A/N: Hi hi :) Another Lily/James from Yours Truly :D Okay, let's say they had computers back then and since Lily is a Muggle, she knows how to use one. Okay? This is just another story I feel like writing because I loved the movie! Heh heh, yes, I am very happy today! bounce bounce I loved the movie and decided to write an L/J about it. Okay? End of story:) So do me a favor… and review. Flames, praise, criticism… I take it all.

Disclaimer: You know what is mine and what is JKR's.

Anyways, for those of you who are curious – removed my story. I do not know why… this is a repost and I renovated this chapter :) This story features a lot more about spells, wizarding stuff… y'know… Please Review!

How to Lose a Wizard in 10 Days

Chapter One – Heartbroken

"Oh, Lily!" Lana Andrews cried. She stuck her head into the office cubicle and turned to one of her associates. "I absolutely worship your new 'how-to' article!"

Lily Evans smiled. She pleased her boss, yet again… with another of her 'how-to' articles. Lily Evans had a vast interest, passion, and love for writing. She has several writing degrees from top colleges throughout England. Currently, she was writing for England's fastest-growing teen magazine, Teen Witch. She could only write about what girls wanted to know… nail polish, fashion, and advice on relationships. She wanted to write about things that really mattered to the world… politics, nature, and world issues. But Lana wouldn't let her write about this. Why would young, teen witches be interested in these kind of things? Lily was trying to please Lana as best as she could; to write a article that would just blow her away… maybe, then, she'd write about what she wants.

"I'm glad you like it, Lana," Lily replied politely, smoothing out her cream colored skirt and tucking one of her fiery-red locks behind her ear.

Lana smiled and all the creases on her dilapidated, pale face showed. "I can't wait for your next article," She replied excitedly. "I'll see you girls later!" She rushed off, humming a country tune.

Arabella Figg glared fakely at Lily. "Sometimes, I really don't know what she sees in you…"

Lily sighed and laughed. "What's there not to love about me?"

"Well, first of all – you have the weirdest obsession with Quidditch. You talk too loud, giggle too high, too pretty for your own good, a kick ass writer…"

Lily smiled. "Thanks… where's Katie?"

"Bathroom, I guess," Arabella shrugged, reading over her article.

"I haven't seen her all morning…" Lily replied, unsure.

"That's because she's in the bathroom," Arabella exclaimed.

"Ew, what is she doing in there!" Lily giggled.

"Oh, god, you pervert…" Arabella rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Seriously… I worry about you sometimes."

Lily snorted while she laughed, just to freak Arabella out a little. It felt more normal when Arabella lectured Lily about her 'unladylike behavior' and 'What would Lana think!' Lily just stared and snorted more.

Katie Peters approached her office cubicle, her eyes red with tears.

As soon as Lily saw her come within reach of their cubicle, she stopped snorting and looked at Katie. "Oh, no… hon, are you okay?"

Katie sniffed a little and her eyes were still moist. "I'm okay."

"What happened?" Arabella asked, giving Katie a hug. "I thought everything was going okay with Frank!"

"I thought it was, too!" Katie burst out, tears falling down her flushed cheeks. Her ocean blue eyes were red, her lovely blonde hair was a total mess, and her face was flushed. "It was going so well, and then he dumps me!" She wailed even more while Lily and Arabella panicked. They put a silencing charm on her before Lana could come over and ask what happened.

"I'll undo the spell if you won't cry," Arabella said. "It's for your own good."

Katie bit her lip and nodded while Arabella muttered the counter spell. "So what happened the last few days?" Arabella asked, putting her wand away.

"I don't know," Katie replied miserably. "You know one of those Locator devices? Where you have to think reallyhard about that person and say their name and then automatically they show up on the screen?"

"Yeah…" Lily said, rubbing her chin. "Those are pretty cool. You get to see exactly what they're doing."

"Yeah," Katie said, bursting into tears again, almost. "I bought one of those, the Locator 3000, and I used to keep in touch with Frank. Once I used it and he was in the shower." Katie smiled, rejoicing the memory.

Arabella chuckled. "Wasn't he surprised?"

"Hell yeah," Katie replied. "He almost screamed. But it's not like I've not seen him naked before."

"You guys had sex?" Lily asked. "After how long?"

"5 days and yes," Katie replied proudly. "It was so… beautiful. I just… cried."

Arabella and Lily shot Katie a strange glance. "You cried?" They asked flatly.

"Yes," Katie replied her eyes damp again. "I really loved him."

"You've known a guy for a week, and you tell him you love him?" Arabella asked. "Doesn't that sort of chase him away…?"

