A/N: Hello my favorite readers! This. Is. The. Last. Chapter. Hold onto your seats because you are in for a ride. When you've finished please leave me a review and let me know what you thought. Don't forget, we left off after the bank robbery . . . McCreary has taken Clarke and Bellamy is desperately trying to find her.

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains sexual assault and/or violence themes which may be triggering to survivors.



Clarke came to on a cold cement floor. She attempted to lift her head up but a shot of searing pain rushed through her so she gave up, relaxing her body against the hard floor.

She didn't know where she was, and she felt exposed and vulnerable.

Two feet appeared in front of her face and then came a voice.

"She's waking up boss."

"Ok, you know the drill. Keep her quiet. If she tries anything you shut her up any way you want just don't kill her, I have plans for this one."

"You got it."


Roan, Lincoln, Murphy, Miller and about 10 other men and women they had close connections with showed up at McCreary's warehouse in Queens just 5 minutes after Bellamy had arrived. Before their arrival, he had done a quick casing of the house.

He approached Roan.

"I've got at least 3 men outside the building. Two here in the front, one around back. Unsure about the number inside."

"This is a goddamn mess." Roan angrily complained.

The group walked to the front door and were let in.

McCreary stood in the middle of the warehouse with about 30 armed men around him, a smirk on his face.

"Looking good Blake" McCreary said when Bellamy came into view.

"Where is she?" Bellamy asked pointedly.

"Who?" McCreary asked confused.

Bellamy charged at McCreary but Lincoln and Murphy grabbed him and pulled him back as several men walked in front of McCreary, guns raised.

"Blake, chill out. McCreary, explain what just happened with my bank job." Roan said, slightly easing the tension.

McCreary smiled and his eyes narrowed.

"Our plan just made us a lot of money."

"We had a risk-free plan and you turned this into a goddamn fireworks show. You beat two of my men. You took the girl. Explain before I lose it."

"Listen, plan A didn't work. This was my backup and we are now all very rich men. You're welcome. Blake here . . ." he pointed at Bellamy accusingly, "got in my way as I was moving on to plan B. My guys got a little over-enthusiastic about keeping him out of my way but no real harm done. And Monty, I just gave him a gentle knock on the head to help set the stage for him, less likely for anyone to suspect that he was involved this way. Clarke, unfortunately, was a little hysterical with all the commotion and passed out, I did the gentlemanly thing and brought her with us to make sure she was OK. When she came to in the van she asked to be dropped off along the way here, we complied."

"BULLSHIT!" Bellamy yelled.

Roan looked at him with a warning glare telling him to stop.

"Where did you drop her off?" Roan asked.

"The corner of 101st and Ark street."

"Lincoln, go check it out." Lincoln immediately turned and walked out the door.

"Roan you know she's here." Bellamy said anxiously.

"Ye of little faith." McCreary acted as if he was hurt by Bellamy's accusation.

"You'll let us look around then." Roan stated.

The corner of McCreary's mouth went up.

"No, I can't let you do that, my place is my business and I don't like people going through my business. Neither do they." He nodded his head toward the armed men surrounding him.

"If I find out you were lying to me, we are going to have a problem," Roan stated. "I really hope for your sake that we don't."

Roan looked at the crew that had come with him to the warehouse to address them.

"All of you, we are leaving. Now." He turned.

Bellamy followed him out.

"Roan what are you doing, she's in there, or somewhere nearby. We can't leave her."

Roan took a deep breath. "She probably is, but we are outnumbered and I couldn't risk everyone without being sure."

"I'm not leaving," Bellamy said. "If you aren't going to help her I need you to do to me a favor."

"Name it."

"Call this number, it goes directly to Abby Griffin. Give her this address."

"You want me to call Abby Fucking Griffin and tell her where my bank robbery partner is hiding out?"

"She'll send police who can come in and deal with McCreary."

"If he gets arrested he could talk. We could all end up in jail."

"Roan if she dies I die." Bellamy begged.

"Goddamnit!" Roan yelled but Bellamy knew he meant that he was agreeing to his request.

"Thank you, be fast."

"Be careful." Roan said.


Clarke's head was feeling good enough for her to sit up but she still felt out of it. She was having a hard time concentrating and wondered if she had a concussion.

