After spending another hour in the sea, the duo decided to go back to the resort and pack up their things. They have to drive back to the penthouse that night. As soon as they arrived to the resort, they went straight to the suite, a short quickie in the shower and they were off.

Both their siblings promised to visit them in the penthouse next week. Callie and Arizona was still pretending to be annoyed with each other before Tim and Aria left, which made Aria whisper to Callie that she'll continue torturing Tim. Which was very obvious in the outfit her sister was wearing. She almost felt for the guy but Timothy left with his head down and a glare to Arizona.

Callie tried to look begrudgingly forced to join Arizona for the drive back. Saying the lines "I have to join Robbins, if I don't, there may be another ex-sex friend in the penthouse." Mark just laughed it off while Addison looked at her suspiciously but she avoided it when she jumped in the blonde's car.

The drive back was something. They spent hours singing along with the radio, catching up. Well, mostly Callie telling Arizona what she was up to in Botswana, her time with the Peace Corps. Mostly, Arizona listened. Because she can't really tell Callie what she was up to, she was mostly getting around. With the traffic and the activity they done for the day, arriving back in the penthouse was spent dropping off their stuff and sleeping.

Next morning, Callie tries to feel around the bed for the blonde. Frowning when she was met with cold sheets. Before she could open her eyes, she felt someone kiss her cheeks. "Hey, wake up pretty lady."

Opening her eyes, she could finally see the blonde, kneeling on the bed with a tray. "Hey, you made breakfast?" She stated as she stared at the tray with strawberries, grapes, coffee, milk and a cereal bowl.

"Well, not so much made but bought. But I transferred the milk this container thingy so it will look nice." Arizona raised the milk container, popping her dimples.

"You're cute." Tapping on the blonde's nose.

As soon as Callie was finishing the milk in the cereal bowl, Arizona spoke up. "Are you done?"

Callie licked her lips. "Mhm. Yep. Thank you." She smiled at Arizona who has this look. "What?"

"You'll thank me for something I will do now." Arizona then slowly wiggled down, in the blanket, spreading Callie's legs.

"Oh dear god. Don't stop." The brunette moans, reaching over to grab Arizona's head over the blanket, guiding her towards her more.

"TORRES! Get up! We need to go!" Mark's booming voice startled them both.

Arizona lifted the blanket to looked at Callie. "How the hell did he get up here?" The brunette hissed. Hearing the door knob move, Callie pulled the blanket up to cover the blonde up.

"Cal, why are you still lying there? We need to go to school, pre-enlistment starts today. Long lines. Come on." Addison yelled as Mark stepped in the room.

Callie was about to say something when she felt Arizona continue her deed. "Ooooh-" She reached over to lightly slap Arizona's head. Mark squinted his eyes and walked over to the bed. Noticing her friend, Callie yelled out. "Get out Mark! Oh fuck." Subtly slipping her hands inside the blanket, she pulled on Arizona's hair making the blonde laugh, but not to make her stop. "Give me a few minutes to get up. Just go."

"Nothing I haven't seen before." He muttered while stepping out.

"Close the door!" Another moan came out of her mouth when the door was finally closed. The brunette pulled off the blanket where Arizona was vibrating in laughter. "Stop laughing." Callie also laughed lightly, then pushed the blonde off and stood up. Arizona turned to lie on her back, propping on her elbows as she watched Callie walked towards the bathroom with the night gown, so short she could see her butt. "Aren't you going to finish what you started?" The brunette swayed, that was all it took to make Arizona stand up and run after Callie.

"How did you get up here Sloan?" After 20 minutes, Callie came out of the window and went straight to the fridge to get a glass of water. Or a pitcher. Arizona did almost make her pass out in the counter. She was still trying to feel her knees. Arizona was still in the bathroom, hiding until Callie and her friends leave.

"Karev and Altman were in the lobby when we arrived." Mark pointed at the game room.

Problem. If Alex and Teddy are here, and Arizona is stuck in the room. They'll figure out that they were in there together.

Callie finished her glass of water. "Right. Ready to go?" Robbins could sneak her way out of there. She picked her purse up and walked towards the door with Mark and Addison.

