Final Battle: The Fiery and Golden Battle, Ash VS Jimmy!"
That very next day was it. The final match of the Johto League Silver Conference. Everyone in Silver Town had to make sure they get seats for this, because this was gonna be one hell of a match no one will ever forget.
The night before, Ash usually wanted to look up anything on his opponent's data, but this time Ash said. "No way."
"What do you mean? How are you gonna prepare for your battle with Jimmy if you don't look up which Pokemon he's gonna use?" Misty asks.
"Because this time, I wanna be surprised at whatever Jimmy throws at me." Ash grinned.
"Wow, hope you got a good team picked out for this battle." Tomo said.
"Oh believe me I do." Ash grins.
"Well I don't know about you kids but I'm going to turn in. It's a big day tomorrow and I don't want to miss a second of it." Prof. Oak said.
"Same with me." Delia said as she hugs her son. "Get some rest Ash, I'll see you tomorrow."
Ash hugged back. "I'm gonna make you proud mom."
"Silly, I'm already proud." Delia smiles.
"We'll be rooting for ya Ashy." Gary said walking away.
"Night." Silver said.
"Wait Silver." Ash said getting his attention. "I was told to give this to you." Ash said holding out the letter.
"For me?" Silver asks taking it. "Who's it from?"
"I dunno. Someone in a hood." Ash said surprising him.
"Wait I saw someone in a hood watching our battle." Silver said as he opened the letter. As he read it his eyes widen as everyone was shocked to see a smile forming on his face and a tear runs down his eye.
"Silver? What's wrong?" Brock asks.
"That person in the hood...was my mom." Silver said shocking them.
"It says she's been watching me since the League started and she's happy that I've become a great Pokémon trainer, but that I also have some good friends." Silver said.
Attached to the note was a picture of Silver's mom, with her hood off.
She was a young woman with fair skin, shoulder length red hair flips out at the ends, and crimson eyes. She also wears light pink lipstick and has triangle-shaped earrings and had a loving smile on her face.
"Wow that's her?" Misty gasped.
"Your mom's really pretty." Molly said.
"Thanks. I really hope I can see her again soon." Silver smiles.
"You know what Silver, your mom was right 100%." Ash said. "You are a strong trainer..and a good friend."
"Thanks Ash." Silver said as he walked out of the room before turning back. "We both may have lousy dads, but we have some pretty awesome moms."
Ash nodded. "True that."
The next day...
The final match of the Silver Conference was about to begin and the stadium was completely filled with trainers and spectators eager to see who the Champion would be.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Trainers of all ages, welcome to the final round of the Johto Silver Conference Victory Tournament!" The announcer shouted as everyone roared with excitement. "It's been such a long week of nonstop battles here and there and every trainer has fought honorably and with their hearts content to make it where they are now! We thank every single one of you for sticking with us until the very end. On Day one we started over 200 trainers and now here we are the final day where 2 trainers has pushed themselves to the limit and made their way to the finals!"
In his locker room, Ash was talking with his friends. "You want us to watch you battle from the stands?" Brock asks.
"Are you sure you don't want us cheering you on?" Misty asks.
"I appreciate it you guys, but this final round I just want it be me, Jimmy and our Pokémon out there. No need for support or help." Ash said.
"Well good luck Ash." Tomo said as they all gave him a group hug.
Whether he wins or lose, they're happy for their friend/brother.
With Jimmy on his side, he was sitting down with his eyes closed.
"Hey Jim." Looking up he saw his childhood friends near the door.
"Hey Marina, Vincent." Jimmy smiles.
"You nervous?" Marina asks.
"A little." Jimmy admits.
"I don't blame you. That kid's one hell of a trainer." Vincent said. "But just know, I maybe friends with friends with Ash, I still have your support all the way dude."
"Me too." Marina nods. "We don't care if you win or lose. Just give it your all and make all of us proud."
"You got it." Jimmy smiles standing up.
"Now go out there and win this thing." Vincent said.
Making his way out of the room Jimmy enters the arena to see Ash walking out on the other side.
They both looked into each others faces. One with a Heart of Gold and the other with Fiery Red spirit. This was it.
"And here comes our finalists! On the red side, hailing from New Bark Town in our home region of Johto, is a boy who showed great pride and knowledge in his Pokémon and in battling! He comes to win and doesn't show any signs of quiting! It's Jimmy Gold!"
The crowd was shouting and cheering.
"You got this Jimmy!"
"Win this for New Bark!" His friends shouted as he then gives them a thumbs up.
"And on the green side, hailing from Pallet Town in Kanto, the master of the surprises, the trainer of bizarre new Pokémon, the Wounded Warrior! Give it up for Ash Ketchum!"
The audience cheered even louder once Ash was announced.
"GO GET'IM ASH!" Tomo and Molly shouted.
"You got this!" Brock and Misty cheered.
"Win this for Pallet Town!" Gary yelled as Ash nodded ready for this.
Facing off in the middle Ash and Jimmy grinned ready for this.
"And now folks time to see what the final battlefield will be!" The announcer said as the roulette spun around and around before landing on the ice logo. "And out final battle will take place on the ice field!" The arena opens to reveal the ice field.
"Let the roulette spin for the final time, who's going first?!"
The red and green roulette spun rapidly until it landed...on Jimmy.
"And Jimmy gets to choose the first Pokémon while Ash goes second!"
(Pokémon Anime BGM- VS Johto Champion plays!)
"I hope your ready Ash! Let's make this one match to forget!" Jimmy said and threw out his first Pokéball. And out came his Beedrill.
"Alright Small One you're up!" Ash said calling out his Alolan Raichu.
"And the final battle begins with Jimmy using his Beedrill and Ash with his Raichu!"
"Battle Begin!"
"Beedrill use Pin Missile!" Jimmy shouted starting the match as Beedrill's arms glow white and it fires a white orb trailing green streams of light from them at the Small One.
"Small One, dodge them use Thunderpunch!" Ash said as Small One surfed onto her tail, dodging each pin heading towards her and her paw glowed with electricity circling around it.
"Agility!" Beedrill disappeared at the last second, right before Small One could land a hit.
"Rai? Rai?" Small One looks around to see Beedrill flying circles around her.
"Small One, use Psychic and stop that Beedrill in his tracks!"
"Won't work." Jimmy said with a grin. Small One's eyes glowed as she tried to catch Beedrill, but everything she tried to catch him, he just disappeared with Agilty.
"Now Pursuit! Darkness surrounds Beedrill as he flew in and smashed into Small One from the side.
"What great speed! It's even enough to dodge Psychic?!"
"I've thought of this way ahead when I first got Beedrill as a Weedle. I trained him to max out his speed so not even a move like that can stop him." Jimmy explained.