The door to the room she was in opened and McCreary walked in. Her entire body tensed and she felt a shiver go down her spine.

"Out." McCreary said to a man that had been standing on the other side of the room. The man left.

Looking at her, McCreary couldn't hide his excitement.

"Well Clarke," He drawled, "I'm just not sure what to do with you." He smiled with a sick joy that made Clarke nauseous.

He grabbed her hard by both arms and pulled her up, sitting her down on a nearby metal chair, tying her hands behind her.

"Please," Clarke said, trying to get through to him. "Please just let me go."

McCreary, who was standing above her squatted down to be at her level. He looked her up and down.

"I like when you beg Clarke." He looked into her eyes. "You know, I've thought of many ways to torture and kill your mom over the years. Did you know that she's put me away a few times?"

Clarke did not know. And she closed her eyes realizing there she was in serious danger.

"She's even shown up at my parole hearings to argue that I not get released." A smile crept along his lips.

"I can't think of anything so perfect as to having you fall into my lap." He took Clarke's hair in his hand, running his fingers through it.

Clarke tried to pull her head away but McCreary pulled her hair hard toward him.

"There are so many ways I can torment your Mom through you." He put a hand on her upper thigh and slid it up higher. Clarke pushed her legs together trying to keep his hand away.

"I can touch you." He pulled out a knife from his pocket and rested the blade on Clarke's sternum.

"I can hurt you." He slowly and gently ran the blade down Clarke's chest between her breasts. She took in a nervous breath afraid to move or say anything that would set him off. He added some pressure to the blade which pierced her skin and she let out a surprised cry.

"Hell Clarke, I could just shove this into you right now and get it all over with, but where's the fun in that?"

He pulled the blade back and wiped the small amount of blood off on Clarke's dress. Then, without warning, he cut the straps from her dress. The top of her dress drooped down, just barely covering her bosom.

"Stop." Clarke stated firmly. With the little strength she had, she lifted the chair up, attempting to swing it at McCreary.

He easily moved out of the way and laughed at her feeble effort. He knocked her back down to a sitting position and grabbed her throat in one hand. He squeezed hard moving closer to her, watching her as she struggled to breathe. Then his hand relaxed.

Clarke gasped trying to take in air, coughing violently. As she did so, McCreary cut her ties loose and lifted her up on top of a table, pushing her down and spreading her legs with his to stand in between them.

"No!" She yelled but he smacked her with such force she saw stars. He started undoing his belt with one hand as he pushed her dress up with the other.

"DON'T MOVE OR I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!" Came Bellamy's voice from behind them.


Bellamy could see McCreary hunched over Clarke and debated killing him right then. He had a gun pointed directly at his head.

McCreary put his hands up in the air and backed away from Clarke across the room.

Bellamy ran to Clarke, keeping one eye on McCreary as he quickly examined her. "Jesus, are you OK?" He asked with pained concern.

Clarke started crying and shook her head. Bellamy helped her up to a sitting position and she clung to his arm.

"What did you do to her?" Bellamy looked at McCreary with rage, taking a step toward him and pointing the gun again.

"Now wait a minute Blake," McCreary held his hands up in front of him, backing away.

"Bellamy, don't." Clarke got down from the table, resting her hand on it for support. "He's not worth it, I don't want to lose you." She put a hand on his arm and slowly lowered it with him.

He didn't want to lose Clarke either and he knew if he killed McCreary he'd serve time.

At that time chaos broke loose, what seemed like 50 swat team members swarmed into the room.


Bellamy slowly placed his gun on the ground and put his hands in the air.

McCreary looked at the swat team and then looked at Clarke and Bellamy. He pulled out a gun from the back of his waistband, pointing it at Clarke. "For Abby." He smirked as he pulled the trigger.

Bellamy didn't think, he jumped in front of Clarke blocking her from the shot and the bullet landed in his back. He went down as gunfire rang out.


Bellamy lay in a hospital bed after surgery, he'd nearly bled to death before they got to the ER and Clarke was a mess worrying about him.

He opened his eyes and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey you." She smiled.

"Hey." His deep voice was hoarse.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I got shot." He said attempting to sit up. He grimaced and relaxed. Clarke put her hands on his chest and arm.

