Chapter 33: Eternity

{Citadel Training Hall: May 13th 2007, 5:50am}

Noctis shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he took in a deep breath and looked around the chamber-like training hall with its black-marble detailing. Midnight-blue eyes looked to the Carbuncle who sat on one end of the hall while he stood in the other while he took in a deep breath and kept his gaze upon his small familiar. They were doing their last training session before heading out onto the roads with the others; however, most would assume Noctis was at the advantage because of the creature being so tiny: that would be their mistake. Noctis was no fool, and he knew that Cari was more than capable of training him only because the innocent, docile, lovable-looking creature wasn't all she appeared to be.

When he was a child, trapped within the Dreamscape, Cari had been the one to defend him with her true form against the four Iron Giants they faced. Cari could turn into a massive nine-tailed version of herself and tended to be a threat due to size alone. However, in her smaller, less menacing form: Cari could still use magic. She shot fireballs, ice blasts, lightning strikes, wind gales, and much more. All of which, Noctis now knew how to use thanks to her excellent coaching. Still, looking at the tiny creature now, most would remain adamant that she was incapable of defeating him.

"They'll think that until she sinks her teeth into their jugular…then, we have scary, monster Cari to deal with…"

"So….what do you want me to do exactly?" he asked.

"Warp around the room and dodge my attacks…simple enough." Cari spoke to him through their mental link, the way she always did when they were training in specific areas.


Cari took in a deep breath, opening her mouth as she puffed out and Noctis braced himself before crouching just a bit as a ball of flames formed in the small creature's mouth. A second later, the fire shot outwards to him and he reacted as the bluish-purple-silver glow of his ability covered his body and the slight sense of vertigo went through him as he shot upwards towards the ceiling as he summoned his sword as it sunk into the thick stone of the ceiling as the fire passed him and he took in a deep breath as he turned, flinging the sword down, and warping down towards a pillar which he hung from as Cari squeaked and rolled out of the way when he casted an electrical attack at her.

"Come on Noct…you can do better than that…"

"Then come at me!"

A series of attacks came through the area and Noctis dodged each of them with a warp before striking out towards the Carbuncle. Cari shot an ice attack at him and he rolled out of the way of attacks and parried the strikes granted to him via the wind magic before he continued to warp away and around Cari's attacks until he had begun to feel a bit of fatigue settle upon him. Taking in a few deep breaths, Noctis settled himself upon the floor as he looked to Cari who chirped as she skipped towards him and then came over to nuzzle him gently across his cheek with her damp nose.

Cari's ability – Ruby Light – appeared and its power flowed over him as he closed his eyes while the circlet that appeared around his head in a twisted, slightly ornate fashion that appeared like brambles of thorns and leaves cut from the stone. A moment later, he felt himself relax and finally, the healing effects wore off and Cari squeaked to gain his attention as he remained still and looked at the sunrise through the glass in the ceiling before sighing. Cari settled next to him, watching his movements for a moment as he looked to her and felt the coolness of the tile meet his face and the warmed black metal of the earring that belonged to Cari.

"Well….that sucked…."

"You've only ever used that in training out in a field which means enclosed spaces are new to you. Now if you would let people know what you can do you could use the enclosed spaces more."

"I'm sure I'll get plenty of experiences on the road. It's just gonna be weird…them knowing what I can do," he stated.

"It'll be okay. Like I said: I'll be right there with you till the end of the road. But, I think that's enough for now. Let's get to your room and finish getting read. We gotta meet the others soon."


The boy stood and stretched a bit with a sigh as he tried to prepare himself for the upcoming adventure as he took a deep breath before once more looking to the sky and the sunlight that shined down from above as he closed his eyes, momentarily imagining Luna's smiling face and the picture she had sent him of her fixing up a vase full of flowers in her room with the first letter he had received from her since his birthday.

Dear Noctis,

I hope that I find you in good health, and that you have been faring well in your training sessions. However, I have the distinct inclination that you did not take well to the ceasefire, nor the requirements of this treaty with the Empire. As the Oracle, I do not condone violence and this war has dredged on far too long. Yet, I worry for the Lucian people and yourself as I consider the choices of our rulers. Nonetheless, I cannot agree with the way the Empire has decided to treat either of us because we are not pawns within their games, and I hope you remember this.

