AN/ Y'know, I should just change that bit of the title being contextual Drarry, because this one is a full on DRARRY BABY. Pre-slash, I'll admit, but still! Alright, I promise I'll go back to normal with the next one :P

Ironically written when my body turned traitor and made me into an insomniac. Not much to say here, just one word for y'all. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am running on very little sleep. I have better things to worry about than this.

Draco started his morning by running into a pillar. Of course, he didn't actually start his morning by getting out of bed and crashing into a wall of stone, but it certainly felt that way to him. One moment, he had been walking down the hallway half asleep, with Ron and Hermione flanking him, and the next, he found himself clutching his nose, standing in front of a pillar.

"Not see that pillar, did you, ferret?" Ron commented brightly.

"Shut up, Weasel," Draco muttered, still clutching his nose. When he removed his hand, blood dripped from the tips of his fingers. "Great," he sighed. "Now I'm going to get my robes all bloody."

"What was that?" Hermione asked, handing him a handkerchief she had apparently been carrying around in her bag for this very occasion. "You don't usually run into things, Draco, even when you're reading or talking to us."

"It was nothing," Draco mumbled, even as he stuffed the cloth into his nose. "Just didn't sleep well."

"How does that account for running into a pillar smack on the side of a hallway?" Ron asked, clearly unconvinced. Draco stayed quiet for a few seconds. He didn't want to worry his friends with the truth, but then again, he needed a convincing excuse for as to why he had walked into a pillar and would probably be falling asleep in class.

"Didn't sleep well," he repeated eventually, lifting a shoulder. It was close enough to the truth that they should buy it.

"Uh huh." Ron still sounded skeptical, and judging by the way Hermione crossed her arms, she wasn't fooled either. Draco didn't care, as long as they didn't question him. His friends would probably ask why he couldn't walk by himself later, but that gave him time to think up a better excuse.

"Let's get moving," Draco suggested, already several steps ahead of his two housemates. "Harry'll have probably eaten all of the food on the table by now." As it turned out, he hadn't. Draco entered the Great Hall to find it half empty. He wasn't really that surprised, most of the students had left for the spring break. He and Harry had stayed to avoid their families, and both Hermione's and Ron's parents were doing things over the two week break. Draco wasn't complaining. He cherished any time he had with his friends.

"Morning mates," Harry said cheerfully, looking up as they approached. His eyes flicked over Ron, then moved to Hermione, and finally landed on Draco. He immediately frowned, his mouth contorting into a concerned frown. "Merlin, Draco, what happened?"

"The ferret walked into a pillar," Ron said, slightly less brightly than he had before. Draco said nothing to contradict the redhead's explanation, and he sat next to Harry without a word. The dark-haired boy shifted to look at him, his fingers carefully floating around Draco's nose. Draco thought he saw a trace of fatigue in the other boy's eyes, but he didn't comment on the matter.

"I wouldn't do that," Hermione warned from her spot across the table. "It started bleeding pretty badly." She gave Draco a worried look. "Are you sure there's nothing we should know?"

"Yeah, yeah no, I'm fine," Draco lied. He knew he wasn't fooling anyone. He clearly was not fine. "Can all of you leave me alone for a few minutes? I want some breakfast before we start Defense Against the Dark Arts." His friends reluctantly obeyed, and Draco tore into a piece of toast. Just because he was exhausted didn't mean he wasn't hungry.

Breakfast was over far too quickly, and Draco was thrust into his day of classes with a stomach full only with a few bites of egg and a piece of toast, and maybe an hour of sleep. To his surprise, classes did not drag on painfully, and the 20 minute power naps he got in throughout the day did his foggy mind wonders. Though he had to admit he was lucky Hermione took notes for him, or he would have been boned.

By the time dinner rolled around, Draco was feeling much better. He managed to inhale a steak and a piece of pie, but his friends still seemed worried. With good reason, as Draco could rival Ron when it came to their appetites.

The quiet time every Gryffindor spent frantically doing their homework ticked by, and night fell over the grounds. Suddenly, Draco found himself alone in the common room. Everyone else had long since gone to bed, but he was left awake. He stared at the fire, his hands cold and his eyes wide open. And thus his nightly problem began.