"Your Beedrill may be fast Jimmy but so is Small One! Time to take up snowboarding!" Hopping on her tail Small One shredded around the field like a professional snowboarder. Once Beedrill stopped with Agility, he motions his left and right to see Small One shredding in circles. "Now Iron Tail!" Leaping over Beedrill Small One slams her tail into his face sending the bug smashing into the ice.
"Beedrill!" Jimmy gasps.
"What speed! Ash's Raichu is proving to be just as fast as Jimmy's Beedrill!"
"Small One, use Discharge!" Ash said. Small One blasts electricity at Beedrill who tries flying to avoid it but ends up getting zapped.
"Hang in there Beedrill!" His trainer called out. Trying to stand up back in the air, Beedrill broke free out of Discharge. "Alright Fury Attack!" Flying in Beedrill jabs Small One multiple times with his stingers.
"Small One use Future Sight!" Ash said. Small One flew back with a growl and her eyes glowed.
"Beedrill Poison Jab!" Using this opening Beedrill's stingers were coated in poison as it stabs Small One making her flinch in pain.
"Grab Beedrill by the arm!" Ash said as Small One gotten a grip onto Beedrill. "Now Slam!"
"RaiiChu!" Small Oen judo flips Beedrill onto the icy floor.
"Nice one!" Tomo pumps his fist.
"Another great picture." Delia said taking a picture. Beedrill staggers up slightly from being throwned onto the ice floor from force. "Bee.." It buzzed like a groan
"Now Thunderpunch!" Charging towards Beedrill electricity forms in Small One's fist.
"Beedrill fly up!" Jimmy said as Beedrill narrowly avoids Thunderpunch as Small One smashes the rock behind Beedrill to pieces.
"Now use Pin Missile!" Beedrill fired needles from his arm needles again. The needles smash into Small One pelting her multiple times dealing super effective damage.
"Rai!" She cried out.
"Small One hang in there!" Ash said trying to encourage her to take the hit.
Beedrill continued his attack pushing Small One back.
"Keep it up Beedrill!" Jimmy said when suddenly Future Sight went off stopping Beedrill's attacks. Beedrill cries out as the super effective move takes him over.
"Now Small One Thunder!" Releasing a powerful electric attack Small One zaps Beedrill making it fall to the ground with swirly eyes.
"Beedrill is unable to battle! Raichu wins!"
"Beedrill has been defeated and Ketchum takes the 1st win!" The announcer said.
"Keep it going Ash!" Harrison cheers.
"You got this!" Molly cheers.
"It's still too early to declare a winner." Prof. Oak said.
Jimmy returned Beedrill. "Good job buddy." He smiled and pulls he pulled a new Pokéball out. "Hey Ash, I seen Misty always have her Togepi out right?"
"Has she ever battled with it?" Jimmy asks.
"Never." Ash shakes his head.
"Well then...let me show you what she's been missing out on!" Jimmy said throwing a Pokéball and from it a white Pokémon that looked like a Togepi with wings appeared.
"Togetic!" It cried it a cheerful voice which surprised Ash and Misty.
"Wh-what is that?" Ash asks pulling his National Dex out.
Entry No. 176
Togetic, the Happiness Pokémon and the evolved form of Togepi. To share its happiness, it is said to fly around the world seeking these people. If it is not with kind people, however, it becomes dispirited and loses energy.
"I can't believe it...Togepi can evolve?" Misty said looking down at hers.
"Toge Toge." Togepi said.
"Jimmy's 2nd Pokémon is a cute and lovely Togetic!" The announcer said as Togetic's image appeared on the billboard.
"Togetic use Ancient Power!" Togetic forms a glowing ball of energy in front of its body and shoots it at Small One.
"Send it back with Psychic!" Ash said. Small One stops the attack and sends it flying towards Togetic.
"Now!" Jimmy said as a fierce expression appeared on Togetic's face as it zoomed out of the way with ease.
"Uh what's with the look?" Ash asks confused and surprised.
"Let's just say when Togetic is on the battlefield he brings anything but happiness to my opponents." Jimmy warns.
"Toge.." Togetic said with a hiss at Small One.
"Rai." Small One sweatdrops.
"Togetic Aerial Ace!" Flying in Togetic rams Small One sending her crashing into some ice.
"Small One!" Ash gasped.
"Raichu." Small One groans climbing out of the ice.
"What just happened? I blinked and Small One was on the ground." Tomo asks.
"Are Togetic that really fast?" Molly asks.
"I guess so." Brock said.
"Small One Thunderbolt!" Ash said as Small One fires bolts of electricity at Togetic.
"Dodge then use Metronome!" Jimmy said. Togetic flew out of harms way and waved its arms back and forth.
"Whatever is it, brace yourself." Ash said as Small One took a defensive stance.
Togetic's fingers stopped and everyone waited for the attack when suddenly Togetic disappears into the shadows surprising everyone. "What happened to Togetic?!" Everyone was looking around for a sign.
Ash and Small One looked everywhere until Ash noticed Small One's shadow growing causing his eyes to widen.
"Small One!" Ash yells but it was too late as Togetic delivers a powerful Shadow Sneak attack dealing Super Effective damage.
"CHA!" She screamed as she felt the pain before falling to the floor with swirls in her eyes.
"Raichu is unable to battle, Togetic wins!"
"Unbelievable! Togetic defeated Ash's Raichu with overwhelming attacks!"
Ash returned her. "Nice try out there girl. Thanks again." He stared at the vicious Togetic who hovered on the field. 'Who knew something so cute could be so deadly?' He gulped and pulled his 2nd Pokéball out.
"Tank, I Choose You!" Ash throws out his Snorlax.
"Snor!" He shouted and landed on the field with a thud.
"And Ash's second Pokémon is a Snorlax! Let's hope that ice can support such a heavy Pokémon!"
"Togetic use Drain Punch!" Jimmy said. Togetic's fist becomes enveloped in swirling green energy.
"What's Drain Punch?" Misty asks.
"A move that could be bad for Tank. It can steal the opponents energy with just one blow and use it as its own." Prof. Oak explains
"Tank use Protect!" Ash said as a green barrier surrounds Tank blocking the attack.
And Togetic bounces off of the barrier, knocking him back.
"Tank, Ice Punch!" Ash said.
With ice surrounding his fist Tank tries to punch Togetic but he kept flying out of the way.
"Don't let Snorlax hit you Togetic!" Jimmy said. "Tire him out!"
"Let's you try and dodge this! Body Slam!" Leaping in the air Tank slams his belly into Togetic sending him flying backwards into the air.
"And Togetic takes a Body Slam head on! That had to hurt!"
"Togetic Ancientpower!" Recovering from it Togetic fires multiple rocks at Tank.