However, please let me warn you Noctis. Lucis nor Insomnia are the true prizes of the Empire: we are. They are attempting to take over what is left of Lucis once your father has died. By marrying the two of us, we are placed dancing upon their palms for them to marionette us as they wish. The Chosen King and the Oracle under the control of the Empire is something that cannot happen and I plead with you Noctis: do not let them control us.

I speak in hopes of you finding a way to help put an end to this atrocity if you can. Noctis, please find a way to meet me somewhere that we can resolve this disastrous plot of Emperor Aldercapt before it's too late. Remember, you are the Chosen King and only you can guide us through this darkness. So please, dear Noctis, seek out the light and keep it close within your heart and I will see you soon.

Forever yours,


P.S: I received your gift along with the ring. The seeds for the Lucian roses bloomed wonderfully.

Luna's letter was something that gave him hope and the courage he needed to respond to her and let her know that they could somehow succeed in their mission. However, he did not run the risk of sending a long letter to her, and instead granted her a short reply that informed her that he was well, his training was going fine, that he understood and had everything almost figured out, and that he would see her soon. Even more importantly: he told her that he was safe and that he promised to see her soon. After seven years apart, the two of them would finally be reunited, and he couldn't wait to see her once more. Taking in a deep breath, Noctis looked towards the door and walked forward, prepared to face the adventure.

{Corridor: 8:05pm}

"I won't deny that he's got combat skills….but….there is something we have to keep in mind when it comes to the Prince of Lucis…." Gladio stated as he, Ignis, and Prompto walked down the corridor to meet up with Noctis.

The other two were sincerely certain of what Gladio meant. After having learned from Marshal Leonis about Noctis having special abilities the three of them had been unable to leave the subject alone. They wanted to ask questions, but knew that their friend would change the subject out of concern that they may find his powers to strange or even frightening. In knowing this, the three of them were on edge due to several factors: the main one being their upcoming trip. Noctis had concealed the abilities he possessed, and now that they were aware of them, they had to question what he would do with it on the field and whether or not he would take the risk of not using it even though it would assist them. Prompto huffed while Ignis sighed before looking to the other two in questioning.

"Just because Noct has a few abilities that we don't know about doesn't mean he can't be trusted to hold his own in combat," Prompto pointed out.

"That's not what I'm worried about. My concern is that he'll choose to take unnecessary risks on the field by not using the ability he has to prevent himself from being wounded or thrown around when we all know he could. In training that'd be one thing, but on the field….he can't play those kinds of games. If he does….he'll be killed and we have to be able to help him…but there is a chance we won't get to him in time…" Ignis looked to Gladio at his statement.

"I have faith that Noctis will not place himself in such danger. The boy is known for being quite the sharp-witted person after all. Just remember, Noct can handle himself and all we must do is make sure to have his back when he requires it," he explained as Prompto nodded.

"Yup! Now, speaking of Noct…has anyone seen him today?" the energetic blonde received a shake of the head from the other two.

"Nope, not once. I guess he's dealing with some last minute things before we leave," Gladio stated while Ignis hummed.

"I haven't seen him in person per-se; however, I did take note of a servant stating that he was headed towards the training hall at roughly five-o-seven this morning." Prompto nodded.

"Alright, so…it's getting pretty close to time for us to leave so…" Ignis looked to them.

"You are correct there. Now, how should we search for our missing friend?" he inquired.

"I can go check the training hall, and the two of you can go take a look and see if you can find him elsewhere. We'll meet up at the atrium if we don't find him." Ignis sighed.

"May I ask why you are so eager to find him with four hours left?" he asked.

"Well, I kinda think we need to have a talk with him, maybe do a little last minute training together before we leave to speak with King Regis…" Gladio and Ignis nodded.

"Yea, that'll probably be a good idea. Seeing as we haven't done that together in a few weeks." Ignis took in a deep breath.

"Very well, we shall search for Noctis and proceed to meet up in the atrium. If you do locate him prior to us Prompto, then please….radio in so that we may meet you there," the blonde stated as he fixed his glasses.

"The same to the two of you!" with that, Prompto took off and Ignis looked to Gladio.

