Forks, Washington

Draco Malfoy P.O.V

The dark night was filled with stars, the moon shone brilliantly contrasting among the ink black sky, and the wind howled and creaked whining whenever it swayed a tree or came in contact with a home. The eerie night matched perfectly with the magnificent home standing before it, Malfoy Manor. The dark, gothic-like manor stood tall and proud, it's once dark atmosphere now replaced with a welcoming light that came with the newly planted garden of flowers surrounding the foreground. Dark and light mixed beautifully together to bring the once scary manor to of something of wonder.

Inside it didn't match the peaceful howling wind, or the comforting moon and stars. The head of the house, Draco Malfoy was hurriedly moving about along with his wife, Hermione. Both frantically grabbed things and threw them onto the bed. Draco placed their backpacks on their king-sized bed, with a wave of his wand, both his and Hermione's clothes and miscellaneous things flew graciously into its corresponding backpacks. Draco's backpack was a simple, dark but sturdy one and Hermione's was a caramel brown rucksack with many flaps and compartments. Both bags had undetectable extension charms. Draco watched as Hermione grabbed various textbooks and potions as she threw them into her small beaded bag.

Draco let out a shaky sigh, he ruffled his hand through is pale blonde hair and started to change out of his pajamas, he slipped on dark colored jeans, he pulled a deep navy blue long sleeve shirt and began to put his arms through his black jacket. He watched as his wife began to pull on her black jeans, a deep brown jumper and toping it off with her deep olive green parka with her brown boots sliding onto her tiny feet. After changing, Draco went over to his walk-in closet to unlock his safe where he kept several bags of galleons and a few bags of Muggle money, both U.K currency and American. He picked up his and Hermione's passports and handed her an equal amount of bags of money and her passport.

He took Hermione's hands, having seen them shaking as she threw her portion of money into her beaded bag, he took her small hands and brought them close to his chest. He gave Hermione a reassuring look. "Don't worry. We'll get out of here in no time," he muttered before kissing her forehead. Hermione let out a sigh and nodded. With a last look around their room Hermione picked up a photograph of Harry and Ron and stuffed it into her beaded bag.

Draco frowned. "Ready?" he asked her. She could only muster up a frown. "Mimsy!" Draco called out within a millisecond a house-elf appeared before them, "Mimsy, the wards can only hold the house for so long, please once they do, do not stay. Alert the others and just get out, that's an order."

"Yes, Master. Mimsy understands." The poor creature squeaked with teary eyes knowing that this may be the last time she will see him. Draco bent down so now he was eye level with the house-elf. As Mimsy had taken care of him since he was born, he gave the small creature a warm hug and asked her to be safe one last time. She hastily nodded her head then walked over to Hermione to give her a hug goodbye. With a small pop the house-else was gone.

Draco and Hermione looked at each other one last time, they looked around their room, the memories that it held from the first time they made love as a married couple to the many memories of laughter and happiness they shared in this room. Draco sadly looked around, trying to remember the essence of his childhood home, Malfoy Manor. He felt Hermione squeeze his hand, he turned to look into her wide brown eyes and with a nod, he apparated the both of them out of there.

Hermione Granger Malfoy P.O.V

Hermione had thanked the dark haired man who'd sold her tickets for the next flight to Seattle, Washington and hurried over to her waiting husband who had stood with a cap over his head to cover his strikingly blonde hair and his hands in his pockets.

"Okay I got the tickets," Hermione had sighed. "We just need to go through security and we should be good."

Hermione had watched Draco as he nervously took in his surroundings. The Muggle London airport had been nearly empty, experiencing a lull in the bustling of people seeking travel out of London and of those who just came back. Hermione had gently taken his hand in hers and gave him the same reassuring smile he'd given her before they left the manor. Draco had smiled back, uncertain. They'd made their way though security after casting Muggle-proof charms on both of their backpacks and her beaded bag.

She and Draco were now sitting on the plane. He was sleeping soundlessly in his seat with his hood pulled over his eyes. Hermione was lost in thought. She didn't know what to say or how to react. Her regular self would have probably come up with a logical explanation to help her calm down, but her logical explanation for both her and her husband fleeing the country was simple: they were in danger.

