Author note: so ,here will be a series of one shots, with various pairings of an OC with a vampire knight characters. I'll write them based on what hits me first, and on requests by readers, so go wild everybody!... well, not too wild, I'm not going to make the characters go out of character or something. O.O
The first is Yagari/oc, because it hit me as I was making up the character.
Disclaimer: I own my oc, this story, but I do not own the Vampire Knight franchise.
chapter start
There was an annoying grandfather clock on the first floor. Its tick tock vibrated up through the thin floorboards, sounding abnormally loud in her ears. In the dead of night, with the absence of other noises such as cars or mindless chatter from other humans, every little noise became magnified.
It was tempting to shoot it. Tomoe knew better, though. One, it would be noisy. Two, it would alert their target of their patient stalking. Three, Yagari was not one to forgive recklessness easily.
Instead, she sighed, leaning against the windowsill even more, her eyes gazing out into the darkness. He had insisted she carry a gun, though she abhorred them. Tomoe caressed the hilt of a knife, much preferring its familiar weight to the sleek but bulky weight of guns.
No more than half an hour later, there was a thump from downstairs, the sound of the door being slammed open with enough force to break the cheap plaster wall. Tomoe cocked a brow. Too much force and the house was likely to topple over, being in such disrepair already.
Stuttering breath accompanied the shrill laughter of the target. He had brought a victim, lovely. It sounded like a young girl, her voice thick with tears as she promised anything he wanted to let her go. It was a fool's bargain. For the level E vampire that had kidnapped her wanted nothing more than the thick blood that flooded through her veins.
She stood up silently. It was time to work. Yagari should have already been moving into his position to block off the target.
The two of them had been tracking this particular vampire for a week, after having already annihilated the nest his companions had called home. Unlike his brethren, he still maintained at least an inkling of his logic, because he was expert at evading them.
The authorities would have condemned this particular house, so it made a perfect location for him, she supposed. It was out of the way of any nosy neighbors, and nobody would look twice at it even if they did pass by. It was just an ugly eyesore, nothing interesting about it.
Her back cracked as she stretched. Her steps were light on the wooden stairs, her gun lax at her side.
"Let her go." His voice was so very firm and Tomoe had to fight the shudder that ran between her shoulder blades at the caress of it. She remained in the shadows, waiting.
The monster had his head already buried deep into his victim's neck. When he pulled away to gloat both the hunters could see the crimson streaks that poured from the bite, staining the woman's skin obscenely.
"Please," she murmured softly. Her voice was weak now, dying. She had seen that there really were creatures of the night, something she had once believed false. Hell, maybe she was one of the people who never even thought about vampires at all, one who wasn't caught up in the hype of their supposed perfection. Stupid books. Vampires were nothing but beasts.
"She's mine… mine… mine!" the vampire growled. The woman squeaked when he tugged her roughly to his chest, his red fangs bared in threat.
He had finally lost his sanity totally.
Yagari narrowed his eyes. "So… you've lost yourself entirely now to the call of blood, have you?"
Tomoe snuck even closer while Yagari distracted him. With a well-placed kick, she shoved him away, grabbing the woman when his grip was lax and forcing her away from him. The annoying scream the woman gave out as the movement grated on frayed nerves, but she ignored it mostly. She maybe shoved the woman to the ground with more force than necessary, but hey… prove it!
She felt him behind her, but she forestalled him again with another kick, her booted foot cracking across his face and letting her grab the knife from the sheath against her thigh. She tossed it and it landed in his left eye socket, making him howl in pain and anger.
Tomoe braced herself in front of the woman, her whip coiled around her hand now. She cracked it once against the floor, grasping the slack loosely.
This was the true face of vampires. His teeth were all red, his breath harsh as he shook in fury. His eyes were once green; she knew that from the file on him. Now they were absorbed by a crimson luster, the physical proof of his lust for blood.
Before he could attack there was the sound of a gun, and he shrieked. The girls scream joined his as he dissolved into a pile of ashes. Tomoe blinked while Yagari lowered his gun.
"Call the crew." He stated lowly, looking at the woman puddle on the floor. "I'll handle this."
Tomoe felt vexation at the fact the woman clung to him so swiftly. Really, she was a sad being, and she acknowledged it fully. With an annoyed tsk she left the room, bending down when she passed the ashes to pick up her dagger.