"Between those two…I don't know who is worse…" the dark-haired teenager stated to the blonde.

"If I were to have a guess…I would have to say our Royal Highness is twice the impossibly impudent imp than our dear friend Prompto is," Ignis stated as Gladio shrugged.

"Can't argue with you there…."

{Training Hall: 8:45am}

Cari watched as Noctis warped around the training hall, bracing himself against each area and using it to launch himself a bit as he used the enclosed space to practice. Noctis was slowly showing a bit more stability with the powers he possessed; however, Cari knew that her young Master had quite a bit of work ahead of him long before Noctis could even remotely consider himself in control. Taking in a deep breath, the black-haired sixteen-year-paused in his practicing before looking to Cari who chirped before curling around his legs as she vanished and reappeared near him.

"I cannot believe you convince me to let you continue practicing with the warp ability…." Cari's tone suggested annoyance and to that, he laughed a bit.

"Well, I needed to keep working on it I guess…but, I'm nowhere near where I need to be when it comes to precision on my landings and strikes. I keep tripping up a bit along the line somewhere…" the Carbuncle's ears twitched.

"If you say so, but I still think over doing it is a bad idea."

"I'm not just going to overdo it; okay? I just need to work on it…otherwise, I'm just going to end up making a mistake…" the boy looked down, his sharp, but vivid midnight-blue eyes gleaming in evident concern.

"Noctis? Are you okay?" Cari's voice echoed within his mind in apparent concern to which he nodded.

"I'm just….thinking about what I was told by Marshal Leonis….about my ability to warp and the other things like that…." He admitted as he sighed and glanced down at the tops of his boots, considering the situation and his condition.

"I remember…he said that if you were to warp with someone other than me…then that person could die…" the boy shook his head a bit.

"All because the powers I have aren't natural for a human to possess. Cari, I need to work with these powers as much as possible so that I can use it properly…otherwise…I might end up killing someone I care for," he stated.

"Noctis…don't worry about it. I believe that you can do it….just keep practicing at it…don't worry…" a deep huff left him.

"Yea…but I'll do what I can. The best I can do right now is try…right?" he asked.


Noctis remained focused upon Cari's words as she walked away and he prepared to repeat his practice from earlier when he heard footsteps walk past the training hall doors before suddenly, they burst open, and before him was Prompto, looking upon him with a bright, cheery grin upon his face. Noctis turned, the sense of vertigo racing through his system as he jolted, and warped right before Prompto's eyes as he shot backwards a decent six-feet away from him and into a wall which caused him to fall over and hit his head. The blonde yelped in shock and Cari vanished before Prompto noticed her – something that both she and Noctis had long since agreed upon was that only a few people needed to know about her, let alone physically see her – as he ran over towards Noctis and slid to the ground to check up on the black-haired teen as he started blinking open his eyes.

"Noct! There you are man! That was freaking cool!" Prompto proceeded to gush while Noctis hissed a bit as he rubbed the sore spot on his cranium and took a moment to assess the level of the migraine he was certain to have later for having a head-to-stone connection with the wall.

"Ouch….please stop talking for a sec Promp…" the blonde tensed.

"You okay? That was a nasty impact," he said as Noctis sat himself up.

"I've had worse…wait…did you…just see…" Prompto nodded eagerly.

"Yea! That was wicked! What did you just do?" he asked as he looked at his friend's spooked expression.

"Um….I…." the boy slid back from him, looking decidedly uncomfortable.

"Noct? What was that exactly?" Prompto questioned.

"I…ah…hmm…" the boy looked down and the blonde felt a bit of realization dawn on him.

"Hey, man…you can tell me. I won't think you're weird or anything…you're one of my best friends," he said.

"What did you see exactly?" Prompto smirked.

"I saw you teleport or something from one side of the room to the other. That was epic…is that what you can do with your powers?" he asked.

"Y-Yea….um…it's…part of it…" Prompto instantly was grinning ear to ear.

"You gotta show me, Iggy, and Gladio! That was impressive as all freaking get out!" he stated as Noctis watched him.

"Wait…show them?! Why?!" the blonde laughed.