Hermione tried to tell herself that it didn't matter now and that they were safe. Both her and Draco were safely on a Muggle plane heading to the Americas where nobody would think to find them. Her eyes pricked with tears, she wasn't able to say a proper good-bye to Harry, Ron, or even Ginny. She felt the tears now flowing down her cheeks as she thought of her parents, not knowing if she would be able to see them again. She felt Draco's head lean on her shoulder bringing her back to reality. The thought that it was Draco's first time flying on a plane made her smile. The turbulence when they first took off set Draco into a little fit of nervousness and anxiety. Draco had been clutching her hand so tightly it reminded her of how she would clutch the handle of a broomstick when Draco took her flying. Her amusement of her husband almost helped her forget about what their current situation was. Almost.

The plane landed a whopping twelve hours later in Seattle, Washington. Draco had woken before the plane landed, since the landing sent him through another anxiety episode. The two grabbed their backpacks quickly and exited the plane. Draco held Hermione's hand tightly as they walked through the many people at the airport. Hermione had her beaded bag zipped up inside of her jacket and her wand was tucked up her sleeve. She scanned the airport, watching Muggles go about their business. Draco had his hood up to hide his hair, as his appearance would track unwanted attention. He kept his head down as they walked quickly.

Once outside, Hermione flagged down a cab and got inside fairly quick. Draco was reluctant and got in slowly. She turned to the driver who asked for their destination.

"Forks, please."

The town of Forks, Washington was a very small town with a few hundred people residing there. The endless shrub of trees and forest, the wet weather, the foggy atmosphere was the perfect cover for Draco and Hermione. There was no known wizarding area in the town, which was an added benefit for both Draco and Hermione. Hermione came across the town when she was watching a documentary about strange occurrences happening around the world. She watched as they introduced Forks, Washington having werewolves based on old legends. She found it quite interesting that Muggles had sightings of such beasts; she remembered thinking of her old professor, Lupin. She wondered if others like his kind took on his shape or something completely different. Despite the weird claims of the townsfolk, the name of the unusual town stuck with Hermione, it was so far from everything so far away from the usual California who had millions of people, instead it was a secluded area perfect for people who wanted privacy. Hence why they are now there.

"Okay ma'am, where to now?" the driver asked her, pulling her out of her thoughts. Hermione bit her lip, not knowing what to tell him. She knew that the both of them had to lay low for a while before they could escape to their safe house.

Instead Draco answered, "Do you know of a good café around here?"

The driver grunted, "There is a café that is pretty popular around her just around the corner, do y'all want to get dropped off there?"

"Yes, please that would be perfect." Draco answered.

Hermione paid the cab driver. She looked at the cafe in front of her; there was already a light amount of rain coming down on her making her unruly, curly hair damp. Draco pulled her hand toward the cafe called The Lodge.

Draco Malfoy P.O.V.

Draco opened the cafe's door. It sounded with a chime that indicated their entrance. Draco held Hermione's hand in his, his other hand at the ready with his wand tucked into his sleeve.

Draco's eyes scanned the café; it was a small cozy cafe with few tables and a counter with bar stools. The Muggles didn't show any interest to their arrival, which had him letting out a relieved sigh. He let his hood fall off of his head, revealing his blonde hair.

Hermione came to stand next to him. He could tell she was nervous because of the way she was biting her lip. His hand went to caress the small of her back. "Hermione, relax, we are safe," he said.

"For now," Hermione responded with a sad smile. Finally, the hostess walked towards them and gave them a table that, thankfully, was in the back of the restaurant. Draco sat down with his back to the wall watching his surroundings. Draco ordered a salmon dish and Hermione ordered some stew along with some apple cobbler that was highly recommended by the waitress. The food arrived quickly. After a few minutes of quietly eating, Hermione spoke to him, "Draco, what do you think the others will feel?"

"Hermione, Potter and Weasley both knew why we had to leave. They will understand once the news gets out. I told Mimsy before we left to inform them." Draco said quietly.

Hermione began to bite her lip again, then sighed. She leaned back into her chair and looked around her, "This place is cozy, it reminds me too much of home."

Draco nodded, the similar forest-y feel painfully reminded him of the manor. "Granger, don't worry. Just eat your food, we need the strength," he ordered. Hermione nodded and continued with her food, as did he. As Draco ate he felt eyes on him. Slowly he moved his head to scan the area, looking for the culprit. His icy-blue eyes landed on a girl, but she kept staring at him. She looked to be a bit younger than him and Hermione. She had dark brown eyes she had powdery skin with dark brown hair. She observed him with curiosity rather than suspicion. He casually looked back at Hermione who had a book out. Glancing back at the girl, he saw her talking to what looked to be her boyfriend. He looked just as regal as he, he had brown almost reddish hair, his skin was almost translucent and his posture was as rigid as a broad, something about him didn't belong, but Draco couldn't put his finger on it. He wandlessly cast a muffliato then spoke in a low voice, "Hermione, there is a couple by the front of the cafe, the girl keeps looking at me, and the boy, I'm not sure but he kind of seems odd."

