pout, arms folding over their chests in sync.

Rhys runs his hand over our unborn child, feeling his connection with them.

"There's my girl." he mumbles.

I raise an eyebrow and look at my mate. "Still so sure they're a girl?"

Rhys smiles at me, then the others in the room. "I've got a feeling that's my little girl in there. Plus, we have a bet going - I should like to win."

"You have a bet running on the sex of our child?" I ask, looking around my family.

"To be fair, most of Velaris have bets running on the baby's gender." Mor points out and I roll my eyes. "There is quite a lot of money in it."

"Why do you care about the bet?" I ask, looking at Rhys. "You have plenty of money."

"Perhaps I want the glory of knowing that I knew for sure whether we are having a son or daughter." Rhys says but then looks at me in earnest. "Or perhaps I already have everything I need and I was forced to."

Mor snorts and I jovially roll my eyes.

"Looks like someone has become soft." I mumble.

Rhys blushes slightly. He kisses the shell of my ear tenderly.

"I just can't wait to meet them." he whispers. "I feel like I have waited an eternity."

I link my hands with his over the bump. Mor moves over to Cass and Az, talking to them softly. My head drops to the side to rest against my mate's. My eyes drift shut, tiredness setting in which I try to fend off.

"Not much longer now." I mumble, a smile seemingly fixed to my lips.

The baby kicks against our hands as if agreeing with my words before they grow still, settling down.

We have waited what feels like a lifetime for this child - our child - and I don't want to wait anymore. It took us five years of trying before we found out I was finally with child. Rhys and I enjoyed our time together, with our family. But, we knew we wanted more.

Not much longer now and we will have our little bundle of joy in our arms. We will teach them to walk the halls, soothe them when they fall. We will teach them to fly beside us in the skies and temper and harness their powers as they learn. But most importantly, we will nurture them, and love them for who they are. Our child...

Not much longer now.

End note: Please review! :)