Highschool DXD: NEXT

Hello dear reader TasteTheAXE is here, I am new in this part(please don't kill me). I just finished reading DXD volume 22 and I just started reading the spoiler for the next volume (I don't want to but I cant't help it XD)

It's my first fanfiction, so expect for some mistakes and also English is not my first language so, probably, there will be a lot of mistakes, so if you find some please let me know. This fanfic is set after the last arc. The story is going to be about Issei's adventure in a whole new world after knowing Rias true intention (this part is going to be a little asspull and OOC for Rias so please bear with me).


Beaten and betrayed from those he once loved. In the midst of rage and hatred, Great Red decided to help him in the only way he know how and that is of course by sending Issei to another world. A whole new adventure, companion, and experience are waiting for him and with his power and rage that burns inside him, who knows what will happen.


[XXXX] – Spell/ability

{XXXX} – Albion speaking

(XXXX) – Ddraig speaking

HIghschool DXD : NEXT chapter 1 Prologue

Normal Pov

Sound of explosion can be heard across the artificial dimension, which is almost as large as entire country. The tremors of the battle can be felt almost across the artificial dimension. Hundreds of explosion happened as indication of how intense this battle was. One must be wondering why after all of these explosion and destruction, the dimension itself still remains, this is possible because this dimension was created specifically for this purpose, a field for this battle, battle between God and emperors. The three figures starting to emerge out of the smoke while still trading blow.

"Shit! Vali got any plan!?"

Even if his entire body was covered in jet-black and crimson armor, one can easily know that he was smiling under that armor. It's been a couple of months since he accepted the part of him that enjoys fighting especially if his opponent was very powerful. Nevertheless, Hyoudou Issei was as pervert as ever, but he came to realize that he indeed enjoys fighting just as much he likes groping a breast.

"Do you honestly think any plan is going to help against a being that powerful!?"

A man who was covered in jet-black and white armor, same with his friend, even if the fate of this world will be decided in this battle, both he and his friend can't help but enjoying the thrill of this battle. He was a battle-maniac after all. Well, he had another reason to fight aside from his 'hobbies' he did so to protect his family.

"What's wrong!? Hyoudou Issei, Vali Lucifer! Don't tell me both of you is starting to giving up!"

Shiva, the god of destruction himself as the strongest being in the world only beaten by Infinite Ophis, Great Red and The Beast of Apocalypse, can't help but smiling and enjoying this battle. For him the war between him and Indra, or even him against entire force of supernatural faction is nothing more but a game and he figured that his fart alone was probably more than enough to wipe them all and yet here, the current generation of Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor who had exceed heavenly Dragons in their prime, manage to hold their ground against him. How long had he dreamed for this day?

"[Blazing Inferno]!"

In response of his taunt, Issei open his helmet and from his mouth came a stream of blazing flame, [Blazing Inferno] is a fire so hot that will never died out and will continue to burn its target until the target turns into ashes. It was a flame so deadly that could kill a god-level being in a mere seconds.


Vali, using his wyvern, enhanced [Blazing Inferno] with his [Poison], Albion's poison was a very potent poison, that would dismantle any organic matter and eventually destroying the soul of its victim. It was a poison so deadly that, without poison immunity, could kill a god-level being in a mere seconds.

This combination of Issei's [Blazing Inferno] and Vali's [Poison] was a move that would instantly kill almost anything. Unfortunately, Shiva wasn't one of them.

Without as much as hesitation, Shiva jump into the combination of [Blazing Inferno] and [Poison]. When Shiva hit it, the flame instantly covered him and starting to burn him, and the poison starting to dismantle his organic structure.


Shiva his energy and then he began using his ability…


[Annihilation] was his ability that, as the name implied, it annihilates everything around him, the wider the radius the weaker its effect and vice versa. In this case since his radius is only about as wide as him, it instantly erased Vali's poison within his body along with Issei's fire on him but, even without this ability all three of them knew that Shiva was completely immune against both poison and the fire.

Shiva stood unharmed after all of those attacks, he did however suffer from some minor wounds from their previous brawl, although certainly not fatal and certainly it won't stop him, in comparison Vali and Issei stood tall and without a single hint of fear, or rather excitement, and like Shiva both of them did suffer some minor wounds but nothing fatal and both of them was ready for more.