Hermione looked up at him with confused eyes, biting her lip again. Draco gave a small nod to where the couple sat and Hermione carefully turned to look. "He does look odd, but I don't sense a magical presence on him. There is something off about him, though." She was then lost in thought.

"I think we should leave, the girl has been staring at me for too long. Are you finished?" Draco asked. Hermione nodded. She dug into her beaded bag and threw down some bills and coins. Draco stood up gracefully, trying to not attract attention to himself, grabbed Hermione's hand, quickly thanked the waitress, and left the cafe.

Bella Swan P.O.V (1st Person)

I sat down at Charlie's and my usual table once Edward and I got to the Lodge. After coming back from a day out in the forest, Edward insisted I get something to eat. I greeted the friendly waitress who knew my dad, but I couldn't remember her name. I ordered my usual garden burger while Edward just ordered a coke. He gave me a small smile once my food came; I was honestly ravenous so I munched on my burger happily.

I looked around the room, there were a few fishermen chatting amongst themselves, I saw some kids from school at the bar nursing a basket of fries, then something, more like someone, caught my attention. In the far back corner of the cafe I caught sight of platinum blonde hair, the longer I observed, the more I found out that the white blonde hair belonged to a man. He was pale, surpassingly almost as pale as Edward, his skin was smooth and blemish free, and his eyes were scanning the cafe ever so often. I took note of his grey steel eyes, he couldn't be…? Edward caught on to my abrupt stop. I felt his cold hand on mine. "Bella, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, it's just, that man in the corner of the cafe, is he…" I questioned but I didn't finish my sentence, Edward knew what I was asking. His posture went straight and rigid; I saw him take a small whiff around us, and he shook his head relaxing a little. "There is no other scent here, just human."

I frowned, almost disappointed, "But he does look like you, plus his hair is fairly different from anyone I've ever seen." Edward laughed. I grumbled, "What?"

"Just because he looks different from everyone here, it doesn't mean he really is different," he mused.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Can you hear what he is thinking?"

"Are you asking me to spy on him?" Edward asked surprised.


Knowing that I wouldn't back down from my request, I watched as Edward concentrated, as he described to me, he was listening on to what the blonde man was saying. I noticed as I sneakily watched, he was sitting with someone. She had wild, caramel brown hair, and she must've been a bit shorter than I was. I watched as he reached over to hold her hand occasionally when she bit her lip, probably in frustration.

Edward then spoke, "He realized you were staring at him…" he started to say, but then all of a sudden his eyes widened in surprise.

I furrowed my brow, "What's wrong?"

"I can't hear them anymore," Edward looked equally confused.

"What? How is that possible?" I asked, my eyes flashing over to the couple that was seriously talking. "But they are still talking right now, they look like they're having a serious conversation."

"I don't know, one minute I could hear everything they were saying, now nothing. No matter how hard I try, I can't distinguish them among the noise." Edward confessed. I watched as he furrowed his brow. In all his years, his ability had let him eavesdrop on nearly everyone.

Suddenly the odd couple got to their feet. I watched as the blonde haired man stood up with such grace and observed that his hair wasn't blonde like Mike Newton's, but that it had to almost be white blonde, like platinum. I watched as he held the brunette's hand tightly in his, leading her out. He passed our table without a look at us. The woman clutched a textbook close to her chest, whose title I, to my disappointment, couldn't read. The thing that really caught my eye was her scarf. It was a deep red color with gold stripes, and on the end of the scarf I caught a seal of some sort with four animals on it. Across the seal I read, 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'

Once they were out of the cafe I leaned over excitedly to Edward who was observing the couple as they walked down the street with their hoods up, as the rain was now heavily pouring. "Edward, on her scarf it said something odd. It said 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'"

Edward turned to face me. At first he pondered the new information, but shook his head. "That's impossible. It must be some type of fan merchandise. It's not real, Bella"

I huffed in annoyance, "Yeah, and vampires aren't real either." Edward let out a throaty laugh. Still annoyed with him, I crossed my arms and pushed my plate away from me.

Updated Author's Note: Huge thanks to my beta BrynnMBulter for editing this chapter!