"We're going with you on this road trip remember? If we end up having to work together at some point then it'll be best if we do it like this and know what each other is capable of," he explained as the black-haired teenager sighed.

"I…don't know…" Prompto frowned.

"Come on man, it's no big deal," he said.

"It…kinda is…I've only ever shown this to a few people. My old man, Marshal Leonis, and General Clarus are the only ones who are aware of it…" Prompto huffed.

"Well, Noct…I think it's time you let your best buddies in on this secret of yours," he stated as he pressed a button on his shirt collar, causing the future ruler of Lucis to jolt and shoot up.

"What?! No! I am not doing it again just for your entertainment Prompto!" the teenager before the blonde looked to him, flustered and annoyed; however, he couldn't help but continue to push the buttons he had presented to him: only because it made for a comically rare sight.

"But it's so cool! Not to mention I've never seen you so hot and bothered before….you're gonna have to just deal with it because Ignis and Gladio are on their way," Prompto stated.

"Why the hell do I put up with you and your insanity?!" Noctis asked as he felt his face burn.

"I never get this embarrassed; dammit! Why the hell did it have to be today?!"

"Because….I'm your best buddy in the whole world!" midnight-blue eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Sometimes…I hate you to the point that I want to strangle you with your camera strap Prompto…"

"Then, there would be no one to pester you on a daily basis…"

"Yes, besides; we would all miss his annoying, probing attitude," stated the voice of Ignis.

"Oh! Look at that! Your timing is as impeccable as always Specks!"

"Why thank you Noct; you're sordid behavior is as uncannily snappish as ever as well I see," the blonde said in return.

The young Lucian Prince had a rather frustrated expression upon his face as he glowered at the three others before him. Ignis stared onward at the sixteen-year-old before him with questioning as he considered the past and what laid within their futures. Ignis had met Noctis Lucis Caelum when he was eight-years-old and the boy had taken to him quickly, finding him an enjoyable person to spend time with and showing that he was always eager to learn from him. After his accident though, Noctis kept up a wall, only choosing to let in a select few who gained his trust, but until he'd hit his teenage years, Noctis had been roughly the same person that Ignis had first met.

However, the eight-year-old he had known, and the sixteen-year-old that now stood before him were very different people. Noctis was snarky, sarcastic, mouthy, and had a fiery disposition with a strong personality that rivaled even his father's. But, Ignis remembered the first time he learned how the young Prince could be when he was incised to be so and how often it was that he saw that side of him now that he was older. Noctis was no longer that shy, wide-eyed child, but he was stronger, braver, more cunning, mischievous, and sharp-witted, and that had become precisely who he was. The blonde-haired seven-teen-year-old sighed as he looked to Prompto who continued to tease the black-haired, midnight-blue eyed teenager beside him and shook his head.

"My, what are we supposed to do with the two of you?" Ignis inquired.

"Just deal with it because you can't get rid of us that easy." A smirk met the black-haired teen's pale features.

"Impish as always I see. Now, Prompto? What has you so excited?" he asked while Gladio looked at the giddy blonde teenager while Noctis shot the other teen next to him an annoyed scowl with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Rggh…" the three others looked at the black-haired youth as he growled and Prompto gave him a nervous laugh.

"Noct…you really scare me sometimes," he said.

"Then why are you so hell-bent on giving me trouble?!" Prompto shrugged.

"You get me all the time….besides, they deserve to know about the thing you just did…" Noctis sighed.

"Tell you what, when we get out on the field: I won't hold back. Besides….I've pretty much exhausted myself with practicing with it…." He stated as Gladio smirked.

"Fine, we'll be holding you too that." Ignis nodded.

"Indeed, now…I believe it is time to finish out last preparations before our departure," he said as Noctis nodded slowly.

"Yea, let's go…"

{Throne Room: 10:00am}

King Regis took in a steadying breath as he looked at the city from the windows surrounding the throne room. Insomnia was a stunning place of technological advances, magic, and rather remarkable creations: and soon it would be the Capital, and only territory of Lucis. The people of his Kingdom would become part of the Nifilheim Empire that had nearly succeeded in complete domination of Eos. However, there was a few cities that stood steadfast against their might, but the Six only knew how long they would last now that Lucis had submitted to the Empire. The King of Lucis turned away from the city of Insomnia, and set his gaze upon the throne room, where many forbearers of the Lucian bloodline had sat, ruling their people with a just and kind hand, confident trust in their armies, and consideration of all those who sought their aid.