Suddenly, they moved so fast that they became invisible in the eyes of a normal man. Issei and Vali clearly struggling but, the same thing could be said to Shiva. Shiva might be stronger than Issei or Vali individually and will crush them if it was 1 versus 1 match, Shiva also have more experience compared two of them thanks to the fact that he already fighting long before the great war even began, but the reason why Vali and Issei could still hold their ground even if they were being overpowered, was their team work. Team work that allowed them to challenge a being that was stronger than them individually, but Shiva had a massive advantage that would guarantee his victory and that was his practically limitless stamina. Issei and Vali on the other hand could only last for so long, and they knew that they must end this battle before Shiva outlast both of them.

Issei POV

Damn it! How can something like this could, possibly exist? His stamina is practically limitless and his power, exceed my imagination.


Shit! He just punch me right in the face, thank god I wearing this armor if not then my head might have flew several hundred meter in the air and even than I could feel that my skull just cracked a little bit.


I quickly retaliate by kicking him straight to his face and it clearly disoriented him for a moment. Vali, who quickly take this chance, punch Shiva and sent the bastard straight to the ground below us, once he hit the ground, it cause an earthquake that crack the ground of the surrounding area. I am not going to lose! I quickly shot my large version of dragon shot to the ground on which Shiva is trying to stand.


My dragon shot hit him and caused a massive explosion after the explosion died out, it left a massive crater.

-My Stamina… It's not good, I feel like I could passed out at anytime now-

"Hyoudou, can you still keeping up?"

"Yeah I think so, though I don't think I could last anymore than a few minutes"

"It's the same with me. I am almost at my limit this armor is about to disappear"

Looks like both of us is at our limit. So….. this is as far as we can go huh?

"Most impressive Hyoudou Issei, Vali Lucifer ! That is truly the strength that's surpassed that of the Heavenly Dragons!"

Shiva stood back without much problem with that attack just now. Well, I know that last attack is not going to stop this overpower bastard. In terms of power, there is no doubt that the combine power of me and Vali's should be at least on par with Shiva, we still a little bit behind in terms of speed but, our teamwork covers that, but in terms of stamina, this guy practically have limitless or at least far greater stamina than me and Vali and in drawn out fight like this, the guy with much larger stamina will most likely win.

(Well, if that's the case should you conclude the fight right now?)

Ddraig said that not only to me but also to Vali and Albion.

{Ddraig is right, Shiva will outlast both of you. It's only a matter of time before it happen}

What Albion and Ddraig said are true, I guess there's truly no other choice but to try to finish this battle in a single all-out attack. Honestly I don't really like the idea of gambling everything in a single strike, but considering our current situation, we don't have much choice. IT'S NOW OR NEVER!

"Well, you heard him Hyoudou let's end this right now"

After saying that, the armor around his abdomen slid open and revealing the muzzle of a cannon that looks almost exactly the same with my [Longinus Smasher] cannon.

"Yeah! Let's end this right now!"

The armor around my abdomen slid open and also revealing the muzzle of a cannon. Both me and Vali starting to charging the most powerful move we have. Not only that I am also preparing four of my [Infinity Blaster] cannons.

"Hooh , so you intend to end this battle with a single attack? Then I, The God of Destruction, Shiva shall answer your challenge, Heavenly Dragon!"

Shiva raises his hand and began forming an extremely large sphere of aura, pure destructive aura that far exceed the power of destruction. That amount of aura is far larger than anything that he had thrown so far. After a couple of seconds, he throw that sphere towards us.

"Take this! [World Breaker]!


[Longinus Smasher]!

[Satan Lucifer Smasher]!

And then…

-a day after the battle-

-In the hospital of Underworld-

Vali POV

I woke up with pain all over my body. It feels like my body is falling apart, yet I force myself to sit. Suddenly I hear a voice in my head, voice that I am very familiar with.

{Vali don't force yourself}

"Don't worry Albion I am fine"

From the looks of surrounding I know that I am currently in a hospital, after a quick look at the window, which is right beside of me, I know that I am currently in Underworld. My team is not in this room, where are they?

