Hi guys it's me again. Before I start this chapter I wanted to let you guys know that other than typing with on eh and right now I have a poll up and usually when I update this story I do it when bad things happen. But if you guys want me to update more you should go to the poll to vote on which story I will update often. Hope you guys enjoy whenever this chapter comes out peace!

After everyone but Futaba and Ryuji left the Leblanc Ryuji and Futaba thanked Sojiro once again for the food on behalf of the group and headed upstairs with Morgana while Akira helped close up the shop.

"So Ryuji do you wanna tell us in how you knew what was up with Akira?" Futaba said as she sat down in a chair.

"I'll text the chat later on for now we should look around for clues on why Akira is acting the way he is" Ryuji said as he opened drawers looking for some sort of clue.

"I've already started my app that will check his speech in his texts to see when some sort of change happened in his personality" Futaba said logging onto her phone.

"Mona anything you can tell us?" She added

"I'm not stop sure myself what's up with him honestly. I'm always telling him to sleep and I end up sleeping before him so I don't get to see if anything happens to him until I wake up in the morning" Morgana said as Ryuji suddenly stopped moving.

"Guys come here look at this" He called quietly as they walked over to the nearly empty drawer.

"It's a box" Futaba said

"Yrah but look at it closely do you know what kind of box this is?"

"I don't know I've never looked at boxes and the different kinds before"

"It's... a box where you would but a ring or necklace." Ryuji said picking it up

"Should we openit?" Futaba asked.

"It will help us help Akira I hope he won't mind" Morgana said.

"Alright here we go" Ryuji said as he opened the box

Dust came out of the box as it was opened and after a bit of coughing they found a beautiful ring along with a necklace with a ruby heart hanging from it.

"I wonder what this is" Futaba asked

"Looks like a wedding ring and a ruby necklace" Ryuji said carefully bringing the said objects out of the box.

"I think I've seen theses before! Akira would sometimes clean them before heading to bed. I've asked them what they are but he's never answered me" Morgana said

"I-" Ryuji started but was quickly cut off by the sound of footsteps.

"Guys!" Futaba whispered/yelled

"right!" Ryuji said as he quickly as he rushed to put away the items the way they were before.

Futaba quickly went on her phone and opened an app while Morgana and Ryuji started arguing about how he was dumb.

"Your too slow Ryuji!" Morgana said

"I am not!" Ryuji said

"Guys shut up I'm playing Geometry Dash and it's hard right now!"

The door slowly opened and everyone except Futaba looked up to Akira looking dishelved walk in.

"Hey guys did I take too long?" Akira asked as he changed into a loose white shirt and another pair of pants while Futaba was looking into her phone engrossed into her game.

"Nope you didn't take long it felt like a few minutes with Mona's and Ryuji's arguing"

"WE DID NOT ARGUE!" They said in unison which made Akira chuckle.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" He asked

"What do you wanna do Akira I mean it's technically your room" Ryuji said

"My room is an attic and while I'm extremely grateful there isn't exactly much for me to do"

"True it is a bit cramped here" Ryuji said

"No that's not it the room is big, unless your Akira has an anxiety we don't know about this isn't cramped at all. I mean we have meetings here don't we" Futaba said without looking up.

"it's stifling here..." Akira spoke making the other two teens look up at him.

"huh" they said confused

"I don't know... I feel like when I'm here everything stops and I can't do anything. I mean it's always been like that. I feel like or I have to do something but I don't do it because I push it off cuz I wanna do something else and be lazy, but that's not right and it lead me... Lead me to some big trouble... Especially with my old parents" Akira whispered that last part to himself but the other residences in the room could still hear.

"Akira man... If you've ever gotten hurt by someone, especially your parents you can tell me! I swear I'll keep it a secret and I can tell you some of my stories okay?" Ryuji comforted coming next to his best friend on the bed

"I know what it's like losing someone you love and being accused and having wonder and doubt in your life and so you can talk to me too okay!" Futaba exclaimed with small tears in his eyes.

"Thank... You so much... I..." Akira said as he started breathing faster.

"Akira? Are you crying?"

Akira shook his head "I don't know"

Akira started feeling numb his nose felt weird

"Akira calm down okay... Is there anything we can do?" Morgana asked the panicking boy

Akira responded by leaning heavily into Ryuji as Futaba just watched and started looking up what her friend might have.

"Ryuji I think he's having a panic attack..." Futaba said

Nodding Ryuji started talking to his struggling friend.

"Hey buddy calm down okay. Look I don't know what's going on in your head but slow down. Nothing is continua happen. We have plenty of time you can be lazy all you want right now. After all you've done so much"

"Ryuji... Warm...tired"

"of course your tired it's been a long few hours right? But you can't go to sleep brewing like that so lets slow it down okay?" Ryuji said as Akira nodded and soon he drifted off to sleep.

"As much as I would love to stay over we both gotta go. I'll leave a note while you send a text out to everyone okay Futaba? Mona make sure to watch over him! See ya!" Ryuji said as he and Futaba left with Sojiro to go to their respective homes while Futaba sent a summary of the recent event to the rest of the phantom thieves.