Now, they were placed within a towering prison that incased them to black marble walls with empty chairs and tables that once held meetings and celebrations within halls that echoed of loneliness and the bitter reprieve of the loss of a once steadfast control. The aged King felt his eyes burn, his throat constrict, and his heart quiver, his body slowly failing him as the power of the Crystal and the Ring of the Lucii bled his life force dry the longer he wore it.

His mind wandered to better days, the times when his beloved wife Aulea was still alive, and how her strength, grace, and compassion had empowered him in darker days where he and his personal Kingsglaive fought against the darkness in their world and against the horrors that the Empire had raised. His wife, the bearer of a Royal Arm now returned to her tomb, had been a valiant, and skilled warrior, a Valkyrie in many means of the word whilst she combated the evils of Eos.

"It's gone now…all those days that were kind and good, that were full of life and warmth: has been stolen."

A sudden knock at the door alerted the King as Clarus entered the room with Marshal Leonis, and then walked towards their King who nodded his head slowly, reaching into his pocket to clutch at the satin pouch with a fragment of something quite important to their plans nestled within it. General Clarus glanced to the Marshal who nodded his head in a stiff motion, fixing his jacket as if to show them where the journal and letters were tucked safely away. Once the two men were beside their King they waited for the Crownsguard unit that would be present in the throne room soon.

"Is everything in order?" asked King Regis.

"Monica is waiting for me at the edge of the city. Once Noctis and the others leave and the Empire arrives, we will be leaving through the bailout tunnels. They won't even know we were here." Marshal Leonis looked towards the King who took in a steady breath.

"Good," the King said to him.

"I have ensured that a portion of the letters are with Monica and that she knows the way to the first meeting location as well, just in case something were to happen to you, Marshal Leonis," stated General Clarus.

"That's probably for the best….we can't afford to take chances." King Regis straightened his posture, considering his current situation.

"With the plans to spirit away the Prince alongside his allies, in addition to the letters, the journal, and the shard to Altissia where he can meet with Princess Lunafreya going into action…I suspect that we've gathered several fail-safes, correct?" King Regis looked to the two.

"Yes, Clarus, we have. Nothing can be left up to chance at this point, as you said. In addition to that, we must consider the ramifications of lowering our defenses. For now though, let us focus on the first steps of our plans," he explained.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

It was not more than a few seconds later that Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis entered the room, dressed in the attire of the Crownsguard granted to them just prior to their departures. King Regis eyed them all, pondering the tasks placed upon them in their young age, and then as they stood before him, his gaze fell to his son. Noctis refused to meet his eyes, keeping his expression calm and jaded while he looked to the boy, hoping to gain a reaction out of him, but finding himself without hope for the situation as he saw that the boy only glanced to the side, electing to ignore him.

"Do the four of you know what your plans are?" he asked.

"Yes, we do King Regis…" their voices remained formal, yet tense and the King knew why: none of them wanted this, and it showed like a sharp bruise.

"I can entrust my son to your care?" King Regis questioned Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto who all nodded their heads while Noctis remained slightly behind them, refraining from looking away from the floor still.

"You can, Your Majesty. We will see to it that the Prince goes to Altissia with as little trouble as possible." The man nodded, taking a moment to assess them once more.

"Very well. Then I place his care in your hands, please be wary of any perils that may arise," the Lucian King stated.

"We will…" with that the three prepared to step down and started back towards the Prince.

Standing their alone, his body language dejected and cold the young Prince of Lucis seemed fragile and meek to the point that the King felt his heart give a pitiful throb. His son's eyes were glassy, his mind elsewhere and his emotions shut off and locked away for the sake of him feeling no more pain than possible in this situation. Taking another moment, King Regis steadied himself and then looked to the young man standing before him.

"Noctis…." He called for him, and the boy came up towards where he stood with a steady gaze, his eyes remaining jaded and his expression neutral.

"Yes?" his voice was guarded, and chilled as his midnight-blue eyes locked onto his own dark grayish-blue ones with all the bitter coldness of a winter night.