Her cell was to her ear in a moment, the familiar number dialed and then she waited. She did her best to ignore the way the woman sobbed, especially after a peek showed she was in Yagari's arms. Freaking womanizer. It wasn't true, but she was irritated enough to ignore that fact.
"All done?" The voice was chipper in her ear.
"The target was eliminated. There's a witness, though." In contrast, her voice was all business.
"Ah, the poor thing didn't get to finish his last meal, then."
Tomoe snorted. "If I didn't know you were joking, those words would sound dangerously close to sympathy for the vampires, darling."
"Oh, I'm so terrified. Quaking in my boots, really! In any case, I'll send out a crew to get the victim and erase her memory. It'll be about half an hour."
"That long?" Tomoe could be accused of whining.
"Oooh, I know that tone well! That's the "it's a woman and she's all up on my man" tone!"
"S-shut up! Hitachi, one of these days I'm going to hurt you."
"Sure you will. I cannot believe you have not just jumped him yet. Anyway, I have to go. Other calls are starting to come in. When you get back we'll do lunch, okay? Buh-bye!"
Tomoe told Yagari and then she wandered back up the steps. Without much direction, she sunk into an old couch and let herself sink into the dusty comfort. Even from here, she could hear the woman's voice, and could hear his responding.
Once the clean up crew arrived and took her, Tomoe waited, refusing to move. It was too late to be wandering around anyway, and she was tired. She didn't see anything wrong with spending the night there. It wasn't as if they hadn't slept in worse conditions.
His footsteps were loud coming up the stairs. Tomoe chose to ignore the presence of him lingering over her, though she knew he wasn't dumb enough to think her asleep.
"Where was the gun I gave you?" He demanded.
"You men and your guns." Her tone mocked him. "I did fine my way."
"You did," he allowed. "But it could have easily gone another way."
Tomoe snorted, then she stilled when she felt his fingertips brush against her thigh. Her eyes locked with his as he trailed them dangerously close before he slipped the knife from its hidden holster, withdrawing. Tomoe took in another breath.
"This is… you're good at close range contact, and you have decent accuracy in throwing them. I also know you have far more than this one hidden on you, all accessible easily while fighting. I taught you that."
"You did."
"I also taught you guns are better."
"I disagree," she muttered.
Yagari paused to light a cigarette. "I don't want my student dying for such a reason as lack of proper weapon."
Tomoe shifted to kick off her boots, then she drew up her legs, letting him sit on the opened space. When he did, she dropped her stockings covered feet over his lap, making sure to shift in a way that revealed just how high the stockings went up her thighs.
This was their game. It was inevitable that she would develop this attraction to him. He was stronger, faster, and handsome as all get out, and she had been in close contact with him since her training began. It was just as inevitable he would learn of it.
In the beginning, especially, she had been bad at not revealing her gushing eyes and admiring glances. He had assumed it was a crush that would go away. He had rightfully assumed that once she was older, she would focus more on the fiancé her parents had set up for her at birth.
It hadn't happened, on either front. Though she admitted fondness for her fiancé, he was now a vampire, meaning they could not work as a couple. Any children she produced from him would be tainted. While she didn't mind, necessarily, the idea of that or of never having children, she knew the elders would think very differently on it.
Besides that, she had not seen him since the incident. She had no idea who he was now, and had only the vaguest certainty he was even alive.
Yagari let one of his hands rest against her leg, squeezing it in a massage, while his other held his burning cigarette. Tomoe decided enough was enough. He would either accept her, even for only a night, or he would reject her and she could maybe move on.
She let her foot pass over the spot she knew would torment if relief weren't given, farther than she had ever dared go before. His sudden stiffness and intake of breath gave her fleeting victory. She spoke then.
"With or without proper weapon, death is always going to be nipping at us. Whether from us delivering it… or receiving it."
She moved then, lifting herself and landing in his lap, wrapping one arm around his neck while the other caressed his cheek.
"Teacher… Yagari… I don't want to have any regrets when my death comes."
His name on her lips was a sweet poison, her fingertips leaving trails of it that lit his skin on fire and made him hyperaware of the area she traced, going over his lid to make him close it. He didn't notice when she removed the thick eye patch he wore to cover his ruined eye and scarred face. He didn't notice until he felt moisture there. She was pressing openmouthed kisses there and over his face. Her thighs tightened around him when his hands found purchase there.
