Hello everyone! I'm here with adreamersimagination (who is an incredibly awesome and talented writer). This is our first ever Mortal Instruments fanfiction and we are so excited! We absolutely love this series and all of the couples they offer. Each of the main three couples will be featured and we have some really fun storylines planned out! We hope that you will give this story a try and let us know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Mortal Instruments or any of the characters

Chapter 1

Isabelle Lightwood, or Izzy as her friends called her, was strong. She was independent and fierce. She kicked butt and looked good doing it. There was very little in the world that could bring her down. She loved her family and friends with a passion as strong as fire. She was not weak or easily distracted. She walked into the training room and raised an eyebrow before placing her hands on her hips. She only had one weakness in this world and as he looked over at her, she smirked. Simon Lewis was her weakness and she would not change anything about it.

"Iz! Hey!" Simon exclaimed and then rushed over to where his fiancée was standing. He pulled her into his arms and she grimaced when she realized how sweaty he was.

"Simon!" Izzy groaned. "You are sweaty."

"Well yeah," Simon smiled his goofy smile. "I just finished training for the day."

"You're lucky that I love you Simon Lewis," Izzy raised an eyebrow and shook her head.

"Tell me something I don't know," Simon nodded. Izzy kissed him quickly and then pulled back widening her eyes. "What? What's wrong?"

"I came in here for a reason and you distracted me!" Izzy narrowed her eyes at her fiancée.

"Well, what was it?" Simon asked.

"Your tux!" Izzy exclaimed. "Plus don't forget dinner tonight with our friends."

"My tux?" Simon repeated, confusion filling his face. Izzy rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

"You were supposed to go with the boys today to get tuxes for the weddings," Izzy reminded him.

"Was that today?" Simon asked.

"Simon! How could you forget? I reminded you this morning!" Izzy threw her hands up in exasperation and then narrowed her eyes when she saw the smile on his face. "What?"

"I was just messing with you," Simon said. "I remembered."

"Simon!" Izzy swatted his chest.

"It's cute when you get all flustered like that," Simon smirked. "Actually it's really sexy."

"Oh yeah?" Izzy raised an eyebrow and ran her hands up his biceps. "If you think that's sexy, then you should see what I'm going to be like if you don't march your butt to the shower right now."

"Going!" Simon widened his eyes. He kissed her cheek quickly and then rushed out of the training room. Izzy watched him go and smirked to herself. She really loved that guy.

. . . . .

Clary sat in her art room at the Institute trying to finish up her painting for Simon and Izzy. She thought it would make a perfect gift for the wedding and it was coming together perfectly. She felt that she really captured the two. The painting was of a moment the two when they thought they were alone. They were sitting outside in the grass on a blanket just looking lovingly at each other. They were both laughing at something Clary couldn't hear from where she stood. She remembered taking out her phone to capture the moment. Was it a little stalkerish? Yes, but when she saw them looking at each other with such joy and love she couldn't help but think someone needed to capture it.

As she picked up her paint brush to continue adding finishing touches she felt strong muscular arms reach around her waist and pull her close. Without turning to see their face, she knew almost immediately that it was Jace. She could smell his cologne and the scent that was purely Jace. She relaxed instantly into his embrace for a brief moment before remembering she had to finish the painting before dinner tonight.

"Jace, I need to finish this," she said as she tried to wiggle free of his arms. She noticed that he had sweat dripping from his forehead indicating that he was just in the training room.

"No can do, Clary. I think you deserve a break." He said and leaned in to kiss her cheek. His golden hair brushed against her ear and tickled her causing her to giggle.

"This has to be done before dinner tonight," she said. Jace sighed and sat down on the floor, clearly pouting.

"Oh, don't pout. I'll literally be done in 5 minutes. I think you can manage." Clary rolled her eyes.

"I don't think I can. I mean, who's going to give me attention for those five minutes? Plus, I think I'm a much better model than Simon. You should've painted a portrait of me for them." Jace said leaning back on his arms and smiling up at Clary as she started painting again.

While Clary painted, Jace watched her. He never got tired of watching her when she was in the zone. She got this adorable little crease between her eyebrows and she bit her lip to focus. Her eyes were zeroed in on the painting and what she was doing. How had he gotten so lucky? They have been through hell together, quite literally, and yet he felt like every day he was with her their relationship still felt new and exciting. She made him want to be a better person. Clary cleared her throat and Jace snapped out of his thoughts. He saw her looking at him with an amused expression.

"Were you staring at me?" Clary asked.

Jace smirked, "Maybe."

"You know some would say that's creepy," She matched his smirk. Smiling, Jace stood up and extended a hand to Clary who gladly took it. She had her hair up in a messy bun like she always did. Jace tugged it down so that her hair tumbled down her back.

"Jace, no. My hair's so gross today." Clary whined and tried to tie it back up.

"But it looks so good down," Jace smiled at her flashing his chipped tooth. Clary couldn't resist and went on her tip toes to press a sweet kiss to his cheek.

"You always say that," She said starting to walk out of the art room. She needed to wash up and change before the dinner with Izzy, Simon, Magnus and Alec.

"Well that's because I'm always right." Jace said falling into step besides her.

Clary playfully shoved him, "I wouldn't say always. There have been plenty of times you were wrong."

Jace put a hand on his chest in fake hurt, "I'm wounded. You wound me Clarissa Morgenstern."

"Your ego could use a little deflating from time to time," Clary said giggling and ran towards her room. But since Jace was Jace, he easily caught up with her and scooped her into his arms.

"Jace! We can't be late or Iz will kill us." Clary wiggled in his arms but it was no use, Jace was stronger.

He let go, "Fiineee. But only because I'm much too handsome to be killed just yet. The world would greatly miss me."