"Take the hit!" Ash said as Tank lets his belly up as the rocks then landed on it, before they bounced off his gut and back towards Togetic. Togetic tries to fly out of the way but the rebounded boulders smashes into him knocking him to the ground.
"Ha! Got ya!" Ash grins, but it was short lived as an angry look appeared on Togetic's face.
"Oh my Togetic looks well..ticked." Delia said nervously.
"'s quite scary." Prof. Oak shivers.
"Togetic use Thunder!" Releasing a powerful yell Togetic creates a giant bolt of electricity.
Tank was blasted by the powerful electric blast. "SNOR!"
"Whoa! Togetic strikes back with a vicious Thunder Attack! How does such a little guy have that much power?!"
"My Togepi hates to lose and when he gets angry enemy Pokémon don't last long." Jimmy said smirking.
"Well sorry to disappoint you but so do me and my Pokemon." Ash said as Tank growls picking himself up.
"Even after that strong strong Thunder attack, Snorlax is still hungry for more!" The announcer said.
"Togetic Metronome!" Jimmy said as Togetic moved his fingers back before releasing a Gust attack blowing a fierce wind.
"Tank stand your ground!" Tank made sure he stayed well on the ice and try not to get blowned away.
"Now Hyper Beam!" Firing an orange beam through the Gust it slams into Togetic creating an explosion.
"And Hyper Beam makes its mark! But was it enough to finally put Togetic down?!" The announcer said.
When the smoke clear up we see Tank still up on his feet, but with Togetic..he looked to be lying on the ice floor struggling to not lose.
"No! Even after that poweful Hyper Beam, it doesn't looks like Togetic doesn't wish to call it quits!"
Tank stares down at Togetic as the flying type growled up at the heavyweight Pokémon, but all it could do was give one last glare before slumping down to the floor.
"Togetic is unable to battle, Snorlax is the winner!"
"What a battle! Snorlax defeats the frightening Togetic and wins!"
Ash sighed with relief. "That was close."
"That might have been one of the scariest Pokémon I've ever seen." Gary said.
"Makes me wonder how Jimmy got his to be so strong while Misty's is so..." Silver trails looking at the innocent look on Togepi's face.
Misty shakes her head. "I don't think I want my Togepi around that Togetic." Refusing to have it be an influence.
Jimmy returns Togetic. "Way to go, take a nice long rest. Go Sudowoodo!" Jimmy said calling out his tree Pokemon.
"Jimmy's 3rd Pokémon is Sudowoodo! Can Snorlax handle it after that brutal Togetic's onslaught?!"
Ash knew Tank had to be exhausted from it. "Tank use Rest!" Hearing his command, Tank falls onto his back and instantly falls asleep.
"Sudowoodo use this chance! Hammer Arm!" Racing across the ice Sudowoodo punches Tank as he slept dealing super effective damage. Tank cringed in his sleep.
"Now Low Kick!" Sudowoodo kicks Tank causing his speed to drop but Tank was still asleep.
"Tank use Sleep Talk!" Ash asleep, Tank swung his arm using Ice Punch hitting Sudowoodo knocking him away from him. Sudowood almost hits an icy boudler, but he jumps onto it at the last second.
"Clever move, with Sleep Talk Snorlax can attack an opponent even while he's asleep." Prof. Oak said.
"Yeah but question is, when will he wake up?" Brock asks.
"Not sure, Snorlax sleep more than any other Pokémon." Gary cringes.
Ash grunts to himself. "I know it was risky, but I had to give Tank some energy back."
"Sudowoodo, Snorlax is still asleep use one more Hammer Arm!" Sudowoodo leaps at Tank with his arms glowing as Tank was still lying down.
Ash shouted, "Tank! Wake Up!" Finally like a miracle, Tank "opens" his eyes as he saw Sudowoodo coming at him.
"Snor!" He shouted as his arm brightly as he collides his fist with Sudowoodo's.
Ash gasped. "That was.."
"Focus Punch.." Jimmy grits recognizing the move.
"Amazing! Ash's Snorlax learns a new move just in the nick of time!"
"And not a moment too soon." Misty sighed.
Standing up Tank glared at Sudowoodo with an expression that showed he really didn't appreciate being woken up from such a good nap.
"Sudo?" Sudowoodo asked somewhat nervously seeing that look.
"Word of the wise kids, never wake a Snorlax from his nap." Prof. Oak said as they all nodded in agreement
"Tank, use Hyper Beam!" Ash yelled. Tank fired an orange beam which slams into Sudowoodo making him scream in pain as he flew backwards.
Sudowoodo was knocked back and into a glacier.
Groaning in pain, Sudowoodo gets back much to Ash's surprise.
"Whoa Jimmy your Sudowoodo has some pretty high defense." Ash said impressed
"That's why I caught him." Jimmy said. "Whatever you throw at him, it'll be null and void, Sudowoodo use Mimic!"
Mimicking Tank, Sudowoodo fires his own Hyper Beam which hits Tank since he couldn't move after using his Hyper Beam.
Tank then hits his own glacier and he makes a dent inside.
"Tank no!" Ash gasped as he sees Tank had swirls in his eyes.
"Snor.." He groaned.
"Snorlax is unable to battle, Sudowoodo wins!"
"Yes! Way to hang in there Sudowoodo!" Jimmy cheers as Sudowoodo smiles.
"I guess Tank only gotten half his health back." Tomo said.
"That Sudowoodo is pretty tough. Ash is gonna need something with some pretty good attack and defense." Brock said.
Ash returned Tank. "Awesome job buddy." He smiled and pulls his 3rd Pokéball out. "Alright Evlon, you're up!" Ash said throwing out the psychic fox.
"Espe!" She cried.
"And Ash's third Pokémon is an Espeon! Will Espeon be able to stop Sudowoodo or will Sudowoodo take down this one as well?!"
"Evlon use Psybeam!" Ash said. Evlon leaps into the air and from her red gem, she fired a multicolored beam.
"Dodge and use Rock Throw!" Sudowoodo jumps out of the way and sends multiple rocks flying towards Evlon.
"Use Quick Attack to dodge!" Ash said, using the ice floor to help her, Evlon skated and dodged the rocks quickly. "Now use Iron Tail!" Evlon's tail turned metal.
"Hammer Arm!" Sudowoodo meets Iron Tain and blocks it. "Now use your other arm!" Making a second Hammer Arm Sudowoodo knocks Evlon away. Evlon yipped in pain as she was knocked back. She shook off the pain and growls. "Evlon use Psychic!" Her eyes glowed red as she grabs onto Sudowoodo, lifting him into the air and throws him away.
"Sudo!" Sudowoodo said crashing into some rocks.
