AN 1: This story was inspired by the only two Ikki Tousen and Highschool DxD fanfiction on this site and there only two of them... in Spanish so here is a shout out to them. I can't believe no body has thought of this before.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ikki Tousen and Highschool DXD

Chapter 1

It was morning in a room that belonged to a certain pervert from Kuoh where instead of a single bed he would naturally have, he has a king-sized bed… with three people on it.

"Wake up and I will give you a 'private lesson'." A sultry female voice said in the room and the three occupants of the room stirred and woke up.

"(Yawn) Issei why would you have such a… unique alarm clock?" A meek female voice said as she woke up.

"I got this some time ago before I met you all and I am a pervert Chinkyuu and, unlike most people…" Issei then captured the girl named Chinkyuu's lips with his own and wrestled her tongue with his own, causing her to moan, for a few seconds then separated them. "I would gladly admit it then being labeled as a rapist like a certain someone." Issei finished his sentence looking at a flushed Chinkyuu.

"I don't mind the alarm clock, I personally think it is sexy. Besides don't we give you private lessons Issei considering we just had one last night?" Another girl said, but this one sounded more sensual and sultry then the other girl, causing Issei to grin.

"Do you mean martial arts or the sexual kind Ryofu?" Issei replied which earned him a kiss to his lips for 15 seconds then stared at Ryofu's mint green eyes.

"You like both, don't you?" Ryofu answered which Issei gave a smile then began laughing, much to Ryofu's and Chinkyuu's confusion, before calming down.

"Sorry about that… it's just that because I met you my world changed for the better because not only you are making me stronger, with martial arts, but also you were the first two girls who accepted me even though I'm a pervert with big breasts on the brain. Although, you, Ryofu was the first girl who accepted me and believed in my harem dream, also, you are a pervert like me and take no shame from it. And, you, Chinkyuu, in the beginning, you only accepted me by Ryofu's orders but you then warmed up to me and began to love me and for that I am forever grateful to the two of you." Issei said causing the girls to smile and hug him giving Issei the sensation of feeling their bare breasts.

"Now then we better get ready for school, as, I can't wait to see Matsuda and Motohama's faces when I show them that I got MULTIPLE girlfriends AND telling them I lost my V-Card. Consider this payback for all the times they forced me to take their share of the beatings by throwing me to the angry mob of females after we peeked on them." Issei said with a sinister grin as Ryofu and Chinkyuu had sweat drops.

"Well Issei you don't have to peek anymore now that you have us right now and your other girlfriends in Kanto. While you do get beat up in our spars it makes you stronger for it as you learn and increase your strength. With that dragon aura of yours that turns women on even me, who only loved Ryofu, so you can increase your harem if the woman consents to it. Also, I have the feeling that if we didn't meet you… we would not be here right now. So, thank you Issei." Chinkyuu said as she wrapped her arms around Issei and kissed him.

As Issei and Chinkyuu made out Ryofu had a smile on her face as she remembers the first meeting between her and Issei. It also made her mind wander to that part of her memory when both Chinkyuu and her died, then resurrected as spirits with temporary bodies, then had their souls merged with those two, who were in their bodies, granting their life back.

But when that happened Ryofu and Chinkyuu returned as something else and armed with, not only powers that mere humans dream of but, knowledge about the supernatural world. Some of that knowledge even included the recent activity of all supernatural beings on Earth and that included that devils took over Kuoh… Issei's hometown and the area they were living in. That was enough to make Ryofu worry and put on a serious face.

"You know Issei, Chinkyuu." Ryofu said in a serious tone which caused both Issei and Chinkyuu to pay attention to her. "We must be careful about entering Kuoh Academy after what those two told us. It's a good thing we can use their knowledge on how to conceal not only them, but, also Ddraig's presence from the devils that are in the Kuoh sector." Ryofu finished.

"I know… I just could not believe that not only Angels and Devils exist, as well as God, but also multiple supernatural mythologies around the world. And to top it off that Kuoh, my home, is Devil territory run by devils who are at our new school." Issei said.

Then Issei's left hand glowed red and a red draconic gauntlet materialized on his arm and the green jewel glowed as a rough sounding voice

[Partner… are you sure about not revealing myself and hiding your power is a wise course of action? This might cause the devils to back off from you once they recognize your power.]

