AN/ Hello Potterheads, and welcome to the start of a beautiful story! This collection of one-shots will be stories of Draco's adventures if he had been sorted into Gryffindor. I got this idea from a prompt on the internet, and well, I ran with it. For the sake of me not having to rewrite the entire canon series, I'm mostly going to be ignoring the canon series and just focusing on snippets into his life. There will be some mention of it, but hey, I'll get around to rewriting the series someday. This isn't going to in 1st to 8th year order, I'll be bouncing around all over the shop. Oh, last thing you should know. Since Draco is now in Gryffindor, he won't have such a volatile rivalry with Harry, but some aspects of it will hang around... alright, let's go!

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K. Rowling, in case you didn't notice that already.

"Gryffindor!" For a few seconds, Draco was too stunned to even think. Then, slowly, the insane cheers of the Gryffindor table flooded his ears. He blinked, staring out over the people who would now be his housemates. A smile began to spread over his face, even though several people at the Slytherin table were glaring stonily at him.

It had happened. He had broken the family tradition. He wasn't stuck in the rut he had thought he would be. He wasn't following the line his mother, his father, everyone had hoped for him.

His father. Oh Merlin, his father. His father was going to kill him. Come to the school and hunt him down. He wasn't going to survive a day.

Draco stood from the stool, walking down the stairs. The crowd parted for him, some staring at him with wide eyes, some glaring at him, and the rest smirking at him, like they had expected as much. Though Draco didn't think that could be possible. Why would anyone think he'd be anything other than a Slytherin?

He slid onto the edge of the table, feeling oddly shy. Normally, he would fit into any conversation he chose. But that had been when he thought he was going to Slytherin and might as well make the most of it. Now, he was a Gryffindor. He was a Gryffindor. He was going to have to keep telling himself that until he believed it.

"Draco Malfoy, is it?" Draco looked up, surprised. A girl with long, curly brown hair was looking across the table at him, her head tilted to one side.

"Yes," he said quietly. "But I don't think I'll be a Malfoy for much longer." The girl grinned brightly.

"Even if that isn't the case-" She stuck out a hand, almost knocking over a goblet. "Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you." Draco blinked, then shook the head, albeit a little hesitantly. Hermione grinned again, gently dropped his hand. "Don't worry, I try not to judge the person by the cover. I mean, look who I'm sitting next to." Draco did, and tried his best not to cringe. The Weasley boy was looking at him like he couldn't decide he wanted to hand Draco over to the Slytherin table or just ignore him.

Draco took a deep breath, then held out his hand. "Draco. Good to meet you." The Weasley boy jerked, like he hadn't expected Draco to even acknowledge him. He let out a long-suffering sigh, then shook Draco's hand.

"Ron Weasley," he grumbled, and Draco let a small smile creep over his features. That he could work with. It might take some time, but he could work with that. Finally, he turned to the person next to him and tried not to die of embarrassment. Harry Potter looked back at him, his eyes shimmering with faint curiosity. Draco didn't say anything, instead just holding out a hand. Harry examined the offered peace treaty, then looked up at him.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself." It took Draco a few seconds to see the smile lurking at the corners of Harry's mouth. And it seemed that Hermione and Ron didn't see it at all, judging by how wide their eyes were. He smirked, pulling his hand back.

"Alright, if that's the way you want it," he said, stifling a laugh as Harry waved a hand at him.

"Yes, it is." Ron and Hermione looked between the two of them, mouths open slightly, but Draco didn't care. He could already see what his friendship with Potter would be like. Now his only concern was food. He looked over at the students yet to be sorted, sighing dramatically. Could they hurry up? He wanted his dinner.

"That was my foot!" Draco howled as he yanked said appendage out from under one of his new housemates. "Be more careful, Weasel!"

Said housemate, Ron, snickered, but didn't move his chest, which he had dropped in the middle of the room. Right on top of Draco's foot. He huffed, then crossed the room and flopped onto the bed he had already decided was his. No one else seemed to want a bed by the window, but Draco liked seeing the grounds and watching the sky.

Suddenly, a loud clunk sounded from the bed on the other side of the window. Draco peered over and was surprised to see Harry setting up his things. The other boy glanced over his shoulder, like he had sensed Draco was watching him. His eyes met Draco's' briefly, then returned to his task.

"Hey, the Gryffindor are throwing a party!" Draco looked up as Seamus stumbled into the room, his eyes shining with excitement. "They're ecstatic to have gotten Harry Potter and a Malfoy!" Draco didn't really feel like celebrating. He was still dreading his father learning that he had gotten into Gryffindor. Besides, he didn't know what the other Gryffindors would think of him.

"I'm good," he said at the same time Harry said, "I'll pass." He glanced over at the other boy, raising an eyebrow. "Really? I would have you'd be down there partying, Potter." Harry just looked back at him, and much like before, Draco thought he saw a silent message in those green eyes. I'm staying up here for the same reason you are. I don't like being known just because of my name.

"Oh come on, Harry!" Ron jumped onto the other boy's bed and bouncing slightly. Harry laughed, but said,

"No, Ron, I'm not going down." The other boys in the room glanced at each other, then surged forward, grabbing Harry and dragging him towards the door. "Wha-! Hey! Let me go, guys!"

"Nope, you're having fun with us," Dean said, grinning widely. For the very first time since he'd arrived here at Hogwarts, Draco was very happy people sometimes left him alone because of his name. Harry gave Draco a panicked look, but Draco just shrugged. His choice. If put in that situation, Draco would have just gone downstairs, then snuck back up when he got the chance.

Draco went back to unpacking, half listening as the other Gryffindors generally had a good time. He was fine not being there. Maybe once he felt he fit in more, he'd join them at one of their parties. But for now, he'd take the quiet and think.

Or maybe he'd have too much time to think.

Draco looked up as the door to the dorm creaking open. He raised his eyebrows as Harry snuck in, his face screwed in a half grimace. The dark-haired boy eased the door shut, letting out a breath as it clicked closed. Draco glanced out the window. Harry had barely been gone a half an hour.

"Weren't you having fun, Potter?" Even if Harry was too shocked to reply to his comment, Draco got a kick out of Harry's terrified expression. He couldn't help but chuckle as the boy sighed.

"Yes, I was," Harry drawled, and Draco looked back down at his book with a grin.

"Honestly, I thought you Gryffindors knew how to have a good time," he said, flipping a page. He didn't have to look up to imagine Harry's face as he snorted.

"You're a Gryffindor too, Malfoy. Don't you know how to have a good time?" Draco rolled his eyes. He set down his book, then grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at the dark-haired boy. Harry laughed, picking up one of his own pillows and hurling that at Draco. He coughed as Harry's pillow connected with his gut, and he glared up at the other boy.

"I hate you, Potter."

"Same to you, Malfoy."

Considering what they'd just said, Draco was mildly surprised when he went back to reading and Harry continuing unpacking his things. But at the same time, it felt only natural.

Maybe being in Gryffindor wasn't going to be as horrible as he had thought.

And end the prologue. Well, what did you guys think? Please leave me a review and let me know your thoughts! It only takes a few seconds and it will improve both our lives, as I'll be a better writer because of it, and you'll get better works. Bird out!