"Where's Robbins?" The question she didn't want to answer. Teddy asked as they stepped out of the game room.

"Uh?" Looking from Teddy and Alex to Addison who was somewhat smirking.

Callie! Talk!

"She-uh. She's out."

Good job!

"Okay? At 9 am?" Teddy said as she sits down in the couch. "We'll just wait here."

"Out where?" Addison asked with her brows up as the elevator doors open from them.


Her internal musing was interrupted by Alex saying, "I'll call her."

Shoot! She could see Arizona's phone on top of the cupboard where Arizona placed it last night. "Uhhh. Let's just all go, aren't you two interested to take medicine too? We could all pre-enlist!" Callie clapped as she pushed Teddy and Alex in the elevator.

That was just the one of the times that they almost got caught. The next time was Arizona coming out of the game room to get some water and snacks when Alex went up to bring her some documents. She was wearing a button down shirt that was not buttoned, Callie's underwear was in the counter since it was where they started. Alex just smirked and gave her thumbs up. Luckily her sexual prowess was still in the mind of her friends. Another time was they were spending a ravenous afternoon in the tub when Teddy came in and asked Arizona to go out shopping. Another luck was Callie can stay underwater for a while. Teddy turned around and walked back, just wondered why Arizona was naked in the tub and prompted to swear not to step in the tub unless it was sanitized. Finally, they decided to be smart. They found out what their friends was doing, subtly. So they have the whole penthouse to themselves. Or so they thought.

Callie was on the counter while Arizona was kneeling down on the floor when the elevator door dings. Turning around, Callie saw her sister and Tim coming in. Lucky that she was still wearing a shirt. Arizona bit her lips and hid behind the counter.

"H-hey!" Callie jumped off and crouches a bit in the counter to hide her lower body.

"Hola hermanita." Aria walks in with countless paper bags in her hand and Tim was hauling a couple of boxes inside. They walked towards the lounge area to put down their things while Callie and Arizona walked/sneak on the other side where they can't be seen by the 'adults'. "What are you doing?" Her sister asked.

Callie looked up from looking at Arizona who shrugs. "I was just drinking-" She tried to find something in the counter.

"Olive oil?" Aria said while staring at the only thing in the counter and her sister who was almost as pale as the man behind him who was huffing and puffing in the couch. Her sister was smirking now. "Why are you couching like that?"

The brunette was not good in these kind of situations. She was trying to open her mouth to say something, close it and tried again. Aria tilted her head and took a few steps forward to Callie. "Okay!" The younger latina panicked and picked up a pot lid and cover her parts. "I don't have any underwear!"

Aria was shocked and placed her hands over Tim's eyes as she laughed out loud. "Callie, that's a glass lid."

"Oh my god." Callie then pulled another lid off the counter and moved back to hide herself.

Still laughing, Aria grinned. "Where's the little Robbins?"

Waving from behind the counter, Arizona gave Callie a nervous smile.

"OH YES! THANK GOD!" Tim jumped up from the couch with his knuckles up! "Thank you! There's some goodies and food in there. We're leaving." Pulling Aria to the elevator.

"Where-" Callie started to ask but Aria cut her off.

"You are getting some, I'm getting some too. Bye!" Aria waved from the elevator.

Callie and Arizona looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Did that just happen?" Arizona asked.

"Yep. And it looks like Tim was so happy to end his dry spell after a week." Callie watched Arizona stood up.

"You hid your vajayjay with a glass lid." Another fit of laughter surrounds the penthouse.

"Soooo, we've been found out." Callie wraps her legs towards the blonde and her arms around the pale neck.

"Yeah. You okay with it?" Arizona asked as she smiled at Callie.

"Of course. As a matter of fact, a few friends from undergrad want to go out before the school term starts. We could go?" Flickering her eyes towards the blonde, she was buttering Arizona up for the next words in coming out of her mouth.

"Mhm." Arizona was laying a few kisses over Callie's neck and shoulders. "Few friends?"

"Ahh. Y-yeah." Moaning due to the tongue gliding over her collar bone. "Yang and Burke, George and Stevens." The tongue that was about to move on to her boobs was gone, the hands caressing her thigh was gone and Arizona's eyes were staring at her.