"Do you understand your requirements? Are you prepared to take this journey?" he inquired in a calm manner. A flicker of disappointment showed within his son's eyes and he felt a sharp ache develop in his heart.

"We've been over this before: I already know what I have to do. You don't have to remind me…." The King took in a steady breath as the other two tensed slightly while Noctis kept an icy gaze upon his father.

"Very well, I shall see you…."

Noctis nodded his head and turned to leave, his posture calm and composed as he continued onward. King Regis tensed as he watched the boy's retreating back until he left the doors as a rattling sigh left him before he felt realization dawn upon him. The King of Lucis made quick to move down the stairs of the throne and further down the long walk-way before he was aided by General Clarus and Marshal Leonis. The two aided him to move quicker until they were at the doors and he could manage on his own, but even then the two of them trailed after their King as the man rushed to meet Noctis before he left to do one last thing.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the steps, Gladiolus packed away the last remaining items, checking things over as Prompto looked back to Noctis who had frozen only a few steps shy of the car. His eyes were glassy, his face paled further than the natural pallor that he already had, and his form was unnaturally still. Prompto glanced to Ignis and Gladio who both nodded their head before returning to their last minute checking while Noctis remained where he was, unprepared to handle the situation that he was faced with. His head bowed a bit as a sharp sting came to his eyes and an unbearable ache developed in his chest.

Iris had called him that morning before he had headed down to the training hall and told him that she wished him luck on the journey and at the wedding. She was happy for him and wanted him to know that if he or Lunafreya ever needed someone to speak with when no one else was there: she would be. Noctis had thanked her, but deep down he felt the words were hollow, and full of regrets and desperations, but nothing could be done now: it was finalized and all was said and done. Midnight-blue eyes closed in resentment as he felt the weight of a crown not yet his weigh so heavily that he slipped down to his eye-lids, forcing his eyes shut, keeping him blinded to the dangers ahead while others guided him.

Noctis did not want this, and he wasn't sure why; what was it that kept tugging him back from the responsibilities he had as the future King of Lucis? What unnamable instinct had forced his steps to cease, his gaze to be clear, and his voice to be heard? What had strangled the very things that had made him who he was? And what had caused him to suddenly despise, doubt, and challenge the things he had been told since he was a small child? Far within himself, Noctis knew the answer was simple, clean and bared to the point it was raw: he didn't want to be caged. Lunafreya didn't deserve it, and he had no wishes for it; those thoughts had carried him this far, but he wondered how much further would they carry him before his feet failed him? Before his heart stuttered and his voice grew dim? How much longer could the thought of only helping Lunafreya force his will before it broke and he found himself lost? How long would it be before he surrendered?

"I can't do this…..I can't just….throw the ambitions I have to the wayside while my father cowers behind a wall that will never stand the tests of time….I can't surrender to this fate…."

"Noct…come on, we gotta…" started Prompto before his voice tapered off.

"But what can I do? I'm standing in the midst of a crowded room screaming at the top of my lungs and not a single soul even dares to look up….how can I change anything when I feel powerless to change my own fate?"

"Noctis…." The black-haired teenager's head shot up at the sound of his father's voice. Midnight-blue eyes looked at the man standing at the top of the stairs, slightly out of breath as Marshal Leonis, General Clarus, and Captain Drautos stood behind his father.

"Dad?" he remained where he was.

"Come to me, please…" his father requested.

Though unsure, Noctis slowly moved up the stairs, finding himself at odds with what his mind and heart were telling him until he stood before his father. The man looked him over in questioning before pulling a black satin pouch out from his suit pocket. The King of Lucis opened it and pulled a black leather chord with a crystal shard on a metallic loop made of Mythril as he put the pouch away and spread the chord apart before placing it over his son's head as Cari chirped at Noctis's feet when she felt the energy resonate within her master and the crystal shard. The boy's midnight-blue eyes seemed to gain a slight glow to them as he looked at the crystal and then to his father.

"This is…." King Regis nodded.

"Keep it and it will keep you safe…." He stated as Noctis tensed, feeling discomfort as he felt the slight weight of the crystal shard lean against his skin, just below his collar bone.

