Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Naruto or Digimon franchises. Comments/Criticism is fine as long as it isn't straight up hate or flaming. If you do not like, no one is forcing you to read and you can just leave.

As a thank you to all of those who have been so supportive to me and my stories through your reviews and Comments, I present the original concept chapter of my Humon? story when I was originally planning to base it in season three before I settled with my current version.

Thank you and please enjoy.

The Hybrid Tamer

-Chapter 0ne-

-Valley of The End-

Two boys stood across a river, standing atop two destroyed statues as they glared at the one another. Numerous craters and trenches littered the area alongside large smoking scorch marks. The cause was easy to determine based on the two's ragged, scuffed up appearances. Their breathing was haggard, patches of blood soaking various sections of clothing as they struggled to stay upright.

The first was a black haired young teen with grey skin, red eyes with three comma's swirling within each one, and two monstrous hand like wings sticking out his back. This was Sasuke Uchiha, formerly last loyal Uchiha of Konoha and now a defecting traitor. Annoyance was clear on his face as he did three odd motions with his hands before it was incased with lightning.

The other was a blond haired, normally blue-currently red eyed, short statured boy with lightly tanned skin and deep whisker like marks crossing his cheeks. A vile feeling red aura of energy bubbled sinisterly around his body, a portion of it protruding from his backside and waving lazily just like a tail. One of his arms hung limply at his side while the other was bawled up into a fist. This was Naruto Uzumaki, number one unpredictable shinobi, holder of the nine-tailed fox, and loyal ninja of Konoha. His eyes narrowed as he saw the deadly technique in his opponent's hand while raising his one good hand up to his side.

A glowing blue ball started to form before some of the Kyuubi's chakra surrounding him was sucked into it, turning it a dark violet. Both attacks ready, the two locked eyes and jumped straight at each-other. "CHIDORI/RASENGAN!"

The attacks collided with a deafening bang as shockwaves flew outwards and demolished the surrounding area. Naruto and Sasuke pushed towards the other with all their strength, desperately trying to force the other back. Before either of them realized it, a bright sphere of darkness spread from where they collided and swallowed them both.

When his vision cleared, Naruto saw he was about to hit Sasuke with enough power to kill him most likely. Remembering his promise to Sakura, He immediately started to power down his attack even as he felt the sharp pain of his opponents lightning covered hand pierce his chest for the second time that day. Swinging to hit him aside the head and hopefully knock him out, Naruto's eyes widened in shock as his vanishing Rasengan flared back up to full power, only fully red now.

-moments ago, Seal-

The great Kyuubi no Kitsune growled angrily as he felt the small portion of his power being used. Before his container stood a reminder of one of the beings he despised more than anything, Madara Uchiha. Watching as the annoyance fought through his containers eyes, the Kyuubi sneered further as he sensed the boy's intent to hold back and the feeling of his chakra being used starting to taper off.

Suddenly though, a wicked grin crossed the fox's face as his gaze locked onto the dissipating sphere of energy currently headed towards the accursed Uchiha. Focusing on that one point, the fox slammed one of his tails against the bars of his cage causing a surge of it power to flood out. Watching with a satisfied smile as the attacked was repowered up and headed directly for the brat's head.

-Back to reality-

Everything seemed to slow down as the swirling ball of energy descended upon Sasuke. Horror crossed Naruto's face as he tried to stop his arm but couldn't due to the inertia behind it. He could only watch as the shock crossed the Uchiha's face as the attacked collided before it violently exploded in a blinding flash

When the light cleared, Sasuke could be seen imbedded inside the cliff with his face badly shredded and burned, Naruto nowhere to be found.

-Nonaka Residence-

Rika Nonaka was currently very pleased. Until just now the red-headed tomboy had thought the entire day to be a waste. She'd been forced to go to that annoying, prissy private school, she'd won the D-1 Grand prix with absolutely no effort at all earning her the title 'The Digimon Queen', and she'd been generally bored out of her mind all day.

Now though, she was in a much better mood. 'Why?' you may ask… well standing before her was her very own digital partner. Said partner was a roughly five-foot-tall, anthropomorphic, yellow and white fox, with piercing blue eyes set in black sclera, and purple sleeve-like covers on both arms. Behind it was a blue, screen like apparition that was slowly fading out of existence.

"Well then Renamon, you better not disappoint me." Rika said as she held the glowing D-power in her hand.

"Of course not, Ri-" Renamon was cut off from what she was about to say when the screen like portal behind her started glowing much brighter. Turning around to figure out why, Renamon barely had time for her eyes to widen as an obscured object blasted through and straight into her.