"Yes, Ddraig I'm sure that this is the wise action. If I reveal myself the devils would plot and scheme to reincarnate me into Devil and I must serve whoever reincarnates me. I feel that it is the best I stay hidden from the supernatural for the time being." Issei said to Ddraig as Chinkyuu voiced her opinion.

"Considering the devils may try and reincarnate Issei into a devil slave by persuading him, with honeyed words, or trickery by planning his death then reviving him, for, not only the Sacred Gear he possesses but also, his powers so we need to be on our guard and keep our presence at the same length as the normal students so they can't feel those two's presence. Because once they find out…" Chinkyuu paused looking at Ryofu then finished her sentence. "The two of us are as good as dead."

With that the room fell into silence as they realized their dangerous position, but, Issei had other things on his mind. He vowed he would protect those who are close to him and he would make sure the devils won't kill the two beautiful women, in his room, who helped him discover his power, and potential. His mind then wandered into the past… when his destiny was forever changed when he first met Ryofu.

Months Ago

On a train bound for Kanto Issei believed that his life sucked as he did not get into the recent co-ed Kuoh Academy. 'Damn it, how did this happen? Granted, that, the overworked teacher failed me by accident and I will be transferring to Kuoh Academy after half the school year but still…' Issei paused his line of thinking and took a deep breath calming him down.

'I bet Matsuda and Motohama are having the time of their lives seeing a lot of beauties at Kouh.' He thought about his two friends.

But unknown to Issei, Matsuda and Motohama are being chased by Kuoh's Kendo club for peeking on them while cursing Issei for not taking his share of punishment like he always did.

"Excuse me but I can't help but notice that you are troubled by something… Are you alright?" A female voice said to Issei who then, realized he was not alone and then, looked to the source of the voice and his jaw dropped.

The person who talked to Issei was the most beautiful girl Issei ever saw with his eyes. She had a voluptuous body with mint green hair, in two pigtails, with matching eyes and tanned skin. The most notable feature Issei noticed was her huge breasts, that were noticeable by her not wearing a blouse under her red blazer, as he tried to stop staring at them and looked in her eyes.

"Sorry… I was thinking of the circumstances that got me to Nanyo Academy… not the place I was hoping to go to for my first year of High School. By the way my name is Issei Hyoudou."

"My name is Ryofu Housen pleasure to meet you Issei. So, tell me, what did you mean that Nanyo was not the place you wanted to go?" The girl, now named Ryofu, replied.

"After I sat my test to go to Kuoh Academy the teacher responsible of marking the exams accidently failed me due to overtiredness. By the time the error was found it was too late to put me in the system so the academy apologized to my parents and as compensation I will be transferred to Kuoh Academy after half of the school year without siting the test." Issei said to Ryofu while trying to not look at her breasts.

However, Ryofu was not a fool as she noticed Issei glancing towards her breasts and rather that she pointed out that fact she stayed silent as she formulated a little prank on him. After all, the way, she dressed in her school uniform is to distract hot blooded male, and lesbian, fighters as they would focus on her breasts, and legs, rather than their moves. It may be a cheap dirty trick but when you are fighting a modern Romance of the Three Kingdoms you can either try to be modest, even when clothes are torn to shreds, and die fighting, while trying to cover your private parts, or throw out your modesty, fight naked, and live another day.

"So, you don't have a sacred bead Issei?" Ryofu asked Issei as he looks confused about her statement.

"Sacred Bead?... What do you mean by that?" Issei replied honestly causing Ryofu to think about Issei. When she first saw him, she sensed that he had a power she does not know about and for some unknown reason she felt drawn to him. But it looked like he had no idea about, or had no connection to, the ongoing war of the Romance of Three Kingdoms and his potential. So, she moved her hair, on the left side of her face back, and showed Issei her ear.

"Look at my left ear and what do you see?" She said as Issei eyes focused on her ear.

"I see a golden magatama…why?" Issei replied as he looked at the small gold magatama on Ryofu's ear.

"It is not just a magatama for me as it is special. A lot of people are bound to have these magatamas, in different colors, where we are going… you will see a lot of them at Nanyo." Ryofu said while not telling him their true purpose.

But before Issei could ask Ryofu about the purpose of those magatamas the train announced they are approaching the next station, which is close to Nanyo Academy.

