This is from Bayverse. I own only the plot and my oc.

Can y'all tell me what ya think? Thanks.

Chapter 1:

Will sighed as he clicked send to send the mission to his partners in crime.

He, Epps, and Cali had spent the last 3 hours constructing a list of the do's and don't's of the autobot base, and how to know when need a vacation.

To be honest he had no clue why they were doing it.

When he read what Cali had just typed, he promptly set aside his computer, leaned forward, and burst out laughing.

Cali had a wicked sense of humor for a 19 year old girl.

Later at base, all autobots and humans received an email from the troublesome trio titled 'Autobot Base: The Newsletter'.

Do's and don't's of the autobot base:

1. Don't make nicknames for Ratchet. EVER.

2. Don't use sarcasm around Prowl.

'Anything illogical makes him glitch' - Cali

'Then how come he's find around you?' - Epps

'...Screw you.' - Cali

3. Never tease Ironhide unless you fancy becoming a living target.

4. Don't eat sweets around Ratchet.

'I ate a Snickers in front of him once.' - Cali

'I did something like that and got a 2 hour lecture.' - Will

5. If you are in deep shit with Sunstreaker, compliment his paint job.

6. If a prankster, find Sideswipe.

7. If you want a long conversation, find Bluestreak and ask him simple questions.

'You just tune him out if he gets going to fast.' - Epps

'It doesn't hurt him.' - Will

8. If you need mental help, seek Smokescreen.

'I'm not joking, that boy solved all of my anxiety issues.' - Epps

9. If you value you manly bits, refrain from commenting on Ratchet's obsession with his wrenches.

'He polished those things!' - Will

'Everyone has their own wrench.' - Epps

'Just be glad you aren't part bot, they hurt like hell!' - Cali

10. Never mention any harmful things such as 'cons' when around Red Alert.

11. Never mention any possible threat to Annabelle when around Ironhide.

Optimus laughed quietly to himself as he read the first edition. Mechs mentioned seemed slightly peeved but found it humorous none the less.

He turned to the next section in the Newsletter.

How to know when you are in need of a desperate vacation:

1. When you here a boom and immediately want to call Ratchet.

'There's a reason why no humans are allowed in Wheeljack's lab.' - Will

2. When you begin to expect when a bot will glitch.

3. You see someone running to hide and can count down the seconds till Ratchet charges in.

'Oh look there's the twins. Three...Two...One... and there's Ratchet.' -Epps

4. You know the code to the med bay or brig without a second thought.

'I have nothing else to say but... it's all the twins fault!' - Cali

5. When you can climb across autobot beds and tables as easily as walking.

'It's one big jungle gym.' - Epps

'You have a strange mindset.' - Will

6. When you know the location of the prank war meetings.

'Prowl's been trying to find it since the brig was built.' - Cali

'Hasn't got it yet, thankfully.' - Epps

7. When you can scold a high ranking officer without thinking.

'None of y'all will let that go.' - Cali

'Nope.' - Will

'I'm more surprised that Optimus actually listened.' - Epps

8. When you can beat Bumblebee at a race.

'Most of the time by online games.' - Will

9. When you know when Ironhide is joking with his cannons, or if he's serious.

10. You start to talk in Cybertronian terms.

'People look at me weird when I say recharge instead of sleep.' - Cali

11. You can tell the difference between a normal car and a cybertronian.

'I scared a woman that way one time.' - Epps

12. You hear buzzing and think of Bumblebee.

13. You see the ice cream truck and think of the minor twins.

14. You start acting paranoid around new people or cars.

'My wife thinks I am insane for not getting in other cars.' - Will

15. When you can scale a transformer in seconds and still look like it's a normal thing.

'That's mostly me.' - Cali

16. When you know how Optimus really feels about politics and Galloway.

'I swear he said he was thinking of disobeying his "no harm humans" rule.' - Epps

Everyone was nodding in agreement or snorting in amusement by the end of it.

They couldn't wait for next week's.

How do y'all like it. I might make it into a full story with movies but I need feedback first. I might also throw in some one shots too.