Sins of the Kenobis

Hey, this is a little idea I came up with. Feel free to review. I always like constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy !


Hannibal Kenobi watched the grand city from a distance. Sa'al, once the jewel of Mandolare, was being burned to the ground. Shots and endless screams filled the air. At one time, mainly during his civilized life, Hannibal would have been mortified. However, endless time spent in the Death Watch concentration camps had left him cold and ruthless.

A small hand placed itself on his shoulder. For only a second, Hannibal turned away from the pure hell that stood before him, and he looked to his innocent peer. "Hannibal," she stroked his arm, "We must go." He glanced back to his home city. His mother would have been mortified to have seen her own palace, her own home, burned to the ground by barbarians.

He took a step forward. This land had once been a place of peace and tranquility. Mandalore had been purely beautiful under his mother's reign. Business and Commerce had expanded exponentially. Education reforms had yielded higher literacy rates, and quality of life had increased. Hannibal sighed to himself under his breath. His mother had done a great good for Mandalore, but unfortunately, many citizens did not feel the same.

Corruption loitered in every corner. If one looked hard enough, they could see fraudulent behaviors lurking in the corners of Mandalorian society. His beautiful mother, Satine, had been unfortunately too naïve to see such crookedness. She had been so consumed with promoting the belief of pacifism that she could not bring herself to see the snakes that surrounded her.

His mother was a good philosopher, not a politician. Idealism was her specialty, but sadly not reality. Her disconnect with fact, and essentially her people, Hannibal thought, had lead to her downfall. Now, he and his siblings, if they were even still alive, would pay for her sins.

Hannibal had escaped from a heavily guarded prison camp. After five years of being treacherously detained, he was now free. For only a moment, he gave into human sentiment and considered possibly going back to his home. "No, Hannibal," Sara cried his name. "We cannot stay. If they find us, they will kill us." Hannibal looked back to the burning city of Sa'al one last time. He highly doubted that the Death Watch would find them. Everything was so discombobulated at the moment even a close civilian of the royal family would not notice them.

Hannibal watched as civilian mutineers lined the streets. After five horrendous years under the reign of the Death Watch, the citizens of Mandolare were finally taking action. A crude smile crossed his lips. He would give anything to assist them at this moment. Unfortunately for him, his prior obligations were to his family.

Hannibal turned to his distant cousin, Sara. She was pulling his arm. "Please Hannibal." Hannibal watched as tears left her eyes. "Please Hannibal," Her breathing increased. Hannibal tried to look back, however, Sara placed her hand on his face: "Take me away from this horrid place." He starred deep into her eyes. He grabbed her hands and held them in his own. "For you, my love" He spoke aloud, "anything." He kissed her briefly on the fore head. The girl quickly closed her eyes.

He would listen to her for he knew she was right. Hannibal often found that women usually were. A revolution was taking place now. If his cousin Korkie was dead, then he was technically the next Duke of Mandalore. Hannibal had a moral obligation to protect his people, however, first and furthermost, he had an obligation to his family. He knew he must preserve the royal bloodline.

Hannibal grabbed her hand, and they walked through the streets to the station. Many Mandalorians were attempting to flee. "Cowards," He murmured to himself. Hannibal himself felt like a coward. He was leaving his home and his people. The last time he had walked this path he was a boy. Now, he was a man.