"Sudowoodo use Hyper Beam!" Using the attack he took from Tank Sudowoodo recovers and fires a powerful Hyper Beam.
"Use Double Team!" Ash said. Evlon quickly made copies of herself, and Hyper Beam happened to pass through the fake Espeon.
"No!" Jimmy gasps as Sudowoodo froze feeling the after effects of Hyper Beam.
"Evlon Iron Tail!"
The real Evlon appeared and she leaps into the air. "Espe..."
Her tail turned metallic and spun down. "ON!" She slams her tail down onto Sudowoodo.
"SUDO!" He cried out. When Evlon lets go, she saw the walking rock type fall onto his back with swirls in his eyes.
"Sudowoodo is unable to battle, Espeon is the winner!"
"And Sudowoodo is down! With three Pokémon on one side defeated we will now take a quick break I suggest you all use this chance to stretch."
Both Ash and Jimmy returned their Pokémon and went over to their sides and sat to catch a break.
"Phew, Jimmy is definitely not making this easy." Ash said.
"Gotta not let my guard down one bit." Jimmy sighed pulling one of his Pokéballs out. "But I'm saving you until the end."
"How do you guys think they're doing?" Misty asks.
"Ash may have the lead in terms of Pokémon but since we don't know what the remaining Pokemon are we have no idea who's got the edge." Silver said.
"You wanna know what I think?" Marina asks giving her idea. "I don't know how, but I think Ash and Jimmy are having fun."
"Really?" Vincent asks.
"Look at them, they're smiling. They're enjoying this." Marina points.
Both the Kanto and Johto native were giving each other respectful smiles and looks saying, "Let's keep this pace going!"
"Both of them want this win but they know no matter who wins they'll still be friends." Prof. Oak said.
"It's good to know neither one of them will feel bad after this." Delia smiles and the bell rung, meaning the break time was over.
Ash and Jimmy returned to their respectful boxes as they pulled their next Pokéball.
"The break is over and here is the score! Jimmy has 3 Pokémon left while Ash has 4! The pressure is on as we're almost drawing near to this very important battle!"
"Come back out Sakura!" Ash throws out his Meganium.
"Ambipom, let's go!" Jimmy said bringing out his evolved Aipom.
"Sakura Magical Leaf!" Ash said as Sakura fired multiple glowing leaves.
"Ambipom whack them away with Double Hit!"
Ambipom's glow pink and he started fighting through the Magical Leaf to land a hit on Sakura. "Now Swift!" Ambipoom fires multiple glowing stars which smash into Sakura again and again.
"Use Counter!" Ash said as Swift continued, Sakura's body glowed into an orange aura as they stopped and turned around at Ambipom.
"Ambi!" Ambipom screams falling backwards.
"Now use Vine Whip!" Lashing her vines out, Sakura smacks them across Ambipom's face.
"Grab those finds!" Using his tails Ambipom grabs the vines and starts pulling, turning this into a game of Tug of War.
"Mega!" Sakura growled pulling with her might.
"Come on Sakura, you can win this war!" Ash yelled.
"Put some muscle into it Ambipom!" Jimmy yelled.
Using his second tail Ambipom yanks Sakura in sending her flying towards him.
"Focus Punch!" Ambipom's tail glow as he punches Sakura. Sakura was sent flying and lands onto the floor while skidding. "Meganium.." She groaned.
"You know the saying, two heads are better than one but I guess in this case two tails." The announcer said.
"Are you OK Sakura?" Ash asked as Sakura shakes her head.
"Ambipom use Double Hit!"
"Grab it by the tails!" Sakura shoots out Vine Whip and grabs Ambipom's tails before spinning him around and around.
"Now release!" Ash said as Sakura sent Ambipom crashing to the ground.
"I bet Ambipom felt sick after that." Molly said.
"I know I did just watching." Vincent cringes.
"Mime Mime." Mime Jr agrees.
As Ambipom stood up, he felt dizzy from being swinger around and tumbles lightly. "Ambi.."
"Now Sakura Body Slam!" Charging forward Sakura jumps off a boulder to soar high into the air.
"Ambipom, snap out of it!" Jimmy yelled. Ambipom shook his head to see Sakura dropping down towards him.
"Quick Focus Punch!" Swinging his tail Ambipom punches Sakura just before impact sending her crashing into some ice.
"Now use Aerial Ace!" Jimmy said. With his paws glowing, Ambipom sped past Sakura, slicing her with the flying type attack.
"Meg!" Sakura screams before falling to the ground with swirly eyes.
"Meganium is unable to battle! Ambipom wins!"
"What a surprising twist with Ambipom's comback! Now Jimmy has tied the score with 3 Pokémon left!" The announcer said.
"Mega.." Sakura frowns at Ash, apologizing she lost, but he just pets her head.
"Don't worry, you did good Sakura." He smiled.
"Phew that was way too close Ambipom, good job." Jimmy sighs in relief.
"Ambi.." He mimics his trainer's motions by wiping off the sweat from his head.
"Evlon you're up!" Ash said calling back out his Eeveelution.
"Espe!" She cried out landed in front of Ambipom.
"Battle Begin!"
"Evlon Psybeam!"
"Ambipom Swift!"
Both Pokémon fire their attacks and Psybeam blasts away most of the Swift but the rest fly in and crash into Evlon.
Evlon shakes off the attacks. "Now use Dual Chop!" Jimmy said. Ambipom's tails glowed brightly with aura surrounding them as he goes to hit them onto her.
"Double Team and Quick Attack to dodge!" Ash said.
Evlon makes multiple copies of herself and they all dash out of the way before running circles around Ambipom confusing him. Plus beeing dizzy from Sakura made it worse for him.
"Now Iron Tail!" Leaping in the air the real Evlon appears and slams her tail into Ambipom. Ambipom flew back and crashes into a glacier.
"Ambipom!" Jimmy gasps as Ambipom groans in pain.
"Ambipom isn't looking all well! Probably still feel the after effects from Meganium's super spin toss!"
"Ambipom use U-Turn!"Ambipom quickly recovers and he punches the Evlon with one of his tails, knocking her back more. He suddenly glowed red and returned to his Pokéball, however another one of Jimmy's Pokéballs opened up and in Ambipom's place came a Politoed.
"Whoa what was that?" Tomo asks.
"U-Turn, it allows you to attack your opponent before switching out with another Pokemon." Gary explains.
"Hey that was like with your Gyarados's Dragon Tail." Harrison pointed out to Silver.
"Yeah but only this time, it's the opposite." He nodded.
"And since U-Turn is a bug type attack Jimmy was able to land a pretty powerful hit as well." Prof. Oak said.
"With an unexpected U-Turn, no pun intended, Ambipom switches himself out with Politoed. While that last attack seemed to did a number on Espeon."
