The phone rings and Flagg picks it up. "This better be good."
The camera pans back to reveal Rita's head bobbing up and down between his legs.
"Could you add an extra torture for Lola SOLELY because she dabbed?"
Flagg's eyes widen. "She did what?"
Flagg drops the phone and shoves Rita away. "Move, bitch, this is important." He gets up and crosses to Lola. He puts his hands on his hips. "Care to explain, young lady?"
She looks away and shrugs. "Dabbing?" Flagg asks. "Fucking dabbing? What the fuck is that, anyway? Is it a dance?" Flagg throws his arm up over his face in a perfect dab...then brings it down and hits Lola in the face. "You like dabbing now, you little bitch?" He grabs her tiara off her head.
"Hey! Give it back!"
"Little girls who dab don't deserve tiaras." He throws it to the ground and stomps on it while Lola cries.
The phone rings.
"So I noticed you enjoy showing Lisa as a Nazi, so that got me thinking: what are the chances that the real one is? Since you're right there, why not do some investigating? Check her room, the basement, the attic, etc. and well... let the family see the results."
Flagg snaps his fingers. "Good idea."
Lisa shakes her head and Flagg grins. "What's wrong, little girl? Afraid your family is about to learn a dark secret?"
"No," she says quickly.
Upstairs, Flagg dumps her room looking for evidence of disgraceful Nazism. He destroys her lab for pure sadistic enjoyment, pulls out her draws, flips her mattress, rummages through her closet. Nothing.
"Hm," he says, putting his hands on his hips. "I guess she's really not a Nazi." He leans against the wall. "I was wrong..."
A panel depresses and the back of the closet opens up to reveal a secret room stuffed full of Nazi stuff: Flags, uniforms, weapons, portraits of Hitler and other high ranking Nazi leaders. "Holy shit," Flagg mutters. "I was right. She is a fucking Nazi." Laughing, Flagg goes into the room and looks around. He grabs a Nazi flag and dabs his brow with it. He picks up a rifle and smashes a glass case with it. He aims the gun at a mannequin wearing uniform and opens up on it, ripping it to bits.
Grabbing an armful of stuff, he goes to the living room and drops it in front of Rita, whose eyes widen. "Your daughter's a Nazi scumbag racist piece of shit. How does it feel?"
Anger crosses Rita's face. "Lisa, you're grounded!"
Lisa sighs.
The phone rings again. "Hello?"
"Ever heard of the movie Stand By Me, well there's a scene where two kids almost get hit by a train, let's do that, but without the "almost" Also, zombify more of them."
"Hmmm..." Flagg snaps his fingers, and suddenly he, Luna, and Leni are on a railroad bridge high above a river. A train is coming toward them. Leni screams and Luna pales. She tries to run, but Flagg grabs her and wraps his arm around her. "We're gonna storm the beaches at Normandy, you little slut!"
"Let go, please!"
The train comes closer.
Leni falls down and curls up into a ball.
Flagg holds Luna close as the train gets closer. "Rock and roll train...runnin, runnin off the tracks!" He throws up the devil horns sign and sticks his tongue out as Luna screams. The train hits Leni first, mangling her under its wheels. Then it hits Luna and Flagg. Luna is sucked underneath and killed; Flagg is knocked aside and falls off the bridge, landing on a rock with a sickening crack. He snaps his fingers and appears in the living room. Rita and Lana are now zombies.
Flagg sits in his chair and Zombie Lynn sits on his lap. "You know, I think I've had my fun here." He slips his hand up Zombie Lynn's shirt and squeezes her zombie breast. "Honk! Hahahaha. But really, I'm bored. You ready to go, Kenny?"
Kenny shrugs. "Yeah, I'm done."
Flagg makes a call, and a dude shows up with Luan. Her lip is split, her eyes are both black, her hair is messed, and she can barely walk.
"It's been real, Kilo," Flagg says, stroking the cat and then handing it to the dude, "but you gotta go back to your master now."
Flagg shoves Zombie Lynn off of his lap, goes over to the couch, and grabs Lincoln, who thrashes. He throws Lincoln into the bronze bull and builds a fire underneath. After a few minutes, the bronze heats up and Lincoln starts to scream in pain. Flagg sits in his chair and points to Zombie Rita. "You like Van Halen?"
"They're okay."
"I do. My favorite VH song is "Finish What You Started."" He points to his dick. Zombie Rita comes over, gets down on her knees, and sucks his dick while Lincoln's agonizing screams mingle with the smell of roasting flesh. Flagg nuts into Zombie Rita's mouth, then shoves his gun against her head and pulls the trigger: Her brains splatter the carpet. He shoots all of the remaining Louds except Zombie Lynn.
"Alright, guys," Flagg says, taking Kenny's hand in one of his and Zombie Lynn's in the other. "Let's go."
They skip happily into the sunset.