{Your tone is not very convincing, regardless congratulation Vali. you actually win against God of Destruction}

'It's not our victory alone Albion, it's also victory for Hyoudou and Ddraig. I couldn't do it without him"

In my mind I remember him, the greatest opponent I've ever face. At first, I was disappointed by the fact he was just a mere human that accidently posses Boosted Gear but as the time went on he truly becoming a worthy adversaries.

{Speaking of your rival, I still think there is something weird about him}

"You still think that his pervert habit is weird?"

True that his pervert habit is problem but above all else he is an honorable man, who defends his friends and his family while also trying to protecting realms in this world.

{It's not what I meant Vali, I am talking about the way of him becoming a Devil and event that follows his resurrection as a Devil}

This might be interesting.

"Point it out Albion"

{Think about it, there are various problems that follow right after his resurrection. For example, right after his resurrection there is an engagement between Rias and Raiser, Rias would've been Raiser's wife if it's not because of Issei and right after that there is Kokabiel and Khaos Brigade}

True that many problem raises right after his resurrection but isn't it always been like this? One way or another problems will always keep raising it's just a matter of time before they raise to the surface

Still though, the timing of his resurrection is just too much for a simple fate or coincidence.

"So you are telling me that someone is working behind the scene, in order to recruit Issei to Devil side and using him to combat the predicted battle which will happen in the future?"

{Exactly, not only that, the way of him being reincarnated as a devil is also very weird. Normally, if Raynere was truly aiming for Azazel's attention, wouldn't it be better to recruit Issei to Fallen Angel faction?}

Albion does have a point, even if Raynere failed to make him join the ranks of Fallen Angel, if they manage to approach him in a friendly manner surely they could established a mutual connection and considering Azazel's strange hobby, he will always prefer having a good term with the current Red Dragon Emperor rather than having a subordinate that could heal other.

{The point is, not only the way of his resurrection is weird but also the timing couldn't be better, the timing is just too much to be a coincidence. Vali I don't trust those Gremory devils at all, never drop your guard around them}

"Don't worry Albion, if they try something funny, I'll make sure they are going to regret it"

I said that in a relax tone, I mean, it's true, right now I have more than enough power to defeat entire Gremory, this is of course excluding Issei, heck even if entire Sona peerage and Sairaorg join force to help Rias Gremory to defeat me, they still have no chance at all, after all Devil Faction will always prefer to sacrificing some devil rather than having their entire faction wiped especially if Rias and the other are the one who draw their sword first.

{Putting that matter aside, you should rest your body needs it}

I can't argue with that. As I lay down my body on the bed, I remember Shiva's word before he retreated back into his realm.

"In a few thousand years in the future let's do this again but next time I will grow even more powerful so grow stronger Hyoudou Issei, Vali Lucifer"

Who could've guess that the entire reason of him wanted to start a war was because he was bored. Right now Shiva is in his personal dimension and is currently training to grow even more powerful than before. I make a small smile.

-After my condition is already better, I should go to his residence to have some spar with him-

Issei, my best friend and also the strongest rival I ever had.

-a day after the battle-

-Hyoudou residence in human world-

Normal POV

Issei opened his eyes and look at the surrounding, he knew this place far too well, he was in his room. He knew that his condition is not too well considering he felt pain all over him but even though he was in a lot of pain he still managed to force himself into a sitting position and sit on his bed. After done looking around his room Issei felt a little bit disappointed because he expected that nude Rias or Akeno beside him.

-Well it doesn't matter they are probably out doing some devil work-

The pain was excruciating, it felt like his body was falling apart as he breath. Although painful it wasn't even close to his first time when using Diabolos Dragon so he can handle it.

When he looked at the clock, he saw that it was already night time, 21.44 PM to be precise. Rias and other should have been back by now so the possibility that the other is still doing devil work is out.

-Probably the job is harder and took longer than the usual because I am not there or they are probably talking downstairs-

As Issei trying to assured himself and explaining something to….. someone, the door was opened from outside revealing Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba normally Issei was curious of Gasper, and Church Trio whereabouts.

As they move closer Issei starting to felt uneasy, it felt like he was being cornered, but he quickly push aside these feeling because he believe that his friends would not do something that could harm him.

