Yuri was done. So done. Of course it would be his luck to walk in on his two father figures in such a...compromising position. Out of all the times this had to happen, it happened to be while his apartment was being inspected under suspicion of termites.

"Just calm down, Yura," Otabek sighed. Yurio whirled back around on him.


"Deep breath, Yura," Otabek said stoically. "You'll live." Yuri flopped down on the couch beside Otabek. Otabek had been helping Yuri put some of his things in temporary storage and get to Viktor and Yuuri's place.

"It's just so disgusting," Yuri grumbled. Otabek raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"Why do you think it's disgusting?" Otabek asked. "I mean I think it's kinda...sweet." Yuri glared at him.

"I mean they're all over each other, and it's awful," Yurio scowled. Otabek looked at him oddly.

"I guess you'd look at it different since they're like family to you," Otabek shrugged. "Do you seriously never want a mate?" Yuri looked away from his friend.

"I don't know. I think I'm honestly too much of a handful to be anyone's mate. Other than you and Mila, I don't really have other friends," Yuri admitted. "Being an omega doesn't help that at all. No offense, but almost every alpha is so controlling, and I'm not about to lay down and do whatever some jerk tells me." Otabek didn't speak, and Yuri looked over to see what was going on.

Otabek's shoulder were shaking. At first,Yuri thought he was crying, but on closer examination, he was laughing so hard he couldn't make any sound.

"OTABEK!" Yuri shouted. Otabek managed to compose himself before starting to defend himself, but burst into another fit of laughter.

"D-did you really think it was that stupid?"Yuri asked softly. Otabek's laughter died down quickly after that.

"No, not at all, Yura," he assured him. "I was just thinking that you're being ridiculous. Any alpha, beta, or even an omega would love to be your mate, trust me I know. It's just crazy for you to think that anyone could tie you down. No one would even want to. It's what makes you, you," Otabek chuckled.

Yuri stared at Otabek with wide eyes. Of course, he'd never admit that his jaw was hitting the floor at this point.

"I think anyone is an exaggeration. Besides, the only one I'd consider doesn't know I exist...not that way at least," Yuri mumbled. Otabek looked at him with determined eyes.

"I'm your best friend. It's kind of my job to help you get their attention," Otabek stated.Yuri rolled his eyes.

"I think that's the problem," Yuri laughed dryly. Of course, Otabek had no idea that Yuri was in love with him. How could he? Yuri wasn't about to risk the friendship he had over something stupid like emotions.

However, Yuri would never guess that Otabek felt the same. "Seriously, Yura, just name them, and we'll do this together," Otabek offered. Yuri looked up at him angrily.

"Stop trying to just get rid of me for five seconds, and maybe you'd notice the obvious!" Yuri hadn't realized that he'd been shouted until the end. The second he saw the confusion on Otabek's face start to turn into understanding, Yuri stormed out as fast as he could, slamming the door behind him.

"I'm such an idiot," he growled to himself. "It's his fault for being so complicated."

Yuri was curled up on a park bench a mile or so from Otabek's apartment. For all of his bravado, Yurio was curled up in a small, vulnerable ball. He couldn't help the tears that streamed down his face.

"Of course I'm not good enough for him. I'm just another pathetic omega," he whispered to himself. Yuri didn't ever feel like he was worth anything just because he was an omega. He always felt like he was nothing to anyone because of how low he was considered. Otabek knew how Yuri felt about it, and he'd immediately regretted not understanding how Yuri felt sooner.

Needlessto say, Otabek was determined to find his omega. It wasn't as hard as he'd thought it would be. He couldprobably track Yuri's scent from Kazakhstan to Russia if he had to.

Yuri wasn't aware that Otabek would come after him until he felt a pair of arms slip around his waist and pick him up from behind. He started to struggle, but Otabek just held him tighter.

"It's me, Yura," Otabek said softly.

"Why did you have to chase after me? Just to make fun of me?" Yuri growled at him. Otabek shook his head and lightly pressed a kiss to Yuri's cheek.

"I came because I care," he replied simply. Yuri could see that Otabek's face was flushed slightly pink, like this was just as new to him as it was to Yuri.

"Otabek, you're older than I am. You've got your fair share of women and men who would love to be with you, so what is this?" Yuri's voice trembled slightly in frustration. Otabek just sighed.

"No one else even compares to you. They might be nice, but you're my omega," Otabek growled.

Yuri turned bright read and looked down his knees. He could feel the omega inside of him practically mewling at Otabek's possiveness. Every single sense he had was screaming at him to submit just to keep his alpha there.

Otabek didn't seem to be getting tired of holding Yuri at all, but he practically feel Yuri go limp in submission in his arms.

"I love you, Beka," Yuri said softly. "I don't ever want to loose you...but if you tell anyone I had a chick flick moment my skates will be embedded in your face."

"I love you too, Yura," Otabek chuckled. "Let's go home okay?" Yuri just nodded. Crying was obviously really tiring to the boy, and he fell asleep before they even got home.

Otabek laid him down on the bed when they got back to the apartment and pulled the blankets up around him.

"Mine," Otabek whispered, "and I'll always be yours."