"George? The one who asked you out and didn't tell me about it?"

"You knew about that?" Callie wondered and the blonde nodded. "He's nice, but we are just friends." The brunette explained.

"And I thought you hated Stevens?" The blonde questioned.

"She's with George, Cristina's friends with them." Callie shrugs.

"So its Yang and Burke, George and Stevens. So like a double date?" Arizona asked again.

"Triple, but Addison and Mark said they may show up too, and we could invite Teddy and Karev!" Callie explained. As Arizona steps away from her and grabbed a beer. She walked towards the packages that her brother left in the lounge.

Following the blonde, Callie jumped down. "I don't do double, triple or multiple dates." Arizona mumbled.

Wrapping her arms around the blonde from behind, she whispered in her very seductive voice. "You know, if you go with me, I could do that thing you wanted me to do last night. With that toy we saw online." She gave a light kiss over Arizona's neck. "And you can tie me up." Finishing her thoughts by licking the blonde's ear lobe.

Arizona turned to face Callie with pursed lips. "You don't play faiiiiir."

"Please?" Callie kissed her lips as she grabbed the blonde's butt.

"Fine." Arizona rolled her eyes as she pulled Callie towards the bedroom. "But I'm cashing 'tying you up' tonight. We'll see if you can walk tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" Arizona asked as she pulls on a cardigan. Callie was finishing her make up.

"It's a Korean BBQ place. Yang suggested it." The blonde stared at Callie in question. "I don't get it either."

Cristina Yang was Callie's roommate during undergrad, besides Mark and Addison, she was closest to Cristina. She may have a weird humor but somehow they both got close. Yang had a different group of friends, but they were all classmates so hanging out with them was not really weird. Arizona have met them a couple of times but she was mostly okay with Yang, the others, not so much.

"She said they have this alcohol that tastes like water but hits like tequila." Callie shrugs as they both stepped in the elevator.

"So that's why we are not driving there?"

Turning to face Arizona with her arms crossed. "You and alcohol can't be in the same room together and not get together." She smiled as the blonde laughed at her.

And they were off. After being dropped off by their driver, they somewhat ended up in a weird place in San Francisco.

"We drove 45 minutes to go here?" Arizona mumbled as Callie gave her an apologetic look. She mouthed an 'I'm sorry' and kissed her knuckles.

Entering the place, they heard people laughing. Smoke was kind off all over the place. It was a bbq place after all.

"Torres!" "Callie!" Yang turned and George said while waving them over. Callie squealed and ran towards them, leaving Arizona looking around trying so hard not to be annoyed in a smoke infested place.

As Arizona arrived in the table, people scooted over to make room for them.

"Arkansas, right?" Izzie stated as Arizona sat down. Ready to give her hell. But Callie was there. She tried to remain calm. Callie pacified the situation by gently laying her hand over Arizona's thigh.

George silently whispered. "It's Robbins." But they heard. Arizona gritted her teeth and felt Callie's hand squeeze her thigh.

"Arizona Robbins." Callie stated with a forced smile.

Cristina may have saved them all when she broke the tension. "Roller skate girl, how's your penthouse? Can we still throw parties there?" Arizona laughed lightly at Cristina remembering the time when they threw a party there.

"As long as you don't throw up in my tub again." The blonde retorted. Cristina got so drunk that Arizona found her in her bath tub, covered in her own vomit.

Conversation continued when Cristina's boyfriend asked how it happened. Burke was a few years older than them so Callie proceeded to tell stories about Cristina's embarrassing moments. Arizona mostly ignored Izzie's snide comments about her and her family's wealth. They didn't really know that Callie was well-off too. Well, Cristina knew but it didn't really matter to her.

Everything was going great, Callie was feeding Arizona's pieces of large meat, making them both laugh. It was until another plate arrived that made the blonde's stomach hurl. Cristina was teaching the blonde a drink where they put a shot of soju in a glass of beer. They always get along with alcohol.

Stevens noticed the blonde gulped, almost making her vomit. "It's pork intestines. Rich people doesn't have this?"

