It Wasn't Her

Written By EvantheNerd83

Author's Note: I do not own Star Vs the Forces of Evil. Daron Nefcy does. Spoilers for the Season 3 Premiere/TV Movie, "The Battle For Mewni".

"Hi, Mom!"

It wasn't her daughter.

Even in her relief, Moon knew that the thing hovering over her and Marco and Buff Frog wasn't her daughter. She could tell. She just knew. It broke her heart to even consider the possibility, but it was true.

Her daughter was dead.

She had been crushed into dust by Toffee. The other half of the wand had been rendered useless by the Whispering Spell and her daughter had been trapped inside it. Star was dead.

But the girl who was flying on giant butterfly wings looked like her. Her hair was blond, like hers. Her body was thin, like hers. Even the smile that graced heart-marked cheeks was the same. Moon felt the shock and heartbreak from just a few minutes ago fade away. Replaced by a sudden, shrinking tingle of horror.

The thing stared down at her with glowing diamond eyes. And Moon almost shuddered when it spoke again.

"Where's…. Toffee?"

Those words betrayed the happiness in the thing's smile. They dripped with cold. Something that made her own smile falter, something as cold as the body of her old daughter.

She could hear death in its voice. Anger. Pure anger.

She raised a single finger and pointed to the figure in the distance, the lizard who was walking away from the scene. The thing turned its attention towards the monster responsible for Star's death. Toffee never felt its gaze on his back. He was too far away. Even if he did turn around, he wouldn't have seen the cold in its eyes. Moon watched as the thing raised one of its arms and pointed the New Wand at him. It smiled again.

Moon didn't want to watch. But she couldn't look away. A part of her wanted to see his death. The same part that had taken control when he had crushed the other half of the wand.

And as the thing unleashed a blast of golden hatred and burned him, Moon kept her eyes on its face.

It never stopped smiling.