Draco had developed a case of insomnia.

It had begun a bit over a week ago, but the tolls it had taken on him made it feel like months had passed. Draco was exhausted, this he knew well. But when the time came to put his head down, his eyes always stayed open, or if he closed them, wouldn't stay that way. He had mostly given up on trying to sleep, and most days, would simply sit in the window with a book. It was the best way he could think of to pass the time.

Draco sighed, heaving himself from the common room chair and shuffling to the stairs. He climbed them slowly, and upon reaching the dorm door, pushed it open gingerly.

His dorm-mates were sleeping, as he had expected. Ron was snoring his heart out on his bed, Neville had curled into a blanket cocoon, Dean was doing something with his hands in his dream, Seamus was sprawled across his bed, and Harry-

Was standing by the window, looking out across the grounds. Draco blinked, surprised. He hadn't expected anyone to be up. He eased the door shut behind him, and Harry turned. He gave Draco a faint smile.

"Evening," he said softly.

"What are you doing up?" Draco asked in the same soft tone. He joined Harry by the window, and the dark-haired boy gave him an even look.

"I could ask you the same thing, Malfoy." Draco sighed, leaning against the edge of the windowsill. Harry watched him silently, and for several seconds, they stood there wordlessly. "You don't have to tell me," Harry said eventually, looking past Draco and out the window. "I think the fact that we're both standing here is proof enough of our condition."

"And our condition is?" Draco asked.

"Insomnia," Harry replied immediately, his eyes fixed on something outside the window. "The inability to sleep. 'Mione has mentioned a few potions that can do the same thing. She said stressed Ministry workers use them when they need to stay awake for days on end."

"Is there one that puts people to sleep for days on end?" Draco grumbled, half cynically and half curiously. Harry gave him another faint smile, but the turned corners of his mouth were made more prominent by the pale moonlight illuminating his face.

"Never heard of that. Thought you would have, Potions master." Draco snorted.

"I wish."

They fell back into silence, but Draco didn't mind. Just having the presence of another person was enough to put his mind at ease. He lifted his eyes to examine his companion's face, frowning as he took in details. Harry's face was devoid of emotion, but the dark bags under his eyes were painfully obvious. His skin was too pale, both from the moonlight and lack of sleep, and his eyes radiated exhaustion.

Draco hoped he didn't look that bad.

"How long?" he asked, hoping he wasn't pushing his luck with the dark-haired boy.

"Couple of days. You?"

"A little over a week." Harry nodded, turning his gaze onto Draco.

"Thought as much." Draco opened his mouth to protest, but Harry cut him off with a wave of his hand. "You could have at least told us." Again, Draco tried to protest, but Harry cut him off yet again. "Yes, I know, you didn't want to worry us, but Hermione probably could have found a cure by now."

"You're such a hypocrite," Draco muttered. "You're standing here at the same ungodly hour I am." Harry cracked a small grin.

"Perfect description of me." Draco snorted, but didn't pursue the subject. He looked around at the rest of the sleeping room, making sure they were asleep. Then he grabbed the book that sat on his side table. He slid onto the windowsill, ignoring Harry's curious gaze. "Why are you climbing onto the window?"

"Because I want to read," Draco said, opening his book without looking up. "What does it look like?"

"It looks like you're ignoring me."

Draco snapped his book shut, giving Harry an irritated look. "Forgive me if I don't pay attention to you every single minute of my life," he snapped, gesturing with his free hand. "Do you want to sit up here next to me and read along?" Harry gave him a hopeful look, and Draco sighed, rubbing his temples. "Alright, fine. But this window isn't big enough for two, come over to my bed."

"The window is big enough," Harry protested as he trailed Draco to his bed. Draco sat with a smug smirk, and Harry let out a defeated breath. "Okay, true enough. Move over then, Malfoy, you can't take up the whole bed."

"I can too," Draco said, feeling oddly childish as he said the words. Harry glanced up at him.