"Now Politoed use Mud Bomb!" Politoed spits a ball of mud which flies towards Evlon.
"Stop it with Psychic!" Ash said as Evlon's eyes glowed.
She sends it flying towards Politoed. "Use Bounce!" Politoed jumps high into the air, dodging the attak, while he spins while kicking his foot out and aims it at Evlon as he came down.
"Double Team quick!" Evlon makes multiple copies as Politoed crashed down destroying a copy.
"Now use Shadow Ball!" Ash said.
Behind Politoed the copies merged together to form the real Evlon as she fires a ball of darkness.
"Politoed, Quick use Whirpool and protect yourself!" Jimmy said. Politoed creates a giant whirlpool which absorbed the Shadow Ball before moving towards Evlon.
"Evlon quick get out of there!" Ash shouted in a panic.
Evlon quickly jumps behind some ice rocks, but Whirlpool smashed into them, destroying them in the process also sweeping up Evlon inside of it.
"Evlon!" Ash gasps as the whirlpool spun her around and around like what Sakura did to Ambipom.
"Now finish this with Theif!" Politoed swims towards Evlon as his paw glowed and he swats her away with one swipe, knocking her Pecha Berry away and out the whirlpool.
Evlon falls to the ground and groans with swirly eyes.
"Espeon is unable to battle! Politoed wins!"
"Espeon is down and out! Now Ash has only 2 Pokémon left!" The announcer said.
Ash picks up Evlon. "Are you alright girl?"
"Esp." Evlon said apologizing.
"Don't apologize you were great out there, they just surprised us." Ash said.
Leaning in, Evlon licked his chin. Making Ash smiled while he pets her. "Take a nice long rest." He said returning her to her Pokéball.
"Alright Politoed let's keep this going." Jimmy said.
"Poli." Politoed agreed.
"Wav I choose you!" Ash said calling out his Poliwrath.
"Ash's 5th Pokémon is Poliwrath! Both trainers have different final evolved forms of Poliwag! But which will be the better Pokémon?!"
"Easy, Wav's got this one." Misty said speaking from experience.
"No way, Jimmy's Politoed is much stronger." Marina said.
"Now now girls, I think the boys will settle this question by their battle." Prof. Oak eases them.
"Politoed use Mud Bomb!"
"Wav dodge and use Brick Break!"
Politoed fired a mud ball at Wav, but Wav skated out the way as it destroyed ice from behind. With his palm's glowing, Wav chops Politoed in the side.
"Politoed Bounce!" Politoed leaps back onto some rocks before jumping high in the air. And comes back down and hits Wav in the face with a super effective move.
"Wav, Circle Throw!" Ash yelled. Wav fought his way though and he grabs his rivaled evolution by the foot, shocking it, he then turns on his back, and throws Politoed over his head and onto the ground.
Politoed groans in pain when Politoed went back into his Pokéball and Ambipom appeared.
"What the?" Jimmy gasps.
"Surprised? Just like your U-Turn." Ash smirks.
"Another surprised switch?! That's 2 in a row and Ambipom has returned to the field!"
"Wav Hydro Pump!" Ash said as Wav fires a giant blast of water.
"Agility quick!" Jimmy had to make the most of it. Ambipom increased his speed and dashes out of the way.
"Now Double Hit!" Swinging both his tails Ambipom whacks Wav twice.
"Wav, Dynamic Punch!" Ash shouted. Wav's fist becomes surrounded in an orange aura and it punches the Ambipom in the gut.
"Ambi!" Ambipom screams from the super effective attack. He was sent flying backwards from Jimmy and into the wall.
"Pom." Ambipom groans with swirly eyes.
"Ambipom is unable to battle! Poliwrath wins!"
"That Dynamic Punch was enough to bring finally bring Ambipom down. Ash has tied up the score yet again!"
"Sneaky little move Ash." Jimmy smirks.
"A good trainer can learn from his opponents too." Ash chuckles.
"Hey you're right Marina, they do look like they're having fun." Tomo said.
"This is what Pokémon battles are all about." Prof. Oak smiles.
"Alright Politoed come back out!" Jimmy throws out Politoed back on the field.
"Alright Wav let's go 2 for 2." Ash said as Wav took a fighting stance.
"Politoed Whirlpool!" Politoed formed a Whirpool by lifting his hands into the air and he throws it. The whirlpool slams into wave sending him skidding backwards.
"Use Icy Wind!" Ash said. Wav breathes a freezing air which froze the whirlpool turning it into a giant ice sculpture.
"Look at that beautiful crystallized Whirpool! Now you don't see talent like that everyday!" The announcer said as the audience were loving Ash's unknowing artwork.
"Now Brick Break!" Punching the frozen Whirlpool, it broke into pieces which flew towards Politoed.
"Politoed, use Double Slap and knock them away!" Politoed slaps the pieces of ice all away before making his way towards Wav.
"Wav use Double Slap too!" Ash yelled. Wav and Politoed both engaged in a slap fight.
"When did this battle turn into a fight at a kindergarten playground?" Vincent sweatdrops.
"Switch to Hyper Voice!" Jimmy said as Politoed knocks Wav away with a large about of soundwaves coming out his mouth.
Wav holds his ears in pain as the soundwaves push him backwards. "Hang in there Wav, use Mud Shot!" Ash said as from the center of Wav's chest, he shoots out mudballs.
"Use Bounce to dodge!" Leaping around the field Politoed dodges all the mudballs.
"Use Bubblebeam!" Wav blasted a barrage of multiple bubbles trying to hit Politoed, but boy was he quick to dodge with that Bounce of his.
"Can't catch us Ash!" Jimmy said as Politoed leaps down ramming into Wav.
"Wrath!" Wav cries in pain.
"Wav Icy Wind!" Wav breathes the cold air which freezes Politoed's feet to the field.
"Now use Brick Break!" Ash said and Wav nailed Politoed with one mean chop to the head.
"Poiltoed use Thief!" Grabbing Wav's arm, Politoed quickly smacks him away, forcing him to be knocked backm
"Use Focus/Dynamic Punch!" Both Jimmy and Ash shouted as Pokémon ran towards each other with each of their fists glowing brightly and they both made their targets, but instead of hitting the fists, they passed each other and hits the other in the face.
"Poli!" Both Pokémon growled, trying to knock the other away while standing tall.
"These two Pokémon are pulling out all the stops! Neither of them wants to lose this! But the big question is who wants it more?!"
Politoed and Poliwrath each put more and more pressure in their punch blows. A seconds later, both groaned and falls back.
"Wav!" Ash gasped.
"Politoed!" Jimmy gasped.
Both of their Poliwag evolutions fell to the floor with swirls in their eyes. "Wrath../..Toed".
"Poliwrath and Politoed, both unable to battle!" The referee shouted.
