275 AC

« Lord Hoster ! »

The maester rushes out of the room : lord Hoster Tully is here, waiting, with his brother Brynden. The castle is silent, but when he gets in the room, he can hear whimpers. A fire is crackling in the chimney. Handmaids are taking care of a pink and whimpering baby. Hoster holds back a huge smile and turns proudly to his wife, Minisa. That's when he loses his smile. The handmaids rushes on and off her, putting towels under her. Towels that are stained with red. The more towels they place under her, the more they have to throw them away seconds later. Minisa, weakly, holds her hand at her husband. He sits by her, takes her soft hands and lays a long kiss on them.

"I… I think it's over…" she says, her pale face enlightened slightly by the red flames.

Hoster stares at her, unable to react: Minisa had always been pretty frail but she always gave birth bravely. He cannot resolve himself to think she is going to die now. They already been through this: she had already lost two sons, before Catelyn. Catelyn, who adores her mother. How is he going to cope with the children without her? He closes his eyes, chasing this thought off his mind. She cannot die. She cannot leave him alone. The baby starts crying, and he turns his face to it.

"It's a girl", she whispers weakly. "I wish it had been a son, but the Gods decided otherwise."

She tries to smile and winces, asks for water. A handmaid holds a cup for her and she drinks lengthily before leaning her head back on the pillow. Hoster looks back at her, remembering the first time he had seen her. How beautiful she was. She still is beautiful, even now, when she is so pale blood looks like it has been out of her, when her hair is spreading on the white pillow, messy hair, locks sticking to her brow because of sweat, when her eyes are losing little by little their shine. He tries to reassure her:

"I am happy as long as the baby is healthy."

It is a lie: he is not happy. He would give the baby's life for hers anytime.

"We need to find a name", she says, a smile roving on her lips.

The maester gives the baby to her and she holds her the best she can. She smiles warmly when she holds her:

"She has your eyes", she tells Hoster Tully.

He nods, unable to look at the baby. He should be celebrating now, not mourning over the dead of his wife.

"Where are the children?" she asks suddenly.

"In their rooms", Hoster replies.

"Please make them come. I want to see them one last time."

He nods and stands up, not able to argue. He sees her grabbing the blankets to hide the blood. His eyes filled with tears, he walks out the room. Brynden is here. He does not say a word to him, just walks to the children's rooms.

"What is it?" Brynden walks with him.

"She's dying", Hoster coldly says.

The two brothers have stopped being close as they used to be when they were children. Hoster had become the head of the house Tully and he has told his brother he had to marry. He tried to betroth him to several women, but Brynden always refused. He never gave reasons; he just didn't want to marry. Hoster had thought it was a real blow when he refused. Even if he was his brother, Brynden had to listen to him. And anyway, he does not want to think about Brynden now. He places a light knock on the children's door and opens the door: Catelyn is here, and the resemblance with her mother strikes Hoster in the guts. Lysa walks to them when they get in. Edmure, him, is in his crib. He still is too young to realize whatsoever. The boy does not even speak yet.

Hoster kneels in front of his daughters:

"Your mother wants to see you."

He cannot tell them she is dying. He knows he should, but he cannot. Catelyn looks at him, slides her hand in his and they walk out. Lysa takes Edmure in her arms, clumsily, and Brynden helps her and picks up the boy. The walk to Minisa's room seems to last both a hundred years and a few seconds. Hoster swallows hard when his hand lean on the handle of the door.

She is breastfeeding the baby. She has found the strength to do that at least once. Her beautiful face is staring intently at the baby girl, as if she wanted to remember her in the afterlife. The door creaks and she looks up, smiles when she sees the children:

"Children…" she whispers weakly.

The girls walk to her, Catelyn stern and grave, Lysa not looking concerned or aware of the situation.

"Baby!" she squeals. "What is it?"

"A girl", she mumbles. Her eyes meet Catelyn's and the eldest child feels a tear rolling down her cheek.

She knows, Brynden thinks. He turns to Hoster, who stares blankly at his family. Brynden presses his shoulder with his hand.

"Girls, listen to me. Be good to your father, alright? Always remember your words. Family, duty, honor. Remember there is nothing more precious in this world than family. I am gonna leave, now."

Catelyn starts crying:

"No, no…"

"I am sorry… I wish… I wish I could change things", Minisa whimpers, crying too.

The little baby turns her face to her sisters.

"Here, Cat, take her."

The young girl clumsily picks her up. The baby is heavy for her.

"Find her a name, always protect her, alright?"

Cat nods, tears streaming down her face. Minisa kisses her children.

"Leave now. Leave", she almost panicks.

Brynden hurriedly leads the children out. As soon as the door closes, Hoster holds her hand, kisses her and she dies, her eyes staring at him.


Far east, southern to Riverrun, the same night, a young boy is playing with his older brother. Weakly enlightened by candles, their wooden swords smash against each other. One is tall, strongly built despise his young age, bright blue laughing eyes. The other looks concentrated, almost as strong as his older brother, but not smiling. With a swift move, he manages to slide the wooden sword on the other boy's belly but this one escapes and points his own sword on the younger boy's throat. He groans and lets his sword fall down. The winner laughs, a noisy and clear laugh.

"Who's there?!" a hoarse voice makes.

"Quick!" the winner whispers and they run off to their bedroom. They close the door behind them and swiftly get in bed. Their hearts hammering against their chest, they try to be as still as possible when their door opens. Someone walks to their bed, and ends up leaving after a moment. The older brother laughs again and then glances at the other boy lay on his bed, his arms behind his head.

"Why do you never laugh, Stannis?"

"I don't know Robert… I don't know…"