"Just shut up and read, Potter." Draco returned his attention back to his book, and Harry rested his chin on Draco's left shoulder. At first, he shifted, uncomfortable with the dark-haired boy literally breathing down his neck. But the time they had read a few chapters, Draco was used to it. So much so that he was acutely aware when Harry moved.

"What are you doing?" he asked as the dark-haired boy laid down on his bed. Harry opened one eye, giving Draco a bored look.

"I'm laying down. What does it look like?"

"This isn't your bed," Draco reminded him, choosing to ignore the fact that Harry had just taken the phrase Draco had used a little while ago. The dark-haired boy lifted a shoulder.

"So? Mine is way over there." Way over there being a few steps across this bloody room, Draco thought, but out loud, he said nothing. If Harry was really that tired, he'd leave the other boy to his antics. "Draco? Could you lay down too?"

At that simple request, Draco choked on thin air, almost got whiplash from turning to look at Harry so fast, and dropped his book on his toes. "What?" he hissed, half from pain, half from shock. And it was only after he'd let out his demand he realized that Harry had called him by his first name.

"You're warm, and I'm feeling cold. Could you lay down?"

Draco just stared at the other boy. He was almost a hundred percent positive he had heard that correctly. He wasn't that tired. After several seconds of contemplation and a very strong internal battle, he grunted and reluctantly slid down to lay next to Harry. The dark-haired boy let out a content sigh, tucking his chin against Draco's shoulder. "Thanks."

"Sure," Draco said, any biting remarks he could have made dying in his throat. He did have to admit that Harry's cool skin was a stark contrast to his boiling blood, and it was slowing down his mind. Was it possible that laying next to Harry could actually cure his insomnia?




Draco struggled to speak, but when the words came out, they were genuine and fond. "Goodnight, you moron." He picked his book up off the covers, but his eyes were rapidly closing. Draco attempted to read for about five more minutes before he gave up and reached across Harry to place said book on his side table. Harry grumbled, but made no further comment about being disturbed.

Draco stared up at the ceiling with heavy eyes. This was usually the time he found himself unable to shut off his mind. But now, his brain was slowing to a near stop, shutting down any non-vital functions and sending Draco spiraling into a world of welcome darkness.

The darkness was broken far too quickly by faint light crossing over Draco's eyelids. He scowled, grumbling incoherently and rolling over in an attempt to block out the light. Once he did, he got a murmured comment from a person laying behind him.

"You can't stop the light from coming in, Malfoy." Draco didn't process Harry's words for several seconds. Once his brain caught up with his ears, he just reached over his shoulder and shoved at the other boy.

"Get out of my bed, Potter," he mumbled. Harry did no such thing, and it took Ron starting to stir for both of them to spring to their feet and go racing around the dorm room. Draco wasn't embarrassed. Of course he wasn't. More than a little shocked and flustered was closer to his current state of mind. But for the first time in nearly a week, he went down to the Great Hall feeling alive again.

Hermione immediately noted the change, and she made sure Draco knew she knew as well.

"You're looking perky," she said as Draco sat down. He shrugged, making sure to not catch the eye of the dark-haired boy sitting across from him.

"Guess I just got a better night of sleep," Draco said evenly, and he promptly dropped the matter as breakfast appeared before his eyes.

The rest of his day was considerably better than previous ones, as he managed to stay awake through all of his classes, with the exception of History. That was one subject he would never excel in.

When it came time to pack up his quill and parchment and head to bed, Draco did so without a single worry entering his mind. The worries quickly returned as he stared up at the ceiling with a mind whirling in circles, and suddenly, it occurred to him it might have been an one time trick. Then Harry silently pulled back the curtains and slipped under the covers next to him.

"Potter, what are you doing?" Draco asked without any real venom.

"I want to be able to sleep tonight," Harry said easily. "So shut up, Malfoy."

Draco huffed, but did so. Harry was right, sleeping was more important than arguing at this point. He would kick the dark-haired boy out of his bed the second both their insomnia went away.

The very second.

And yet another adventure ends! Well? Hate, love, meh? Please let me know! Reviews keep my muse appeased. Until next time, Bird out!