And the fight is on!

Chapter Ten

Battle of the Twins


Ahsoka waited for Rath to make the first move, knowing well that Rath was waiting for her to make the first move. She

kept her saber in her dominant Form V forward stance, waiting. Rath finally became impatient, and struck. Ahsoka

easily blocked the slash, and countered with an uppercut. Her saber clashed with Rath's in a shower of red and orange

sparks. The blades hummed with energy, as they clashed and whirled. Ahsoka kept up the fight, knowing what would

happen if she lost.


The twins' fight took them outside Phoenix, and near a creek. Gakowa's sapphire blade was humming with power, and

his sister's crimson weapon hissed. Gakowa knew why. In her haste to assemble it, she had not added a stabilizer, to

keep the blade from shorting out on her unexpectedly. Gakowa knew that all he needed to do was keep her occupied,

and the blade would die out on its own. He slashed at her blade, trying to knock her back a bit, but she dodged it,

holding her weapon in a defensive angle. Gakowa noticed something else. To make up for the lack of a stabilizer, she

was using the Force to keep the blade active. He had to admit that was clever, but he knew that if she kept at it, she

would eventually be drained. Gakowa swung again, this time intending to disarm her, but she dodged, and swiped at his

back lekku. He blocked the slash with ease, and countered with an uppercut, angling his blade so that her weapon

would surely be disarmed. She saw it coming, however, and leapt back, accidentally tripping over the bridge's rail,

falling off of it into the creek and out of Gakowa's sight. Her weapon lay on the side of the bridge. Gakowa leapt down

to search for his sister, hoping beyond hope that she was still alive.


Ahsoka kept blocking Rath's slashes, and performed an uppercut, forcing the Sith back. She made no comment on

Rath's fighting style. It was similar to Form II, but it was unrefined, amateurish, sloppy. The crimson blade was swung

again, this time aiming for Ahsoka's neck, and was easily blocked. The two locked sabers, until Ahsoka pushed back,

attempting to disarm Rath. Her attempt worked, too well. Her orange saber, which had performed a side slash, pushed

Rath's blade away, but the tip of her weapon cut through Rath's stomach. The Sith fell down, defeated. Ahsoka shut off

her saber, and stood over her fallen opponent. She could only say one thing. "Father would have been disappointed in

you." She sensed her former apprentice running over. "Master, where's Gakowa?" Ahsoka looked at him. "I sent him to

check something." Just then, Gakowa walked over, his wet clothes sticking to his body. He looked at Rath's body, then

at his mother. "It was Sakowa. She called herself Darth Cyrin, and she fell into a creek. I went in after her, but I

couldn't find her. She's gone." Ahsoka gently approached her son, noticing the cut on his cheek. She gently stroked it,

and wrapped her arms around him. The boy's tears stained her cloak, but she didn't care. "You did well, Gakowa. Don't

ever think otherwise." The boy didn't answer. He simply closed his eyes, and released his emotions into the Force, so

that he could think clearly. "Do you think we'll see her again?" Ahsoka looked her son in the eyes. "Of course. You didn't

find her, so she had to have survived. I would have felt her death. We'll find her, someday."

(Four months later)

Earth's very first interstellar battle cruiser, with a fully funtional hyperdrive and turbolasers, the EV Hera, was deployed

from Earth. Master Tano was aboard for its maiden voyage. They were testing the newly developed warp gate

technology. A sphere was launched, and a portal to Ahsoka's home galaxy was opened. However, as the ship entered

the portal, it closed unexpectedly. The Hera vanished, with no way to contact it. The young son of Ahsoka Tano saw

this, and closed his eyes, keeping his emotions in check. When he opened them, resolve filled them. He went back to

his quarters aboard Spacedock, and looked out the viewport. "I'll find you, Mom. I promise."


This story is now complete! For a while, I didn't think I'd get this one done by the end of the year. However,

I am very happy to answer (by PM) any questions any of you may have about Book II and the last chapter

of Mother and Child. I will say this, however. There will be a timeskip between this book and the next.

Seven years will have passed. Gakowa is now 18, and is a senior Padawan, (which is a Padawan under

consideration for the trials.) The next update will be for The Cyrin Chronicles. After that, I will release the

last chapter of Mother and Child, then start on Book II. Until then, SoftWare out.