Hannibal stood completely entranced. For a moment, he could not bring himself to mutter a single word. Cad Bane. He was standing before Cad Bane. Hannibal was able to suppress the wave of placidness that overtook his normal facial shade. However, he could not completely suppress the inter turmoil.

The bounty hunter step forward. " I see we have met once again." Han gave him a smirk: "Yes, unfortunately." His statement hung in the air. Hannibal looked back and forth between the two older men. Cad Bane turned to Hannibal: "And who may we have here?"

Hannibal looked him firmly in the eye. "Hannibal Manson." He greeted with a monotone but firm voice. Bane raised an eyebrow and looked to Han. "You brought me the illegitimate bastard of the Kryze family?" Hannibal's eyes slightly widened, purely out of anger.

Till this day, many people believed him and Sara to be brother and sister. Sara's father, Ragnard Manson, had been his mother's maternal cousin. It was a known by members of the court but rarely discussed that Ragnard had fathered several illegitimate children with one of his mother's servant girls. Sara, unfortunately, was the product of this union. For years, the Kryze family had worked to suppress the scandal. Nevertheless, in the end, discovery was inevitable.

When aristocracy was overthrown, Hannibal was taken away and placed under the care of his uncle's mistress. He was adopted temporarily as one of the children. After Ragnard's execution, he had technically maintained the name of his uncle. Hannibal had avoided execution for he was believed to be illegitimate. However, he was held in prison for he still had connections to the Mandalorian aristocracy.

Now, he was a freeman. He commonly referred to himself as Hannibal Kenobi on Coruscant rather than the damned name his mother had bestowed upon him. Hannibal Manson was truly a ruminant of past, a name he strove to forget. However, the name was his only undercover ticket back into the social circles of Mandalore. Revelation of his true identity to the wrong people would equate to certain death.

Hans next response brought him back to reality. "He is only as much of a bastard as you are saint, Bane." Bane's irritated expression slowly, but steadily, transformed into a low-key smirk. The bounty hunter then turned toward the young man. "So, has the crown Duke truly returned?"

Hannibal was silent. He often used silence as a sign of power. " My name is Lorian Hannibal Kryze. I am the second son, third eldest child of heiress Duchess Satine and General Obi wan Kenobi. Yes, I am your Duke, and you are my subject."

The two Mandalorian merchants in the background stood and bowed in reverence. This slightly shocked the young man. The words he had just previously uttered were so foreign to him they hardly seemed natural. Nevertheless, his subjects proceeded to rise and kiss his hands. "We come to serve, Duke." The older of the two merchants exclaimed. Hannibal awkwardly nodded. His mother had always sought to shield him and his siblings away from the spotlight. He had never been addressed in such a manner before now.

For only a second, an internal force erupted within him. One that was utterly masculine and practically unstoppable. However, the internal force deflated the moment it attempted to expand. Hannibal would not allow himself to be consumed by pride.

"I am no one's subject." Bane spat. He then threw his one hand sarcastically in the air and turned around. The merchants were silent. Han placed his hand into his business attire. Hannibal attempted to look down at Han's waist. However, the other man caught him off with a nasty glare.

"You may not remember me, Duke. But I served under your mother during her reign. I was one of her personal body guards." The older man spoke. Hannibal raised an eyebrow. He then grabbed the man's arm. "What is your name, good sir?" The older man gave him a smile: "Sirius." Hannibal starred at him momentarily, fishing through his memories.

After a while, a brief memory of a younger guard with a similar physical built entered his memory. Hannibal then nodded his head: "Yes, I remember you." Tears entered his servant's eyes. "If only your parents could see you now. I have waited a long time for this moment."

Hannibal then turned to the other man. Sirius motioned to him. "This is Kylan Merak, nephew of Samuel Merak and son of Tom Merak." Hannibal's eyes widened. "You are Samuel Merak's nephew?" He pressed. Kylan nodded his head. Samuel Merak had developed time travel. Surely he had sent his nephew to collect him.

