

Hi, everybody! Hope you guys enjoy this story ^_^

She could feel her legs starting to give in as she continued to run through the dark jungle, her heart was throbbing against her chest due to the mixture of fear and adrenaline rushing through her body. She looked over her shoulder to see how far or close the hunters were and to her luck, she didn't see anyone in sight, but that didn't slow her down, knowing that they could easily cloak and could be hiding in the trees.

As she and her lover continued running through the jungle, dodging tree branches and jumping over roots that had crept from underneath the trees, she felt the sudden need to stop and catch her breath. They had been running for what seemed hours now and were in search of an air ship that was going to take them somewhere safe, somewhere far away from here.

She leaned against a near by tree and slowly began to catch her breath. She looked down at the small baby that was asleep in her arms and placed a small kiss on its forehead. "Don't worry Alexander, we're almost there." She whispered. The baby boy was the reason why the hunters were after them, they wanted to kill the child since it was born a human rather than a yautja. He didn't even show any physical features that resembled his father. The baby was considered a pyode amedh.

Unlike most kids that were born from human mothers and show features from their yutja fathers, Alexander was the only one in his kind that had been born a human boy with no dreadlocks, no reptilian skin, no mandibles, just a simple human child, something that was quite rare in their kind. The only few things he did have was the green blood, the dark green moss eyes, the familiar sounds of clicks and roars, and could understand their language, but that wasn't enough for the elders to approve.

A young yautja named Khalon was guiding her through the jungle, he looked over his shoulder and noticed that the ooman was now resting, causing him to stop. He turned around and quickly set his Bio-mask to predator vision in order to spot other predators that were near by but to their luck, there was no one, not even a single predator could be heard.

He set his Bio-mask to its regular vision and began walking towards the ooman. He stopped when he was a few inches away from her, raised his hand up to her face and began to gently stroke her soft cheek. The ooman removed her gaze from her sleeping child and looked up to see the young hunter.

He pointed to the direction they were headed, letting her know that they were close to their destination. He looked down at the baby she held and gently stroke its soft cheek with his rough scaly finger causing the baby to move its head away from the rough touch. A low chuckle came from the yautja.

"Khalon..." She softly spoke as she looked at him causing the young yautja to look up at his ooman. He cocked his head to the side as a sign of curiosity as to what she was going to say.

She opened her mouth to speak but, was cut off thanks to a loud roar that echoed through the jungle, making both of them lose focus on each other. Kahalon let out a low growl as he looked at the direction the roar had come from. He looked at the ooman and said series of clicks as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along as he began to run towards the ship that was near by.

Kahalon respected his elders and his clan but, he couldn't let them get near his child nor could he let them get near his ooman in fear that, not only were they going to kill the boy but, his mate as well in order to keep them from repeating the same mistake.

"D'nt wory, no'hing i'tz 'oing to hap'en to you." Kahalon thought as he continued to run. The safety of his family was the only thing that kept him from giving up, he was going to get them out of Yautja Prime and back to planet earth where they'll be safe from danger and away from here.

They continued running through the dark jungle, without stopping. The ooman could feel her heartbeat throb against her chest as she looked over her shoulder and saw two hunters gaining up on them with their combi sticks fully extended. She had been living in Yautja Prime for awhile, so she knew that a hunters throw was one of the best throws out there and they hardly ever miss. Not even a single moving target can escape its sharp razer point.

"Kahalon!" She shouted in terror, grabbing the attention of the yaujta. He looked over his shoulder and noticed the two hunters were preparing themselves to throw their combi sticks. He immediately pulled out his net gun and fired at the two hunters, catching both of them instantly. The hunters let out roars as they were knocked down onto the wet mud and were now struggling to break free from the razor-sharp net that was cutting into their flesh, making green liquid pour out of their cuts.

Kahalon knew they were going to break free sooner or later so, he decided to make a sharp turn and picked up his pace.

The cold wet mud started to make the ooman's feet go numb as if she was stepping in blocks of ice but, that didn't stop her from running. The safety of her son was the only thing that was keeping her from stopping and the fact that Kahalon had a strong grip on her hand was also another reason why she couldn't stop.

"T'ere!" Kahalon spoke in broken English. He released the ooman and quickly made his way to the main door, and began to punch in a code.

As soon as the door opened Kahalon looked at the ooman and pointed at the entrance "M'st go n'ow" he spoke. The ooman looked at the small ship and asked "Are you coming with us?"

Kahalon shook his head, causing his dreadlocks to move. As much as he wanted to go with her and their son, he didn't want to risk being tracked down and suffer the ultimate consequences which were watching his mate and their son being killed and having their skulls used as trophies.

The ooman felt a sharp pain in her heart as she watched the alien she had grown to love was refusing to come along but, she gave him a weak smile, accepting his choice of staying on his planet. She walked towards the entrance of the ship and stopped when she was a few inches away from him. Kahalon looked at her and rubbed his thumb against her soft cheek and spoke "Love."

The word love didn't have much meaning to the Yautjas, but to him it meant something and it did to her as well. He had grown to love this ooman and had chosen her to be his life mate and she had accepted him. Together, they formed a small family, a family that was now being separated for God knows how long.

She tilted her head to his touch and spoke "Love."

He then removed his necklace that contained small bones from different animals and placed it on his son as a gift of remembrance. He wasn't going to go with his son nor his mate but, a small piece of him was going with them.

As they were saying their last goodbyes, a distant roar echoed through the jungle, causing Kahalon to look into the jungle. The ooman backed up and began to enter the ship without taking her light brown eyes off the young Yautja, with tears forming behind her eyes she spoke "I'll wait for you."

Kahalon took one last looked at her and spoke in his language "N'dhi-ja..."

And once she was inside, the ship came to life and in a blink of an eye, she was gone.

If you enjoyed this story let me know and stick around for chapter 1 since this was just the intro ^_^ have a good day

Here's a list of what some of the words meant

N'dhi-ja: Farewell/Goodbye

Ooman: Human

Pyode amedh: Soft meat (Human)