"Is that all you wanted to do?" the King took in a deep breath as the car engine roared behind him.

"I just….want to tell you goodbye," the Lucian King said calmly.

"Why? Would….never mind…I should…." The King took his child's hand and placed a hand upon his shoulder.

"Noctis, I wish you well…." he stated.

"Thanks, hey! Drautos?" the Captain looked to the boy.

"Yes? Prince Noctis?" the boy smiled.

"Take care of him okay? Keep him safe?" Noctis asked as he tilted his head to his father.

"I will…." Noctis turned to General Clarus, Marshal Leonis having disappeared at some point.

"See you around, alright?" the General smiled a fraction.

"Do try to behave yourself, am I clear?" the boy laughed a small amount.

"I'll do my best…." He let go of his father's hand and turned to leave.

"Noctis! I…." the boy glanced over his shoulder.

"I should go, Ignis has the engine running," he stated as he started down the staircase.

"Noctis, please remember: your heart is your guiding key…" the boy paused, a faint ache developing within him as he heard those words that almost caused him to reach for his chest to sooth it before he glanced back to his father.

"I'll do my best…..goodbye…" a small smirk came to his features, his eyes gleaming sharply as King Regis felt recognition come over him before he closed his eyes as the boy turned away and then got into the car while the King of Lucis took in a deep breath and watched as Ignis drove away and his strength seemed to fail him as his eyes burned a fraction as his heart ached with sorrow that he would have to let the boy go: and this he indeed did believe would be their final farewell.

Within the streets of Insomnia rallies were gathering and some people were protesting the signing of the treaty. Noctis rolled his eyes and leaned down in the seat as the hood of the Regalia covered them from prying eyes. Prompto sat in the back with him for the time being while Gladio and Ignis sat in the front. The car was deathly silent as Noctis remained uncommonly quiet even though he was no longer under the scrutinizing gaze of his father and peers. Prompto looked down just a fraction as he took in a steady breath and tried to think of a means to talk to his friend but couldn't bring himself to speak on anything that had just happened.

Noctis's sharp blue eyes remained on the city that passed him by and he considered what would happen once he and Lunafreya were married. Would he be at peace? Would he feel as though he had done the right thing? Or would everything become far worse than it already was? Could it be possible that this was not entirely fates design? Was he meant to marry the girl he loved and come to rule Lucis in its fragmented state? Or was there more to this story than he was seeing just at this point? Taking in a deep breath, Noctis closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep and forget about the misfortune that he had endured up until this point.

However, as they made it past the exit of Insomnia, the sudden sensation and sound of wind caught his attention and his eyes blearily opened as he realized that they were out past Insomnia. He looked around in questioning before thinking about how it had only seemed like moments ago that he had fallen asleep. Now, it seemed as though things were different as they drove past the forest patches and rocky cliffs that surrounded Insomnia. A groan of frustration left him as he pinched the bridge of his nose while a faint headache appeared alongside a faintly dull ache in his throat that he put to being tired and slightly thirsty. Prompto smiled just a bit.

"When we get a few ways out, we're going to grab a bite to eat and switch out drivers so Iggy can rest, sound good?" he asked as Noctis nodded slowly.

"Okay…." His voice sounded emotionless and detached, almost as if he had lost whatever vibrancy he normally would have possessed.

"It'll be okay Noct, you'll see," Prompto stated.

"I hope so…." Ignis sighed.

"You will have to accept it as a part of your reality Noctis, whether you like it or not," he explained.

"Why are you reminding me of this?" Gladio shot him a glare.

"Because! You are the Prince and this is your responsibility! I suggest you get over your pity-party and submit to the fact that you aren't going to change this," he snapped. The words seemed to get a rise out of the teenager in the back because his eyes became a frigid shade of blue that almost seemed soulless as he sat there and a faint snarl came to his features that bared his teeth just a fraction. Ignis saw this in the rear-view mirror and Prompto tensed as the boy kept the feral behavior up and the aggressive expression present.

"Let's get one thing clear, right now Gladio…." Noctis's voice had transcended to a fierce tone that sent a chill unbidden up Prompto's spine as he watched his best friend go through a drastic personality change.

"What?!" Gladio snapped as he met the boy's intimidating gaze.