"Unbelievable! Both Pokémon have knocked each other out! Now both Ash and Jimmy have only one Pokémon left!"
Ash and Jimmy both returned their Pokémon without saying a word. This...this was it.
"Well Jimmy last round. Whoever wins this, wins the league." Ash said.
"I saved the best for last, Ash." Jimmy said.
"Same with me." Ash nodded.
(Trainer Red Epic Orchestral Remix plays)
Everyone were at the edge of their seats for this. This was it. The final battle to decide who is to be crowned the Johto League Champion.
Everyone in entire Region of Johto who Ash befriended were watching this.
They watch both Kanto and Johto trainers pull out each of their final Pokéballs out.
"Let's do this old friend." Jimmy said to the ball.
"Let's make this one count pal." Ash said to his and looking at the field, they both realed their arms back and threw the balls at the same time while shouting.
Once the two hit each other, the balls exploded into a huge rage of flames.
And two roars came out, and on each of the field were two shadows coming out of the flames.
On Jimmy's side was the Volcano Pokémon, Typhlosion!
And on Ash's side was the Flame Pokémon, Charizard!
"Whoa! The final battle is a showdown between fire types of both their home regions! Who will win? Kanto or Johto?!"
"Torch? Ash isn't holding anything back." Brock said.
"Neither is Jimmy, Typhlosion is his best Pokemon." Marina said.
"You ready to win Torch?" Ash asks as his flying/Fire type roars out in approval as his tail flame ignited.
"Let's win this thing Typhlosion." Jimmy said as his fire type roars igniting the flames on his back.
"Flamethrower!" They both said as both Pokémon launched their attacks.
The two fire attacks meet head on, resulting in an explosion of black smoke.
"Use Wing Attack!" Flying through the smoke was Charizard with his wings glowing towards Typhlosion.
"Quick Attack!" Charging at Torch, was Typhlosion with a white line streak behind him and two fire Pokémon met head on.
"Dragon Claw!" With glowing green claws Torch slashes Typlosion across the face.
"Thunder Punch!" With his fist crackling with electricity, Typhlosion punches Torch in the gut with a super effective move. Torch roars at the pain, but tried to withstand it.
"Dragon Tail, go!" Ash said and Torch's tail glowed and he tries to swipe it at Typhlosion.
"Grab the tail!" Jimmy shouted and Typhlosion gotten ahold of Charizard's tail. With a loud cry, Typhlosion slammed Torch to the Icy ground.
"Torch shake him off!" Ash said as Torch whacks Typhlosion away allowing him to get up.
"Rollout!" Rolling into a ball Typhlosion spins towards Torch.
"Use Dragon Rage!" Ash said. Torch fired an orange fire ball from his mouth as it hits the spinning Typhlosion.
Typhlosion screams in pain as he skids back.
"Now Dragon Claw!"
"Double Kick!" Leaping in the air Typhlosion kicks Torch in the face twice before Dragon Claw could hit.
"Nail it!" Ash shouted. He growled at the pain, and Torch still nails Typhlosion in the face with Dragon Claw.
Growling, Typhlosion stands his ground not taking his eyes off Torch.
"Both Pokémon aren't giving the other any sort of breathing time and are giving each other their all!"
"Typhlosion Strength!" Bending down Typhlosion rips a large chunk of ice out of the ground and throws it. It hits Torch..however, he catches the chunk of rock with his mouth and bites down onto, destroying it with his fangs.
"Whoa, those are some strong teeth." Harrison said impressed.
"Something tells me that this Charziard has seen its fair share of battles." Silver said.
"You don't know the half of it." Misty nods.
"Torch Flamethrower!" Torch releases a blast of flames from his mouth.
"Take the flames!" Jimmy said as Torch stood there as Flamethrower makes its mark.
"Hey Ash thanks for the boost." Jimmy grins, confusing Ash.
"Boost, what are you-" he cuts himself off when he remembers Cassidy's Houndour blasting Typhlosion with flames and his Flamethrower gotten stronger and his eyes widened with a gasp. "I forgot, Flash Fire!"
"Yup, Typhlosion use Flame Wheel!" Jimmy shouted as huge flames circles around Typhlosion as he charged. The flames left trails on the ice behind him, melting.
"Torch Fly up!" Ash said as Torch flew into the air dodging the attack.
"Shoot him down!" Jimmy said as Typhlosion uses flamethrower to try and hit Torch. But the flying type retaliated by flying out of each and every way.
"Dragon Tail!" Diving down Torch dodges the Flamethrower attacks before hitting Typhlosion with a glowing tail.
Typhlosion cries out as he was knocked back into the water..wait...water?!
"Uh oh. Looks like all those powerful fire attacks have started to melt the field!" The announcer said.
He was right! Many of ice has melted completely while some were still there only half of it. There was now only stepping stones for platforms.
"Let this be a warning kids, fire types on an ice field is a bad mix." Prof. Oak said.
"I'd say Ash has the advantage in this case since his Charziard can fly." Silver said.
"But I don't think that's gotta make Jimmy quit just like that." Vincent shakes his head.
"Torch Wing Attack!" With glowing wings Torch dives down.
"Grab those wings!" Grabbing Torch's wings Typhlosion was pushed towards the edge of the ice.
"Keep pushing Torch!" Ash shouted.
"Typhlosion use Thunderpunch!" Jimmy says.
With electricity surrounding his arm Typhlosion delivered a powerful uppercut making Torch roar in pain.
"Now Double Kick while he's fazed!" The walking Volcano, knocks Torch back with his foot and swings it again for a second kick.
"Block it!" Torch grabs Typhlosion's foot in his claw surprising him.
"Now use Seismic toss!" Ash said as Charizard dragged Typhlosion by the foot and into the air.
Spinning in circles Torch dives about to slam Typhlosion into the water.
"This match looks as though it could be decided!" The announcer said as everyone thought the end was near..all except for one gold and black hatted kid.
"Not yet! Typhlosion, stop Charizard with Eruption!" Jimmy shouted. Typhlosion's eyes sharpened as his back sprouted out a huge amout of flames, burning onto Torch.
Roaring in pain Torch lets go allowing Typhloison to land safely on the ice.
"Typhlosion stopped Charizard's finishing move! Him and Jimmy aren't done exactly yet!"
"Eruptions power depends on how much energy Typhlosion has left and by the looks of that attack he still has quite a bit." Gary said.
"But how does Torch look?" Tomo asks eyeing the lizard.
Torch shook off the attack and glares as he circled Typhlosion from above.
"Torch is starting to look tired." Misty said.
"Yeah I don't think he's gonna stay up there forever." Brock nodded.