She sent Izzie a glared and stared at the food.

Underneath all the dark and twisty stuff, Cristina was always nice to the blonde. Maybe because they both belong to the dead-parent club. "Its kind of good. But you can just eat the meat. They partner it up with the soju."

"Nah. She's going to puke." Izzie teased. Callie just stared at the blonde. She was about to give hell to Izzie when Arizona grabbed a piece and put it in her mouth. Followed by gulping the alcohol from the bottle to wash it off.

Callie's phone rang and saw that it was her mother. She patted Arizona's arm. "Hey, I have to take this. Are you going to be okay? It'll be just a minute."

Arizona looked up at Callie who was standing up and nodded. "Yeah. Yang's here." She received a sweet kiss and watched Callie go outside.

When Callie went back in, there was a commotion in the table they were in. It was just Izzie staring in shock while Arizona was standing up glaring at her.

"Hey! What the hell happened?" Cristina asked, Burke and George was behind her.

Arizona was just gritted her teeth staring at the person in the booth. Callie could see a phone in the blonde's hand, squeezing it so tight, it might break. "What happened?" Callie asked.

Turning to glare at Callie, Arizona smashed the phone on the floor, breaking it.

"What the hell Robbins!" Callie stared at the blonde. George climbed in the booth and tried to soothe the girl. They just started dating, it won't last now. "Apologize." Callie glared at Arizona.

Izzie was annoying as hell. George did ask her out, but he was a nice guy and her friend. They grew kind of close due to the classes they have together. Well, Izzie is Izzie. She didn't really care for the woman but she made George happy.

"You want me to apologize to that woman?" Arizona shook her head.

Starting to walk away, Arizona stopped when Callie talked again. "If you leave now, this is over."

"Torres." Cristina tried to break the tension. She knew how hard the blonde tried to contain her temper.

It didn't help. Arizona left them. Callie just watched the blonde leave when she heard George asked the other blonde what happened.

The busty blonde was quick to answer. "I just asked if I can get a picture with her and she got mad, and took my phone."

The night ended with Callie apologizing profusely and promising to replace the phone. Even offering a ride but the other blonde was too furious to even talk to George who looked like a sick puppy following after the woman.

Arriving back in the penthouse, she looked for the blonde. Nowhere to be seen. When she went out of the place, the car was already waiting for her. Expecting the blonde to be inside, she questioned the driver. Who responded that Arizona called him to pick her up and that the blonde was not going to join them. Callie left the door open, waiting for the blonde to come home all night. But she didn't.

Callie woke up, still no Arizona. She started cooking when Alex arrived with Tim followed by Addison who accompanied Callie in the kitchen while Mark hangout with Alex and Tim in the game room.

Turning to look at the elevator doors when it dinged, Callie saw Arizona focused at her phone and looked up to see all the people in her penthouse. "Great. The brady bunch are here." She muttered.

She kept playing with her phone and sat in the lounge area.

"How are you Dimples? Aren't you going to hug your big brother?" Tim steps out of the game room with his hands out towards the blonde who slapped it away. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" She looked at her sister then Callie who rolled her eyes. Alex followed the man and sat in the lounge area with Arizona. Mark went to the kitchen where his friends are and grabbed an apple.

Sensing the tension, Addison spoke up. "Sorry we couldn't join last night. What happened?"

"It was fun until Robbins caused a scene." Callie deadpan. All eyes were at the blonde.

"Hey what did you do?" Tim worriedly asked.

"Tell her it's a good thing that's all I did." Arizona told Alex who responded with a 'really?'

"Arizona said that it's a good thing that's all she did." Alex said towards Callie who was now walking over. "What the hell happened?" he asked Arizona then Callie.

"Ask her is it a good thing to break someone's phone into pieces?" Callie responded sarcastically.

"She said is it a good thing to break someone- how long should I do this?" Alex mumbles.

"Arizona, what happened? Why are you two being like this? The other day you two were jumping each other's bones." Timothy inserted. He was really worried to call her Arizona at this point. One was because he was afraid of Aria, second and most important, he thought they were already solid at this point.

