A/N: I had thought of a story like this for some time and now here it is. I hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass or any of the characters, Sunrise Studios and Ichirō Ōkouchi do.


None of them knew it would be the last time they would all be together for a sunset.

Cornelia and Euphemia li Britannia, Clovis la Britannia, and Lelouch and Nunnally vi Britannia all lay on the grass in the courtyard of the Aries Villa, Marianne vi Britannia's residence, staring up at the sky.

The last rays of the sun faded from view, the twilight now beckoning the stars as the sky took on shades of scarlet, then amethyst before finally deepening to obsidian.

Night had now fallen but the five half-siblings continued to stare at the mesmerizing sight above them.

"It's beautiful," whispered an awestruck Euphemia.

"It certainly is," Clovis agreed. "A moment like this is one you find yourself wishing would last forever."

"Nothing lasts forever, Clovis," Lelouch snorted. "Life isn't like one of your paintings. Everything is constantly changing, and you can't expect the very world itself to come to a halt simply because of one moment. Time is going to move forward regardless of our wishes for it to stand still. That's just the way it is."

"Lelouch," Cornelia sighed. "Can we enjoy one evening without your pessimistic little comments?"

Lelouch looked annoyed, but said nothing. He knew his older half-sister was a stubborn girl and would never relent. She would simply continue until sooner or later she won the bout. It was just the way she was and while on one hand he admired that part of her, sometimes he found it trying as well.

Nunnally sat up, looking disappointed.

"Cornelia's right, Lelouch," she said. "We're supposed to be enjoying our time together."

"We never get to spend time like this together," Euphemia chimed in, wrapping one of Lelouch's arms in both of her own and laying her head against his shoulder. "This is the first time in ages we all get to be together without listening to the others complaining."

Lelouch looked down. He knew Euphemia meant their other half-siblings like Guinevere, Carine, and a few others he had never really bothered with. After all, if they were so dismissive of Nunnally and himself, why should he have any interest in them? Schneizel, Cornelia, Euphemia, and even Clovis made for better company than any of those pompous elitists he was forced to share a father with.

The heat of the day had now ebbed into a more comfortable warmth and Lelouch could feel Euphemia and Nunnally moving closer to him. Cornelia and Clovis were now on their feet with the latter once again voicing his admiration of the effortless beauty of the night sky, the great luminous pearl that was the moon shining overhead, bathing the siblings and the greenery around them in its gentle glow.

Though he knew it was impossible, the black-haired Eleventh Prince found himself sharing his older half-brother's sentiments; though it could never be, he wished that the moment in which they now dwelt would last forever. He was with the few people that truly meant something to him, save for Schneizel who had been unable to visit due to a previous commitment that demanded his immediate attention. But the Second Prince had promised to arrive later in the week for a short time. That aside, Lelouch was enjoying an evening with the few siblings he didn't despise or barely know.

And it was a pleasant evening all around. None of them could have ever known it would be the last time they would all be together.



Well, I hope everyone enjoyed that. Feel free to let me know.

Until then, everyone.