'The more Torch flies, the more energy he uses up, if I stay on the ice that means Typhlosion will be able to get us much easier.' Ash thought as he examined the field.
All he sees is just water all around the ice...
Wait a minute..
"Wait a minute.." Ash's mind started twisting and turning until he gotten an idea. 'That's it!' He thought and called out to Torch. "Torch!"
Torch turns to his scar-eyed trainer. "Use Flamethrower on the water!" Ash said making Torch look surprised. "Just trust me on this, Ok?" He asks.
Torch looks at the water around the ice and Typhlosion and he got what Ash was going for. Grinning, Torch blasted flames from his mouth at the water around the field.
Hitting the water a cloud of steam shoots up covering the field.
Typhlosion growls as he tries to find Torch in the steam.
"The whole field is clouded with smoke, just what is Ash thinking?!" The announcer exclaims.
When the steam cleared everyone gasps to see all the water had been completely vaporized and both Fire types were standing in the bottom of what was basically an empty pool.
"H-he got rid of the water?" Molly gasps.
"What was the point of that?" Vincent asks.
"Now Wing Attack!" Slamming his wings into Typhlosion Torch gives his wings a rest as he lands on the ground.
"I get it. Ash melted the water so Torch could save his energy and stop flying." Brock realized.
"Wow, I never knew Ash could be so crafty." Marina said impressed by Ash's ideas.
"That's my Ash, always thinking of creative new ideas." Delia smiles.
"Use Dragon Breath!" Ash shouted.
"Counter it with Flamethrower!" Jimmy said.
Both Pokémon fire their attacks which clash creating a powerful explosion.
"Aerial Ace!" Jimmy said as Typhlosion dashes through the smoke and rams into Torch.
"Oh no you don't!" As Typhlosion tried to leap back Torch swings his tail and whacks him in the face.
Knocking him into the wall of the pool.
Shaking off the attack, two fire types charge before swinging their claws at each other trying to take the other down.
"Use Fire Pledge!" Jimmy shouted.
Typhlosion slams his fist into the ground and multiple pillars of flames shot out of the ground surrounding Torch.
They then merged into one giant fire pillar, damaging Torch.
"What move was that?" Tomo said surprised.
"That I'm not quite sure, I haven't seen it either." Prof. Oak said as stumped as him.
"I've heard of it. It's a very powerful move and if it's used against a Grass type the attack becomes even stronger." Silver said.
"Ash better be glad Sakura is out." Misty gulped.
"Makes me kinda glad I didn't face him." Vincent said.
"Torch break through it!" Ash said as Torch flew through the flames.
"Use Steel Wing!" Charizard's wings turned to metal as he smashes into Typhlosion.
"Thunderpunch!" With an electric fist Typhlosion swings his arm and stops Steel Wing.
"Quick Torch, Submission!" Ash said. Torch grabs Typhlosion, flies up and spins around in circles before bringing him down with him on the floor.
"And Charizard lands a powerful Submission attack!"
"Quick Torch, Submission!" Ash said. Torch grabs Typhlosion, flies up and spins around in circles before bringing him down with him on the floor.
"And Charizard lands a powerful Submission attack!"
"Come on Torch! Win this!" Tomo yells.
"Don't give up Typhlosion!" Marina cheers.
"Typhlosion Double Kick!" After Torch slams him to the ground Typhlosion leaps up and delivers two kicks to the face.
"Torch, Slash!" Ash said. Torch's claws extended and leaps at Typhlosion.
"Aeriral Ace!" Typhlosion's claws glowed and both charged at each other..
Both Pokémon slash each other with their claws each one nailing a hit.
Letting out roars of determination both Pokémon knock each other back.
(OK! tsugi ni susumou ze!
OK! issho nara daijoubu!)
"Typhlosion use Flame Wheel!" Jimmy said. Typhlosion curled into a wheel of flames towards Torch.
(OK! kaze ga kawatte mo OK! kawaranai ano yume!)
"Torch Dragon Rage!" Creating a large orange orb Torch blasts it causing it to smash into Typhlosion forcing him to stop Flame Wheel and jump back.
"Now use Dragon Claw!" Ash said as Troch's claws extended to a green color and flew towards him.
(Koko made kuru no ni muchuu sugite kizukazu ni ita keredo)
"Fight back with Thunderpunch!" Jimmy said.
Torch swings his claws but at the last second Typhlosion ducks and nails Torch in the gut.
(atarashii sekai e no tobira no KAGI wa shiranai uchi ni GET shite ita yo)
(GOLDEN SUN & SILVER MOON o-hi-sama to o-tsuki-sama)
"Hang in there Torch!" Ash shouted. Torch growls as the electricity was draining away his energy.
"Alright Typhlosion use Fire Blast!" Jimmy said. Typhlosion blasted out a fire attack with an "大" shape.
(Kawaribanko ni KAO dashite minna wo mimamotte kureteru yo)
"Slash!" Ash yells as Torch grabs the flaming kanji and ripping it in half with glowing claws.
"Now use Flamethrower!" Typhlosion then nailed Torch with a stream of flames, knocking him back.
(da * ka * ra)
(OK! fuan nante tabechaou!)
(OK! jiman no WAZA "karagenki")
"Hang in there Torch! Use Air Slash!" Spreading his wings Torch took the sky again and created a blade of air.
(OK! namae mo koe mo shiranai aitsura ga matteru hazu!
aitsura ni aitai'nda!)
(Cue the sick Guitar Solo!)
Typhlosion dodges with Quick Attack and he along with Charizard start a Thunder Punch and Dragon Claw countering duel.
Both Pokémon clash again leaving them both in a struggle to gain the upper hand.
"Amazing! These two aren't holding anything back!"
"Man how long will this battle drag out?" Vincent asks.
"I don't know but I'm not missing a second of it." Harrison said.
With each of the others landing their blows onto their claws, and the impact finally knocks them back.
"Alright Torch, let's end this once and for all!" Ash yelled as Torch roared in agreement. He takes flight and flew at Typhlosion to grab him.
"Fire Spin quick!" Jimmy shouted and Typhlosion fired a fiery tornado of flames and they made a direct hit onto him with Torch.
(i * ku * ze!)
"Fight through it Torch!" Ash shouts. Through the flames, Charizard's eyes snapped open and roared to the heavens as the flames spiraled around him and he grabs Typhlosion, shocking him and flew into the air.
(OK! tsugi no tobira akeyou ze!)
"Time to end this Jimmy, Torch SEISMIC TOSS!" Ash shouted.
Torch tries again with the Seismic Toss as he spun Typhlosion around and around.
(OK! jiman no WAZA "mukoumizu")
"Typhlosion use Eruption to escape!" Jimmy said as Typhlosion blasts Torch.
(OK! issho ni naite waratta)
"Don't give up Torch!" Ash yells.