"I will never submit to a fucking thing so long as I breathe! I may be doing this for Luna's sake….but don't think for a damn second that I am willing to surrender my entire existence to the whims of a bunch of scared cattle. I am never going to break for another person's will….and you can bet your ass I'll do whatever it takes to remain that way: no matter how bloody I have to get….I will not be someone's play thing…"

The words struck a chord within Gladiolus who kept his gaze with the wild one staring him down. So many things had changed the timid and sweetly innocent child he had known that it quite honestly gave him some degree of fear. Noctis had gone from someone who was gentle, kind-natured, soft-spoken, and well-mannered to wild, fierce, and willful as opposed to who he once was. Gladio sighed and nodded his head slowly, admitting that perhaps he had touched a raw nerve when it came to the boy's free will and as he considered it he realize that the boy was right: who would want to be controlled? Certainly not him, and because of that, he had no right to speak on the matter as if he would handle the same situation willingly.

"You're right, okay small-fry? Be careful though, you wouldn't want Lady Lunafreya seeing that feral side of you outside the bedroom," he stated with a smirk as the boy's ivory complexion gave way to a fearsome blush.

"Bastard…." He covered his face in embarrassment as he said this and Gladio laughed.

"I would watch that language as well, you were not raised to speak in such a vulgar manner," Ignis stated as Noctis shot him a withered look from between his fingers.

"Like I give two fucks what someone thinks about the way I talk. As far as I'm concerned it shouldn't matter…." Prompto laughed.

"Well….some people might find it weird that the future King of Lucis speaks so brashly," he said.

"Uh-huh…." Gladio whistled.

"I wonder where you get that kind of language from, and what will Lady Lunafreya think of you swearing like that? Aren't you supposed to be a proper, sophisticated, delicate gentleman of the gentry?" he inquired as the boy's blush grew darker and his eyes hardened into a deeper blue.

"I'll show you delicate you obnoxious bastard!" Noctis promptly bashed the dark-haired eighteen-year-old over the head in disgruntlement as the other yelped, and Ignis sighed in defeat as the sixteen-year-old kept a sharp glare on the older teen.

"Sit down Noctis!" the boy crossed his arms as Gladio rubbed the sore spot on his head.

"Dammit, you've got one hell of a right hook!" he said as Noctis gave him a vindictive smile.

"Just remember that the next time you want to call me delicate you overgrown ogre…." Prompto laughed.

"That's better….now you're acting more like your old self," he said cheerfully as he wrapped an arm around the black-haired teen as Ignis sighed.

"This shall be quite the trip….." Gladio nodded.

"The vacation from his sarcasm was nice while it lasted," he stated.

"Oh well, shall we best be prepared for the journey ahead?" Gladio slowly nodded his head.

"Yep, so…Prompto? Noctis? You two know how to pitch a tent?" the two nodded.

"Yes…" he smiled.

"Noct, we'll need you to put those fishing skills to good use at some points on this trip of ours," he stated.

"Fine by me…" Noctis put his hands behind his head and leaned back in the seat with one leg balanced on his thigh.

"Our destination is Galden Quay where we'll be taking a ferry to Altissia. It will take us several days to arrive, therefore we will be enduring a few hunts by the Maldossio Hunters to gain extra funds," Ignis explained as Noctis nodded slowly as the car continued down the road where his and his friends adventures would begin, and many more life changing events would come to pass; however, only time would tell if they would be ready for it. A confident smirk appeared upon the young Prince's face as a faint laugh left his lips while his gaze turned to Ignis.

"Alright then, let's get this show on the road…."


That's when something wild leads you home….


Author's Note: Well, this story is finished; however, as you can tell the entire situation with Noctis and how he came to join the World Tree Coalition isn't quite done yet. I will inform you that the next installment won't come for some time because it will not be posted until it's completed, so bear with me: it may take some time.

Until then, you can see what Noctis is up to in the Kingdom Hearts stories.

Also, if you were wondering about the upcoming stories for Final Fantasy XV: they all take place before Kingdom Hearts: Genesis. By the time the third story rolls around, Sora would have been about 11-12.

I appreciate your reviews as always my beloved readers and I look forward to reading your opinions on this story.

