Disclaimer: We do not own Mortal Instruments or any of the characters

Jace took a determined step forward and immediately stood beside Alec. They had taken this stance together so many times. They stood together as one on the battle field more times than they could count. This may not be the traditional kind of battle but it was enough of a threat that they needed to be prepared for whatever happened to them next. The two parabatai were ready for whatever this psycho had planned for them. There was no way that she could beat them when they were together. They were better together. As Jace and Alec stood side by side, Zara glanced between the pair and let out a laugh.

"How cute, is the great parabatai duo of our time going to kill me?" She snarled at them. Her eyes were filled with spite and bitterness.

Jace laughed humorlessly, "That would be the nice thing for us to do."

"Oh? You two think you could kill me that easily if you really wanted to?" She quirked up an eyebrow. Zara was trying to have an air of arrogance but Alec saw the way her eyes flickered to the side for a brief second before shifting back to stare them down. In that moment, he saw the panic. Even she knew that Jace and Alec were going to be difficult to defeat by herself.

Alec nodded in the direction Zara's eyes had glanced, "What's over there?" he asked in a tone that clearly said do not mess with him.

She stiffened for a second before putting the façade of relaxed back on, "Why would something be over there? Why the sudden change in conversation Lightwood?"

Alec glared at Zara, "Enough of your games. We know that you only used Tavvy because you wanted to get to Magnus and Max for being part of a Shadowhunter family."

"Do you know how easily I could get into the Institute? I could have your precious little family killed off in just a second if I really wanted to," Zara sneered at Alec.

"Over my dead body," Alec grumbled back to her, not loud enough for her to hear but enough for Jace to spring into action and jump at Zara in a surprise attack. The two engage in a brawl, mostly on the concrete street. Alec wanted to get involved but he also doesn't want to risk hurting Jace. Before he could debate with himself any longer, Jules came running from inside the building carrying Tavvy. He looked relieved to have his baby brother back in his arms but the anger was still radiating off of him.

"I got him!" He shouted out towards Alec. For a second, Alec stopped to really take in the brother pair. Jules had a sense of peace with Tavvy in his arms. He could see just how much how younger brother meant to him and how he would do anything to protect him.

"Great, now we just need to take care of Zara and then we can go back to the Institute," Alec explained quickly before turning his attention back to his parabatai. Jules walked over and stood next to Alec, still holding Tavvy.

"I called for backup while I was inside," Jules said.

Tavvy whimpered in Jules' arms before resting his head on his older brother's shoulder but Alec observed that Jules was a natural with him. It kind of reminded him of how he was with Izzy and Max when they had been young. Jules had that protective instinct and Alec understood better than anyone that some would do anything to protect their siblings. There was no limits when it came to making sure that your siblings were safe from harm's way. It definitely explained why Jules had a ruthless side to him.

"Who did you call? You couldn't have called the Clave because then we would be in trouble for going on an unapproved mission, not that I care what the Clave thinks but you and Emma are still young and could get in trouble," Alec said, watching as Jace managed to pin Zara down and get her hands behind her back. She growled at him but Jace just looked amused.

"I called Emma but then she mentioned that Magnus was already on his way. Where is he?" Jules asked.

Alec immediately tensed, "He and the others are already back at the Institute."

Jules just nodded and continued to rub soothing circles on Tavvy's back. The little boy seemed to take great comfort in that small gesture.


As soon as he stepped out of the portal, Simon immediately ran to the infirmary and placed Izzy down on a bed and grabbed her hand. Portaling had knocked her out and Simon was worried it made her situation worse. He was worried that she was in worse shape now than she had been before. It made him feel sick inside.

"It's okay Iz, you're okay. Everything's going to be alright," he said holding her pale hand to his lips to place a gentle kiss on his fiancée's hand. He hoped that it brought her some kind of comfort in this distressful time.

Simon paid no attention to anyone else. All he could see was the love of his life, pale and unconscious on the bed. Magnus and Clary were busy gathering ingredients for some kind of potion that would help heal Izzy quicker. As he stared at Izzy, his mind was running through everything they had been through together. He remembered comforting her when Max died, making the biggest mistake of his life by dating both her and Maia at the same time, earning her forgiveness, watching Star Wars together countless numbers of times, teaching Izzy all about his mundane life. He then remembered when he forgot everything to do with the Shadow World and the pain he would see in Izzy's eyes as he couldn't recognize her or remember any of their love. In retrospect, he hated how much pain he must have put her through. He should've never caused Izzy such harm, yet he did every time he got frustrated with her for wanting him back. Right now, he just wanted her to open those beautiful brown eyes so he could tell her how much he loved her. He was so lost in thought, he didn't hear Clary approach him. He jumped slightly when he felt her hand rest on his back.

"Simon, you need to step back so Magnus can finish healing her," Clary said as softly as she could.