Suddenly Issei was chained on his bed with arms spread, these chains wasn't any ordinary chain, it was already enchanted to strengthen it further. If it Issei was in his prime, he could break free from it with ease but right now the pain all over him was holding him back. Kiba suddenly drew out Ascalon and stabbed Issei's right shoulder with it and because Ascalon was a legendary dragon-slaying sword and Issei was at his weakest state…


Issei starting coughing blood, he was in extreme pain, but he didn't understand why. Why would they do this?

"Kiba.. what.. are you doing?"

Issei, he needed to know why the reason. Kiba made a cold smile. The way of him smiling reminds Issei of some arrogant noble looking down on peasant.

"Sorry Ise-kun but we already decided that you no longer needed"


Issei didn't understand what Kiba was saying.

-'no longer needed'? What does he mean by that?-

As if she was reading his mind, Rias answered his question.

"Ise-kun that means since you are no longer needed, we are going to throw you away after all it's only right to throw a trash into a trash can right?"

"Ri-Rias w-wha…"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Issei suddenly got struck by a lightning bolt. Considering his current state, the fact his body was still remaining could be called a luck. Of course before the lightning hit him Kiba moved out of the way. It was obvious who had struck him with lightning it was none other than Akeno Himejima, Priestess of Lightning.

"Ara, ara I would prefer that you stop right there, for a trash like you, it's an insult for calling us by our name"

The gentle smile on her face was gone replaced with an expression that as if she was looking at disgusting animal. It's quite surprising that she could make that face, infact all of them was making a cold expression.

Issei know that expression too well and in his mind he recalled her.


From their expression Issei knew that they intend to kill him right now, while he was at his weakest state. The small fire within his heart began flaring slowly turning into an inferno. There was no sadness in his heart only bottomless rage and hatred but Issei still trying to control his emotion as best as he could. First, what about Asia and the other? Are they in as well?

"A-Asia… and the other, what about them?"

"hmph, don't worry they are in a good hand and don't worry they have nothing to do with this"

-How can they're in a good hand after you did this to me?-

Issei trying to hold himself from saying those word as a sarcastic reply to Rias' answer it's even harder because the look on her face while answering his question was making him harder to control his sudden burst of anger.

"O-one last question"

"You dare to-!"

"Koneko, stop let the trash finish his last word"

The way Rias stopped Koneko from shattering his head, it made him wanted to puke his guts out. It was as if she was handling a small animal on her hand.

"Everyone, back then, those moments that we all shared together"

Issei remember the time he spent with them in the club room, enjoying the tea that Akeno had served while chatting with the other, there were also time where he train with them and there were also moments where they were struggling. He once thought that they were his most precious treasure.

"Those smiles"

He remember each of their smile, all of them seems genuine as if it's impossible they were faking it and all of them is heart-warming that made his life worth living. He also remembers that time when he successfully saving Rias from Raiser and that moment where they shared their first kiss

"and those tears"

He remembers their tears when he was struck down by his foes but there was one that really stands out. That moment when Rias crying after he was beaten down by Raiser. Issei once vowed that he would do anything to prevent her from making that sad expression.

"Were any of them real?"

Rias made a smile one that made Issei angrier. Akeno was preparing her bolt of Holy Lightning and so was Rias preparing her Power of Destruction. It took some time before she answer him

" Now to answer your question, Yes those moments, smiles, tears and everything else, all of them were faked!"

After saying Issei was engulfed in Holy Lightning and Power of Destruction and the after the light is out it revealed the destroyed bed with only the chain remaining. What Rias didn't reveal to Issei however is the fact that she already took out her Pawn pieces from Issei's body while he was unconscious. Now all she had to do now was to make an adjustment to her Pawn Pieces and making a reason of his death.

"Issei is sadly cannot control his own power due to his exhaustion after the battle against Shiva and thus his own aura consumed him"

Yes, after all pawn was an expendable piece that people use to make way for the other pieces. The story itself would've ended now if not for the fact that Issei woke up in Dimensional Gap couple hours after the tragedy.