"We must make haste." The young man stated. Hannibal narrowed his eyes. "I don't understand." Sirius touched his arm. "Don't you see? We have come to take you home. Mandalore needs her Duke." Hannibal eyes widened. Now everything made sense. They weren't here to discuss economics and commerce.

To some extent, the Hannibal was speechless. He then turned to Hans. " You knew about this?" The man nodded his head. "I ran into this Merak guy not too long ago. I've transported so many Mandalorian refugees out from under the radar that he wanted to know if I had ever ran into a Hannibal Manson. I was reluctant to talk at first. However, after showing me proof, I thought it best to run it by you."

Hannibal looked back to the men. "I appreciate your gesture, but I cannot return home to Mandalore at the moment." Sirius interjected: " I am well aware of your current situation." Cad Bane turned around now in interest. Hannibal choose to ignore him. So Sirius was aware of the time travel situation? "Then you understand that this matter must be handled delicately?" Sirius looked irritated but nodded. "We will be in contact." He then reached into his bag and pulled out a hollow speaker. He gave the device to Hannibal. "It is never safe to discuss such personal matters." Sirius then looked around. "Even behind closed doors."

Moments before anything happened, Hannibal felt a painful ripple through the force. He felt the blood fail to circulate and his breath hitch. The room then shook and an explosion knocked the group off their feet. Bane was the first one up. "What was that?" Screams could be heard from outside the private room.

Hannibal opened the door and smoke poured in. Storm Troopers trampled through the room. " Cad Bane." One of the soldiers cried, "You are under arrest." Hans cursed aloud. He then grabbed Hannibal's arm. "Come on." The two pushed through the scrambling victims. Hannibal was again temporarily knocked off his feet when a woman collapsed on him. A firearm went off. A slight pain, like fire, briefly grazed Hannibal's side, and the woman lay on the floor with bullet wound through her midsection.

Hannibal collapsed, partially in pain and partially to help the struggling woman. He briefly looked into her eyes. However, the moment he approached her, he realized the situation was pointless. The woman died before he had the chance to do anything.

Hannibal haphazardly stood up. Men and women were racing around the club. Hans was nowhere to be seen. Hannibal began to push himself toward the outside of the room. He could still hear gunshots and screams as he exited the nightclub. Hannibal ran through the back way alleys. He essentially ran for his life, hoping to avoid the imprisonment of the storm troopers. After an hour of pure terror, he managed to catch two transporters, avoid a group of prostitutes, and flee the storm troopers.

When Hannibal reached his residence, he entered the building through the back way entrance. All of the servants were too busy buzzing about to notice him illegal enter. Hannibal proceeded to the elevator. He nearly collapsed in utter exhaustion when the door closed. For some reason he felt immensely tired. He then looked down for he felt immensely sticky. Hannibal briefly wondered if one of the club members had spilt some type of liquid on him.

Hannibal then pulled his formal jacket away, and his eyes widened in horror. Blood stained his dark blue shirt. Hannibal felt his stomach drop. He attempted to pull his shirt up but stopped when he let out a hiss. The shirt had accidently stuck to his gash.

"Kriff," Hannibal let out a cry. He would have to examine the wound. The elevator door opened. He immediately covered the wound with his jacket and proceeded onward, and quietly entered his apartment. To his slight relief no one was present.

Hannibal headed for the kitchen. He went to a covert and desperately rooted around for a first aid kit and a knife. Hannibal was so placid. He could feel himself shaking. Slowly, he shed his jacket and dropped it to the floor. Hannibal then grabbed the knife and began to cut his shirt open.

He then pulled the fabric away and let out another involuntary cry. The fabric had apparently had served as a temporary clotting system. Now, additional blood began to flow. The thought of blood made him nervous.

As educated as what he was, Hannibal had no clue what to do. He riffled through the bag in great panic. "Good heavens," A voice from behind spoke. Hannibal jumped up. He knew that voice anywhere. "What is going on?" Another voice cried as well. Hannibal's parents were both standing in the doorway.

Both Obi wan and Satine's eyes drifted down to his wound. "Please help me." Hannibal cried to his mother and father. He then shifted sideways. Obi wan grabbed him to keep him from falling over.