"Don't try to sit up." She ordered. "You need to rest for a while, you just had major surgery."

He looked at her with concern in his eyes. "Did he . . ." Bellamy hesitated and decided against his question. "Are you OK?"

Clarke thought about what almost happened and was sick to her stomach.

"It could have been much worse, you got there right in time. And I will be OK. Minor concussion so I'm a little out of it, but I am OK thanks to you."

"You got in this mess thanks to me." Bellamy said

"No, Roan got both of us into this mess."

"I'll never forgive myself . . . what he was going to do to you . . . it makes me sick."

Clarke intertwined her fingers with his. "I know. But you found me, you jumped in front of a bullet to protect me."

Bellamy reached his uninjured arm up to her face and stroked her cheek, "I love you so much."

Clarke rested her forehead on his, "I love you so much too."

She kissed him tenderly, afraid she might hurt him.

"What happened to McCreary?" Bellamy asked.

"He was shot 5 times. He's somewhere in this hospital too."

"As long as he is alive you are not safe." Clarke knew he was right but there was nothing she could do about it.

"I know, but let's worry about one thing at a time. He's in critical condition so he is no threat to us right now." Clarke eased his worry for the moment.

::::3 MONTHS LATER::::


Clarke opened the door to her mother's house and looked behind her at Bellamy.

"Come on, she's not going to bite."

Bellamy took a deep breath in, "You sure about that?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly and Clarke laughed.

Abby came into view, "I do bite." She smiled having heard them. "You must be Bellamy, my daughter's kidnapper, and boyfriend." She raised her eyebrows.

"And the man who saved my life." Clarke added, "So try to cut him some slack."

"Thank you for taking a bullet for my daughter."

"I would do anything for her." Bellamy said sincerely.

"Good, I'll hold you to that."

Abby motioned for them to enter the house but furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed a man standing outside by their car.

"Who's he?" She asked Clarke, alarm in her voice.

"That is Kane, he runs a driving and security service. Since McCreary is on the mend and has his arraignment soon we decided it'd be best to have him join us while we are in town. Just to be safe."

"Well tell him to come in then, I'd like to meet your security detail and we have plenty of food to go around."

Clarke waved Kane over.

"Kane, I'd like to introduce you to my mom Abby."

Kane and Abby locked eyes, "Pleasure to meet you Abby."


That evening after making love, Bellamy looked at Clarke who lay staring at the ceiling.

"What's going on in that head?" Bellamy asked, wrapping his hand around her cheek and the back of her head so that she'd face him.

"Does being back in New York make you wish you still lived here?"

"No, it's the opposite. I do miss O, but I love it out West. It feels good to have ocean breezes and the sun . . . and you." He kissed her to try to show her how much he meant it.

After a few moments of silence, Clarke asked,

"Do you think we will ever be safe with McCreary still around?"

"No, but we've got a lot of eyes on him and if he does anything suspicious we'll know."
He looked into her big blue eyes, "I would die before I let anything happen to you."

"That's what scares me, I am so afraid I will lose you." She rested her head against his chest and he held her tight.

"As long as we stick together we will be OK." He promised. "On another note, I'm pretty sure your Mom has the hots for Kane."

"You thought so too?" She laughed.

"Yeah, just think . . . Kane could be your new Dad."



Clarke dropped the mail on her table and noticed a small envelope with no return address. The postage was marked from New York so she opened it thinking it must be from Octavia.

Thinking of you every single day. Are you thinking of me too?
I'll be seeing you,

Clarke turned white. She called for Bellamy, showing him the note.

"We need to handle this." She said, crushing the note in her hand.

Bellamy nodded and pulled her into him. "We'll figure it out." He tried to reassure her but Clarke knew that McCreary would never stop.

He needed to be eliminated and she was going to make sure it happened.


A/N: I know, I know . . . I ended it with a bit of a cliffhanger. But it's the 100 so it can't always be a 100% definite happy ending right? Thank you all so much for your continued support and for reading my story! If you'd like to come back to the story in the future, don't forget to favorite it. Please help me be a better writer/storyteller by leaving a review . . . what did think? Was it worth the read? Did you have a favorite character or scene? Thank you!