(nakama-tachi ga tsuite iru!
nakama-tachi wo shinjiteru!)
Determination fills Torch's eyes as he let out a roar before diving down and slamming Typhlosion into the ground.
Once made contact to the pool floor, there was a ginormous fiery explosion from and an aftershock that even knocked both Ash and Jimmy to the floor.
As the smoke cleared everyone looked to see both Fire types standing across from each other covered in bruises.
Holding their breath they were all on the edge of their seats when suddenly...someone fell shocking both boys and everyone and which Pokémon you ask was it that has fallen...
It was..
The blue volcano Pokémon was ground with swirls in his eyes.
"T-Typhlosion is unable to battle! Charizard wins! The winner of this match is Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town!" The ref announces.
"I-I-IT'S ALL OVER! WE HAVE A WINNER! WE HAVE A WINNER! The winner of the Johto League Silver Conference is ASH KETCHUM!" The announcer shouted out through his microphone.
Hearing the winner's name and seeing the climax, the entire stadium was full of loud cheers.
(Pokémon Anime OST-I Got a Victory Badge)
Ash stood there with an unreadable loom on his face. "I..I won?" He then grew a big smile on his face. "I won?! I WON!" He jumps up in the air and screamed it out loud for all to hear.
His Charizard roared in victory as he breathes out Flamethrower. "Torch!" Ash runs up and hugs him. "You did it! You were amazing!" Ash cheered.
Torch smiles and roared happily nuzzling Ash.
"He won!" Molly, Tomo, Misty and Brock cheered.
"Mime Mime!" Mime Jr cheered.
"Toge!" Togepi said excited.
"He did it." Delia smiles crying tears of joy.
Her little boy was a finally a champion.
Seeing his loss, Jimmy sighed in defeat and jumps down to his starter. "Typhlosion, you alright?"
Typhlosion roars softly saying he was sorry they didn't win.
"It's alright, you were awesome out there." He admitted rubbing Typhlosion's head.
"Jimmy." Ash and Torch walked over.
"Hey there Champ." Jimmy said.
"You two were awesome out there, no wonder Typhlosion is your best Pokemon." Ash said.
"I could say the same with you. That Charizard gotta be one of a kind." Jimmy smiled.
"Oh he is." Ash smiles as Torch roars softly liking the compliment.
"But don't let this go to your head. I'm gonna get even stronger and then I'll come looking for a rematch." Jimmy said.
"I'll be waiting for you." Ash said as they shook hands.
Torch and Typhlosion stared at each other before Typhlosion gave him a respectful smirk.
Torch did the same and the two starters fist bumped.
"Look at that sportsmanship! That's what being a Pokémon Trainer is all about, let's give these two a round of applause for an amazing battle!"
Everyone applauded them as they started the award ceremony.
(Pokémon Anime BGM-Ending 1997-1998-M21 plays)
Standing on the podium Ash smiled as President Goodshow walked up to Ash holding a trophy that looked like a hand holding a Pokéball.
"I believe this belongs to you young man." He said handing it to Ash. "Congratulations Ash."
"Thank you sir." Ash said before holding the trophy up in triumph causing everyone to explode in cheers.
On TVs all over Johto all the friends Ash made saw this. From Casey, Bianca, Sakura and her sisters, all to way to Larvitar and Tyranitar who were watching with Ranger Mason.
"Whoo-hoo! Atta Boy Ash! I knew you'd win!" Casey jumped up in down as her Pokémon cheered alongside her.
"He did it!" Bianca cheered clapping for him.
"Good job Ash." Lorenzo smiled as he and Latios were happy for him.
"He won! He won! I told you he would win!" Sakura cheered with Espeon as she was so proud of her crush.
"Wow, that was something." Sumomo said.
"Yeah maybe someday you'll battle him." Koume said.
"I guess Sakura chose the right guy to be with." Tomoe whispered.
All her sisters giggled as they saw Sakura staring at Ash in awe.
On Mount Silver, Larvitar cheering with joy happy for Ash. "Lar! Larvitar!"
"Looks like Larvitar gotten a new fan huh?" Ranger Mason giggled.
Tyranitar chuckles as well as she saw how happy he was.
As the Johto League came to an end Ash walked up to all his family and friends.
"There he is! The new Champion!" Prof. Oak said as Molly and Tomo ran over and hugged him.
"I can't believe! You finally won!" Tomo cried happily.
"Ash you were so AWESOME!" Molly said happily.
"Thanks guys." Ash laughs as Delia was the next to hug him.
"I am so proud of you." She smiles.
He hugged her back. "I told you I was gonna make you more proud mom."
"Not bad Ashy boy." Gary said as he and Silver walked over.
"You're the champ now." Silver said
"Looks like it." Ash smiled.
"Alright dude!" Vincent said high-fiving him.
"Tomo was right, you rock man." Jimmy said patting Ash's shoulder.
"Thanks guys." Ash said when Marina gave him a small peck on the cheek.
"Congrats winner." She smiled making Ash blush slightly.
"Th-Thanks Marina. So what are you guys going to do now that the League is over?" Ash asks.
"I think I'll circle Mt. Silver for awhile and then head on to Pallet Town." Gary said.
"For me, I'm heading towards the Indigo Plateau." Harrison said.
"I promised Prof Elm I'd go to his lab and get an official starter." Silver said.
"We're heading back to New Bark Town for awhile." Marina said.
"And after that we're going to challenge another league." Jimmy said.
"But this time I'll win." Vincent said.
"I may have lost this time, but no way I'll lose again." Jimmy argued.
"Come on guys today's about Ash right now. Save it for later." Marina giggles
"No it's alright." Ash laughs.
"We can talk about plans later. Tonight we celebrate!" Brock said
And everyone was on board for it. This night belonged to Ash's biggest League Victory ever!
(Song End)
End of Johto Saga
There you have it! The winner of the Johto League is Ash Ketchum! I thought long and hard and wonder if I should have Ash win or lose this time. I originally had Ash get runner up to Jon Dickson BUT, I thought wrong and decided, hey Ash deserves a league victory. He's gotten stronger and tougher.
So then, the next chapter will be the final chapter of this story. And you all don't want to miss it, because you'll be in for some huge surprises.
How did you all liked me putting Silver's mom in here?
Also, I've went back to past chapters and decided to cancel something. Orangeshipping no longer appears on this story. I've grown out of it. So I've decided to have Misty and Tracey see other people. And I know just who they will be with. But I won't spoil.
I thank you all for joining in on this journey through Johto. Also
It's been 5 years since I've started writing! 5 years! I can't believe time went by since I was a rookie! I hope they'll be more to come until I decide to quit.
To Be Concluded next chapter: "Gotta Catch Ya Later!"