A time before the building of the great pyramids.

The evening could not come fast enough. She looked forward to sharing a meal with her husband, and then, sharing their bed. A shiver of anticipation goes through her as she hurries to the chambers she shares with her husband.

Her mood plummets when she sees he has yet to arrive. For a brief moment, she fears her husband did not enjoy their wedding night, had not enjoyed her, and had decided to seek the company of another.

She is distracted from her panic when she hears talking outside the doors.

"It should be against the law, to keep a man from his bed. Punishable by death. Especially over such petty squabbling."

"As petty as it is, as a grimm, it is your appointed destiny to be a moderator in all conflicts, no matter how minor they seem. Though, I am sure, you are most eager to retire to your bedchambers and join the company of your new bride. Do you find her to be satisfactory?" The royal asks the grimm.

"She is perfection." The grimm replies. "I would find her even more satisfying, if I wasn't being kept from my marriage bed."

"Of course, my apologies, good night."

She hears footsteps fading. The door opens and she smiles brightly at seeing her husband standing there.

He looks tired. There is a frown on his face and his body is a little hunched over. The stress of the day having taken its toll on him. But the moment he sees her, he stands strait and smiles, his whole demeanor changes with his joy at being greeted by the presence of his bride. He reaches his arms out to her, and she runs into them. They wrap around her in an instantly.

His hands roam over her body and his head is buried in her neck as he whispers. "How I've missed you today. I desperately need to have you. Only your touch will bring me peace. Please say you give consent."

"Yes, my husband. It is my honor and privilege to give you all that you desire." She sighs against his jaw.

"You are all that I desire." He says. "You are all that I need." His hands trailed down her body. "My beautiful bride."

Her eyes shine with happiness as she looks up at him. Eagerly, she meets his lips with her own.

The kiss is fire, passion and intensity. Both beings consumed by an insatiable need to have the other.

Nick and Adalind/ Nick and Adalind/ Nick and Adalind, Nick and Adalind

Adalind drifted awake, feeling warm and content. She knew that Nick had his arms around her. As always, it felt so right. Even more so now that they were husband and wife.

Her eyes flutter open and she looks up, not at all surprised to see Nick is already awake and gazing at her.

"Good morning." Adalind smiles, stretching languidly and meeting his lips for a kiss.

"Morning." He replied softly, brushing a lock of hair from her face.

"I love waking up in your arms." She admitted, nuzzling into Nick's neck.

"I love waking up with you in my arms." Nick replied, brushing his nose and lips along her face.

"Like a dream." Adalind sighed, tilting her head back and giving her husband full access to her neck.

Nick stopped his attentions suddenly, looked her in the eyes and asked. "What did you dream last night?"

A little puzzled, Adalind replied, "You and me. We were in an ancient place. It reminded me of the stories of ancient Egypt or Babylon. We were newly married. I think I was given to you." She moved her hand along his body. "You needed me. Wanted me. You said I was your comfort and that only I could make you feel better."

"You are." Nick whispered in awe. "I had the same dream. I think that was our first lives." His eyes raked over her body and he said, hunger rising, "I was desperate to get your body against mine. To have myself buried deep inside you." He pressed himself tightly to her. "I feel that desperation, again."

Adalind moaned. "I'm yours. Nick, always."

They each knew that no matter what life they lead, they would always belong to each other.

Nick and Adalind/ Nick and Adalind/ Nick and Adalind/ Nick and Adalind/

One hundred years later.

A five year old boy was taken by his parents to meet the new neighbors. His mom explained that it was important for the grimm and her child that might also become a grimm to introduce themselves to the newest wesen to move into the area.

It was doubly important because the mother and her daughter were hexenbiests. And it had been learned a century ago that beists and grimms were better suited to being on good terms. If pitted against each other, they would only create chaos.

The, his mom and his dad arrived at a house where a pretty little girl was skipping rope outside.

The eyes of the two children met. In an instant, a strong feeling of recognition overtook the both of them.

The boy greeted. "Hi, I'm Nick"

The little girl responded. "Hello, I'm Adalind."