With a sudden heave of his strength, he had her under him on the couch. "What do you think you're doing?"
Tomoe took in the sight of his ravaged face without fear or disgust. She knew he had gotten the injury when protecting Zero Kiryu. The scar stretched over the useless lid, making it unable to even open to see the glass eye fitted in the socket.
Yagari brought his hand to her neck. "It's disgusting, isn't it?" she shook her head in negation. "The price I paid to teach a foolish student the truth about vampires. It was worth it. But the price you ask of me now… would it be worth it?"
"I love you," she said. It was a plea for him to understand.
"I'm an old man compared to you! Tomoe, the things I have done, the things I have seen. You can't even understand a fraction of them. I have lived my days of tomcatting around. I could die at any minute from an attack." He settled back into the cradle of her hips. "And you're so young still… so innocent, despite the things you do know. Don't you want to see life with someone your own age, someone who can enjoy all the firsts with you? Rather than a jaded man who has seen it all already."
"What I know, Yagari, is I am not a child. I have killed. My hands are stained with blood and they'll be like that my whole life. I don't want a boy! I want a man. Someone who has proven they're strong and won't die easily. Someone who can help protect any family we have together. I want you, Yagari. I love you."
"Heh." He blew out a cloud of smoke, before he crushed the whole thing in his gloved palm, letting it slip out of his hand to the floor. "If you come close now, I'll never let you go again."
"That a promise?"
"It's a threat," he muttered.
Tomoe needed to hear no more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and forced him down. His hat got in the way, making her bat it aside impatiently so she could meld her lips to his. They both savored each other's tastes, the mixture of their saliva, creating an odd taste of strawberries and smoke. It should have been repulsive, but all Tomoe could focus on was his weight being surrendered to her, the feel of his tongue caressing every inch of her moist cavern.
She huffed a breath out when he left her mouth to go to her neck, biting and suckling, causing fire to erupt along her skin just as she had done to him. Dexterous fingers made quick work of her shirt just as she was shoving the trench coat off his shoulders.
He sat up suddenly and yanked her up with him. With the new position, he was able to remove his shirt and hers as well, shifting her to the position he wanted on his lap. He shifted upward to make her gasp.
His fingers went up to her head, finding the bun and tugging at it. Another sharp tug had her hissing, but he got what he wanted. A tidal wave of thick, ash colored tresses draped over her shoulders, and when she fell forward to lie on his shoulder, they tickled his cheek and nose.
"You're mine," he said harshly. Sweat already stained them both.
"All yours. You have everything," she murmured. She kissed him, wanting that taste again. "My first love, my everything."
And it was the truth. There, in that dilapidated house, on that dusty couch he gave her everything she ever wanted. The next day when they returned to headquarters, he would go immediately to have the engagement between the Kiryu family and Kurugi family dissolved and a new one in place for the two of them.
Of course, an actual union would wait until she was eighteen. That fact burned her up in ways, because while he had satisfied her fully, drained her of both energy and lust… he had not crossed that final barrier that would make their bodies one.
"You didn't think I was going to sleep with a teenager, did you? I'm not that hard up." He laughed at her indignant expression. His trench coat covered up her nakedness, while he had his pants on yet undone.
Tomoe took a moment to admire the sleek, scar-covered muscles of her beloved before she growled lowly in her throat.
"I'm going to jump you one night."
He smirked, puffing away on his smoke. "You could never get the drop on me."
"We'll see."
Yagari pulled her to him and she sighed in content, snuggling against his chest and practically purring. "I figured you'd be happy. This is what you wanted. You won."
Tomoe giggled. "I did win, didn't I? I've wanted this since I was thirteen."
"That's a long time to wait." His comment was dry. "Two more years shouldn't matter, especially since you know it will happen."
Tomoe hummed. Then she bit his arm, feeling his bicep flex as he gave her a look, brow cocked. "I know. But whoever said a happy pet was a tame one?"
end chapter
Hope you all enjoyed that Leave a review if you like and please, request some scenes you want to see. I'll update this as often as I can, promise.
Currently taking requests for one-shots!