"I don't know," Katie said, throwing her hands up in defeat. "I just wanted him to know my feelings!"

"What did he say?" Lily asked.

"I don't know…" Katie replied miserably. "He just mumbled a few words about dinner…"

"Listen to me," Lily said, holding Katie's hands in a firm grip. "Frank is a loser. Frank is a wimp. In fact, Frank Longbottom could rot in hell for all I care! He is a dumbass for dumping someone as wonderful, gorgeous, talented, and loving as you are. If you ask me – I say it was his loss, not yours."

"Totally," Arabella nodded in agreement.

Katie sighed and looked very relieved. "Thanks," She said, pulling each of them in a tight embrace. "You guys are seriously, the best."

Lily and Arabella smiled.

"Okay, now get to working on your article before Lana appears and asks you what has happened!" Lily said, giving Katie a pat on the back.

Katie muttered a spell to make her red eyes go away and her red face too and she turned to her computer and started to slowly type…

- - - -

James Potter grinned, winning another game of pool. Even thought it was a Muggle game, his associates and best friends, Sirius Black (who was a half blood and introduced him to the game) and Remus Lupin were rather fond of it.

"Another round," James asked brightly, collecting the piles of galleons, sickles, and knuts.

"You must be kidding me," Remus replied flatly. "That's the 5th game you've won in a row."

"And your point is?" James asked, jingling all his winnings.

Sirius pulled out his pockets and nothing was in them. "We're fucking broke now," He replied.

James pouted. "Fine, be that way!"

"Hey," Remus said, looking offended. "That might work on the ladies, but not on us…"

James sniggered. "Oh, so you're not gay?"

"Damn right," Sirius said, rubbing his temples. "Can you believe Chris is giving the account to Jessica and Carolyn?"

"What the hell!" James exclaimed, squeezing his fists. "Again?"

"I know," Remus said dejectedly. "Seems he only gives accounts to the long legged, tight clothes wearing type… not the ones who watch Quidditch and drink beer all the time type…"

"Moony," James said, looking offended. "You make us sound like we're… lazy or something.""

"That's because we are James," Sirius pointed out.

"Speak for yourself," James replied curtly and smiling. "I am James Harry Potter. Ultimately charming, good looks, sexy hair, great body, nice ass, loaded, and ladies man, oh yeaah…"

Remus and Sirius stared flatly at James.

"What mirror are YOU looking in?" Remus retorted while breaking into peals of laughter.

"That one," James pointed innocently to a nearby mirror.

Sirius grinned. "Anyways… how're we going to deal with this situation?"

"I dunno," Remus replied. "It's not like we can dress in dark clothes, maul Chris, and tell him to give his three male associates the diamond account."

"Moony!" Sirius said, shocked. "I never knew you'd suggest mauling someone! That is absolutely horrific!"

Remus shrugged. "It's not like I mean it. I was being sarcastic. Really, Sirius, darling, you take everything too seriously. Sense the tone. Besides, I'd like to see some other people handing the accounts; it doesn't have to be us, but at least someone besides Jessica and Carolyn to handle everything. It's always them, never us, never anyone else."

"Yeah, let's go shave our legs, buy some tight shirts and pants, get manicures and pedicures, and do our hair," Sirius joked. "Maybe then Chris'll choose us."

"Ew, imagine Sirius in a bra," James said, looking in deep thought. He shuddered. Remus and James burst out laughing while Sirius looked insulted.

"I think I'd look good in a bra," Sirius replied, puffing his chest out. "Highlights my sexy pecs."

"What mirror are you looking in, Padfoot?" James retorted, still laughing.

"The invisible one," Sirius said, flexing his muscles.

"Oh… no wonder," James replied.

"Anyways," Remus said, finally ending his laugh. "What about the account?"

"Well," Sirius said thoughtfully. "I think we have to persuade him."

"Just by talking," James asked flatly. "Wow, great plan. We have a better chance of him agreeing if we flash him."

"Argue passionately, I mean," Sirius said, looking for something to eat.

"Arguing passionately… arguing passionately…" James repeated to himself. "Will that work?"

"Don't know, never tried," Sirius said monotonously, still looking.

"Well, there's a first time for everything…" Remus said, glancing at James. Sirius found a sandwich and also glanced at James.

"What? You want me to ask Chris?" James asked.

"Yeah, because if he says no, it'll be worth all the money I lost," Sirius grinned.

"And plus, you're persuasive," Remus added.

James looked quite chuffed and said, "Okay, I'll do it."