(2018 edit note: PLEASE DON'T MURDER ME. I am in the process of some tidying of this story and split up the first chapter. It was over 11k words for one, which was a bit much.

BUT, if you haven't been on for a while, your visit is not for nothing, as there is a one-shot series (Starting Block) that runs in between this AND the sequel (Swan Dive), both of which are published/being published! Go check the profile if you're ready to dive back into the AU!)

AN - hahaha I'm just kidding here's the real final chapter. #sorrynotsorry END CREDITS SCENE LIKE IN THOSE MARVEL FILMS.

The gentle sound of waves and the calling of a gull riding the thermals in the sky brought Lightning back to the waking world. She didn't even remember falling asleep. Her skin felt warm from the sun as she relaxed on the sand. Propping herself up on her elbows, she searched for Fang along the beach. She spied the brunette emerging from the water with a brilliant smile on her face, and sighed with contentment.

Fang jogged up the beach until she came to a stop, footsteps crunching softly in the sand. The black bikini she wore left little to the imagination, and that was perfectly alright with Lightning.

"Why, it's so lovely to see you awake, Mrs Yun-Farron. Enjoy your nap?" Fang drawled while she shook the salt water from her hair. Lightning hummed and gave her wife a very obvious once over, biting her lip in appreciation.

"I did. Could get used to seeing this view when I wake though. I'm a bit hot from the sun, was thinking about heading back to the cabin."

The Pulsian smiled and knelt down, covering Lightning's body with her own. "Can't have you overheating now, can we?" She purred, drawing circles along the pale ribs with her nails. The pinkette laughed and squirmed, her body being simultaneously cooled by Fang's skin from the water and heated by her attentions.

Fang leant down further and kissed Lightning gently. Slowly they moved against one another, hands beginning to wander as they explored each other's skin. "Ok, now we definitely have to go back to the bungalow," Lightning warned, pushing back slightly with flushed cheeks.

"It's a private beach, Light. Not like anyone is going to see us..." Fang drawled, content to remain where she was. A pointed stare from her wife however had her sighing and clambering off the pinkette before she got in trouble. A private beach was all well and good but when they all had to go to the wedding armed to scare the paparazzi away, Fang realised her wife may have had a point. She helped Lightning up and grabbed the towel she had been laying on, giving it a quick shake for good measure. They both made their way up the beach towards their little beach cabin, holding hands.

"So how long do you think we can get away with staying here?" Lightning asked as they wandered slowly along the sand.

Fang shrugged and rolled her eyes, "As long as we can get away with, I mean the city almost blew up while we were there, it's not like it's going to get any worse." She said, flinching as Lightning whacked her in the stomach with the back of her hand.

"What have I told you about tempting the gods, Fang?"

The Pulsian caught the hand and brought it up to her, kissing the tips of every finger. She grinned against the skin, letting her attention travel across the palm and pressed her lips against the pulse point on Lightning's wrist.

"Relax, it isn't anything we couldn't handle. We can avoid reality for as long as we need. I told them we'd be gone for a while and to only call if it's an emergency. I think we've earned the break, all things considered."

She pulled the pinkette in close and wrapped her arms around her, feeling Lightning settle into the crook of her neck. There was a peace there, watching the waves in a close embrace, that neither thought they'd ever feel. Fang pulled back and tilted Lightning's chin up to meet her eyes.

"I love you, Lightning Yun-Farron."

The smile that lit up the pinkette's face was something that Fang would forever cherish in her memories. A true, honest smile, unburdened by the sins of her past.

"I love you too, Oerba Yun-Farron Fang."

The kiss they shared was soft, gentle and full of promise. Promise for a better life, with each other whatever may come. Fang suddenly pulled back with a scowl, and before Lightning could even register the movement found herself being scooped up by the Pulsian and slung over her shoulder.

"That's it, too much mush. I'm beginning to feel like robbing a hospital to restore my wild reputation again."

"Fang!" Lightning cried out from halfway down the brunette's back, laughing as she allowed herself to be carried off to the beach cabin.

The smell of whiskey permeated through the air as it was swirled around in the glass. The drinker tilted it back, letting it burn down his throat. He placed the glass down on the wide desk and turned away from his work. Folders and reports splayed all over the place, and news footage from Eden's burning Fal'Cie tower played on a loop on the computer monitor.

The impeccably tall man walked to the window that overlooked his city and sighed.

"So, now you know what we're dealing with. This supposed Ragnarok and their precious Saviour of Eden need to be stopped." A voice barked firmly through the speaker on the desk phone. "If they took out the Fal'Cie you know they're coming for us next."

He finally left his spot by the window and sauntered back to his desk, pressing a button to end the call. A knock at the door drew his attention, and a slender woman dressed in a three piece suit hurried into the room, heels clicking on the marble floor.

"Apologies for the interruption sir, but you requested I inform you the minute I was alerted to Barthandelus' fate." She said with calm and cold professionalism. The assistant scratched away at a notepad attached to a clipboard, awaiting his response.

"Hm," He hummed, tapping his finger on the desk. "It seems the schedule is going to have to move up. Shelke, be a dear and contact the bishops. They'll need to be aware of the change in plans. Then contact my knights. Tell them to come in from the field. It's time these pitiful creatures met their Maker."

The assistant nodded and bowed in his presence.

"As you wish, Bhunivelze."