*BOOM!* "Oof!" *Crash!*

Renamon was sent flying, barely missing Rika as she and whatever hit her smashed halfway through the wall behind her. Shaking off her surprise quickly, Rika turned around expecting to see an enemy digimon for hers to fight and get stronger from… …

… instead what she saw shocked and terrified her to the core.

There on the floor, laying atop Renamon's unconscious form was a boy, maybe a year or so older than her, with bright blonde hair, tanned skin, thin whisker like marks on his cheeks, and wearing a beat-up orange and blue outfit. This however wasn't what Rika was focused oh no, she was focused on theGaping Hole in his Chest! and the Bleeding stump that used to be an Arm!

So deep into her shock, Rika barely registered as her mother and grandmother came bursting into her room. Her mother, Rumiko Nonaka, a beautiful and famous model with dirty blond hair and grey eyes, took just one look and fainted upon seeing the gory scene. Her grandmother, Seiko Hata, who looked just like Rika's mother only with a few wrinkles and shorter greying hair, on the other hand managed to push aside her shock and rushed in, checking Rika over for any wounds before moving to the injured blonde.

When she tried to get close though, small arcs of blue electricity danced around the boy's body wildly. The blonde was seemingly unaffected by the jolts whatsoever, but Renamon was spasming around violently as her body seemed to destabilize into particles, only re-solidifying once shocks died back down.

Approaching more cautiously, the elderly woman showed mild relief as she didn't get shocked before growing serious as she leaned down and lifted the boy into her arms. Carrying him over to the futon, she gingerly set him down on one side before moving back over to the impact sight and moving Renamon to the other side.

"Rika! Rika! RIKA!" The redhead snapped out of her daze slightly as her grandmother called her name repeatedly and grabbed her hands. Before Rika could question what the elderly woman was doing, she felt bile rapidly rise up her throat as her hands were forcibly pressed against the bleeding tissue of the unknown boys chest.

"Whatever you do, do not stop pressing down! Do you understand!?" Seiko told her in a stern tone that left no room for argument, getting her to nod rapidly towards her grandmother. Apparently satisfied with that, Seiko stood up and rushed out of the room at astonishing speeds for a woman her age.

Not knowing what else to do, Rika did as she was told and continued to press down on bloody gap, her face turning a deep shade of green as she felt the torn flesh and blood squish between her fingers.

She was just seconds away from puking her guts out after what felt like an eternity sitting there when her grandmother finally rushed back in with a first aid kit. She would have called 911, but unlike Rika who was only focusing on the blood and her own shock, Seiko could see that the wounds the boy had were already healing up at an astonishing rate.

Gently pulling her granddaughter away, the elderly woman got to work disinfecting, stitching, and bandaging the chest wound and arm stump. She was never more thankful for her old skills as a nurse then right now as she secured the last bandage in place. Checking him over again to make sure she didn't miss anything, Seito let out a sigh of relief when she didn't find anything.

Said relief was short lived though as the sound of retching reached her ears. Standing up, she slowly walked up to her vomiting granddaughter and rubbed the girl's back as she emptied her stomach's contents all over the floor.

Seiko felt terrible that Rika had to go through such a traumatic experience like this. No matter how tough and tomboyish she may by, and no matter how cold and uncaring she may act, Rika was a child. She may talk a big game, act as if she had been through some great tragic pain due to her parents' divorce or with how her mother was always too busy working as a model to be there for her, but in the end she was still just a child. An inexperienced, selfish, naïve, and spoiled child who acted like nobody could understand her pain and that the whole world was out to get her.

As loath she was to admit it, a small piece of Seiko was actually hoping this little incident would act as a reality check for her granddaughter. One that she'd being wanting to give Rika for a while now but hadn't cause of her own daughter's wishes.

But for now she pushed those thoughts aside as Rika finally stopped puking, having completely emptied her stomach, and was now dry heaving as tears streamed down her cheeks, not from sadness but from the pain in her throat and chest.

"Come on, let's go get ourselves cleaned up," She said while leading the redhead out of the room, being careful not to step on the unconscious model still splayed out by the door.

If either of them had stopped to look back just then, they would have seen more of that blue electricity start arcing between the blonde and Renamon, but this time with one or two red streaks popping up every now and again as both of them squirmed around slightly in discomfort.

-End Chapter-

AN: I have been debating whether or not to continue with this version of the story as well, so I'll be putting up a poll on if you would like this to be just a one shot or a full story. Thank you for reading and please review.