He turned to face her, his eyes full of unshed tears. He simply nodded and allowed himself to be pulled back by his best friend and parabatai. Magnus then stepped forward and gently fed Izzy the potion he had concocted before he began chanting in a language Simon didn't know. He watched impatiently as blue sparks danced out from Magnus' finger tips and over Izzy, completely spreading over the length of her body. He waited and waited for any kind of reaction from his fiancée. He waited for a sign that this was working to heal her. The door to the Institute infirmary banged open, startling them all, and Emma came running in.

"What happened?" She called out as she rushed over to their side.

Clary let go of Simon and moved to Emma, "There were apparently demons when they got there and Izzy got injured. I don't know the details yet."

"Where's Jules?" Emma asked, eyes narrowed accusingly.

"He's fine, relax. Him, Jace and Alec are still there dealing with Zara and getting Tavvy. They are all safe as far as I know," Clary explained to the best of her ability based on what little information she was able to get out of Magnus so far. Emma simply nodded and Clary left her to return to Simon's side. Her parabatai needed her the most right now.

After a couple minutes, Magnus' chanting stopped and the room fell silent. They all held their breaths and stared at Izzy in anticipation. Izzy gasped for air and opened her eyes staring up at the white ceiling of the infirmary. She wasn't sure how she got there but she was happy to be alive. She remembered the pain, the demon wound, Alec and Simon both reassuring her. Her memory got a little fuzzy once Magnus showed up at Clary's old apartment to portal them back. All she knew at the moment was that she was alive and that was okay with her.

"Isabelle!" Simon screeched and scrambled clumsily forward into the chair next to her bed.

Simon pulled Izzy into a hug and kissed the top of her head, "I love you so much, Iz. Don't ever scare me like that again. You don't get to leave me, not before we are even married."

Izzy smiled into Simon's embrace, "Don't worry, Si. Like I would miss out on my own wedding that I have so meticulously planned? You can't get rid of me that easily Lewis," she leaned back to look into his eyes. Both gazes were filled with such love and affection. They both knew what they had almost lost just now and it was too much for their hearts to handle. The idea of not being together terrified them.

Magnus cleared his throat, "Alright Sheldon, let the poor girl breath. That was quite the injury there Isabelle. You're gonna have to take it easy for a bit."

"I know. Thank you, Magnus. I really don't know what we would do without you." She smiled genuinely at him and he returned the smile before gently patting her arm.

"You'd have to pay a generous warlock fee, that's for sure." He winked teasingly at her. The doors to the infirmary banged open again and they all were startled as they turned to face the entrance. They all must have had stunned looks on their faces because their guest was not someone anyone was expecting to see.

"Mom?!" Izzy exclaimed in shock. She moved to sit up but one look from Simon stopped her. She knew he was right. It was best to just lay still right.

"Mayrse?" Magnus said equally shocked. The last person he had been expecting to see today was Alec's mother. Then again, he should have stopped expecting normal days a long time ago. They just didn't happen anymore.

"I came to help with wedding prep, but imagine my surprise when my grandson tells me that there was some drama going on and that I could find his papa and everyone in the infirmary," she said walking into the room stoically. She then noticed Izzy in the bed, "Isabelle? Are you injured? What happened here? Where's Alexander and Jace?"

Izzy slowly sat up this time and was pleasantly surprised to not feel much pain thanks to Magnus' healing, "I'm fine now. Magnus healed me."

Mayrse put her hands on her hips, "That doesn't answer my question. Where are your brothers?"

Magnus stepped forward, "There was a bit of an issue with that Dearborn girl. Long story short Julian and Emma came here asking for help so we helped and now Alexander and Jace are dealing with Zara. I was just about the portal back there to see if they needed an extra hand."

"But Magnus, you just expended so much energy to heal me. You should rest," Izzy said sympathetically.

He shook his head, "Nonsense. I will rest after they are back safe and sound."

"I will join you."

Magnus tried to hide his shock but apparently did not do a good job.

"Don't look so surprised. Those are my sons and I have the authority within the Clave to lock Zara up for her crimes. You can explain to me in more detail what crimes exactly she committed on our way outside to make the portal." Mayrse said all business. She stepped forward and placed a soft kiss on Izzy's forehead, "Now rest Isabelle. We will be back and I will help you with the rest of wedding arrangements."

With that, Mayrse walked out of the infirmary and Magnus quickly followed, not wanting to keep her waiting. Yes, their relationship had improved but he still feared her a bit. He was certain that those fears would never go away.


As Jace struggled to keep Zara pinned down, a portal appeared immediately in front of him. An exhausted looking Magnus stepped through immediately followed by Mayrse Lightwood.

"Mother?" Alec called out from where he stood before quickly making his way to Magnus and pulling him in close. Jace watched as the couple exchanged words and he could see clearly that Alec was urging Magnus to take some of his energy.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Jace asked, regarding Mayrse cautiously.