A/N: This is something I've been toying with for a while...

Also, this is fanfiction, I'm taking a broad usage of the intersex term (I do know how it works in reality but this is fanfiction) so anatomy works as I feel like it. xD

Thank you, Shia, for being an enabler of my craziness and pushing me to write weird stuff. Hopefully it won't suck too much. xD
To those who dare to read, thank you and good luck?


Chapter One - Discovery

"Sometimes those who are closest to us are the ones who hold more secrets."

There were some things that Natsu though as unshakeable truths. One, his home and family was in Fairy Tail; two, he raised with the sun, and three, he had a strange friendship/rivalry with Gray Fullbuster, resident ice mage.

The rivalry part was just for the fun – there was nothing as entertaining as fighting the ice mage – but, deep down, everybody knew that they were best friends.

With that, Natsu knew a lot about the other and the same happened in reverse.

So, it was with shock that Natsu ended up discovering Gray's deepest secret, one that no-one (okay, maybe one or two people were in the secret) was privy to.

It all started in a day like any other. Natsu was at the guild with his friends, they were just lazing around.

As per usual, Natsu was stuffing his face, much to the girl's amusement and Gray's unimpressed look. Actually, the ice mage had an air of disgust.

"Slow down, will ya?" Gray said with a grimace.

"Wha*munch*d'ya*chompchomp*me'n?" Natsu asked unintelligibly. He paused to drain his mug of beer.

Gray didn't immediately reply, seemingly transfixed by Natsu.

The fire mage noticed.

"What?" the fire mage asked as he cleaned his greasy mouth at the back of his hand.

"Nothing. I'll just… go." Gray stood. "See you tomorrow." He raised a hand in an absent wave before heading out.

"Now you did it, Natsu." Lucy said teasingly. "Your bad table manners put Gray off."

"Whaa-! No way!" Natsu defended himself. "I didn't do anything! It's not my fault that stupid ice-brain is in a bad mood."

"But everything was okay until you started eating like a pig." Erza said as she sipped from her cup.

"Okay, fine. I'm gonna see what's wrong with him. Are you happy now?" Natsu grumbled, standing and going after Gray. He imagined that the ice mage had gone home.

Natsu walked distractedly through the town, enjoying the peaceful environment, the people walking, the children running and playing. It didn't take long for Natsu to reach a familiar block. The houses in their neutral colours, the odd green or splash of colour brightening random windowsills.

Getting to the right door, Natsu allowed himself in. He was comfortable enough to enter Gray's house, even if it might get him a punch in the face.

Everybody knew how temperamental ice mages could be sometimes…

Natsu closed the door behind himself, taking in the open area of the living room. Gray wasn't there. Or he might've heard an earful by the moment he'd set foot in the house.

Watery noises came from the bathroom and that was everything Natsu needed to know.

In a few strides he got to the dark wooden door and opened the door.

"Oi, ice-block, I don't know what the hell's going on with you but the girls… told me… to…" Natsu's words died in his mouth as he took Gray in.

Sure, he'd seen the ice mage naked plenty of times but…


Both mages stood stock still, eyes wide and mouths open. They didn't so much as blink.

Natsu finally looked up, blinking repeatedly. He didn't understand what he was seeing.

The ice mage was leaving his bath and…

Was different.

Water rivulets falling down hard planes of muscle glistened in the lighting of the tiled room, making everything suddenly become claustrophobic.

Natsu couldn't breathe.

He took a step back.

And another.

And another.

He heard noises coming from the bathroom and he started running, opening and slamming down the door as if there was no tomorrow.

He heard his name being called.

He heard the slight tinge of shockhorrorhysteriafear that one word carried.

But he didn't care.

Natsu ran away.