"Tell her to apologize, or this is really over before it even started." Callie clenched her jaw. Staring down at the blonde who stood up with her hands closed tight.

"I rather died than apologize to that woman." With that, Arizona stormed off to game room and locked herself in.

Accepting that the blonde wouldn't come out to talk to her, Callie went out with her friend that night to a local bar. She told Addison and Mark what happened but both were skeptical about the issue. She went up to the bar to order another round when someone spoke up.

Alex was picking out some nuts from a bowl with a beer in front of him. "Robbins wouldn't do anything to jeopardize her relationship with you." Callie turned to face the man. "And she doesn't really get mad just because she wants to." Alex placed a couple of bills and left.

She knew something was wrong with this. She knew it. Blaming it to the latina fiery temper. Addison taps her shoulder and asked her to go to the restroom. The red head's bra strap was twisted and asked Callie to help her fix it so they were in one cubicle, fixing it when they heard someone stepped in the restroom.

"I met Robbins the other day." Callie heard a woman talking. She was pretty sure who it was but slightly opened the door and saw Izzie and another red head. "You were right, she was hot. If I swing that way." Izzie laughed a little. "But she was dating this weird girl, George asked her out too. She's not even pretty. She's like a big girl." She emphasized the word big by spreading her arms out.

Both girls were laughing now. Callie was used to bullies. Izzie was kind of the model-type popular girl in school, Callie was the nerdy girl who eats her own hair and pukes when she needs to talk in front of a large group of people.

"She's also loaded, if I sleep her for a while we could have the key to every bar in the city." The red head spoke up and made them both laugh. "Maybe its like you with George, dating out of pity."

"Right! When I asked her if she was dating Torres out of pity she glared at me and got mad." The blonde shrieked. "And when I told her I had some gay friends who are a lot hotter than Torres, I showed her some of your pictures, she grabbed my phone and smashed it. Either way I got the latest phone out there and George out of the way, worked well for me." Izzie shrugs and Callie couldn't take it anymore.

"So that's what really happened?" Callie steps out of the cubicle with Addison crossing her arms. Amused how Callie will handle this. She knew something was wrong with what happened. But it was Callie's call. "You, not only insulted me, you used it to get rid of George and you made me question Robbins' actions."

Standing face to face with the blonde, Izzie can really feel how 'big' is Callie. The brunette turned to the other red head with a glare. "Robbins is loaded, so am I. And I'm the only one allowed to sleep with her." She went back to Izzie who was kind of trembling, making Addison smirk. "And with our reputation and influence since we are soooo very loaded, you and your slutty friends can only go clubbing in San Andreas, an island off the coast of Costa Rica." She paused and stepped back. Still looking at Izzie. "Unless we buy it."

Walking away, Addison followed the brunette who stopped by the door. Holding it open. "And I bought that phone that George gave you with my huge pile of money." Callie grabbed her phone and threw it inside the urine-puke infested toilet and stormed out.

"Told you are wrong" Addison smirked. "Now you need to grovel." Making Callie drop her head walking back to their table.

"Did you talk to Callie yet? What did you do?" Callie heard Tim asked Arizona who was preparing to take a shot in the billiards table. Music was quite loud that they didn't notice Callie come up.

Arizona stood up straight and grabbed her pool stick. "What I did? I went with her to hang out with her so called friends, one of them asked her out when we were together, I didn't slap the woman who thought my name was Arkansas, I ate some weird food! I wanted to kill Stevens over the things she said but I didn't. And I'm the one in the wrong?" She hissed.

Alex and Tim saw Callie standing by the door behind Arizona. Aria was sitting in the sofa inside the game room with her book stared up to her sister who was sporting a puppy look. So Alex spoke up. "So even if Torres apologized and grovel you aren't going to forgive her?

"Hell no. She wanted this to be over, then its over." Arizona snapped as she took a shot.

"Sorry Hermanita, little dimples said its over." Aria shrugs with a smile. Arizona turned and saw Callie standing behind her with a German beer Arizona loves. The blonde lost her footing for a moment.

"W-when did you get back?" Arizona stuttered.