-A couple of hours after the tragedy, Dimensional Gap-

I feel like I am drowning under water, yet I couldn't any of my limbs no matter how hard I try. Suddenly, I could see an arm reaches to me as if it's lending me hand to stand. At first, I am hesitate but my feeling tells me that I should grab hold the arm in front of me and when I grab the hand it starting to pulling me upward to the surface or in this case the bright light which where the the arms originate from than when my field of view was covered with bright light, I woke up.

"W-what happen?"

As I look at the surrounding area I realize that I am currently in the Dimensional Gap and in front of me, I saw the strongest existence in the world, Great Red. It's no joke what the hell is he doing here?!

No that's not right, it should be, what the hell am I doing here? Why I am here?

"G-great Red-sama, wh-what just happened? Why am I here?"

I asked him with such nervousness, I mean who can blame me? He IS the strongest being in the world, far stronger than The God of Destruction Shiva.

"You already know what happen Hyoudou Issei. Try to remember it"

I already know? Then suddenly I remember what happen before. That betrayal, those bastards I will make sure that they pay for what they had done. As my memory become clear, I was flooded by an intense emotion not sadness but anger and hatred. As the fire in my heart flaring into inferno, my aura also become thicker due to my strong emotion.

(Now, calm yourself partn-)

"How is it possible for me to calm myself after what they did to me?!"

(Yes, I know exactly what you feel Issei but still calm yourself)

Hearing Ddraig's reply which is sounds more like a plea, I am starting to calm myself. That's right rage and hatred consumed me once, I cannot let them consumed again.

Yes as far as I can remember, I always messed up whenever my emotion took control of me. There is a time where I accidently active Juggernaut Drive and it didn't work very well for me and there is also time when I am accidently reveal my Triana to Sairaorg-san's before actually facing him. I take a long breath, trying to calm myself.

"Sorry Ddraig just like you said, I cannot let my rage consume me"

I can't afford to screw up right. In order to make them pay for what they did, I have to plan it carefully.

-Last word huh? Rias Gremory, Himejima Akeno, Toujou Koneko, Yuuto Kiba let's hear your last word after I broke everysingle bone in your body!-

(I also don't recommend you to take your revenge, at least for now)

"The hell? Ddraig I thought you are with me in this!"

(Yes, I am with you, but think about carefully, if you really kill them, Devil society will declare you as a another enemies of the supernatural faction and hunt you down not to mention your parent)

Damn it! Then what should I do? Should I go back and try to remain hidden?

(I don't that's a good idea considering it's almost impossible to remain hidden after the supernatural faction raises their security and patrol unit sooner or later, one way or another she will find you and send her subordinate to kill you)

"Then I will beat her subordinate and change my hideout location!"

(It's true that without your Evil Piece, you are harder to locate but after you beat the said subordinate, Rias can just said "After I send my one of my peerage to him to talk in peace, Issei violently attack him" and the blame will still fall on you and you still become a rogue)

Gaaah, I hate politics. Wait did you just said that she took her Evil piece?

(You didn't realize it?)

W-well I was very angry before so….

(Whatever, the point is without your Evil Piece the stability in your body fell apart, if it's not thanks to Great Red you would have dead by now)

It feels like that I owe him my life at this point hell if it's not thanks to him I wouldn't survive the Sameal's poison.

"Great Red-sama, thank you very much!"

I said that while bowing my head deeply as a sign of respect and gratitude.

"There is no need to thank me Hyoudou Issei, more importantly what are you going to do now?"

(Great Red is right what are you going to do from now on?)

What am I going to do from now on? I…. honestly do not know.

"I…don't know"

After I said that I hear a quite laugh coming from Great Red

"Kukuku, than what about try living in another world?"


Both me and Ddraig are speechless by that offer.

"I will take that 'huh' as yes"

Right after he said that, a bright flash of light starting to cover me.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean another world?!"

"Don't worry about small detail Hyoudou Issei. Just enjoy your experience there!"

As the flash of light consume me, I am also starting to feel a little bit sleepy and as the urge to sleep getting stronger with each passing second I slowly close my eyes. Another world, it's probably not that bad.

Author note:

So what do you think? Good? Bad? Is there any grammatical error? Do you have any suggestion to make this story even better?

Please let me know and thanks for reading my story.