"Always so humble," Clary said walking into her room. Jace moved to follow her but she quickly closed the door in his face.

"Hey! Clary," He called jiggling to door knob.

"You smell from your training session. Go shower and get ready. I love you!" She called through the door.

Jace smiled against the door, "I find that hard to believe at the moment."

. . . . .

Alec was enjoying the calm in his and Magnus' loft before they had to join their friends for dinner. Magnus was helping Izzy set up the dinner and organize the whole thing so he had spent the last few days running the ideas by Alec, who had no interest in the little plans. As Alec sat in the living room reading a book, Magnus was off in the bedroom getting ready for the dinner. Max and Rafe were at the Institute being watched by their grandmother who insisted on getting to spend time with her grandchildren. She insisted that she was deprived of time with them and guilted her son into letting her watch them for the night. Magnus and Alec were more than happy to let her watch them and they planned to take full advantage of the quiet time.

"Alexander!" Magnus's voice floated to the living room.

Alec sighed, "Yes, Magnus?"

"I need you! Can you please come here darling?" Magnus practically whined. Rolling his eyes, Alec closed the book he was reading with a loud thump and got up to find Magnus. He spotted him staring intently into their walk in closet. Leaning against the door frame, Alec crossed him arms and looked expectantly at his boyfriend.

"You called for me?" Magnus looked at Alec and smiled at him. He had already placed a few outfit choices on the bed and was walking over with a few more.

"No, no way Magnus. I am not helping you pick out an outfit for tonight. It's only dinner with our friends." Alec went to leave the room but Magnus quickly rushed over to grab his arm. As Alec turned to face Magnus, he saw that his boyfriend was looking at him with his beautiful green and gold eyes. Magnus knew exactly the power his look was having on Alec at that exact moment.

"The puppy dog eyes do not work on me anymore." Alec said trying to hold his ground. He knew that it was a lie and that he was slowly breaking down.

"Please, Alexander. I'll help you pick out your outfit," Magnus had pulled Alec into a hug and saw that his boyfriend was losing his resolve.

"I already have my outfit on," Alec said as he pulled back to gesture to what he was wearing. He was wearing jeans and a sweater but this time the sweater had no holes in it. It seemed like an improvement for his wardrobe.

Magnus looked at him in horror, "You are not wearing a sweater to the dinner party!"

Alec smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Oh, but I am. Plus look at it, this one doesn't have any holes." Magnus let go of Alec and dramatically flopped himself onto their bed while sighing. Alec rolled his eyes at the antics but secretly loved it.

"You are hopeless when it comes to fashion, darling." Magnus said from his spot on the bed.

"So I've been told." Alec said. Magnus sat up and grinned evilly at his boyfriend. Before Alec could register what happened Magnus had sprung up from the bed and dragged Alec down with him. They lay in a tangled mess on the floor looking into each other's eyes.

Alec was blushing and Magnus couldn't help but smile at him, "You're blushing. You look so hot when you blush." This caused Alec's blush to deepen and Magnus chuckled. Magnus then leaned in and kissed his boyfriend. When they pulled back he was grinning wide at him.

"So, you'll help me pick out an outfit? And let me give you a new shirt? After all as the wedding planner, I need to look extra fabulous and as my boyfriend you need to look just as stunning, though you look amazing all the time darling." Magnus winked at him.

Alec blushed and sighed, "Fine, you win." Untangling himself, Alec sat on the bed and gestured for Magnus to start.

"No, no. You first Alexander."

"Why? I still don't see what's wrong with my sweater. You did just say I look amazing all the time." He smirked at Magnus.

Magnus looked at Alec, "Just humor me? Please, please, please, please."

Magnus continued saying begging until Alec broke, "Okay, fine. I will put on a new shirt," he paused, "I see where Max gets his whining from." Alec laughed and was then hit in the face with a shirt. He turned to see Magnus glaring at him.

"I already picked one for you." He crossed his arms and huffed.

"Oh, don't pout. I'm changing, aren't I?" Alec said standing to take off the sweater and put on the button up Magnus had picked. It was blue and according to Magnus it really made his eyes pop.

"On second thought, maybe you should leave the shirt unbuttoned," Magnus said with a wink at Alec which caused Alec to once again blush.

He quickly buttoned the shirt and turned to Magnus, "Good?"

"Incredibly handsome. It makes your beautiful eyes sparkle," Magnus said leaning towards Alec and kissing his blushing cheek, "better make sure everyone keeps their paws off you tonight, darling."

"No one would come near me, especially with you and Jace around." Alec said looking uncomfortable at the compliments.

"After all these years you still don't see how amazing you look." Magnus sighed.

. . . . .

"I propose a toast," Magnus said. He held up his martini and gestured for everyone else around the table to do the same. Once he saw all the glasses raised, he began his speech. "I have lived long enough to see couples fall in and out of love. Some real love and some fake love. When I look at Isabelle and Sheldon, I am reminded that real love can exist in this world." He smiled at the engaged couple before finished off his speech. "To Isabelle and Sheldon, may you live your life full of happiness and love."

"Cheers!" Everyone exclaimed before taking a sip of their respective drinks.

"Maybe one day you will finally call me by my real name," Simon sighed as he looked at Magnus.

"I was unaware that I was not," Magnus raised an eyebrow. Everyone around the table was laughing and Izzy ran a hand over Simon's back.

"So, who is ready to celebrate hard when these two get married?" Jace asked.

"No craziness!" Izzy insisted. "I want a nice, calm wedding."

"Seriously, Iz?" Alec raised an eyebrow at his sister. "Have you met us? Craziness seems to follow us everywhere."

"He makes a good point," Clary pointed out.

"What can go wrong?" Simon shrugged before leaning over to kiss his fiancée on the cheek.