"Apology beer." Callie handed over the beer to Arizona who smiled a little, took it, straighten up and handed it over to Alex who sat on the billiards table. "I'll just go."

Arizona side steps to block Callie. "Hey! So you are just going to leave?"

"No." Callie dropped her head a bit. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"So." Arizona paced for a bit. Knowing she has the upper hand now. Placing her hands in her hips she looked at the people in the game room. "Do you guys think I should just forgive her for how she acted, in front of you guys and her friends?"

Alex smiled, and shook his head. Tim just watched the brunette squirm a little. Something he couldn't do to Aria.

Aria hid her smile but looked up and answered for Arizona. "Nah. She was kind of a spoiled brat."

"Aria!" Callie shrieked. "You weren't there!"

"She told us what happened." Aria crossed her legs.

"Fine!" Callie threw her hands up. "What do you want?" Arizona raised her brows. So Callie lowered her voice. "What should I do?"

"3 wishes!" Arizona smugly smiled as the 3 people in the background laughed.

"What am I? A genie?" Annoyingly snapped when Arizona titled her head and Aria challenged her to say more. "Fine. But you have to tell me in a minute. Starting now." Then Callie proceeded to count, loudly.


"Hey! You can't do that!" Arizona panics.

"Yes I can. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-"

Looking back to ask for help, Alex was just smirking. Tim and Aria sat together laughing.

Arizona was panicking now, Callie was halfway to a minute. She was distracted with the brunette's eyes, her beautiful eyes. "Close your eyes!"

Quickly following, Callie closed her eyes and continued counting. She heard Arizona talk again. "Open your eyes!" Opening her eyes, she saw Arizona scratching her head.

Almost there. "Last wish! 49, 50, 51, 52, 53-"

Arizona stopped scratching. Straighten up with a smug smile. "Okay. Say, 'I was wrong, I'm sorry. BABY."

Alex, Tim and Aria burst out laughing.

"What?" Callie heard but she couldn't believe it.

"Just say, 'I was wrong, I'm sorry, baby." Arizona crossed her arms still smiling. She changed her tone in a loving way.

"I-I" Callie took a deep breath. They weren't really the pet names kind of people. They usually use their first name when they are talking about serious stuff. "I, no! Nevermind. Accept it or not, do whatever you want!" Steps away from the blonde and went to her room.

Startling the blonde, Arizona turned with wide eyes to the people in the game room.

Alex was playing with the German beer can. "Maybe you should have just accepted her apology." Arizona stared at the beer and when she was about to grab it, Alex tossed it to Tim.

Following where her beer went she stared at Tim who opened the can and drank from it. "Hey!" Arizona dives and grabbed the beer from Tim who was still laughing with Aria. "This is mine." She silently sips her beer which tasted wonderful and ponders her next step to make it up with Callie.

Callie was finishing up with her shower when her phone buzzed. Looking at it, she got annoyed once more. She already knew she was wrong. Rolling her eyes, she steps out of the room and saw the penthouse filled with scented candles. There are some beers and pizza in the lounge area where Arizona was sitting, legs crossed.

"What's this?" Walking over she sat across the blonde.

"My apology, you big softie." Arizona teased. "You were somewhat right. I could have handled it better but she-"

"Insulted me." Shocked, Arizona looked at Callie. "I overheard her talking in the bar bathroom." She grabbed a beer and popped it open. "You were always so protective. But why didn't you tell me?"

"I was mad. I don't know." Arizona sipped her beer. Almost embarrassed that she was showing some feelings. "She was blatantly lying. No one's hotter than you." Arizona whispered.

Callie smiled and stood up, walking towards the blonde and making herself comfortable on top of Arizona's lap. Wrapping her arms around Arizona's neck, she stared intently at those blue eyes. "I really am sorry for misjudging the situation, baby."

Arizona threw her head back and laughed. "Sorry too. I just got so mad. Could have handled it better."

"No no. You handled it great." Callie admitted. "I replaced her phone."

"You did?"

"Yeah! You broke her phone." They both laughed. "Then I broke the one I replaced."

"You what?" Arizona laughed out loud.

"I threw it in the toilet of the bar bathroom." They both laughed.

"So we are both psychopaths?"