"This is our stop Issei and I know the way to Nanyo Academy so why don't you follow me." Ryofu offered to help Issei find his way to Nanyo.

"Alright Ryofu lead the way." Issei accepted as they grabbed their bags and left the train towards Issei's temporary school.

After leaving the train station Ryofu guided Issei but after several blocks Ryofu decided to play her prank on Issei by turning into a deserted alleyway, making Issei confused, and she turned to face him.

"You know Issei we have over an hour until class starts in our academies so why don't we have a little fun before class." Ryofu said to a bewildered Issei as she grabbed Issei's right hand.

"You don't have to look innocent, I saw you staring at my breasts the moment you laid eyes on me Issei." Issei then had a panic attack, as he thought she would beat him up, but Ryofu still had a sultry smile.

"But you know what…? I don't mind at all." With that she pulled Issei's hand into her blazer, where her big breasts were and forced his hand to squeeze her left breast.

With this action Issei's mind shut down as he is processing the fact that Ryofu is forcing HIS hand to grope her breast.

'I'm touching a woman's breast. I'm touching a woman's breast. I'm touching a woman's breast. I'm touching a woman's breast. I'M TOUCHING A WOMAN'S BREAST!' Issei repeated with that thought as his hand starts to massage Ryofu's breast on his own, causing Ryofu to moan. Issei's shock left him as he made a goofy perverted face while he moved his left hand to grope Ryofu's right breast.

Ryofu, while moaning and panting, was enjoying herself with Issei's tender care as he massaged her breasts. While her original prank was to tease Issei while he was shell shocked backfired as he made a quick comeback, still, this was way better than what she planned and had another idea.

With the devious thought, she moved her hands to the edges of her blazer and pulled her blazer off her, making her topless. This action made Issei stop in his tracks making Ryofu push his hands from her breasts so he could get a view of them.

"Do you like what you see Issei?" Ryofu asked in a seductive tone which caused Issei's mind to shut down. But seeing Issei like that caused Ryofu to grab his head and pulled him into her breasts.

Sometime later the two exited the alleyway, with blushes on their faces, and continued to walk towards Nanyo Academy, but, not before Ryofu and Issei exchanged phone numbers.

"You know Ryofu… what does this make us?" Issei asked Ryofu.

"Since we just met how about friends with benefits for now. But then again we might become something more later." Ryofu replied honestly feeling that Issei was growing on her.

Just as they reached Nanyo Ryofu pulled Issei from sight so nobody could see them, especially a certain someone.

"Issei… there is something I should tell you and you must act naturally after I tell you this."

"What is it?" Issei asked.

"Beware of the man Saji Genpou… he is a master manipulator and a powerful person. If you meet him just pretend that you never heard of him from me and greet him as would you greet anybody. Also, never ever mention our meeting with anyone… is that clear?" Ryofu said the last part in a commanding tone.

"Y-Y-Yes OK I won't tell anyone." 'If I want to continue this relationship with Ryofu… I must not brag to Matsuda and Motohama I got boob… even if I want to rub it in their faces.' Issei thought that after telling Ryofu he won't tell anyone.

"Good maybe this will give you incentive." With that said Ryofu pulled Issei into a passionate kiss. The kiss lasted over ten seconds before Ryofu separated her mouth from Issei, who had a blush on his face.

"That was for that lovely breast massage you gave me earlier. After school, I want you to call me on your way home if you have any questions. OK!" With that said Ryofu left Issei alone as she traveled to her own school.

"So, this is it… Nanyo Academy where I will be for half of the school year. Might as well get used to it." Issei said as he approached the main gate of Nanyo.

As he walked to the gate he saw another beautiful girl walking to his new school. She had strawberry blond hair with green eyes and wearing a sleeveless blue dress. She entered through the gates of the school and shouted.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hakufu Sonsaku and I will beat up 30 of you so come on!" The beautiful girl, now named, Hakufu Sonsaku declared outright as a group of over buffed teenage men charged at her.

'…WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS PLACE?!' Issei yelled mentally as he saw Hakufu Sonsoku beat up those who fought her.

AN: This took me some time to write as I had trouble on where to finish and all that and I welcome any person who can help me with this story so long as they have knowledge of Highschool DxD and Ikki Tousen. If there is any inconsistency regarding the timeframe of the two original works please tell me so I can fix it.